I use logger in my application and direct the output to a file like this:
My logger appends to this logfile once its created.
What i want it to do is to clear the logfile on each program start.
In the examples is a description for creating a new logfile:
file = File.open('foo.log', File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT)
What File:: params would i have to use to get the desired behaivior?
Which gem do you use? Can you provide a MWE?
I get the error:
`<main>': uninitialized constant Logger (NameError)
Do you use the standard Logger?
Then you can use a file object instead a filename for the logfile:
require 'logger'
log = Logger.new(File.new("nemobuild.log",'w'))
If you want back the append-mode, you can switch the w-option (write) to a (append):
log = Logger.new(File.new("nemobuild.log",'a'))
Assuming you can/want use log4r:
The feature you need is an option trunc of the FileOutputter:
require 'log4r'
log = Log4r::Logger.new('log')
log.outputters << Log4r::FileOutputter.new(
'log_file', :filename => 'mini_example.log',
:trunc => true, #Delete old log
I ended up deleting the file before setting up the logger:
logger = Logger.new("nemobuild.log")
I am trying to send logs to DD (datadog) in such a way that the logs are being received as json and therefore shown properly in the portal through attributes.
My logger is a simple Logger.new(STDOUT, level: Logger::INFO).
If I stick to its standard output, it will in the form
I, [2022-07-30T22:43:35.216846 #1] INFO -- my-app: {"user":"1234"}
which is not really parsable by DD since not a proper JSON. In this case however all the logs appear at least on the DD portal.
Now.. I am trying to format the logs in a JSON manner in this way:
def self.logger
#logger ||= Logger.new(STDOUT, level: Logger::INFO)
#logger.progname = 'my-app'
#logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg|
{timestamp: datetime.to_s, progname: progname, severity: severity, correlation: Datadog::Tracing.log_correlation, message: msg}.to_json
This is my logger and thanks to this logs are seen properly in DD and parsed correctly because formatted in my app in a proper JSON.
The problem with this approach though seems to be that the logs are sent in 1 full block. Meaning that only the very first log is being visible. Let's say that I want to log this:
my_hash = {"message" => '1', "prop" => '1234'}.to_json
my_hash = {"message" => '2', "prop" => '12345'}.to_json
only the first log will be shown correctly on the DD portal. Parsed correctly with its message and prop attributes, but nothing about the second log.
Here is the thing, if I see the output of my app locally in the console I see this:
{"timestamp":"2022-07-31 01:15:39 +0200","progname":"my-app","severity":"INFO","correlation":"dd.service=my-app dd.trace_id=2976451780376429536 dd.span_id=0","message":"{"message":"1","prop":"1234"}"}{"timestamp":"2022-07-31 01:15:39 +0200","progname":"my-app","severity":"INFO","correlation":"dd.service=my-app dd.trace_id=2976451780376429536 dd.span_id=0","message":"{"message":"2","prop":"12345"}"} - - [31/Jul/2022:01:15:39 +0200] "GET /controller/test_controller HTTP/1.1" 200 - 0.0024
so the 2nd log gets actually outputted! But DD somehow sees only the first log..
(I know there is even a 3rd one shown in this message.. but that's just Sinatra automatic behavior for every http call reaching the api). What do you guys think is the problem?
I want to save my files in specific path..
I have used like this
file_name = gets
F = open.(Dir.pwd, /data/folder /#{#file_name },w+)
I'm not sure whether the above line is correct or not! Where Dir.pwd tell the directory path followed by my folder path and the file name given.
It should get store the value on the specific path with the specific file name given. Can anyone tell me how to do that.
Your code has multiple errors. Have you ever tried to execute the script?
Your script ends with:
test.rb:7: unknown regexp options - fldr
test.rb:7: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input
F = open.(Dir.pwd, /data/folder /#{#file_name },w+)
First: You need to define the strings with ' or ":
file_name = gets
F = open.(Dir.pwd, "/data/folder/#{#file_name}","w+")
Some other errors:
You use file_name and later #file_name.
The open method belongs to File and needs two parameters.
The file is defined as a constant F. I would use a variable.
The path must be concatenated. I'd use File.join for it.
You don't close the file.
After all these changes you get:
file_name = gets
f = File.open(File.join(Dir.pwd, "/data/folder/#{file_name}"),"w+")
and the error:
test.rb:29:in `initialize': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - C:/Temp/data/folder/sdssd (Errno::ENOENT)
The folder must exist, so you must create it first.
