VSS6.0c Invalid syntax - visual-sourcesafe

Opening as admin and I get an invalid syntax on line 42 of the ini file.
"Too many environment strings" Then line 47 and other lines until it opens.
Any ideas as to why this may be happening?
Nothing appears out of the ordinary with the ini file.

Please try the solution in this kb article and see if it solves your problem:


Go compiler: error line number is incorrect giving 1048575 i.e. 0xFFFFF when problem is further on in the file

I am testing code-generation functionality and deliberately creating very large .go source files.
However I see errors with go compiler at line 1048575 (which is 0xFFFFF) such as:
generated.go:1048575:75: invalid character U+0040 '#'
generated.go:1048575:76: const declaration cannot have type without expression
generated.go:1048575:88: syntax error: unexpected E_Blah_Blah, expecting semicolon or newline or )
Is this a known limitation?
EDIT-1: Commenters asked for more info on content of generated file; further tests show when I deliberately introduce a new error at line 1048573 or 1048574 it gets reported as I'd expect, but if I introduced one at 1048575 or higher line number the file I always get the error reported at 1048575.
EDIT-2: I realise now the original issue invalid character U+0040 '#' was indeed a bug in my generated file but it was further down that line number the compiler tells me.
EDIT-3: So I guess the question should really have been:
is there a way to have the go-compiler give the correct line number for a problem if error further down than line 0xFFFFF?
Is this a known limitation ?
The root cause was:
i.e. Compiler bug: error line number is capped at 0xFFFFF
as per comment from #icza

error in sudo config, need help to fix

My shell give me this error when trying to do a sudo
/etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 30 <<
I did not modify this file...
anyway the 30th line is the very end of the file.
I paste here the last 3 rows, from 27 to 30
# See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives:
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
please help me to understand the problem and fix it.
I am a newbie on linux.
If the 30th line is the last one it might indicate that you have problems in the file somewhere along the way.
The parser has reached the end of the file and is telling you there is an error (might be looking for unclosed brackets of any kind etc).
If you can parse the full file or try to read it and go line by line to figure out where is the error.

error after installing magento

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'Sns_Avaz_Model_Observer'
on line 1
If this is the sns-avaz-responsive-magento-theme you should check the following page: http://themeforest.net/item/sns-avaz-responsive-magento-theme/11951628/comments
This issue only happen with some hosting/server – it compress content file
We’ve fixed this issue on v1.0.1. Please try go to file: >/app/code/local/Sns/Avaz/Model/Observer.php open it and add space after re-save.
Ex: "<?php" ==> "<?php "
P/S: See my screenshot: http://take.ms/v8G03 and If your issue still … please
Source: http://themeforest.net/item/sns-avaz-responsive-magento-theme/11951628/comments
Good luck!
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'Sns_Avaz_Model_Observer' (T_STRING) in /home/ganyobiclothing/public_html/app/code/local/Sns/Avaz/Model/Observer.php on line 1
As its saying on line 1 so probably there is some white space or special character thats resulting in this.

Prolog: using tell to create another .pl

So here is a method in my program where i want to write everything to the 'currentState.pl' however when i consult the file i get this error, line 27 is the tell() method. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
.pl:27:24: Syntax error: Operator expected
write('Current State Saved'),nl.
I think it should be tell('currentState.pl'), instead of tell(‘currentState.pl’), ' instead of ‘ or ’

Unknown Character

Facing a typical issue of some unknown character.
Actually trying to compile some packages in database through script and got an error as below:
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "?SET DEF..." - rest of line ignored.
When i open the log file in notepad++ it shows the line as shown above.
Now, if I open the same log file in scite editor it shows the same file as:
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "SET DEF..." - rest of line ignored.
Not getting what could be the issue.
Any help would be welcomed.
Your script has an unprintable character at the start (as you discovered from comments), which some editors don't display at all, and others display as an unknown character. "" is the byte order mark:
The UTF-8 representation of the BOM is the byte sequence
0xEF,0xBB,0xBF. A text editor or web browser interpreting the text as
ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 will display the characters  for this.
From that article some editors (notable Notepad) add that automatically. It should be safe to open the file with a hex editor and remove the extra character, and you'll then be able to run the script normally.
