How to add winapi to Lua for Windows - windows

I've installed Lua for Windows "batteries included" 5.1.4-46.
It doesn't have everything I want.
I'm trying to re-write AutoIt scripts that I use on my personal PC.
I can't find an easy way to access the windows registry.
The WinAPI module by Steve Donovan looks like it will give me what I want.
I also want to be able to retrieve file attributes in order to determine if a directory is a junction.
I realize my real issues are not WinAPI, but if I learn how to add it to Lua for Windows, I can hopefully add other Lua addons.
How do I add WinAPI to the Lua installation from Lua for Windows?
Edit: I've found a binary winapi.dll for Lua 5.1 lua for windows.
enter link description here
I copied it to the "Lua\5.1\clibs" folder. I added require("winapi") to the top of a short program. I had to exit and restart SciTE editor and now it appears to be working.

The third party lib will ultimately (after build) be a DLL. As long as the DLL is on your LUA_CPATH, you can require dll_name and it will load dll_name.dll. There are binary (pre-built) versions of winapi for LuaForWindows, like v1.0.1. But you are probably better off getting the most recent release and building using one of the build scripts in root folder of .zip release. Once you have built, look for the .dll produced and move it to one of the locations on LUA_CPATH, or edit LUA_CPATH to include the folder where you want to put all your Lua extension modules.


How to compile .lua into Windows .exe?

Question related to Windows platform only.
I can't find documentation on how to approach this.
There are dozens of posts about this, yet most provide answers for mac/linux, most windows specific parts lead to dead links or README's that have no useful information.
How do I, for example, make an .exe of the code below? The intent being to share it with another windows user, so that when they click automatically runs the program in command prompt or wherever .exe are supposed to run without them needing to have lua/luac installed on their system.
Or perhaps I'm missing the point here and you need lua/luac installed, otherwise you would need to convert to a program language that's already installed on everyones' windows systems like C...? Regardless I need something that works for the purpose described. Could I make a folder with lua.exe and luac.exe and input.lua and make an .exe that loads command prompt and runs the command to compile input.lua? new_folder: lua.exe, luac.exe, input.lua, run.exe
> --input.lua
print("type ur name")
print("your name is " name)
I'm not aware of anything in wxlua that can compile a lua file into an executable. There is wxLuaFreeze executable that allows to concatenate a lua script to it to generate a new executable that will run that script when executed. See the documentation for details:

Connecting dots from self-contained Java application to Mac OS installation

I am not a Mac owner and am putting myself through a crash course to get up to speed (e.g., reading "Switching to the Mac"), to give you an indication of my current level of understanding. The access I have to a physical Mac is limited, so I am trying to connect as many dots as possible before my next session with my friend's computer.
I have: a file folder containing all resources needed for a self-contained application written with Java (OpenJDK 11, JavaFX 11). The JLINK tool was successfully used to create this file folder, and it holds all necessary Java libraries as well as the code I wrote for the application. The executable resides in a subfolder: /bin. The program runs perfectly well on the Mac when the executable is run.
I want: something that is easy to download, install and run.
I'm unclear about what needs to be done to get this. The road map seems to have two main steps:
the file folder needs to be converted into something that responds as if it were an application (e.g., a Bundle? or an .app?)
the resulting folder-as-executable can be shipped via either .dmg or .pkg
For the second part, I've researched and found tools such as Packages or create-dmg. It seems to me these tools are pretty straightforward and shouldn't be too difficult to learn to use. (Just have to pick one or the other or something similar.)
For the first part, I'm on shaky conceptual ground. I've found info about Bundles, but no tutorials, walk-throughs or examples. It looks like a key step is understanding how to make a proper Info.plist file, but doing this properly looks tricky. Also, I'm not clear on how the resulting Bundle will become an .app file or if it needs to, or if there is another, more direct way to make my file folder be viewed by the OS as an application.
Some hand-holding or references to tutorials or even assurance that I am on the right track (if that is the case) would be much appreciated. Thanks!
The Java Deployment guide from Oracle relies heavily on ANT, but doesn't cover the case of a self-contained, customized JVM via JLINK well enough for me to decipher. So, I've taken the approach of trying to learn/understand the necessary steps using command-line commands.
While creating a Bundle is certainly an option, there is an easier way.
Step one is to make an .app manually. An answer to this question: "How to make a Mac OS X .app with a shell script?" goes over the basic steps. The Java file system that results from jlinking has a folder /bin in which there is a bash file that runs the program. This file should be moved to the outermost folder, and it should be named the desired name of the application. The bash file itself will have to be edited and "/bin" added to the address in last command so that the executable will be found. In addition, the folder itself will have to be renamed to be the same as the bash file, but with .app added as an extension.
The next thing I wanted to have was a custom icon. The question "Include icon in manually created app bundle" shows how to do this.
For the next step I made use of the program "Packages". I'm a bit confused about where I downloaded this from (there seem to be multiple sites), but here is a link to the manual. This tool allowed me to create a .pkg file that, when executed, installs my .app in the Applications folder. Then I compressing the .pkg file (to .zip) and made it available at a URL for downloading.
I've had a friend do a test download and install, and the program works!
This isn't meant to be a complete tutorial, and there are a few steps more that I want to figure out pertaining to sandboxing and sealing, but I believe this is a reasonable roadmap that can be used for simpler jlinked Java applications for Mac distribution.

