Stuck in Loading user data - jelastic

I'm using Jelastic with Flow AppEngine in Switzerland to host some applications and just recently after changing a configuration file (and hitting Save) the environment became unresponsive from an admin panel perspective. It loads all fine from the front-end but I don't think my configuration took place as I didn't have a chance to reload the service (NGINX) after having touched the config.
The behavior I see is that right after logging in to the administration panel, the loader keeps on spinning with the "Loading user data..." message and never finishes. The panel I login to is: which seems to be using the latest Jelastic release.
After a long time waiting, it's now moved to "Get environments..." and it's currently stuck there.

Seems like a platform error. Recommend that you contact your hosting provider for help to resolve it.

On that day (29.Dec 2013), there was a routing issue wich caused that.
It has been (already) fixed at the same day.
For future requests, feel free to contact us directly via help #


Heroku app not available via https but is available over http

Last night after I pushed my latest release to the heroku git master branch the site was available via the address. This morning when I made one small change to a CSS file and pushed it again I discovered that the site is not available over https but is available over http (and everything looks right). I can't believe that a simple change to a static file could cause this. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm using the free account (planning to upgrade to hobby soon) so I can't get Heroku support. Is this just a temporary outage on their part or do I need to fix something? Thanks!
OK, this turned out to be a local issue with the computer I was using that cleared up as suddenly as it had appeared. Thanks for the comments and I now have logging to boot!

Why won't server certificate persist after a reboot?

I've written a Windows TCP (NOT IIS) server program in VB that provides the backend for an enterprise iPhone app that I have also developed. The system utilizes Apple Push Notifications, and that works fine, unless the server reboots for whatever reason.
Part of the Push Notification system is the inclusion of Apple certificates on the server. I followed the steps shown here to install the necessary certificates, and even though it's for ASP.NET applications, it works for my Windows-based server. Except, as I said, a reboot requires installing the certificates all over again.
I found this page on Server Fault that suggests adding a user to the certificate through the MMC snap-in, but that didn't work either.
Two questions: Following the steps shown on the Server Fault page, do I need to add a specific user? The only users that pop up are SYSTEM (which I tried), Administrators(ComputerName/Administrators) (also tried) and "S-1-1-5-blah, blah" (didn't try). Would there need to be a different user added to make it work?
Q2: If this won't ever work, is there a different way?
Full disclosure: This is the second time I have submitted this question, but the previous one (four months ago) was never responded to. I'm hoping someone who knows will see this.
Thanks for any advice.
AFTERTHOUGHT: The instructions I linked to above say to install the certificates to Personal/Certificates. Maybe this is wrong? This stuff is way over my head, so I don't understand the function of all the different stores.
Found the problem.
The page on Server Fault left out something. I needed to add a user that the system would recognize to the Permissions list. I added my user authentication, selected it, and after that the certificate persisted after a restart.
It is at least working on my development server. I haven't tried it yet on my production server.
Update: Works the same on the production server. Also, instead of using my user authentication, I used the IUSR authentication, meaning that it should work even after my name is removed from the active directory.

numsessions limit hits on parallel

I hope someone can help me figure out this issue.
I have a windows based VPS with 6GB of ram and enough disk space.
I have only 3 websites hosted and all three are not advertised publicly, so no one could access.
The issue is the server is slow in response whenever we try to load the sites in browser or in RDP or thru Parallel Plesk Control. Everything slow to response.
I have every 1 minute to 3 , from green zone to red zone a lot of numsessions limit hits.
I have browsed SO and read Parallel doc and even browse their forum and no one has mentioned a real solution. They say that numsessions is hit when many sessions of rdp or Parallel Plesk Control are left open.In my case no one has access to the server and no one is logging to the server either. I have rebooted the server many times and only one session was open and that was to control server via virtuoso (Parallel Power Control) and same the numsessions is hit again within 3 min of reboot.
I have talk to the idiots at 1and1 (where we bought the VPS xxl) and they have no clue saying it is not our problem but yours or MS Windows! I have not installed any third party or even proprietary software on server which could cause the issue. The server is brand new and only created new sites via Parallel Plesk control. Emails are not working either.
Windows Event viewer doesnt show much information either.
Last resort is to re-image the server which may solve issue but I doubt since the issue seems to be from the server when we bought it.
anyone could shed their wisdom light on this please?
Just noticed my resource log full of these as well. I think the issue is that a session is counted as soon as a RDP connection is made - so bots trying common admin passwords count towards this.
The real issue is as there is no way I can find to filter these from the resource alerts you basically can't find the real problem you have as the logs are just full of numsesssions.

