ØMQ N-to-M message queue - zeromq

I am considering the feasibility that if we can replace our message-queue-middleware with ØMQ.
I have two set of servers.
The first set of the servers, they don't talk to another server from the same set, they only append the requests into specific message-queue.
The 2nd set of the servers, they don't talk to another server from the same set, they only receive the requests from specific message-queue to handle the requests.
It looks like a producer-consumer model.
And I think it can be replaced by the ØMQ's freelance pattern http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Brokerless-Reliability-Freelance-Pattern.
But the questions are:
How to support dynamic discovery for both server & clients?

How to support dynamic discovery for both server & clients?
There are probably a hundred ways you could implement that, and greatly depend on your situation. If all the servers will always be on the same LAN you could bootstrap using the broadcast address on the local network and ask all responders who they are. Quick and dirty.
I would personally implement a bootstrap service that everyone knows about. They all can ask this always-available service for who is 'online' for the type of server they're after.

Another option, you could also use pub-sub. This would require a central publisher. newly connecting nodes would notify the publisher who would notify all other nodes of the new join, possibly including the new nodes ID, ip:port (if desired) etc. All nodes will still be able to communicate if the publisher crashes since its only used for global notifications, and a backup publisher could be used to make the system failsafe. Each node can also send heartbeats to publisher, with publisher notifying all other nodes when a node leaves/crashes.


Can MQ Support Multiple Separate Clients for the Same Queue While Maintaining Independent Messaging?

We have multiple application environments (development, QA, UAT, etc) that need to connect to fewer provider environments through MQ. For example, the provider only has one test (we'll call it TEST1) environment to which all of the client application environments need to interact. It is imperative that each client environment only receives MQ responses to the messages sent by that respective environment. This is a high volume scenario so correlating message IDs has been ruled out.
Right now TEST1 has a queue set up and is functional, but if one of the client app's environments wants to use it the others have to be shut off so that messaging doesn't overlap.
Does MQ support a model having multiple clients connect to a single queue while preserving the client-specific messaging? If so, where is that controlled (i.e. the channel, queue manager, etc)? If not, is the only solution to set up additional queues for each corresponding client?
Over the many years I have worked with IBM MQ, I have gone back and forth on this issue. I've come to the conclusion that sharing a queue just makes life more difficult. Queues should be handed out like candy on Halloween. If an application team says that they have 10 components to their application then the MQAdmin should give them 10 queues. To the queue manager or server or CPU or hard disk, there is no difference in resource usage.
Also, use an MQ naming standard that makes sense and is easy to apply security to. i.e. for HR (Human Resource) department
You could use a selector such as MQGET(where applname="myapp") or based on a specific user-defined property assuming the sender populates such a property but that's likely to be worse performance than any retrieval by msgid or correlid. Though you've not given any information to demonstrate that get-by-correlid is actually problematic.
And of course any difference between a test and production environment - whether it involves code or configuration - is going to be very risky.
You would not normally share a single destination queue between multiple different application types - multiple queues is far more standard.

Howto find out all the subscribed to filters in a PUB server?

I have a PUB server. How can it tell what filters are subscribed to, so the server knows what data it has to create?The server doesn't need to create data once no SUB clients are interested in.
Say the set of possible filters is huge ( or infinite ), but subscribers at any given time are just subscribed to a few of them.
Example: Say SUB clients are only subscribed to a weather feed data for a few area codes in New York and Paris. Then the PUB server shouldn't have to create weather data for every other area code in every other city in the world, just to throw it all away again.
How do you find out all the subscribed to filters in a PUB server?
If there is no easy way, how do I solve this in another way?
I'll answer my own question here in case its of use to anyone else.
The requirements where:
The client should be able to ask the server what ids (topics) are available for subscription.
The client should chooses the id's it is interested in and tell the server about it.
The server should created data for all subscribed too id's and send that data to clients.
The client and server should not block/hang if either one goes away.
Step 1. Is two way traffic, and is done with REQ/REP sockets.
Step 2. Is one way traffic from one client to one server, and is done by PUSH/PULL sockets.
Step 3. Is one way traffic from one server to many clients, and is done by PUB/SUB sockets.
Step 4. The receives can block either the server or client if the other one is not there. Therefore I followed the "lazy pirate pattern" of checking if there is anything to receive in the queue, before I try and receive. (If there is nothing in the queue I'll check again on the next loop of the program etc).
Step 4+. Clients can die without unsubscribing, and the server wont know about it, It will continue to publish data for those ids. A solution is for the client to resends the subscription information (with a timestamp) every so often to the server. This works as a heartbeat for the ids the client has subscribed too. If the client dies without unsubscribing, the server notices that some subscription ids have not been refreshed in a while (the timestamp). The server removes those ids.
This solution seems to work fine. It was a lot of low level work though. It would be nice if zeromq was a bit higher level, and had some common and reliable architectures/frameworks ready to use out of the box.