Now the script looks like:
require 'fileutils'
dirname = "data/folder"
file_name = gets.strip
FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) unless Dir.exists?(dirname)
f = File.open(File.join(Dir.pwd, dirname, file_name),"w+")
##fill the content
I have this little test script:
require 'mongo'
mongo_client = Mongo::Client.new([''], :database => 'test')
mongo_client[:collection].insert_one({a: 1})
An this is the console output:
$ ruby test.rb
D, [2015-05-17T21:12:05.504986 #25257] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | Adding to the cluster. | runtime: 0.0212ms
D, [2015-05-17T21:12:05.531238 #25257] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | COMMAND | namespace=admin.$cmd selector={:ismaster=>1} flags=[] limit=-1 skip=0 project=nil | runtime: 24.5481ms
D, [2015-05-17T21:12:05.554532 #25257] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | COMMAND | namespace=test.$cmd selector={:insert=>"collection", :documents=>[{:a=>1, :_id=><BSON::ObjectId:0x21935660 data=5558e80553657262a9000000>}], :writeConcern=>{:w=>1}, :ordered=>true} flags=[] limit=-1 skip=0 project=nil | runtime: 21.1718ms
I want to disable those log messages, I don't want a dirty STDOUT. I didn't found any option for this in the ruby driver, and also I've tried to edit /etc/mongod.conf with these directives (but it didn't fix it):
verbose = false
diaglog = 0
Any idea? I don't know what else I can try!
This logging is coming from the Ruby Mongo driver. The default logging level seems to be Logger::DEBUG. Change it to something higher to disable the debug output:
Mongo::Logger.logger.level = Logger::FATAL
To make the driver log to a logfile instead:
Mongo::Logger.logger = Logger.new('mongo.log')
Mongo::Logger.logger.level = Logger::INFO
Note that if you're using the Mongoid ODM, then you may want to adjust logging there too:
Mongoid.logger = Logger.new('mongoid.log')
Mongoid.logger.level = Logger::INFO
For Rails + Mongoid in application.rb:
config.mongoid.logger = Logger.new(Rails.root + '/log/mongoid.log', :warn)
# ...or change the logging level without a new file destination
config.mongoid.logger.level = Logger::INFO
To disable the debug output for Ruby Mongo Driver(mongoid)
we can add it specific environment file as
config.mongoid.logger.level = Logger::INFO
The other answers didn't work for me.
This works for newer Ruby / Rails Versions:
config.mongoid.logger = Logger.new(Rails.root.join('log/mongoid.log'), level: :warn)
I am writing a script will perform various tasks with DSV or positional files. These tasks varies and are like creating an DB table for the file, or creating a shell script for parsing it.
As I have idealized my script would receive a "descriptor" as input to perform its tasks. It then would parse this descriptor and perform its tasks accordingly.
I came up with some ideas on how to specify the descriptor file, but didn't really manage to get something robust - probably due my inexperience in ruby.
It seems though, the best way to parse the descriptor would be using ruby language itself and then somehow catch parsing exceptions to turn into something more relevant to the context.
The file I will be reading looks like (myfile.dsv):
Descriptor file myfile.des contains:
name => [:pos => 0, :type => "string"],
phone => [:pos => 1, :type => "number"],
birthdate => [:pos => 2, :type => "date", :mask = "dd/mm/yyyy"]
And the usage should be:
ruby script.rb myfile.des --task GenerateTable
So the program script.rb should load and parse the descriptor myfile.des and perform whatever tasks accordingly.
Any ideas on how to perform this?
Instead of rolling your own, use YAML from the standard library.
Sample YAML File
Name your file something like descriptor.yml, and fill it with:
:file_type: DSV
:dsv_separator: ","
:pos: 0
:type: string
:pos: 1
:type: number
:pos: 2
:type: date
:mask: dd/mm/yyyy
Loading YAML
You can read your configuration back in with:
require 'yaml'
settings = YAML.load_file 'descriptor.yml'
This will return a settings Hash like:
{:name=>{:pos=>0, :type=>"string"},
:phone=>{:pos=>1, :type=>"number"},
:birthdate=>{:pos=>2, :type=>"date", :mask=>"dd/mm/yyyy"}}}
which you can then access as needed to configure your application.
I am trying to configure the prompt characters in ripl, an alternative to interactive ruby (irb). In irb, it is done using IRB.conf[:DEFAULT], but it does not seem to work with ripl. I am also having difficulty finding an instruction for it. Please guide to a link for an explanation or give a brief explanation.
Configuring a dynamic prompt in ~/.riplrc:
# Shows current directory
Ripl.config[:prompt] = lambda { Dir.pwd + '> ' }
# Print current line number
Ripl.config[:prompt] = lambda { "ripl(#{Ripl.shell.line})> " }
# Simple string prommpt
Ripl.config[:prompt] = '>>> '
Changing the prompt in the shell:
>> Ripl.shell.prompt = lambda { Dir.pwd + '> ' }
ripl loads your ~/.irbrc file, which
typically contains some irb specific
options (e.g. IRB.conf[:PROMPT]). To
avoid errors, you can install
ripl-irb, which catches calls to the
IRB constant and prints messages to
convert irb configuration to ripl