windows azure website load time

Sometimes when I access my windows azure website, the initial response time is very slow. After the first page load the website is fast. Some background: The website is not that often visited at the moment. Further, I am using a keepalivecontroller to keep the website running and the website is running in shared mode. I am wondering: are websites that are not that active removed from memory in windows azure? Or is it just that background tasks on the operational level of windows azure are interfering sometimes? It is not transparent for me what is happening, so is there some sla of something for windows azure websites?
There is now a new feature available for Windows Azure Websites in 'Reserved' mode that will keep your website warm. You can now turn on "Always-on" under the "Configuration"-tab on your Azure Website. As explained in this blog post:
When the new “Always On” feature is is enabled on a site, “Windows
Azure will automatically ping your website regularly to ensure that
the website is always active and in a warm/running state,” Guthrie
writes. “This is useful to ensure that a site is always responsive
(and that the app domain or worker process has not paged out due to
lack of external HTTP requests).”
Easiest way to keep a website warm is to call it regularly using the Scheduler feature in Windows Azure Mobile Services.
You simply write a script in the Scheduler that pings your website every x minutes.
Here's a post covering how to do that:
The Windows Azure Web Sites are still in preview, so there is currently no SLA with that service.
The Web Sites do idle out when in free or in Shared mode, which is likely what you are seeing. When the site idles out it actually is removed from memory, and indeed the IIS process host running the site is shut down. This is how they can get the density of hosting 100 sites on the same VM.
You can find a lot of info on the Channel9 site about why this is the case, or, as a shameless plug, here is an article that talks about how the process is handled.
Now, you mentioned that you were using a keepalivecontroller, but what exactly do you mean by that? I use to contantly request data for one of my websites, and that seems to do pretty well. It is still possible that a request doesn't come in and the idle time is met which then cycles the site. It is also possible that even if you always have the site running that the VM the site sites on needs to have the underlying OS updated, in which case Azure would then move the site process to another VM, which could also cause the slow start up on the next request.
I'd start logging your application start ups and then look through your logs to see how often that is happening.
If you only need to warm it up once (vs keeping it warm) and are mostly trying to prevent your customers experience page cold starts, I believe the correct tool is IIS Application Initialization. You can configure it with a list of urls to hit before it deems the app ready for action.
My site is suffering from page cold starts and that is severely magnified in Azure Websites (even on an S3), but it is absolutely speedy after its served that first time thanks to several layers of caching (our inefficient use of Umbraco's dynamic nodes query language creates a lot of database churn--which we're cleaning up opportunistically).
From what I've read and my own web.config attempts this is still not available in Azure Websites. I've asked Microsoft for it here: MS IDEA: Application Initialization to warm up specific pages when app pool starts. Please consider voting for it.
For each service/site you need to go to "Configure", then switch "Always On" to ON. Also make sure you click Save; it took my website about 2 minutes before noticing the change.
Why this is not the default is kind of mind boggling, because my setup on HostGator was running much faster than Azure. I guess Microsoft is figuring if nobody is accessing your site, it's okay if it has a long load time.

Windows Azure Portal login to portal and receive error "We are having trouble logging you into the portal"

Open browser
Navigate to
Select portal top right
login with my email address
Receive the below error
Receive the error
" We are having trouble logging you into the portal
Please contact Customer Service for assistance."
Using IE or Chrome, incognito or not, cookies cleared or not, cache cleared or not. The problem still exists. Also tried on multiple devices media centre PC, desktop running windows 7, iPhone 5, ipad 3...
Prior to November 2012 I have accessed the windows azure subscription without a problem.
I clicked the customer service link and the australian number is 13 20 58 I have contacted that number explaining that I cannot access my windows azure subscription and each time I login I receive an error. They proceed to redirect me to other support teams where I repeat my details and the problem they either redirect me again or provide a number to call.
In one case I was redirected to a number that no longer exists. Another I was told to raise a case on the windows azure portal page the same portal page that I receive an error on when logging in, when I asked for alternative options there were none.
So far I've spoke with the msdn support team, windows subscription support, online services, etc and still no resolution. In the latest call to support they have said to raise the issue on the forums so here goes.
Anyways long story short I have probably spent 3+ hours calling Microsoft support explaining the problem, waiting on hold, being redirect, repeating... still I can't access my windows azure subscription
I checked in and there is a windows azure subscription associated with my email address
Windows Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Premium
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
Some time it's happened wait for while and retry
or just ask azure support in twitter
Editing for those who are like me and skipped reading the comments (in small font) below the OP's question. This was resolved and was due to the first reason I list below. However, it could (and has) happen in past for other reasons as well, so might as well keep this response here in case it helps someone else out.
Try logging at
The isn't even DNS resolvable to any website - I am not sure how you are getting that address (maybe its from some part of Azure IAM pipeline that hasn't been updated) and (more interestingly) how you are able to open that link - Maybe this is something available only in your region ! (but I am stretching here).
Regardless, I also tried to find other instances of similar issues and in general I see this issue is related to cases when the an account has been transitioned to Office 365.
Here an account was moved and resulted in creation of two accounts with different passwords - solution here was to set the Office 365 account (new account) as a co-admin on the old account that was used to setup the Azure account.
Here the account was not provisioned correctly in Azure AD Store and had to be removed and re-created using DirSync
Here, the problem seems to be related to (the new) Account Provisioning in Azure AD.
In general, it seems this is a problem that might be harder to explain to level 1 support. You might have better mileage speaking to your organizations IT admin and have them check for any inconsistencies that might be similar to those stated above.
Try forcing the directory in the URL like so
For example in case of MS AAD domain
In case of custom domain
Sometimes there is some odd behaviour with redirect loops or when you no longer have access to the tenant but you have selected 'last visited' in the Startup directory.
Glad to hear this was resolved by support. Since this was posted, we made a number of updates to the login process and types of accounts (incl. the addition of MFA). At TechEd we announced a new portal (video # if you want to see what is coming.
