Directory terminal shortcuts Mac OS X - macos

I use GIT from the command line and have to cd many times before getting to my desired directory. Is there a way to make a shortcut to a directory on a MAC OS X system ?

alias gotomydir='cd ~/git/myproject/src/common/utils'
Creates a command line shortcut called "gotomydir" that does exactly what you want. Add it to your .profile or .bashrc as appropriate.


unable to find .bash_profile [duplicate]

I am trying to edit an entry to PATH, as I did something wrong.
I am using Mac OS X v10.10.3 (Yosemite)
I have tried:
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
But the file editor opens with nothing inside.
My problem:
I am trying to install ANDROID_HOME to my PATH
I misspelled it, but when I closed the terminal and went back it was gone, so I tried again:
export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
This time, I typed the command correctly but, when I closed the terminal, my settings disappeared again.
How do I execute my desired settings?
If I was to edit bash.profile, how would I enter the above code?
You have to open that file with a text editor and then save it.
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
It will open the file with TextEdit, paste your things and then save it. If you open it again you'll find your edits.
You can use other editors:
nano ~/.bash_profile
mate ~/.bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile
But if you don't know how to use them, it's easier to use the open approach.
Alternatively, you can rely on pbpaste. Copy
export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
in the system clipboard and then in a shell run
pbpaste > ~/.bash_profile
Or alternatively you can also use cat
cat > ~/.bash_profile
(now cat waits for input: paste the two export definitions and then hit Ctrl + D).
A bit more detailed for beginners:
Before you begin with .bash_profile on Mac, please be aware that since macOS Catalina zsh (z shell) is the default shell. Therefore stuff we used to put in the .bash_profile now belongs to the .zshenv or the .zshrc file.
.zshenv .zshrc ? (Found here)
.zshenv: invocations of the shell. Often contains exported variables that should be available to other programs. For example, $PATH.
.zshrc: Sourced in interactive shells only. It should contain commands to set up aliases, functions, options, key bindings, etc.
Make sure the .bash_profile file is existing? (or the .zshenv of course) Remember that the .bash_profile file isn't there by default. You have to create it on your own.
Go into your user folder in finder.
The .bash_profile file should be findable there.
-> HD/Users/[USERNAME]
Remember: Files with a point at the beginning '.' are hidden by default.
To show hidden files in Mac OS Finder:
Press: Command + Shift + .
If it's not existing, you have to create .bash_profile on your own.
Open terminal app and switch into user folder with simple command:
If it's not existing, use this command to create the file:
touch .bash_profile
If you can't memorise the nerdy commands for save and close in vim, nano etc (the way recommended above) the easiest way to edit is to open .bash_profile (or the .zshenv) file in your favored code editor (Sublime, Visual Studio Code, etc.).
Finder -> User folder. Right click -> open with : Visual Studio Code (or other code editor). Or drag it on app in dock.
… and there you can edit it, pass export commands in new lines.
If you are using macOS v10.15 (Catalina), you need to update the .zshrc file instead of file .bash_profile or .profile.
For Mac OS, step by step:
First of all, open a terminal and write it: cd ~/
Create your Bash file: touch .bash_profile
You created your ".bash_profile" file, but if you would like to edit it, you should write it;
Edit your Bash profile: open -e .bash_profile
After that you can save from the top-left corner of screen: File → Save
For beginners: To create your .bash_profile file in your home directory on macOS, run:
nano ~/.bash_profile
Then you can paste in the following:
As you can see, it includes some example aliases and an environment variable at the bottom.
One you're done making your changes, follow the instructions at the bottom of the Nano editor window to WriteOut (Ctrl + O) and Exit (Ctrl + X). Then quit your Terminal and reopen it, and you will be able to use your newly defined aliases and environment variables.
Set the path JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_HOME. You have to open terminal and enter the below cmd.
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
After that, paste the below paths in the base profile file and save it:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$PATH"
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home
Just type open ~/.bash_profile on terminal, you can edit it.
Determine which shell you're using by typing echo $SHELL in Terminal.
Then open/create correct rc file. For Bash it's $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc. For Z shell it's $HOME/.zshrc.
Add this line to the file end:
export PATH="$PATH:/your/new/path"
To verify, refresh variables by restarting Terminal or typing source $HOME/.<rc file> and then do echo $PATH
Mac OS X doesn't store the path in file .bash_profile, but file .profile, since Mac OS X is a branch of the *BSD family. You should be able to see the export blah blah blah in file .profile once you do cat .profile on your terminal.
For me, my macOS is macOS v10.14 (Mojave). And I was facing the same issue for three days and in the end, I just wrote the correct path in the .bash_profile file which was like this:
export PATH=/Users/[YOURNAME]/development/flutter/bin:$PATH
Note 1: if you don't have filr .bash_profile, create one and write the line above
Note 2: zip your downloaded Flutter SDK in [home]/development if you copy and paste this path
The simplest answer is:
Step 1: Fire up
Step 2: Type nano .bash_profile – This command will open the .bash_profile document (or create it if it doesn’t already exist) in the easiest-to-use text editor in Terminal – Nano.
Step 3: Now you can make a simple change to the file. Paste these lines of code to change your Terminal prompt.
export PS1="___________________ | \w # \h (\u) \n| => "
export PS2="| => "
Step 4: Now save your changes by typing Ctrl + O. Hit Return to save. Then exit Nano by typing Ctrl + X
Step 5: Now we need to *activate your changes. Type source .bash_profile and watch your prompt change.
That's it! Enjoy!

