Ruby bundler: use gem from mercurial repository - ruby

As everyone know, we can use gem from git repository:
gem 'nokogiri', :git => 'git://', :branch => '1.4'
(example from
But I prefer Mercurial, so is it possible to use gem from Mercurial repo?

Currently no, however there has been some activity to add it. The most recent seems to be Bundler Issue #1219.
The work around I would go with would be to either clone locally and use the file path in the Gemfile. Perhaps using Ryan Bigg's nifty Bundler Local Paths Trick on the development system. Unfortunately this is not a good solution for deploying.
Hopefully the bundler team will merge in support at some point.


force ruby gem to use alternative gem source

I have a gem that I one of the owner/authors (hyperloop) that depends on another gem (opal-rails) which depends on another gem (opal-jquery).
All gems depend on the gem opal. The problem is the current released version of opal-query is locked to an older version of the opal gem.
The version of opal-jquery on master is okay. For whatever reason the author(s) have not pushed ruby gems, so I have to work around this.
The work around is that I have to say
gem 'hyperloop'
gem "opal-jquery", git: "", branch: "master"
in the application Gemfile.
I am hoping somebody can give a workaround that could be embedded in the hyperloop gemspec, so that the problem is taken care of there.
I thought if I added
gem "opal-jquery", git: "", branch: "master"
to the hyperloop Gemfile this would take care of it, but apparently not.
There isn't really a way to manage the dependencies of your dependencies. You have 2 options here:
1) Use an older version of opal
2) Clone the opal-jquery gem and modify its Gemfile, pointing to the version of opal you want it to use, then, in your Gemfile, point the opal-jquery gem to pull from your cloned version of the repo
Neither of these is really ideal and you'd have issues if you ever decided to upgrade to a newer version of opal-jquery if you go with the second route

Where does Bundler install gems pulled from Github?

I want to put a debugger in a file for testing, but can't find where Bundler installs gems pulled from Github on my local machine.
I've looked at this thread which shows how to setup a local file repo to pull from, but I would rather avoid this as my situation is a one off debugging scenario.
I use rbenv for my ruby and gem management. When I pull in a gem from a git repo, it places the files for the gem here:
On my machine bundler installed the gem in:
gem which [GEM] doesn't work on its own, but bundle exec gem which [GEM] does.

Ruby: How to Install a Plugin in a Git Repository

I'm not new to programming, but brand new to Ruby. Everything's working, but I'm still missing a key concept: how do you install a plugin and where/how do you include it in an app?
I'm trying to use the Facebooker2 plugin: In the readme, step 1 is to "Install facebooker2 as a plugin in your rails app." I've run the command git clone to download a read only version of the repository.
Do I then bundle that up using Bundler, or do I need to create a gem file in some way? Do I simply
use gem to install it, or do I need to compile it into a gem?
Any help (terminal commands or otherwise) are extremely helpful.
I looked at the repo and it's set up as a gem. You can simply add
gem 'facebooker2'
to your Gemfile (in the root of your project) and run
bundle install
to download it and add it to your list of installed gems, both in development and in production.
Rails used to include the concept of plugins (added to your /vendor/plugins directory) but that's been dropped in favor of gems.
If you're source is source '' but the gem you need is specific to github and not part of the library, then you can add the git method to your gemfile. You can also select a specific branch version. For example, here I have the gem cancan being pulled from the github repository on the 2.0 branch.
gem "cancan", :git => "git://", :branch => "2.0"

Developing a gem in parallel with another project

Let's say your working on a product, and you realise that some of the code is general enough to be extracted out to a gem.
So you create a new project, build the gem, publish it to Rubygems, and then reference it in your main project's Gemfile.
Then you discover a small bug with how the gem interacts with your product. Each time your make a fix, building and installing the gem locally can take about 15 seconds. How do you minimise this to have a quick develop/test cycle?
(Also it seems that the locally built gem's version number could contradict with what you've pushed to Rubygems, leading to confusion.)
Any best practice guides on this subject?
bundler doesn't just know how to get gems from rubygems. You could point it at a git repository
gem 'mygem', :git => 'git => 'git://'
or, much more conveniently in this case
gem 'mygem', :path => '~/work/mygem'
where the path option points to the folder with the gem's source

bundler clean downloaded gits

I'm using latest bundler with a lot of :git => ... in my Gemfile. Bundler does not seem to remove old/ unused git repositories it downloaded. Also I couldn't find a simple "bundle clean", just like "gem clean". Of course this would only work properly when using a separatestorage per project, but this is how I do it. So I wonder what's the best way to have bundler clean old data? :)
I asked the bundler team and the feature will be implemented in bundler 2.1. :)
