Kendo Grid Hierarchy templating issue - kendo-ui

My design requires a checkbox as the first column in the grid and subsequent grids, however, using Hierarchy to implement those subsequent grids, the drop down arrow that kendo adds becomes the first column making the column with the checkbox template second. Is there an efficient / official way of getting around this?


How to render a template column of a grid, in a detailRow?

Here's my situation. I have a main grid, where each row expands to show 2 tabs. The first tab has another grid, with dynamically columns. One of the columns needs to display a template with a modified Kendo Menu (in order for it to look like a dropdown).
When the column is rendered in the main grid, it works just fine. However, when I move that column to the sub-grid, I just see the list, without the kendo menu applied to it.
Two workarounds I tried:
Good and Bad

Showing another grid inside one cell of the kendo grid

I am using a kendo grid to display my data. I want to show another kendo grid inside one cell of my kendo grid. Is there anyway I can achieve this?
There is a 'way' (using the "template" option of the corresponding Grid column), however I would suggest to instead use Grid hierarchy to show details about current row:
Grid: hierarchy demo
Nesting another Grid inside cells of current Grid is not a good idea as it will not be usable, it will reduce the page performance etc.

Detail template with locking feature in kendo grid

I tried using the frozen columns and detail template both at a time but both they are not supported at a time by kendo telerik grid I get this error every time when I try:
'Uncaught Error: Having both detail template and locked columns is not supported'.
Could you please look into this error. Would you give me an idea, how could I achieve both detail template and frozen columns together in kendo.
As conflicting nature it's not possible in kendo ( or either grid . e.g. Excel sheet too )
one probable solution is :
Create two grids side by side. ( left grid for frozen column , right grid for details columns ) you can use same dataSource for both the grid .
Make div size fixed so user cannot scroll on left grid .
hide those repeating columns in Right grid.
add one more extra expand button column in left grid.
on click of expand button of left grid, expand appropriate right side detail row.
i know this is not actual solution with kendo and lots of code work around, but using jquery, tricks you can at least achieve up to certain level.
=> if you have any solution then please share it here sankar. looks like this is old post .

Kendo UI Grid - Columns in GroupHeader

I'm working with a grid that has a lot of boolean data on it's model, so I've got a lot of checkboxes (through a client template) on my grid. At the top of the grid, I have also (in the column's headerTemplate) got checkboxes that basically set/clear all the checkboxes for the same column throughout the grid - and all is just peachy...
However, what I would really like to do is to also have checkboxes in Group Headers (groupings), allowing the user to set/clear all the values for that column within that group.
Whilst I can do this as just a sequence of checkboxes in a group header template, one after the other, it just looks bad. What I really need is to be able to position the checkboxes in the Group Header so as they appear "in line" with the checkboxes from the actual model items.
Any ideas anyone?

Telerik RadGrid refreshing a single row instead of using Rebind

I am using a RadGrid to display stock information. The data bound is a combination of 2 views and 2 tables. This is quite an intensive query, and the data behind it changes a lot. Now, when I update a value in a single row, I have to Rebind the data to update my grid (I use UpdateValues on the item, but it has no visible effect). This is taking too long to be user-friendly. Is there a simple way to work around it, so I can just update the row which has the changed data ?
I do not think there is a way to do that because the Telerik Grid is data bound control - hence to modify its source and refresh the data in the grid UI, you will need to bind all rows.