How do I edit $PATH (.bash_profile) on OS X?

I am trying to edit an entry to PATH, as I did something wrong.
I am using Mac OS X v10.10.3 (Yosemite)
I have tried:
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
But the file editor opens with nothing inside.
My problem:
I am trying to install ANDROID_HOME to my PATH
I misspelled it, but when I closed the terminal and went back it was gone, so I tried again:
export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
This time, I typed the command correctly but, when I closed the terminal, my settings disappeared again.
How do I execute my desired settings?
If I was to edit bash.profile, how would I enter the above code?
You have to open that file with a text editor and then save it.
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
It will open the file with TextEdit, paste your things and then save it. If you open it again you'll find your edits.
You can use other editors:
nano ~/.bash_profile
mate ~/.bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile
But if you don't know how to use them, it's easier to use the open approach.
Alternatively, you can rely on pbpaste. Copy
export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
in the system clipboard and then in a shell run
pbpaste > ~/.bash_profile
Or alternatively you can also use cat
cat > ~/.bash_profile
(now cat waits for input: paste the two export definitions and then hit Ctrl + D).
A bit more detailed for beginners:
Before you begin with .bash_profile on Mac, please be aware that since macOS Catalina zsh (z shell) is the default shell. Therefore stuff we used to put in the .bash_profile now belongs to the .zshenv or the .zshrc file.
.zshenv .zshrc ? (Found here)
.zshenv: invocations of the shell. Often contains exported variables that should be available to other programs. For example, $PATH.
.zshrc: Sourced in interactive shells only. It should contain commands to set up aliases, functions, options, key bindings, etc.
Make sure the .bash_profile file is existing? (or the .zshenv of course) Remember that the .bash_profile file isn't there by default. You have to create it on your own.
Go into your user folder in finder.
The .bash_profile file should be findable there.
-> HD/Users/[USERNAME]
Remember: Files with a point at the beginning '.' are hidden by default.
To show hidden files in Mac OS Finder:
Press: Command + Shift + .
If it's not existing, you have to create .bash_profile on your own.
Open terminal app and switch into user folder with simple command:
If it's not existing, use this command to create the file:
touch .bash_profile
If you can't memorise the nerdy commands for save and close in vim, nano etc (the way recommended above) the easiest way to edit is to open .bash_profile (or the .zshenv) file in your favored code editor (Sublime, Visual Studio Code, etc.).
Finder -> User folder. Right click -> open with : Visual Studio Code (or other code editor). Or drag it on app in dock.
… and there you can edit it, pass export commands in new lines.
If you are using macOS v10.15 (Catalina), you need to update the .zshrc file instead of file .bash_profile or .profile.
For Mac OS, step by step:
First of all, open a terminal and write it: cd ~/
Create your Bash file: touch .bash_profile
You created your ".bash_profile" file, but if you would like to edit it, you should write it;
Edit your Bash profile: open -e .bash_profile
After that you can save from the top-left corner of screen: File → Save
For beginners: To create your .bash_profile file in your home directory on macOS, run:
nano ~/.bash_profile
Then you can paste in the following:
As you can see, it includes some example aliases and an environment variable at the bottom.
One you're done making your changes, follow the instructions at the bottom of the Nano editor window to WriteOut (Ctrl + O) and Exit (Ctrl + X). Then quit your Terminal and reopen it, and you will be able to use your newly defined aliases and environment variables.
