How does Homebrew check for installed gems? - ruby

I have a formula that depends on a gem. It has depends_on 'some-gem' => :ruby at the top. I am sure it is installed, since I can use it as intended and it’s there when running gem list. However, when trying to install the formula, it shows
my-formula: Unsatisfied dependency: some-gem
Homebrew does not provide Ruby dependencies; install with:
gem install some-gem
Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
So, how does Homebrew check for installed gems?

The actual check that is run to detect installed gems and similar things is in /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/requirements/language_module_dependency.rb, which in the case of Ruby does:
/usr/bin/env ruby -rubygems -e require\ 'GEMNAME'
Note that this calls ruby from the path, so it could be affected by mixups there. Make sure you have the right ruby first in your path, have the right gem program that goes with ruby, and possibly add some debugging to your formula to see what environment it is running under.


Error when using overcommit and Github Desktop

I am using overcommit gem ( in my project, when I use Github Desktop for osx I get these errors:
This repository contains hooks installed by Overcommit, but the
overcommit gem is not installed. Install it with gem install
overcommit. (1)
The gem is installed, it works in terminal. I guess it's because I use rvm and Github Desktop doesn't know about rvm. Anybody knows how to fix this?
Ok finally got it to work!
Combined the answer from #michelegera with comment from #rewritten
Step 1:
sudo su -
gem install bundler
gem install overcommit
gem install rubocop
Step 2: added command: ['bundle', 'exec', 'rubocop'] to .overcommit.yml
Thanks for the help!
Most likely it's this line where the error occurs. As you can see the main issue is that it's not able to require 'overcommit'. I don't know the GitHub desktop client so well (maybe there is a way to configure it inside of it), but one thing you could do is adding the absolute path where rvm stores your gems to the "require path" in the hook file. This could look like:
$: << "/home/user/.rvm/path/to/gems/dir"
The disadvantage of this is that you would have your absolute path in the hook file and it most likely won't work for others. You might also want to consider installing the gem globally for the the ruby interpreter that executes the script (see Shebang line in the hook file).
You are right, Github Desktop (or any other GUI) isn’t running in your terminal environment, so it knows nothing about your specific RVM installation.
A simple solution is to install overcommit and any other gems required by your hooks into your system Ruby:
sudo su -
gem install bundler
gem install overcommit
gem install rubocop
If you installed Git via Homebrew or other means, you might have to change the Git binary used by your GUI.
For example, in Tower, I selected Homebrew’s version rather than the System’s.

How to install a gem so that it executes independent of currently active RVM gemset?

I am writing a dev command-line tool gem (let's say called "tool") which I would like to use in any place in the system. I use RVM for different projects, but this tool should be available from the command-line inside those projects.
If I simply install the gem globally using "gem install" (let's say it installs to /usr/local/bin/tool), the executable is of course available inside of other projects, but since the gemset changed when executing "tool" it fails saying that it cannot find the "tool" gem (because "tool" was never installed to that gemset). I don't want to add the gem to all the Gemfiles of all the projects.
What's the best way of dealing with this? Perhaps there is a way to "lock" the gem_path/gem_home in the executable at the time of installation?
It turned out that does what I want, installing a Rubygems gem via brew and locking its GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH in a bin wrapper it generates, so that everything works even when executed in the context of a different RVM gemset.
I forked it into, adding support for installing a brew gem from a local.gem file or from a gem project on github.

custom_require.rb:36:in `require': no such file to load -- myapp(LoadError)

i get the above error, all i did was install rvm and update to ruby 1.9.2 from the default ruby that you get with mac.
all my gems appear in the gem list but do i need to specify a path somewhere?
Check that you have the gems installed gem list If not, install as usual gem install whatever or if you want a specific version gem install whatever -v 1.2.3 Or if you have bundler in your project (ie Rails), it's just bundle install
If you have all the gems, then this is probably a local file, and you're probably coming from Ruby version < 1.9, you need to either fix your $LOAD_PATH (which will depend on too many factors for me to explain here), or specify the full path to the file you want File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/myapp'
Otherwise, you need to give more info, like what version you used to be running, what myapp is, and where it is in relation to your file.
In my case it was rvm issue, I was using rvm 1.9 when i changed it to 1.8, migration worked.
rvm use 1.8
In my case I was converting to Cygwin64. The Cygwin directory name changed and Ruby upgraded to 1.9. After I fixed the Cygwin directory name, the second solution worked. Or at least got past this problem:
require File.dirname(FILE) + '/myapp.rb'

Ruby: How to include/install .bundle?

I'm new to Ruby. I have a .bundle file. I put it in the source folder and did
But when I call the methods in the bundle, the definition is not found. Do I have to install them or include them in some other way to access them?
I am on Ruby version 1.8.7 (latest version on Mac).
I highly recommend using RVM to manage your Ruby installation, including your gems, so if you don't already have that, get it and follow the instructions for installing it. Make sure you do the part about modifying your bash startup script or you'll see weird behavior, like the wrong Ruby being called. Also, use the steps in "RVM and RubyGems" to install your gems or you can run into weird behavior with gems being installed under the wrong or an unexpected Ruby.
Second, use the gem command to install gems:
gem install gem_to_install
replacing "gem_to_install" with the name of the gem you want, and it will be installed into the appropriate gem folder for your Ruby.
If you are on Ruby 1.92, and trying to require a gem to use as a module in your code, use:
require 'gemname'
if it is installed via the gem command. And, if it is a module you wrote or have in your program's directory or below it, use:
require_relative 'path/to/gem/gemname'
If you are on a Ruby < 1.9 you'll also need to add require 'rubygems' above your other require lines, then use require './path/to/gem/gemname'.
Thanks, but my .bundle is not in gems. How do I install/require a .bundle file I already have?
If you wrote it look into rubygems/gemcutter or bundler for info on bundling and managing gems.
You can install a gem without using the app by going into the directory containing the gem and running setup.rb. See for a decent writeup or the official docs at:

Where is the default Gem.dir path set?

This is really odd: I installed ruby 1.9.1 using a "191" suffix so that it will coexist with other versions. e.g. the executables look like ruby191, gem191 and the library directory where all of the vendor/site code lives is /usr/local/lib/ruby191. The version of RubyGems (1.3.1) that is included with ruby 1.9.1 works fine. The installation was performed with:
cd /usr/local/src/ruby-1.9.1-p429
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --program-suffix=191
sudo make install
However, when I upgrade my RubyGems installation with sudo gem191 update --system it appears to forget about all of the installed gems. When I checked it out with gem191 environment it is now looking in /usr/local/lib/ruby.
I know I can create a ~/.gemrc and change the location there, but that smells like a hack to me. I have spent a couple of hours trying to figure out where Gem.dir is set in the code, but have been unable to find it. Does anyone know where the default location is set?
Apparently the Gem engine didn't work properly under ruby 1.9.1, but has been fixed under ruby 1.9.2. After installing the latest build, all of my Gem issues have disappeared.
You should definitely use rvm gem for multiple ruby installations on one system.
P.S. You can view your gem installation path by using $ gem{suffix} env.
