Is there some reliable way of detecting fake Facebook profiles [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I believe this could be interesting for many Facebook developers. Is there some reliable way of detecting fake profiles on Facebook? I am developing some games and applications for Facebook and have some virtual goods for sale. If player wants to play more he can create another profile or many others and play as much as he like. The idea here is to somehow detect this and stop them from doing so.
Best Regards!

Put validation on no. of friends.. if no. of friends < A PARTICULAR THRESHOLD, disallow user, else continue. Well.. That's only an opinion, not a solution.. :)

You can try using anomaly detection.
Make your 'features' number of likes/spam/friends/other relevant features you've found helpful, and use the algorithm to detect the anomalies.
Another approach could be supervised learning - but will require a labeled set of examples of "fake" and "real" users. The 'features' will be similar to these for anomaly detection.
Train your learning algorithm using the labeled set (usually referred as training set), and use the resulting classifier to decide if a new user is fake or not.
Some algorithms you can use are SVM, C4.5, KNN, Naive Bayes.
You can evaluate results for both methods using cross-validation (this requires a training set, of course)
If you want to learn more about machine learning approaches, I recommend taking the webcourse at coursera.


Which navigation methods would be the most performant and flexible for a game with a very large number of AI on a dynamic playfield? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm not 100% sure what factors are important when deciding whether to use Unity's NavMesh vs an advanced pathing algorithm such as HPA* or similar. When considering the mechanics below, what are the implications of using Unity's NavMesh vs rolling my own algorithms:
Grid based real-time building.
Large number of AI, friendly, hostile, neutral. Into the hundreds. Not all visible on screen at once but the playfield would be very large.
AI adheres to a hierarchy. Basically does things where AI entities issues commands, receive commands, and execute them in tandem with one-another. This could allow for advanced pathing to be done on a single unit that relays rough directions to others where they can commence lower-level pathing to save on performance.
World has a strong chance of being procedural. I wanted to go infinite proc-gen but I think that's out of scope. I don't intend on having the ground plane being very diverse in regards to actual height, just the objects placed on it.
Additions and removals within the environment will be dynamic at run-time by both the player and AI entities.
I've read some posts talking about how NavMesh can't handle runtime changes very well but have seen tutorials/store assets that are contrary to that. Maybe I could combine methods too? The pathing is going to be a heavy investment of time so any advice here would be greatly appreciated.
There are lots of solutions. It's way too much for a single answer, but here's some keywords to look into:
Swarm pathfinding
Potential fields
Flocking algorithms
Collision avoidance
Which one you use depends on how many units will be pathing at a time, whether they're pathing to the same place or different places, and how you want them to behave if multiple are going to the same place (eg. should they intentionally avoid collisions with each other? Take alternate routes when one is gridlocked? Or all just stupidly cram into the same hallway?)

Module development time ( cost ) estimation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need some idea regarding the development time estimation of a to be developed software. Though there are formal methods in theory like COCOMO , Function point ,etc, such methods seem impractical to apply before having any work done. (I am not sure if possible?)
I have attached a sample module. Please help me in learning estimation in the practical purpose.
Scenario: Student Registration Module
Check whether the student is new or already registered.
1.1. if already registered then activate the registration
1.2. If new student then, Record all the necessary data related with the new student. (certificates in different formats like pdf,docx, jpg,png)
Check for late registration. If late then apply late registration fee.
Time check: student registration must be done within a week of academic session start.
Also, I think the development time may differ in terms of programming language used. For eg. Java , C sharp or PHP. Please guide me with your understanding.
Thanking You.
I would warmly suggest you to read the book "Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art" by Steve McConnell.
You'll get many useful thumb-rules from there. Many derived from COCOMO :-)
E.g. the fact, that as you state the time will be different depending on programming language. It's true. some studies have found out, that the number of LOCs produced by a programmer doesn't depend on language. But the productivity of those lines does.
So some very basic rules in software-estimation:
Understand the cone of insecurity
Give estimate in ranges, not
in single numbers
Re-estimate continuously
Divide the task in
as many as possible smaller task, and estimate them individually.
Estimate in this order: size, effort, costs/schedule

