Magento. How to link store_id to the attribute in the custom EAV Model - magento

I am using this tutorial on adding new EAV Model in Magento:
Everything works fine except all my attributes are saving with "store_id = 0" when I do this part of code:
$phonebookUser = Mage::getModel('inchoo_phonebook/user');
I am wondering is there any clear way to set store ID on save EAV Entity Attributes.

You can only set values for a specific store only after you added the values for store id 0.
Here is an example.
//create default values
$phonebookUser = Mage::getModel('inchoo_phonebook/user');
//remember the id of the entity just created
$id = $phonebookUser->getId();
//update the name for store id 1
$phonebookUser = Mage::getModel('inchoo_phonebook/user')
->load($id); //load the entity for a store id.
$phonebookUser->setFristname('Jack'); //change the name
$phonebookUser->save(); //save

I have override the functions in my resource model to work with store_id and it is worked for me but I suggest that this is not the best solution.
protected function _saveAttribute($object, $attribute, $value)
$table = $attribute->getBackend()->getTable();
if (!isset($this->_attributeValuesToSave[$table])) {
$this->_attributeValuesToSave[$table] = array();
$entityIdField = $attribute->getBackend()->getEntityIdField();
$data = array(
'entity_type_id' => $object->getEntityTypeId(),
$entityIdField => $object->getId(),
'attribute_id' => $attribute->getId(),
'store_id' => $object->getStoreId(), //added this
'value' => $this->_prepareValueForSave($value, $attribute)
$this->_attributeValuesToSave[$table][] = $data;
return $this;
protected function _getLoadAttributesSelect($object, $table)
$select = $this->_getReadAdapter()->select()
->from($table, array())
->where($this->getEntityIdField() . ' =?', $object->getId())
->where('store_id in (?)', array($object->getStoreId(), 0)); //added this
return $select;
also I have added this code to the constructor of my entity model:
if (Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin()) {
$this->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('store', 0));

Override the _getDefaultAttributes() method in your resource model like this:
protected function _getDefaultAttributes()
$attributes = parent::_getDefaultAttributes();
$attributes[] = "store_id";
return $attributes;
This should work if you have only one value for store_id per your model's entity.


Can't filter data from database using getSelect()->where() Magento 2

I am currently working with magento 2.2.1 and I am having a weird problem. I am trying to get a set of data from database and display it on admin grid. I want to take records for a specific agent ID so i have a variable that has the value of the agent id. When i pass this variable as parameter to$this->collection->getSelect()->where('agent_id = ?', $this->givenAgentId); it wont display anything but if i replace $this->givenAgentId with it's value, for example with 4, it works perfectly!
This is my class:
namespace vendor\plugin\Ui\Component\Listing\DataProviders\Atisstats\Coupons;
use \vendor\plugin\Model\ResourceModel\Coupons\CollectionFactory;
use \Magento\Framework\Registry;
class Listing extends \Magento\Ui\DataProvider\AbstractDataProvider {
protected $_registry;
protected $givenAgentId = 0;
public function __construct(
Registry $registry,
CollectionFactory $collectionFactory,
array $meta = [],
array $data = []
) {
parent::__construct($name, $primaryFieldName, $requestFieldName, $meta, $data);
$this->_registry = $registry;
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$resource = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection');
$connection = $resource->getConnection();
$select = $connection->select()
$data = $connection->fetchAll($select);
foreach ($data as $dealerId) {
if ($dealerId['user_id'] == $this->_registry->registry('admin_session_id')) {
$this->givenAgentId = intval($this->_registry->registry('admin_session_id'));
if ($this->givenAgentId != 0) {
$this->collection->getSelect()->where('agent_id = ?', $this->givenAgentId);
} else {
$this->collection = $collectionFactory->create();
I have stuck here for hours!
I fixed this problem! First of all it was Registry class causing the problem so I used
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$resourceUserId = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Backend\Model\Auth\Session');
to get the user id from session and used it below to check the user! For some reason the registry object was modifying the variable holding the current users id!
I post the answer just in case someone get stuck with this kind of problem !

Magento Changing Default Payment Method

I have a function that runs raw SQL queries to our database in Magento. What the function does is changes the customer's default credit card to a value passed to the function. My question is how would I rewrite the function utilizing Magento models. The current function works, but we'd rather have it not be directly interfacing with SQL.
Here is the function:
public function setDefaultPayment($value)
$customerId = $this->_getSession()->getCustomer()->getId();
$write = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
$read = $write->query("SELECT entity_type_id FROM eav_entity_type WHERE entity_type_code='customer'");
$row = $read->fetch();
$entity_type_id = $row['entity_type_id'];
$read = $write->query("SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code='default_payment' AND entity_type_id = $entity_type_id");
$row = $read->fetch();
$attribute_id = $row['attribute_id'];
$read = $write->query("SELECT * FROM customer_entity_int WHERE entity_type_id='$entity_type_id' AND attribute_id='$attribute_id' AND entity_id='$customerId'");
if ($row = $read->fetch()) {
array('value' => $value),
"entity_type_id='$entity_type_id' AND attribute_id='$attribute_id' AND entity_id='$customerId'"
} else {
'entity_type_id' => $entity_type_id,
'attribute_id' => $attribute_id,
'entity_id' => $customerId,
'value' => $value
If I read you code right, you want to update the customer attribute default_payment with a value given.
For that you need to:
Load the customer by id
Set the new value for the customer attribute default_payment
Save the customer
public function setDefaultPayment($value)
$customerId = $this->_getSession()->getCustomer()->getId();
$write = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);
$oldValue = $customer->getDefaultPayment(); // optional, just for checking