Set the path JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_HOME. You have to open terminal and enter the below cmd.
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
After that, paste the below paths in the base profile file and save it:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$PATH"
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_221.jdk/Contents/Home
Just type open ~/.bash_profile on terminal, you can edit it.
Determine which shell you're using by typing echo $SHELL in Terminal.
Then open/create correct rc file. For Bash it's $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc. For Z shell it's $HOME/.zshrc.
Add this line to the file end:
export PATH="$PATH:/your/new/path"
To verify, refresh variables by restarting Terminal or typing source $HOME/.<rc file> and then do echo $PATH
Mac OS X doesn't store the path in file .bash_profile, but file .profile, since Mac OS X is a branch of the *BSD family. You should be able to see the export blah blah blah in file .profile once you do cat .profile on your terminal.
For me, my macOS is macOS v10.14 (Mojave). And I was facing the same issue for three days and in the end, I just wrote the correct path in the .bash_profile file which was like this:
export PATH=/Users/[YOURNAME]/development/flutter/bin:$PATH
Note 1: if you don't have filr .bash_profile, create one and write the line above
Note 2: zip your downloaded Flutter SDK in [home]/development if you copy and paste this path
The simplest answer is:
Step 1: Fire up
Step 2: Type nano .bash_profile – This command will open the .bash_profile document (or create it if it doesn’t already exist) in the easiest-to-use text editor in Terminal – Nano.
Step 3: Now you can make a simple change to the file. Paste these lines of code to change your Terminal prompt.
export PS1="___________________ | \w # \h (\u) \n| => "
export PS2="| => "
Step 4: Now save your changes by typing Ctrl + O. Hit Return to save. Then exit Nano by typing Ctrl + X
Step 5: Now we need to *activate your changes. Type source .bash_profile and watch your prompt change.
That's it! Enjoy!

How to run mysqldump under XAMPP on Mac OS

I want to run the mysqldump command in Mac OS, I am able to find the location of the file as "/Application/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin".
But don't know how to exec the same from command prompt, as it says command not find, by simply typing it and executing it from the prompt/
The trick on *NIX systems when executing things is that you have to tell the shell exactly where the file is, or it must be in your $PATH.
This should work:
This would also work:
cd /Application/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/
If you want to make it so you can just type the command without giving the location, add it to your PATH variable:
export PATH=$PATH:/Application/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin
And then just run it!
Also on Mac you can simply drag and drop the file from finder right into the terminal. This will automatically type the path for you.

Need to re-edit .bash_profile but locked out because PATH is wrong

I just added an incorrect PATH line to my .bash_profile and now every command results in "command not found", include vim. How can I re-edit the file to make the correction?
Try specifying an absolute path to an editor:
% /usr/bin/vim ~/.bash_profile
On the Mac you can also use the open command to have the OS open a GUI-based editor of its choosing (or have you select one.) I believe TextEdit is the default for .bash_profile:
% open ~/.bash_profile
In the case command line tools won't work, files on most systems (eg. linux, osx, cygwin, etc) can be edited by non-command tools such as notepad. This tool, in contrast to Wordpad, is a plain text editor, while Wordpad is a word processor. In case some errors appear after using it, in the terminal simply runs:
dos2unix your-problematic-file
that should solve the problem.