How installation works?

I want to know how installation in windows works like what sort of files get created first as .dll , drivers & all.
To be more precise when we click on .exe file what happens internally?
Generally speaking, anything can happen after you click the exe. But most of the time, installer does some or most of these:
check if the needed frameworks and libraries are already installed (ex: .NET framework)
create a registry entry with the application settings and uninstaller path
extract the binaries and assets or download them
create the needed directories (ex: Program Files/SomeProgram) and move the extracted files to the proper folders
create a desktop shortcut
associate the file extensions with the program
do whatever else the program needs.. It really depends on what you are installing and what needs to be set up for the program to
function properly.

Program to static-link VB6 executable to it's dependencies (like PowerRap)

I read something about PowerWrap which is supposed to allow you to static-link a vb6 .exe to it's dependent files (.OCX, etc.)
However, the website for the product appears to be just a squatter.
Anyone know anything more about the product or something similar that's still being supported?
I discovered another solution called UMM (Universal Make My Manifest). You give it a list of files and some options, and out comes a manifest ready-to-go. I've been using it for a half-million line VB project with dozens of ActiveX modules, and it works well. Requires tlbinf32.dll.

Custom installer for a .net application

I need to create a custom installer that supports French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, English, chinese (mandarin script), more languages to be added for a .net based application.
This installer also needs to be able to check whether the target system has got adobe installed or not. If the target system doesnt have adobe or is a lower version than required then it should install from the CD. if it does then bypass that step.
The installer also needs to prompt the user to browse to any location on the system to pick up a file which will be place in the installation folder.
The installer also need to register this program in the add remove programs list.
Is there a custom installer that can do all of these tasks or do I need to build an application from scratch for it?
Thoughts... ideas???
Thanks for your time...
Short answer : Yes, all those things can be done, most of them easily.
WiX or NSIS are probably your two best free options. NSIS uses a plugin architecture for most of it's functionality, but the plugins are text-files, so you should have no problems downloading them. However, if your company is "funny" about licensing, then check the relevant licenses for each plugin early on - most are completely free to use, but Legal can fail to understand this sometimes...
Please find below pointers to the relevant sections of the documentation, so you can get it downloaded (I feel your pain by the way!)
Language Support
See Docs
Allow user to select a file and copy it
You will need the InstallOptions plugin. This allows you to create an extra page in your install wizard which can prompt for information. It allows various controls, one of which is a file explorer control (search for FileRequest in the link).
To copy the file, you cannot simply use the File instruction, as that extracts and copies files from the installation media, and will not act on files on the target computer.
Instead, you will need a plugin - e.g. this wrapper around the WinAPI. Alternatively, use the CopyFiles instruction.
Register program in Add/Remove programs
This is standard in both WiX and NSIS.
Detect Adobe is installed.
NSIS has the ability to check if registry keys exist, or named files exist, which are the two normal methods of detecting installed programs.
