Pascal compilation error due to no Graphics unit - pascal

I am running into a problem with compiling a given source code in pascal, using the latest version of compiler. It whines that it can't find the Graphics unit used by the [program]. As it is my first hours with Pascal so far I just got to download the Graphics32 and putted it into the FPC\2.6.2\units\i386-win32.
Here's the screenshot of the problem, I would appreciate any help for a total newbie.

Unit graphics (the Delphi unit) is VCL, and thus part of Lazarus, not FPC.
Rule of thumb is that everything "forms" and below is Lazarus.


realsense sdk2 example error

I'm using intel realsense SDK2.10.0 with D410 depth module to build a project. But faced with an immediate problem that I can't run even the hello world example they give us. With no problem is building the project, there is always internal error as:
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFB60434008 in hello-world.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: rs2::error at memory location 0x000000B0AD1EF670.
This is my first-time use visual studio so that could be a naive problem but I can't identify it. Any help and idea?
I solved the problem. The point is that those samples didn't expect infrared image as input and the render code part is for RGB frames. I only have the depth module with the infrared camera with no RGB sensor. so the sample program can't handle it.
You have to heavily modify the example.hpp file to make it functional. So if you are not a professional user, don't try individual modules on your own, or at least for now.
Suggest to use Windows CMAKE tool to configure the build x64 environment for VS2015.
The CMAKE tool will help create the required librealsense VS projects for you to build those RealSense sample apps.

OpenCL, AMD Radeon, Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 - How to get started?

I'm a complete newbie with OpenCL, and I wanted to start learning how to code programs that will run on my video card (AMD Radeon 6970). I've installed AMD's app SDK, is this what I need to get started?
I tried building the sample solution they included, but I got:
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx10.h': No such file or directory c:\users\...\simpledx10\SimpleDX10.hpp
I assume that this is because I have DX11 installed. I figured I would just make my own simple program to start off, but I couldn't figure out what all I needed to get it working after searching Stack Overflow and google.
Is there any useful guide for complete beginners to get OpenCL working in windows, using an AMD video card?
A good place to start is from the OpenCL book samples. If you don't mind using cmake to generate your projects build infrastructure then this CMakeLists should do just fine.
If you want a step-by-step tutorial on how to build and run a sample OpenCL application then I'll point you again at one of the auxiliary OpenCL book resources from here.
I'm also using cmake to build my OpenCL programs but the CMakeLists.txt file I'm using is pretty long and a bit twisted as it supports multiple compilers/platforms and it would only manage to confuse you.
Hope this helps you build your first OpenCL application. If not ask some more and I'll try to answer.

Haskell or Ocaml with OpenGL and SDL precompiled distribution for Windows

I want to learn Ocaml or Haskell and I want to do it by writing a simple game. Apparently, there's one small problem: nobody cares about Windows and I want to do it on Windows, natively.
Haskell has Cabal, which has SDL, but it doesn't build due to a trivial problem with no workarounds (order of parameters passed to gcc). Ocaml doesn't even have that, it's all in source packages, be it GLCaml or OcamlSDL or whatever.
Is there a place where I can get a working SDL for Haskell or Ocaml on Windows without fighting with a dozen versions of compilers?
The Haskell Platform comes with a binding to OpenGL which should work out of the box on Windows.
Concerning the SDL package on hackage, you can use cabal unpack SDL to get the source code and fix things yourself. To install the package with your changes, run cabal install in the unpacked directory. In any case, drop a line to the maintainer, I'm sure he'll help out.
It's not related to SDL, but you've mentioned OpenGL. There is LablGL binding for OpenGL in OCaml which works out of the box. Wiki example ( compiles and works just fine.
The best instructions I've found for getting SDL to work in windows with a the most recent Haskell platform can be found at this blog. I followed everything step-by-step and it worked perfectly, despite some configure error messages.
It isn't SDL but GLFW works on Windows with Haskell through Cabal.
My article High-fidelity graphics with OpenGL 2 (25th Feb 2008) explained how the GLCaml bindings can be used to write OpenGL-based applications in OCaml that use vertex and fragment shaders (a phong shader is given as an example). There are 9 articles in the OCaml Journal on OpenGL, albeit mostly using the older LablGL library for OpenGL 1.1.
I tried and failed to get OpenGL working from Haskell under Linux in 2007. The Haskell Platform may have changed that but I have neither had time to try it yet myself nor ever heard of anyone using it for this.
However, both OCaml and Haskell must rely upon fragile low-level bindings to OpenGL because they are standalone languages and nobody has ever managed to get any significant commercial software using them to work. As you're on Windows, F#+XNA is a far more logical choice because XNA is tried and tested and F# has a safe high-level interface to it. A Google fight gives you a good idea of what a pioneer you'll be: +haskell +opengl gives 437 hits on Google and +ocaml +opengl gives only 347 hits.