Set environment variables on Mac OS X Lion

When someone says "edit your .plist file" or "your .profile" or ".bash_profile" etc, this just confuses me. I have no idea where these files are, how to create them if I have to do that, etc, and also why there seem to be so many different ones (why? Do they do different things?)
So could someone please explain very patiently to a previous Windows user (wanting desperately to become more familiar with the pleasant if initially somewhat confusing OS X world) how to do this step by step?
I need the variables to be set both for GUI applications and command line applications, and at the moment it's for an ant script that needs the variables, but there will most likely be other needs as well.
Please note that I have Lion too, since many of the answers you get Googling seem to be outdated for Lion...
Also note that I have practically zero experience using the Terminal. I'm willing to learn, but please explain for a novice...
First, one thing to recognize about OS X is that it is built on Unix. This is where the .bash_profile comes in. When you start the Terminal app in OS X you get a bash shell by default. The bash shell comes from Unix and when it loads it runs the .bash_profile script. You can modify this script for your user to change your settings. This file is located at:
Update for Mavericks
OS X Mavericks does not use the environment.plist - at least not for OS X windows applications. You can use the launchd configuration for windowed applications. The .bash_profile is still supported since that is part of the bash shell used in Terminal.
Lion and Mountain Lion Only
OS X windowed applications receive environment variables from the your environment.plist file. This is likely what you mean by the ".plist" file. This file is located at:
If you make a change to your environment.plist file then OS X windows applications, including the Terminal app, will have those environment variables set. Any environment variable you set in your .bash_profile will only affect your bash shells.
Generally I only set variables in my .bash_profile file and don't change the .plist file (or launchd file on Mavericks). Most OS X windowed applications don't need any custom environment. Only when an application actually needs a specific environment variable do I change the environment.plist (or launchd file on Mavericks).
It sounds like what you want is to change the environment.plist file, rather than the .bash_profile.
One last thing, if you look for those files, I think you will not find them. If I recall correctly, they were not on my initial install of Lion.
Edit: Here are some instructions for creating a plist file.
Open Xcode
Select File -> New -> New File...
Under Mac OS X select Resources
Choose a plist file
Follow the rest of the prompts
To edit the file, you can Control-click to get a menu and select Add Row. You then can add a key value pair. For environment variables, the key is the environment variable name and the value is the actual value for that environment variable.
Once the plist file is created you can open it with Xcode to modify it anytime you wish.
Your .profile or .bash_profile are simply files that are present in your "home" folder. If you open a Finder window and click your account name in the Favorites pane, you won't see them. If you open a Terminal window and type ls to list files you still won't see them. However, you can find them by using ls -a in the terminal. Or if you open your favorite text editor (say TextEdit since it comes with OS X) and do File->Open and then press Command+Shift+. and click on your account name (home folder) you will see them as well. If you do not see them, then you can create one in your favorite text editor.
Now, adding environment variables is relatively straightforward and remarkably similar to windows conceptually. In your .profile just add, one per line, the variable name and its value as follows:
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
export JRE_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
If you are modifying your "PATH" variable, be sure to include the system's default PATH that was already set for you:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/my/stuff
Now here is the quirky part, you can either open a new Terminal window to have the new variables take effect, or you will need to type .profile or .bash_profile to reload the file and have the contents be applied to your current Terminal's environment.
You can check that your changes took effect using the "set" command in your Terminal. Just type set (or set | more if you prefer a paginated list) and be sure what you added to the file is there.
As for adding environment variables to GUI apps, that is normally not necessary and I'd like to hear more about what you are specifically trying to do to better give you an answer for it.
Here's a bit more information specifically regarding the PATH variable in Lion OS 10.7.x:
If you need to set the PATH globally, the PATH is built by the system in the following order:
Parsing the contents of the file /private/etc/paths, one path per line
Parsing the contents of the folder /private/etc/paths.d. Each file in that folder can contain multiple paths, one path per line. Load order is determined by the file name first, and then the order of the lines in the file.
A setenv PATH statement in /private/etc/launchd.conf, which will append that path to the path already built in #1 and #2 (you must not use $PATH to reference the PATH variable that has been built so far). But, setting the PATH here is completely unnecessary given the other two options, although this is the place where other global environment variables can be set for all users.
These paths and variables are inherited by all users and applications, so they are truly global -- logging out and in will not reset these paths -- they're built for the system and are created before any user is given the opportunity to login, so changes to these require a system restart to take effect.
BTW, a clean install of OS 10.7.x Lion doesn't have an environment.plist that I can find, so it may work but may also be deprecated.
echo $PATH
it prints current path value
Then do vim ~/.bash_profile and write
export PATH=$PATH:/new/path/to/be/added
here you are appending to the old path, so preserves the old path and adds your new path to it
then do
source ~/.bash_profile
this will execute it and add the path
then again check with
echo $PATH
Unfortunately none of these answers solved the specific problem I had.
Here's a simple solution without having to mess with bash. In my case, it was getting gradle to work (for Android Studio).
Btw, These steps relate to OSX (Mountain Lion 10.8.5)
Open up Terminal.
Run the following command:
sudo nano /etc/paths (or sudo vim /etc/paths for vim)
Go to the bottom of the file, and enter the path you wish to add.
Hit control-x to quit.
Enter 'Y' to save the modified buffer.
Open a new terminal window then type:
echo $PATH
You should see the new path appended to the end of the PATH
I got these details from this post:
I hope that can help someone else
Simplified Explanation
This post/question is kind of old, so I will answer a simplified version for OS X Lion users.
By default, OSX Lion does not have any of the following files:
At most, if you've done anything in the terminal you might see ~/.bash_history
What It Means
You must create the file to set your default bash commands (commonly in ~/.bashrc). To do this, use any sort of editor, though it's more simple to do it within the terminal:
%> emacs .profile
[from w/in emacs type:] source ~/.bashrc
[from w/in emacs type:] Ctrl + x Ctrl + s (to save the file)
[from w/in emacs type:] Ctrl + x Ctrl + c (to close emacs)
%> emacs .bashrc
[from w/in emacs type/paste all your bash commands, save, and exit]
The next time you quit and reload the terminal, it should load all your bash preferences. For good measure, it's usually a good idea to separate your commands into useful file names. For instance, from within ~/.bashrc, you should have a source ~/.bash_aliases and put all your alias commands in ~/.bash_aliases.
What worked for me is to create a .launchd.conf with the variables I needed:
setenv FOO barbaz
This file is read by launchd at login. You can add a variable 'on the fly' to the running launchd using:
launchctl setenv FOO barbaz`
In fact, .launchd.cond simply contains launchctl commands.
Variables set this way seem to be present in GUI applications properly.
If you happen to be trying to set your LANG or LC_ variables in this way, and you happen to be using iTerm2, make sure you disable the 'Set locale variables automatically' setting under the Terminal tab of the Profile you're using. That seems to override launchd's environment variables, and in my case was setting a broken LC_CTYPE causing issues on remote servers (which got passed the variable).
(The environment.plist still seems to work on my Lion though. You can use the RCenvironment preference pane to maintain the file instead of manually editing it or required Xcode. Still seems to work on Lion, though it's last update is from the Snow Leopard era. Makes it my personally preferred method.)
Setup your PATH environment variable on Mac OS
Open the Terminal program (this is in your Applications/Utilites folder by default).
Run the following command
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
This will open the file in the your default text editor.
For ANDROID SDK as example :
You need to add the path to your Android SDK platform-tools and tools directory. In my example I will use "/Development/android-sdk-macosx" as the directory the SDK is installed in. Add the following line:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/tools
Save the file and quit the text editor.
Execute your .bash_profile to update your PATH.
source ~/.bash_profile
