How to send message hl7 to Mirth HTTP connector using POST -

I have a mirth instance (version 3.0.1) sending out using a POST method to a web api restfull service.
[POST("MessagesHl7/OML_O21")] public HttpResponseMessage
PostOmlo21([FromBody] sting receivedmessage) {..}
The problem is that the message hl7 that is sent to the service
in a outbound message is cut in the first characters. For example, in the message:
MSH|^~\&|CPSI^^ ISO|CGH|...
in the receivedmessage variable the text MSH|^~\ is received only.
How can I do in order that the message is not cut?
In the http channel, the configuration is:POST, not query parameters,
headers content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
Content-Type value application/xml,
and the value that send is =${message.encodedData}.

Change your action method to not use binding and just read the request body as string.
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostOmlo21()
string receivedMessage = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

I would suggest to use Base64 encoding for the HL7 piped message since
there are many special characters within the message which can be interpreted
in the wrong way during parsing. Especially during the parsing of xml.
Of course you have to decode the HL7 message on Server side.
But i think Mirth gives you all functionallity to do that.
I don't know which class to use in C#/ASP in Java appropriate classes and frameworks for
encoding an decoding Base64 exist. I believe the same is true for C# and ASP.


How can I avoid deserealization in microservise?

I'm developing microservise which receives HTTP POST requests and then redirects them to another destination point in order to receive response, handle it and hand it to another system.
My question is - how can I avoid deserealization while receiving these requests? The microservice don't handle incoming JSONs. From the performance point of view, it's better to avoid deserealization.
I heard I can use Nginx or Apache but how can I embed them into the microservice?
Is there any proven solution? Just don't want to invent a bicycle.
I don't know what is the technology stack you are using (programming language, framework.. etc) but I suppose that in all of them is a way to recieve incoming rest requests without need to deserialize the body.
For example in a java/spring scenario you can define in the corresponding controller method the body parameter as string and in this case there isn't any deserialization of the body, the method will recieve it as a plain string so you can forward it as is to the other service:
#PostMapping(value = "/path")
public ResponseEntity controllerMethod(#RequestBody String body) {
// your code here

Why is Spring de-coding + (the plus character) on application/json get requests? and what should I do about it?

I have a Spring application that receives a request like http://localhost/foo? This triggers a controller that roughly looks like this:
public class FooController extends Controller {
public void foo(#RequestParam("email") String email) {
By the time I can access email, it's been converted to foo instead of the original According to When to encode space to plus (+) or %20? this should only happen in requests where the content is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. My request has a content type of application/json. The full MIME headers of the request look like this:
=== MimeHeaders ===
accept = application/json
content-type = application/json
user-agent = Dashman Configurator/0.0.0-dev
content-length = 0
host = localhost:8080
connection = keep-alive
Why is Spring then decoding the plus as a space? And if this is the way it should work, why isn't it encoding pluses as %2B when making requests?
I found this bug report about it: which may imply that this is fixed on version 3.0.5 and I'm using Spring > 5.0.0. It is possible that I may misinterpreting something about the bug report.
I also found this discussion about RestTemplate treatment of these values: (my client is using RestTemplate).
So, my questions are, why is Spring doing this? How can I disable it? Should I disable it or should I encode pluses on the client, even if the requests are json?
Just to clarify, I'm not using neither HTML nor JavaScript anywhere here. There's a Spring Rest Controller and the client is Spring's RestTemplate with UriTemplate or UriComponentsBuilder, neither of which encode the plus sign the way Spring decodes it.
Original Answer
You are mixing 2 things, a + in the body of the request would mean a space when header has application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The body or content of the request would be dependent on the headers but a request can just have a url and no headers and no body.
So the encoding of a URI cannot be controlled by any headers as such
See the URL Encoding section in
Some characters cannot be part of a URL (for example, the space) and some other characters have a special meaning in a URL: for example, the character # can be used to further specify a subsection (or fragment) of a document. In HTML forms, the character = is used to separate a name from a value. The URI generic syntax uses URL encoding to deal with this problem, while HTML forms make some additional substitutions rather than applying percent encoding for all such characters. SPACE is encoded as '+' or "%20".[10]
HTML 5 specifies the following transformation for submitting HTML forms with the "get" method to a web server.1 The following is a brief summary of the algorithm:
Characters that cannot be converted to the correct charset are replaced with HTML numeric character references[11]
SPACE is encoded as '+' or '%20'
Letters (A–Z and a–z), numbers (0–9) and the characters '*','-','.' and '_' are left as-is
All other characters are encoded as %HH hex representation with any non-ASCII characters first encoded as UTF-8 (or other specified encoding)
The octet corresponding to the tilde ("~") is permitted in query strings by RFC3986 but required to be percent-encoded in HTML forms to "%7E".
The encoding of SPACE as '+' and the selection of "as-is" characters distinguishes this encoding from RFC 3986.
And you can see the same behaviour on as well from below screenshots
Also you can see the same behaviour in other frameworks as well. Below is an example of Python Flask
So what you are seeing is correct, you are just comparing it with a document which refers to the body content of a request and not the URL
Edit-1: 22nd May
After debugging it seems the decoding doesn't even happen in Spring. I happens in package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf; and the UDecoder class
* URLDecode, will modify the source.
* #param mb The URL encoded bytes
* #param query <code>true</code> if this is a query string
* #throws IOException Invalid %xx URL encoding
public void convert( ByteChunk mb, boolean query )
throws IOException
int start=mb.getOffset();
And below is where the conversion stuff actually happens
if( buff[ j ] == '+' && query) {
buff[idx]= (byte)' ' ;
} else if( buff[ j ] != '%' ) {
This means that it is an embedded tomcat server which does this translation and spring doesn't even participate in this. There is no config to change this behaviour as seen in the class code. So you have to live with it
SPR-6291 fixed this problem in v3.0.5 but this remains unresolved in some other cases like SPR-11047 is still unresolved. While SPR-6291's priority was Major, SPR-11047's priority is Minor.
I faced this problem when I was working on REST API in old Spring last year. There are multiple ways we can get data in Spring controller. So two of them are via #RequestParam or #PathVariable annotation
As others mentioned I think its spring's internal issue and does not specifically belong to URL encoding because I was sending data over POST request but it is somewhat encoding problem. But I also agree with others as now it remains problematic only in URL.
So there are two solutions I know:
You can use #PathVariable instead of #RequestParam because as of SPR-6291 this plus sign issue is fixed in #PathVariable and still remains open for #RequestParam as SPR-11047
My version of spring was not even accepting plus sign via #PathVariable annotation, so this is how I overcome the problem (I don't remember it step by step but it will give you hint).
In your case you can get the fields via JS and escape the plus sign before sending a request. Something like this:
var email = document.getElementById("emailField").value;
email = email.replace('+', '%2B');
If you have this request:
then the original is foo If you say the original should be then the request should be:
So Spring is working as supposed to. Maybe on client you should check if the URI is properly encoded. The client-side URL encoding is responsible for building a correct HTTP request.
See encodeURI() if you generate the request in JavaScript or uriToString() if you generate the request in Spring.
Build your request string (the part after ?), without any encoding, with unencoded values like, and only in the end, before actually using it in GET, encode all of it with whatever is available on the client platform. If you want to use POST then you should encode it according to the MIME type of your choice.

