Configuring cabal on Max OS X 10.9 - macos

When I run cabal install Cabal cabal-install I have this warning:
Warning: The directory
is not in the system search path.
Looks like something misconfigured, because I saw similar message when I've installed happy, but it pointed to /Users/arthurfayzrakhmanov/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.6.3/lib/happy....
How should I configure cabal on OS X 10.9.1, I mean PATH and etc.

Open your ~/.bash_profile with any editor you're comfortable with
Append this to the file: export PATH="$HOME/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.6.3/lib/cabal-install-$PATH"
Save file and close editor
In terminal type source ~/.bash_profile
Then to test, in Terminal type which cabal, and you should see it pointing to the new path.

After few attempts to solve prior issue with OS X Mavericks I've reinstalled entire platform with Homebrew, and issue dismissed. If you need help with that see mentioned answer.


vim Mac OS X install with gui-support

I have Mac Pro, with OS X 10.9.4 (can't upgrade to Yosemite yet), and I'm trying to build vim7.4 with gui-support, or get any kind of gui-support. My current vim is version 7.3, I'm guessing, that's the default vim that ships with macs. I have the and, my vim rc has the default
set term=xterm-256colors
or what have you.
What I have so far:
The colors look great, basically it's the same setup I had on my ubuntu system, but it's really annoying that it opens a new window. Is there a way to get it to open within my terminal? (not launch it from the terminal, open inside of it)
As I've said I have the regular vim7.3
And while I can use color-schemes, they look like garbage compared to my ubuntu system. I suppose this must be due to gui-support option? I tried, CSApprox but that gives me a weird error.
So I decided to simply build vim 7.4 and enable gui support, but I get random errors.
My basic config make looks like:
./configure --enable-gui=yes
At which point it complains about missing header file etc. , I figured this should not be that hard.
Any tips?
The basics of what I'm trying to do is:
Have a vim version installed with gui-support, or a work-around where my colors are all screwed up.
Building Vim on Mac OS X is a waste of time.
Step 1: Download the appropriate MacVim build from here.
Step 2: Put into the /Applications/ directory.
Step 3: Put the bundled mvim script somewhere in your PATH.
To run MacVim in your shell:
$ mvim -v filename
To run MacVim from your shell:
$ mvim filename
Building Vim with GUI on macOS using Homebrew:
brew edit vim.
Add a new line with option for GUI:
option "enable-gui", "Enable GUI mode"
Change from no to yes in the following line:
opts << "--enable-gui=no"
Install or re-install vim:
brew reinstall vim --enable-gui
If you've errors related to Python 3, see: vim's GH-2754.
Checkout new Homebrew PR at GH-25785 with above patch.

my terminal can't run on mac os 10.9?

I used to install something from github,I stoped it and I can't open iterm-2 too
and I open my Bash ,it appeared
Command not found: /usr/local/bin/bash
[Could not create a new process and open a pseudo-tty.]
I can't input any words.
What should I change?
Google is full of others asking for help with this problem and half-baked solutions, including reboots (re-login should do it if env changed), reinstall (why?) etc.
Looks like a clone of I messed up my terminal environment on Mac OS X and was wondering how to fix it judging by inability to start bash from /usr/local/bin. System default should be in /bin or /usr/bin.
Your terminal (console or iterm2) may have an option to specify shell explicitly, used that.