Now everytime you open the Terminal program you PATH will included the Android SDK.
Adding Path Variables to OS X Lion
This was pretty straight forward and worked for me, in terminal:
$echo "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/whatever" >> .bash_profile #replace "/path/to/whatever" with the location of what you want to add to your bash profile, i.e: $ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.0.12/sbin" >> .bash_profile
$. .bash_profile #restart your bash shell
A similar response was here:
Open Terminal:
vi ~/.bash_profile
Apply changing to system (no need restart computer):
source ~/.bash_profile
(Also work with macOS Sierra 10.12.1)
I had problem with Eclipse (started as GUI, not from script) on Maverics that it did not take custom PATH. I tried all the methods mentioned above to no avail. Finally I found the simplest working answer based on hints from here:
Go to /Applications/eclipse/ folder
Edit Info.plist file with text editor (or XCode), add LSEnvironment dictionary for environment variable with full path. Note that it includes also /usr/bin etc:
Reload parameters for app with
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.fra‌​mework/Support/lsregister -v -f /Applications/eclipse/
Restart Eclipse
Let me illustrate you from my personal example in a very redundant way.
First after installing JDK, make sure it's installed.
Sometimes macOS or Linux automatically sets up environment variable for you unlike Windows. But that's not the case always. So let's check it.
The line immediately after echo $JAVA_HOME would be empty if the environment variable is not set. It must be empty in your case.
Now we need to check if we have bash_profile file.
You saw that in my case we already have bash_profile. If not we have to create a bash_profile file.
Create a bash_profile file.
Check again to make sure bash_profile file is there.
Now let's open bash_profile file. macOS opens it using it's default TextEdit program.
This is the file where environment variables are kept. If you have opened a new bash_profile file, it must be empty. In my case, it was already set for python programming language and Anaconda distribution. Now, i need to add environment variable for Java which is just adding the first line. YOU MUST TYPE the first line VERBATIM. JUST the first line. Save and close the TextEdit. Then close the terminal.
Open the terminal again. Let's check if the environment variable is set up.
I took the idiot route.
Added these to the end of /etc/profile
for environment in `find /etc/environments.d -type f`
. $environment
created a folder /etc/environments
create a file in it called "oracle" or "whatever" and added the stuff I needed set globally to it.
/etc$ cat /etc/environments.d/Oracle
export PATH=$PATH:/Library/Oracle/instantclient_11_2
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Oracle/instantclient_11_2
export SQLPATH=/Library/Oracle/instantclient_11_2
export PATH=$PATH:/Library/Oracle/instantclient_11_2
export TNS_ADMIN=/Library/Oracle/instantclient_11_2/network/admin
It is recommended to check default terminal shell before setting any environment variables, via following commands:
$ echo $SHELL
If your default terminal is /bin/zsh (Z Shell) like in my case (Personally prefer Z Shell), then you should set these environment variable in ~/.zshenv file with following contents (In this example, setting JAVA_HOME environment variable, but same applies to others):
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"
Similarly, any other terminal type not mentioned above, you should set environment variable in its respective terminal env file.
More detail, which may perhaps be helpful to someone:
Due to my own explorations, I now know how to set environment variables in 7 of 8 different ways. I was trying to get an envar through to an application I'm developing under Xcode. I set "tracer" envars using these different methods to tell me which ones get it into the scope of my application. From the below, you can see that editing the "scheme" in Xcode to add arguments works, as does "putenv". What didn't set it in that scope: ~/.MACOS/environment.plist, app-specific plist, .profile, and adding a build phase to run a custom script (I found another way in Xcode [at least] to set one but forgot what I called the tracer and can't find it now; maybe it's on another machine....)
... on the other hand, if I go into Terminal and say "set", it seems the only one it gets is the one from .profile (I would have thought it would pick up environment.plist also, and I'm sure once I did see a second tracer envar in Terminal, so something's probably gone wonky since then. Long day....)
Step1: open ~/.bash_profile
Now a text editor opens:
Step2: variable name should be in capitals. in this example variable is NODE_ENV
Step3: export NODE_ENV=development
Save it and close.
Restart your system.
To check env variable: open terminal and type
echo $NODE_ENV