Laravel change pagination data

My Laravel pagination output is like laravel pagination used to be, but I need to change the data array for each object.
My output is:
As you can see, the data object has 2 items, which I need to change.
My code is:
$items = $this->items()
->where('position', '=', null)
Which returns the user items with pivot table, but I don't like the way the pivot table is shown in the JSON, so I decided to change the items and organize each item with the pivot before the item.
For this purpose, I tried to use foreach
foreach ($items->data as $item)
which giving my an error, for a reason I don't know:
Undefined property: Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator::$data"
status_code: 500
Any help?
The paginator's items is a collection. You can grab it and transform the data like so:
$paginator = $this->items()->where('position', '=', null)->paginate(15);
$paginator->getCollection()->transform(function ($value) {
// Your code here
return $value;
If you are familiar with tap helper here is the snippet that does exact same.
$paginator = tap($this->items()->where('position', '=', null)->paginate(15),function($paginatedInstance){
return $paginatedInstance->getCollection()->transform(function ($value) {
return $value;
We can't chain method getCollection to paginator instance because AbstractPaginator will return paginator's underlying collection. so the paginator instance will be transformed to Collection. So fix that we can use tap helper.
If you'd like to keep items paginated:
$itemsPaginated = $this->items()
$itemsTransformed = $itemsPaginated
->map(function($item) {
return [
'id' => $item->id,
$itemsTransformedAndPaginated = new \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator(
$itemsPaginated->currentPage(), [
'path' => \Request::url(),
'query' => [
'page' => $itemsPaginated->currentPage()
There is a setCollection method for such purpose.
$items = Model::paginate(10);
$updatedItems = $items->getCollection();
// data manipulation
// ...
From the source code of /Illuminate/Pagination/AbstractPaginator.php
* Set the paginator's underlying collection.
* #param \Illuminate\Support\Collection $collection
* #return $this
public function setCollection(Collection $collection)
$this->items = $collection;
return $this;
I could make shorter way. This returns edited $array instead of simple $paginated. This example modify file names.
This doc was useful for me.
foreach ($array['data'] as $r=>$record) {
return $array;
Sample Example :
$franchiseData=[ 'id'=>1 ,'name'=>'PAnkaj'];
$models = $bookingsQuery->paginate(10);
return $models;
Note that $models->setCollection(collect($franchiseData)); you have to use collect() else you will get error.
is one way to get the items. Another way is to use this
For ex- Assuming, user doesn't have name param and only have first_name and last_name
$userPaginatedData = User::paginate(15);
$users = $userPaginatedData->items();
foreach($users as $user) {
$user->name = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name;
return $userPaginatedData;
Now in the data key, you would see that each user has name param with it.
Laravel 8.9.0 has added the through method to AbstractPaginator.
It transforms each item in the slice of items using a callback, and keeps the items paginated.
$paginator = $this->items()->where('position', '=', null)->paginate(15);
$paginator->through(function ($value) {
// Your code here
return $value;
The source code:
* Transform each item in the slice of items using a callback.
* #param callable $callback
* #return $this
public function through(callable $callback)
return $this;
-Laravel 5.4
// example update column "photo"
// from "/path/to/photo.png"
// to ""
foreach ($items as $item)
$path = $item->photo;
// Remove
// Set
$item->offsetSet("photo", url($path));
Laravel AbstractPaginator has methods setCollection() and getCollection()
$itemsPaginated = $this->items()->paginate(15);
$itemsPaginated->getCollection()->transform(function ($item) {
// Your code here
return $item;
This is your paginated items...
$items = $this->items()
->where('position', '=', null)
I am using Laravel 8, can simply use each
$items->each(function ($item) {
// your code here
$item->custom_data = calcSomeData(); // sample
It does the same as this...
$items->getCollection()->transform(function ($item) {
// your code here
$item->custom_data = calcSomeData(); // sample
$itemsPaginated = $this->items()->paginate(15);
$itemsPaginated = json_encode($itemsPaginated);
foreach ($itemsPaginated->data as $key => $item) {
$results->data[$key]; //Modify
$itemsPaginated = json_encode($results);
you have to use below code in your blade
{!! $items->render() !!}
Ignore the pagination in laravel and hit the normal data
foreach ($items as $item)

