Magmi is not updating products - magento

I have installed Magmi on a store running Magento 1.7 It works brilliantly to import the products with my CSV.
I then alter the price values in the same CVS, re-upload and run Magmi to update but nothing changes in the Magneto Products list.
I have custom options and image processor plugins running.
I've looked through the docs and think I'm doing everything correctly.
If any one has info on this its greatly appreciated.
If you need more info please let me know.


Can i use dataflow import to update products in Magento

I am really sorry for asking this. I feel like this is a stupid question, but honestly I have googled until the term googling has lost all meaning.
I just want to do a bulk update of product information, I do not want to add or import new products, just update the information for existing products. But all I seem to be able to find on google is articles referring to importing products into Magento. Perhaps my google-fu is failing me, and if this is the case I apologize, but I would be grateful if someone can just answer this really simple question.
I have a CSV file with updated product information.
I want to use this file to update the existing products in Magento 1.9.x.
Can this be done with importing?
Or will I have to build a script that reads the CSV file and manually updates each product?
Magento uses sku as identifier to update records. so you have to use magento structure. At the first you have to export products as a csv file to catch the structure and then modify that as you need. Magento import/export tool is very easy and useful.
For more details check this out:

Import with Magmi broken after Patch 1533 5344 on 1.9.x

I've successfully patched Magento but after this update Magmi seems broken.
On a dev environment I'm trying to import a correct CSV file with a lot of simple and configurable products.
The simple ones are ok, the configurable ones and the images for both are completely broken. The simple SKUs are associated togheter in what it seems to be a completely random way.
Do you guys have encountered the same problem or do you have any advice to spare?
I don't think what this patches is the reason of issue.
PATCH_SUPEE-1533 change next files:
PATCH_SUPEE-5344 change next files:
This changes can't affect on Magmi import process.

Bulk upload with csv for downloadable products

Can anyone please tell me how to implement bulk uploading through .csv for downloadable products. I have tried for simple products but failed for downloadable products. Need Help
I use this module from Commerce Extensions, makes it really easy to bulk upload loads of downloadable tracks and even add the downloadable LINKS too, was only $99 and the support was really good -
Default, you can't export and import full attribute product downloadable, configurable, grouped, bundle. You should use some extension for your work.
Try use one

Importing products from one site to another in Magento

Im currently hosting my Magento website and i want to make another website without adding any new products in in newsite. I want to importy products from the older website to newer one.
I tried dumping the older database to the newer one but does'nt help.
Is there any other possible way ??
You could re-create the attribute sets and categories on the old site and export the products using
System > Import/Export > Dataflow - Profiles
However that does not solve the issue of grouped or configurable products, or product options if you have them. If that is the case, you might need to upgrade your existing installation (or ensure it is the same version as the new website) and then copy the database across.

Read content of a joomla plugin from remote site

I have Joomla CMS and use Virtuemart plugin to sale some products.
I want to sale same products that another site sales.
Please help me to read from remote or copy to local.
I never want to you do my project I just your guidance.
Not sure what version of VM you're using, but the database for products in VM is quite extensive, so I would be very surprised if this was possible. I've done scores of import projects for VM, and have always needed the non-visible values of the database for the products to have active products on our sites.