-bash : rvictl: command not found, Mac book pro OS X 10.7.5 & Xcode 4.6

I want to debug some network bug with my application ,I found a way to create rvi to trace, But I even can't finish step 1 :
rvictl -s
-bash : rvictl: command not found
what should I do ?
I follow the site:
help! thanks
Mavericks and beyond: You need to install XCode from the App Store, and then you need to launch XCode once, and accept installation of additional tools. Restart your terminal. Good to go.
I found the solution here.
In summary, the link above explains that the issue may stem from installing Xcode without installing the additional components.
Check rvictl is installed by looking for the /usr/bin/rvictl folder. If it does not exist, then rvictl is not installed. To install the packages, open your application folder through finder, right click on the Xcode app, and follow the path below to find the items which need to be installed manually:
Restart your terminal and.... Voila !! it should work now.
Based #KarthicRaghupathi's comments. the rvictl location was changed in Catalina. The rvictl file is now located at /Library/Apple/usr/bin.
The rest of the process stays the same as above.
I'm using macOS Catalina and Xcode 11, Could able to find rvictl file in /Library/Apple/usr/bin. but still got the same error
-bash : rvictl: command not found
Tried all provided solution nothing worked for me. Adding sudo saved me,
sudo rvictl -s [DEVICE UDID]
sudo /Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl -s [DEVICE UDID]
This may help some one.
You need to install the Command Line Tools for Xcode, available here:
That includes the rvictl program.
It seems like default location and installed location of rvictl on Catalina are different.
rvictl should be installed by Xcode. Look for it at path: /Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl. The default shell has /Library/Apple/usr/bin/ in its path, either customise it or provide full qualified path i.e
/Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl -s 00008020-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
When you say: the command line tools for 10.10 apparently do not include the rvictl program - I get the error message: command not found
You need to see the comment above: Mavericks and beyond: You need to install XCode from the App Store, and then you need to launch XCode once, and accept installation of additional tools. Restart your terminal.
It will then appear.

After upgrade to OSX 10.8.2 "latex: command not found"

I've been using the vim-latex suite on my mac (10.7.?) for months with no problem. Over the weekend, I upgraded the OS to 10.8.2, and now my tex files fail to compile. The compile command
produces no errors within vim, but no pdf-file gets produced. If I drop to the command line in a terminal, the following command
latex document.tex
-bash: latex: command not found
Similarly, for pdflatex. I'm not sure if this is a path error, or if latex for 10.8.2 needs to be reinstalled. I'm not sure how to proceed in either case.
I had the same problem and typing:
export PATH=/usr/texbin:$PATH
seems to work fine in a shell. Although it no longer works if I open a new shell, this is a faster solution to re-downloading and re-installing the huge MacTeX program.
This happened to me after upgrading to OS X El Capitan. I found the latex executables in /usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-darwin. So, I just added this to my .bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-darwin"
No need to reinstall.
On OS X, the standard way for third party installers to add a directory to the path is to put a file under /etc/paths.d. TeXLive does this as part of the installation, but the OS upgrade probably blew it away.
You should be able to just create a new file under that directory containing just one line, the path the directory containing the TeX executables.
When setting the path via #petew's answer, /usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-darwin may not be the correct version. On my system /usr/local/texlive/2021/bin/universal-darwin was what was needed. Make sure to check your texlive binaries to see what file you downloaded.

'make' command missing from OS X

The make command is missing on my mac, running OS X version 10.6 (Snow Leopard). What should I do to install make?
You'll need to install the OS X developer tools from the Mac OS X installation discs.
EDIT: Directions here.
You need to install XCode, which comes along with make. You can download the latest XCode for free (if you're on Lion or Mountain Lion) from the Mac App store.
It seems the link in the selected answer is a better solution, in that you don't have to add it to your path, it installs it in /usr/bin. I was originally thrown off by this as the answer mentions installation disks, which do not exist anymore (and are not needed here).
Original Post
make went missing on my installation of OSX Lion, even with XCode installed.
What I discovered was that, it was not in /usr/bin, but was in /Developer/usr/bin, which is not in $PATH environment variable by default. This is most likely a result of the XCode install.
You have a few options:
install it to one of the directories that is in your path
make a symbolic link to point to the Developer bin directory (for example, from /usr/bin)
modify your path to include the Developer directory (what I did) - see below
Add the developer bin to your path:
Somewhere in ~/.bashrc place the following code:
export PATH=$PATH:/Developer/usr/bin
#Remove Duplicates:
PATH=`perl -e '#A=split(/:/,$ENV{PATH});%H=map {$A[$#A-$_]=>$#A-$_} (0..$#A);#A=join(":",sort{$H{$a} <=> $H{$b} }keys %H);print "#A"'`
export PATH
Line 1: add /Developer/usr/bin to the end of the current path so it has low priority
Line 3: because we're adjusting path, we want to remove duplicates (in case you source more than once). Duplicates aren't really problematic, but this should cause the same directory to not be searched more than once, which may make it faster.
Line 4: Make it available to your environment
If you're using a different shell (for instance csh), you'll have to adjust the script above and make the changes in that corresponding resource file (~/.cshrc).
To apply changes you'll have to source ~/.bashrc or reopen your terminal.
