Unable to Understand Instrument data - xcode

Hi I am profiling my application with Instruments in order to
Find how much memory my Application is using.
I am downloading a file of around 100MB . and I am getting some strange data in instruments which i am unable to understand.
Can anyone help me understand the data shown by Instruments. (refer to Screenshot)
and How much memory my application is using in real ? (I am using iOS 7).

Focus on the Live Bytes column for All Heap Allocations to see how much memory your application is using. You cannot control your application's Anonymous VM size.
In your screenshot the Live Bytes column for All Heap Allocations is 3.36 MB, which is good. The Live Bytes column measures the amount of memory your application is currently using, but it does not include any allocated memory for OpenGL ES textures. You should also profile your application with the Memory Monitor instrument to determine how much memory your application is using.
To use the Memory Monitor instrument, click the Library button in the toolbar to get a list of available instruments. Drag the Memory Monitor instrument to the instrument list on the left side of the trace document window (Allocations and VM Tracker in your screenshot). Alternatively, you can choose the Activity Monitor template, click the Info button for the Activity Monitor instrument, and click the Configure button to tell the Activity Monitor instrument to list the physical memory used.


Question Related to Vram In Windows server 2019

I have had created VM instances using google cloud platform (using console). The VM is a based on WINDOWS SERVER 2019! I have been successful in making one but unable to get some virtual ram in the instances. It (VRAM) shows zero. Does adding GPU not increase the vram? If not then what increases them? I am looking to increase the same for gaming purposes and using software like ADOBE AND AUTODESK too...
Instances created with additional GPU's (Like Tesla K80 and other) have all specified amount of GPU memory (VRAM).
You can find list of all GPU's in the documentation.
Every GPU has an amount of memory specified in the table.
If you create a VM with one K80 GPU it will kave 16GB of DDR6 memory available (nothing to do with the type of the machine or actual RAM assigned).
You can find how much of VRAM a GPU has in the Device manager; find "Display adapters" and expand it and find your card; it's all in the "general" tab.
And regarding any Adobe or Autodesk software I can't really tell if having Tesla will be of advantage..

Xcode quits my application say 'Finished running App' when testing on ipad

my app built in cocos2d. it works fine on simulator (ipad,iphone,iphone5) and also debug fine in my devices ipod 5th and 4rth generation but not working fine on ipad device(ios 5.1). i did recieve warrnings two times in my rootview controller. when i hit play button on ipad ipad just quits my without anything in xcode 'log'.
it just display 'Finished running APP'.
any suggetion about how or which is the best way to figuring out the bug.
Use Instruments and figure out how much memory you are using. Look at how much RAM you're using but also video memory with the Open GL ES Driver Profiler.
Check those numbers against the device specs. You will need to do different things depending on which type of memory you are running out.
Cocos2d manages a lot of objects especially Graphic objects and releases them automatically. If you are running low on RAM you should look at what big unmanaged objects you are using but also tiny ones that you allocate extremely often.
For Video Memory, do not use big 'empty' images (like background frames for menus), you can use a Scale9Sprite (http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/18/topics/8335) which will tile the center of that image.
This happens when your app runs out of memory; you need to reduce its memory usage and try again.

Large stack size in Mac application

I have a cocoa application running on Mac OS 10.8.2. After running for 10 hrs, its memory usage increases considerably. I checked using Instruments tool, but no memory leaks are observed. When I analyze the VM allocations, it shows me that 50% of the memory is consumed by stack pages. It contains around 10K stack pages, which is weird. I have around 17 threads, but they are not created or destroyed during the execution. They are just setup initially.
I am sure that this increased stack size is problem, but I am clueless on how to analyze it further. Instruments tool does not give an idea of who allocated those stack pages.
Please help me. Any hints are much appreciated.

Is it possible to getting total/available memory on Windows Phone?

How to getting total/available memory on Windows Phone? The total/available memory what I mean is for the whole device, not only for my application itself, can I get them?
You can get the device's total memory (potentially useful for detecting low memory devices) by using the DeviceExtendedProperties class on 7.0 or the DeviceStatus class on 7.1.
You can also access the amount of memory your app is currently using and the most it has used, but there is no way to find the available memory for the device.
Your application can only access the memory of its isolated storage and cannot interrupt with other applications. This is a constraint but have to cope with it.

Using Memory Monitor on a single process on Instruments on OS X?

I'm having some issues with Instruments on OS X. I'm trying to monitor the memory consumption of a single process over time on OS X. I'm using Instruments 4.1 for that, with the "Memory Monitor" instrument.
On the Official Instruments Documentation, Apple states that "This instrument [Memory Monitor] can operate on a single process or on all processes currently running on the system." However, even when I set the current target to a specific process, it seems to monitor all the processes on the machine.
Here's a screenshot of my current setup:
Am I doing something wrong? How can I get Instruments to monitor the memory consumption of a single process?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think you're doing anything wrong. In my experience the various Monitor instruments monitor all processes even if you tell them to monitor only one application.
If you want to monitor your application's memory consumption, use the Allocations instrument. The Live Bytes column for the All Allocations category will tell you how much memory your application is using.
