How to allow user to see sales made in Joomla - joomla

So I have community builder installed and joomshopping and my client wants to be able to view any sales he has made but he can't have access to the back end of Joomla. Is there any way to allow him to see them without logging into the back end or just giving him access to that one area?

There are many ways to limit his admin access. see:


Laravel Demo vs Live Application Site---> Access Models from One to Other

I have a live application for my app,(say at As part of my customer on boarding, I have a demo site at (, this is where I show potential customer what the app can do, etc. (Different databases and url). In order manage my system, i created also an admin panel on my live site.
Is it possible for me to control the demo site from my live site admin panel. I need to perform activities like,
After a user signs up on live site for a demo account, I create a demo customer via the admin panel after reviewing the request. Which means I need to access the demo site via controller to make a new "demo" customer model, is this possible? I know that I can make multiple mysql connections from live. But how can I perform Eloquent model operation from my live site?
Should I set up a different set up for my demo site.? Is this over complicated? I can set-up a demo accounts for my potential customers on my live site as well. I chose this set up thinking that it's safer in terms protecting data on my production site.
$demoUser = App\User::on('demo')->create([
//your attributes
Here is an example how you can achieve an Eloquent operation on another connection. The on method returns a Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder instance, btw you can go on and do whatever you want.

Is there any way to implement user area in abp solution

I have a little problem about this scenario.
I have 300 users in my system. each user must have user panel. it is one page that each user after sign in to the system and went to own page,can edit his content and customize it.
my question is : how to define permission for each user in order to access to own page and don't access to other's personal page.
thank you.
You just need [AbpAuthorize] attribute for the related application service to prevent unauthorized users to see that personal page. And when the user opens the page load the data with the current user's information as #aaron stated in the comments.

Checking if current visitor is logged in to Joomla's backend

I would like to keep Joomla from including tracking code for Google Analytics when I am logged in to the backend. For this purpose I am trying to determine whether a user who is browsing the website is also currently logged in to Joomla's backend. The problem is - when I use methods like JUser::getAuthorisedGroups() or JUser::getAuthorisedViewLevels(), Joomla's frontend still recognizes me as an unregistered guest.
I know Joomla keeps separate information about the current user for backend and frontend. But is there a way around it?
Logging in to the admin and viewing the front end both start independent sessions that are not related so using getUser() is only going to return the info for the current session.
Luckily, there are a couple of options. First, you can block your IP from being tracked in GA. Second, you can log in to the front end, then use a plugin to filter out logged in admin users.

What is the Preferred Method to having multiple websites share checkout sessions

I have implemented many multi site implementations in the past, so I get how to set up the environment. What I haven't done, is set up multiple websites that can share the same cart session.
So if you are on and add something to your cart or are logged on, when you go to you are logged in and have the same items in your cart.
From what I read around the forums, well there isn't much about the best way to share session. But I do know that using the configuration to enable SID on the frontend will pass the session id if you transfer between sites. I figured this is all you need to have, but I see where people are saying that only stores can share checkout sessions and that stores can have their own domain.
I am thinking the best way to do this is to setup multiple websites not one website multiple stores and then just make sure when linking to the other site, I use proper magento url methods to build out the link and it will pass over the SID and the users session will be transferred over.
Is this the preferred way to do this? Is there anything I need to know in terms of configuration? Is there any negatives doing it this? Is there a better way?,
Well if you want to have such possibility only for logged customers then i propose to you to use sales_flat_quote table which is represented by Mage::getModel('sales/quote').
With this model you can manage cart and focus only in passing customer identifier which would bring us to security subject... How would you pass customer identifier in secure way as SID isn't very secure.
Plus SEO doesn't like SID in URL from what i've heard.

FB connect and magento

As a novice developer at best, I have been tasked with implementing Facebook connect with my Magento website. I have read extensively online and don't find much help with my problem, and I see many people have the same issue so perhaps everyone can learn.
I inserted the SDK script into my header, set up my channel, and my Facebook app. Everything seems to work nicely right now, however I am lost on converting the Facebook login into an actual Magento login. I understand that my code speaks with Facebook and authorizes my website, But I don't understand how to pull user permissions into my Magento database and store the information. Currently you click the "Login with Facebook" button, it pops up asking for the permissions. I don't know how to save this information to my database and allow the user to connect and login successfully.
I think I may need to add some more code somewhere telling Magento how to store this information?
Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated.
You can use free extension Facebook Connect and Like Free from BelVG company.