Spring integration setting content type as 'text/xml' for int:http inbound gateway

Our client is sending a http post request at our int:http inbound gateway which has the following signature:-
<int:channel id="http-Input-channel"/>
<int:channel id="http-Output-channnel"/>
<int-http:inbound-gateway id="HttpInboundGateway"
<int:service-activator input-channel="http-Input-channel" ref="ResponseHandler" output-channel="http-Output-channnel" method="handleMessage"/>
thus,i am receiving the message via the int:inbound gateway in the service activator's(which is the ResponseHandler bean) method handleMessage() as follows:
public Message handleMessage(Message message) {}
the message contains the results and having the base64 string of the pdf.
when i am debugging i found that the message comes as in the encoded form and content type as 'content-type => application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
In order to get the actual payload i have to decode that which causes the '+' in the format sent by the client to replace with the space in the whole XML.
if i replace all the spaces with the '+' sign again all works well.i can see the correct format for the whole base64 string of pdf and it opens.
However this is not the actual client is not sending us the content-type => application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the headers. they are sending that as the content-type => 'text/xml'.
my question is why the int:http inbound gateway changes the content type and encoded the result XML.can we change content type to 'text/xml' of the int http inbound gateway in its configuration before it actually hits the service activator and start processing the XML.
i tired using the message converters but it just duplicates the content type and give preference the application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
can you please suggest what should be used along with the int:http inbound gateway in order to get the result XML having the text/xml as the content type and result XML not in the encoded form.i think changing the content type will solve the problem.but how??

Do I need to send the data in $.ajax as json?

I have an $.ajax request that's sending the data in a serialize() and gets a json array in return. It works perfectly without any issues on Chrome develop's tools and Firefox's firebug. My question is, do I HAVE to send the data(user inputs) as json? I need json for the response but not for the request.
No, you send the data however you like but keep in mind how you send it will affect how you can retrieve it.
Also you aren't sending JSON in your request as .serialize() does not return JSON it returns a text string in standard URL-encoded notation.
No, you don't need to send it as JSON. You can send it in any other format, but your receiver will need to know how to interpret it. Usually people use JSON or XML since your receiver can easily parse these types of data.
You'll need to set the content-type, then you can tell the receiver how to process this content-type.

Flex 4 - Sending string (such as JSON) using HTTPService

When I use HTTPService.send(paramter) as a POST request, the web server does not appear to see variable "parameter" if it is a string. The server sees the parameter if it's an Object, but I'm looking to use something like httpservice.send(JSON.encode(object)); Is this possible?
Why not use the actual request objects.
in your service define request objects and post them or send them as get if you please.
Sample code here:
Then just call .send on the service.
on the server you can simlpy process if with request.form (Asp)
Failing which why not append it to the url with a binding expression. (you would need to encode it since you would be more or less faking a url or a get behaviour).