How to show same product attribute sort on compare page Magento

i am not sure why the sorting of a product attribute on compare page is not working same as on product page. Like on product page the atribute sort is
on product page
1 name
2 new attribute
3 new attribute1
4 color
but on comapre page when i am comp[aring the 2 products has same attributes the attribute sort order becomes
on compare page
1 name
2 color
3 new attribute
4 new attribute1
I have googled a lot to find answer but unable to find. Please help me to fix this issue.
Below are the functions which i find
public function getComparableAttributes()
if (is_null($this->_comparableAttributes)) {
$this->_comparableAttributes = array();
$setIds = $this->_getAttributeSetIds();
if ($setIds) {
$attributeIds = $this->_getAttributeIdsBySetIds($setIds);
$select = $this->getConnection()->select()
->from(array('main_table' => $this->getTable('eav/attribute')))
array('additional_table' => $this->getTable('catalog/eav_attribute')),
array('al' => $this->getTable('eav/attribute_label')),
'al.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id AND al.store_id = ' . (int) $this->getStoreId(),
array('store_label' => $this->getConnection()->getCheckSql('al.value IS NULL', 'main_table.frontend_label', 'al.value'))
->where('additional_table.is_comparable=?', 1)
->where('main_table.attribute_id IN(?)', $attributeIds);
$attributesData = $this->getConnection()->fetchAll($select);
if ($attributesData) {
$entityType = Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::ENTITY;
->importAttributesData($entityType, $attributesData);
foreach ($attributesData as $data) {
$attribute = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')
->getAttribute($entityType, $data['attribute_code']);
$this->_comparableAttributes[$attribute->getAttributeCode()] = $attribute;
return $this->_comparableAttributes;
* Load Comparable attributes
* #return Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Compare_Item_Collection
public function loadComparableAttributes()
$comparableAttributes = $this->getComparableAttributes();
$attributes = array();
foreach ($comparableAttributes as $attribute) {
$attributes[] = $attribute->getAttributeCode();
return $this;
bUt i cant understand how to filter it by sort order .Please suggest
check the modifications in function below:
the file used is vendor/magento/module-catalog/Model/ResourceModel/Product/Compare/Item/Collection.php
But this is not the best way to do it. you need to override it as per Magento Standards.
I am working on it, will update shortly.
public function getComparableAttributes()
if ($this->_comparableAttributes === null) {
$this->_comparableAttributes = [];
$setIds = $this->_getAttributeSetIds();
if ($setIds) {
$attributeIds = $this->_getAttributeIdsBySetIds($setIds);
$select = $this->getConnection()->select()->from(
['main_table' => $this->getTable('eav_attribute')]
['additional_table' => $this->getTable('catalog_eav_attribute')],
['al' => $this->getTable('eav_attribute_label')],
'al.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id AND al.store_id = ' . (int)$this->getStoreId(),
'store_label' => $this->getConnection()->getCheckSql(
'al.value IS NULL',
->joinLeft( //add sort order to sort the attributes as per backend sort. -- Abid
['as' => $this->getTable('eav_entity_attribute')],
'as.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id'
'main_table.attribute_id IN(?)',
->order('as.sort_order') //sort by sort_order -- Abid
$attributesData = $this->getConnection()->fetchAll($select);
if ($attributesData) {
$entityType = \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::ENTITY;
$this->_eavConfig->importAttributesData($entityType, $attributesData);
foreach ($attributesData as $data) {
$attribute = $this->_eavConfig->getAttribute($entityType, $data['attribute_code']);
$this->_comparableAttributes[$attribute->getAttributeCode()] = $attribute;
return $this->_comparableAttributes;
On product page attributes are sorted like in attribute set.
On compare page attributes are not sorted at all.
You can rewrite function getComparableAttributes in class Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Compare_Item_Collection and implement your own sort logic.
But note, that this function differs in different Magento versions. You can try to use free extension ET Advanced Compare or take part of code from this extension (code is available on link i on extension page)

CakePHP serializing objects

I'm stuck with the following problem:
I have a class CartItem. I want to store array of objects of CartItem in session (actually i'm implementing a shopping cart).
class CartItem extends AppModel{
var $name = "CartItem";
var $useTable = false;
I tried this:
function addToCart(){
$this->layout = false;
$cart = array();
$tempcart = unserialize($this->Session->read("cart"));
$cart = $tempcart;
$productId = $this->request->data("id");
if(!$this->existsInCart($cart, $productId)){
$cartItem = new Cart();
$cartItem->productId = $productId;
$cartItem->createdAt = date();
$cart[] = $cartItem;
$this->Session->write("cart", serialize($cart));
echo "added";
echo "duplicate";
I think I'm writing these lines wrong:
$tempcart = unserialize($this->Session->read("cart"));
$this->Session->write("cart", serialize($cart));
as I'm not getting data from the session.
You are trying to add the whole Cart object to the session.
You should just add an array, like
$cart[] = array(
'productId' => $productId,
'createdAt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
If you need to add an object to a session, you can use __sleep and __wakeup magic functions but I think in this case it's better to just add only the product id and date to the session.