How would be an algorithm to simulate human interaction? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Let's suppose that androids which are physically alike humans are a reality.
What would be an algorithm to make it interact with human beings if we want it to:
1) be indistinguishable from regular people in behavior
2) be as equally friendly to everyone as possible?
I understand that it is very hard to write an algorithm like that. I can, however, imagine an android simulating human behavior fairly well with some sort of machine learning technique.
But how would we train it? The act of collecting data would also be a big big problem.
Which machine learning technique would be ideal?
If you consider requirement 1 to be a hard requirement, such an algorithm would beat the Turing Test at least to some extent, so it would be a pretty advanced (world-class) algorithm.
Your problem basically equates to beating the Turing Test, so check the linked article to see the scientific literature produced by people working on this problem.
Assuming massive data availability and processing power are basically unbounded, I believe an Artificial Neural Network would be the best runner-up to base such an algorithm on.

Developer Skill Matrix: Useful or Harmful? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In a big corp, they often ask developers to fill in a matrix of what skills they have at what level. It's generally seen as a bit of a pain but is it actually useful, or another way for bureaucrats to try and reduce developers to a bunch of numbers on a spreadsheet?
Skills matrix are only partially helpful, they are good at giving you a general picture of your current "experience".
However these skills matrix does not include the most important aspect, the ability to learn.
This is the most important skill in IT in my view. And everyone learns at different speeds.
Eg. Throwing guy A into a new technology stack, and how long before he/she is productive?
Since IT/software development is a very wide field I regard skill sheets as quite useful. I used to be a Linux expert and my skill sheet reflected that. Then I shifted into iOS/Mac development and my now-employer asked me to fill out a skill sheet tuned to Mac... and I immediately noticed that I was novice in this field back then ;-) Vice versa, they were able to see whether I can fit into the company and where (in which team).
So of course they can be harmful if you lack the skills, but I think they make choices for employers easier (and I regard a big skill sheet in my CV as the most important part of the CV, even more so than the list of projects done).
The usefulness is totally dependent on what is being assessed. I work in an insurance company and this was done for all staff here. There was no category that I fit into and all the criteria were irrelevant.
I can see the benefit of assessing relevant criteria, it can identify weaknesses and target training, but those criteria need to be defined by someone who knows what you might not know.
Most of all, don't berate the bureaucrat for simplifying a complex object into a manageable set of information. As a programmer that's what you should be doing every day.
I think it is appropiate on big corps, but for small and specialized consultancies I would make a personal interview.
In big corporations if you dont fit in one place you may fit in other... in small teams I rather do personal assessment .

What is the best practice for estimating required time for development of the SDLC phases? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As a project manager, you are required to organize time so that the project meets a deadline.
Is there some sort of equations to use for estimating how long the development will take?
let's say the database
time = sql storedprocedures * tables manipulated or something similar
Or are you just stuck having to get the experience to get adequate estimations?
As project manager you have to remember that the best you will ever we be able to do on your own is give your best guess as to how long a given project will take. How accurate you are. depends on your experience and the scope of the project.
The only way I know of to get a reasonably accurate estimate that is it to break the project into individual tasks and get the developer who will be doing the actual work to put an estimate on each task. You can then use an evidence based algorithm that takes the estimation accuracy of each developer into account to give you the probability of hitting a given deadline.
If the probability is too low, you have two choices: remove features or move the deadline.
Further reading:
There's no set formula out there that I've seen that would really work. Fogbugz has its monte carlo simulator which has somewhat of a concept for this, but really, experience is going to be your best point of reference. Every developer and every project will be different!
There will be such a formula as soon as computers can start generating all code themselves. Until then you are stuck with human developers who all have different levels of skill and development speed.