Debugging Assembly Code (Intel 8086)

I'm in an Assembly class focusing on the intel 8086 architecture (all compiling / linking / execution comes from running DOS on win7 via DOS-Box).
I've finished programming the latest assignment, but as I have yet to program any program successfully the first time through, I am now stuck trying to debug my code.
I have visual studio 2010 and was wondering if there was some built in feature that would help me debug my assembly code, specifically, I'm looking to track the value of a variable.
Failing that, instructions pointing to a DOS-Box debugger (and instructions!) would be much appreciated. (I think I've been able to run codeview debug, but I couldn't figure out how to do what I was looking for).
You are generating 16-bit code, you have to break into a museum to find better tooling. Try Borland's, maybe the debugger included with Turbo C.
Yes, indeed, you can use the debugger in VS to examine pretty much everything. Irvine's site has a section specifically on using the debugger here. You can examine registers, use the watch window, etc. He also has a guide for highlighting asm keywords if you need that.
Edit: as Hans pointed out, if you are using 16-bit instead of 32-bit protected, you'll need different tools. There are several choices, listed here.
Borland's tools for DOS were called tasm, tlink, and tdebug.

Windows based development for ARM processors

I am a complete newbie to the ARM world. I need to be able to write C code, compile it, and then download into an ARM emulator, and execute. I need to use the GCC 4.1.2 compiler for the C code compilation.
Can anybody point me in the correct directions for the following issues?
What tool chain to use?
What emulator to use?
Are there tutorials or guides on setting up the tool chain?
building a gcc cross compiler yourself is pretty easy. the gcc library and the C library and other things not so much, an embedded library and such a little harder. Depends on how embedded you want to get. I have little use for gcclib or a c library so roll your own works great for me.
After many years of doing this, perhaps it is an age thing, I now just go get the code sourcery tools. the lite version works great. yagarto, devkitarm, winarm or something like that (the site with a zillion examples) all work fine. emdebian also has a good pre-built toolchain. a number of these places if not all have info on how they built their toolchains from gnu sources.
You asked about gcc, but bear in mind that llvm is a strong competitor, and as far as cross compiling goes, since it always cross compiles, it is a far easier cross compiler to download and build and get working than gcc. the recent version is now producing code (for arm) that competes with gcc for performance. gcc is in no way a leader in performance, other compilers I have used run circles around it, but it has been improving with each release (well the 3.x versions sometimes produce better code than the 4.x versions, but you need 4.x for the newer cores and thumb2). even if you go with gcc, try the stable release of llvm from time to time.
qemu is a good emulator, depending on what you are doing the gba emulator virtual gameboy advance is good. There are a couple of nds emulators too. GDB and other places have what appear to be ARMs own armulator. I found it hard to extract and use, so I wrote my own, but being lazy only implemented the thumb instruction set, I called mine the thumbulator. easy to use. Far easier than qemu and armulator to add peripherals to and watch and debug your code. ymmv.
Hmmm I posted a similar answer for someone recently. Google: arm verilog and at umich you will find a file isc.tgz in which is an arm10 behavioural (as in you cannot make a chip from it therefore you can find verilog on the net) model. Which for someone wanting to learn an instruction set, watching your code execute at the gate level is about as good as it gets. Be careful, like a drug, you can get addicted then have a hard time when you go back to silicon where you have relatively zero visibility into your code while it is executing. Somewhere in stackoverflow I posted the steps involved to get that arm10 model and another file or two to turn it into an arm emulator using icarus verilog. gtkwave is a good and free tool for examining the wave (vcd) files.
Above all else you will need the ARM ARM. (The ARM Architectural Reference Manual). Just google it and find it on ARM's web site. There is pseudo code for each instruction teaching you what they do. Use the thumbulator or armulator or others if you need to understand more (mame has an arm core in it too). I make no guarantees that the thumbulator is 100% debugged or accurate, I took some common programs and compared their output to silicon both arm and non-arm to debug the core.
Toolchain you can use Yagarto
Emulator you can use Proteus ISIS
(There is a demo version)
and tutorials, well, google them =)
Good luck!