Web server and ZeroMQ patterns

I am running an Apache server that receives HTTP requests and connects to a daemon script over ZeroMQ. The script implements the Multithreaded Server pattern (http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#header-73), it successfully receives the request and dispatches it to one of its worker threads, performs the action, responds back to the server, and the server responds back to the client. Everything is done synchronously as the client needs to receive a success or failure response to its request.
As the number of users is growing into a few thousands, I am looking into potentially improving this. The first thing I looked at is the different patterns of ZeroMQ, and whether what I am using is optimal for my scenario. I've read the guide but I find it challenging understanding all the details and differences across patterns. I was looking for example at the Load Balancing Message Broker pattern (http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#header-73). It seems quite a bit more complicated to implement than what I am currently using, and if I understand things correctly, its advantages are:
Actual load balancing vs the round-robin task distribution that I currently have
Asynchronous requests/replies
Is that everything? Am I missing something? Given the description of my problem, and the synchronous requirement of it, what would you say is the best pattern to use? Lastly, how would the answer change, if I want to make my setup distributed (i.e. having the Apache server load balance the requests across different machines). I was thinking of doing that by simply creating yet another layer, based on the Multithreaded Server pattern, and have that layer bridge the communication between the web server and my workers.
Some thoughts about the subject...
Keep it simple
I would try to keep things simple and "plain" ZeroMQ as long as possible. To increase performance, I would simply to change your backend script to send request out from dealer socket and move the request handling code to own program. Then you could just run multiple worker servers in different machines to get more requests handled.
I assume this was the approach you took:
I was thinking of doing that by simply creating yet another layer, based on the Multithreaded Server pattern, and have that layer bridge the communication between the web server and my workers.
Only problem here is that there is no request retry in the backend. If worker fails to handle given task it is forever lost. However one could write worker servers so that they handle all the request they got before shutting down. With this kind of setup it is possible to update backend workers without clients to notice any shortages. This will not save requests that get lost if the server crashes.
I have the feeling that in common scenarios this kind of approach would be more than enough.
Mongrel2 seems to handle quite many things you have already implemented. It might be worth while to check it out. It probably does not completely solve your problems, but it provides tested infrastructure to distribute the workload. This could be used to deliver the request to be handled to multithreaded servers running on different machines.
One solution to increase the robustness of the setup is a broker. In this scenario brokers main role would be to provide robustness by implementing queue for the requests. I understood that all the requests the worker handle are basically the same type. If requests would have different types then broker could also do lookups to find correct server for the requests.
Using the queue provides a way to ensure that every request is being handled by some broker even if worker servers crashed. This does not come without price. The broker is by itself a single point of failure. If it crashes or is restarted all messages could be lost.
These problems can be avoided, but it requires quite much work: the requests could be persisted to the disk, servers could be clustered. Need has to be weighted against the payoffs. Does one want to use time to write a message broker or the actual system?
If message broker seems a good idea the time which is required to implement one can be reduced by using already implemented product (like RabbitMQ). Negative side effect is that there could be a lot of unwanted features and adding new things is not so straight forward as to self made broker.
Writing own broker could covert toward inventing the wheel again. Many brokers provide similar things: security, logging, management interface and so on. It seems likely that these are eventually needed in home made solution also. But if not then single home made broker which does single thing and does it well can be good choice.
Even if broker product is chosen I think it is a good idea to hide the broker behind ZeroMQ proxy, a dedicated code that sends/receives messages from the broker. Then no other part of the system has to know anything about the broker and it can be easily replaced.
Using broker is somewhat developer time heavy. You either need time to implement the broker or time to get use to some product. I would avoid this route until it is clearly needed.
Some links
Comparison between broker and brokerless

ZeroMQ - Multiple Publishers and Listener

I'm just starting understanding and trying ZeroMQ.
It's not clear to me how could I have a two way communication between more than two actors (publisher and subscriber) so that each component is able both to read and write on the MQ.
This would allow to create event-driven architecture, because each component could be listening for an event and reply with another event.
Is there a way to do this with ZeroMQ directly or I should implement my own solution on top of that?
If you want simple two-way communication then you simply set up a publishing socket on each node, and let each connect to the other.
In an many to many setup this quickly becomes tricky to handle. Basically, it sounds like you want some kind of central node that all nodes can "connect" to, receive messages from and, if some conditions on the subscriber are met, send messages to.
Since ZeroMq is a simple "power-socket", and not a message queue (hence its name, ZeroMQ - Zero Message Queue) this is not feasible out-of-the-box.
A simple alternative could be to let each node set up an UDP broadcast socket (not using ZeroMq, just regular sockets). All nodes can listen in to whatever takes place and "publish" its own messages back on the socket, effectively sending it to any nodes listening. This setup works on a LAN and in a setting where it is ok for messages to get lost (like periodical state updates). If the messages needs to be reliable (and possibly durable) you need a more advanced full-blown message queue.
If you can do without durable message queues, you can create a solution based on a central node, a central message handler, to which all nodes can subscribe to and send data to. Basically, create a "server" with one REP (Response) socket (for incoming data) and one PUB (Publisher) socket (for outgoing data). Each client then publishes data to the servers REP socket over a REQ (Request) socket and sets up a SUB (Subscriber) socket to the servers PUB socket.
Check out the ZeroMq guide regarding the various message patterns available.
To spice it up a bit, you could add event "topics", including server side filtering, by splitting up the outgoing messages (on the servers PUB socket) into two message parts (see multi-part messages) where the first part specifies the "topic" and the second part contains the payload (e.g. temp|46.2, speed|134). This way, each client can register its interest in any topic (or all) and let the server filter out only matching messages. See this example for details.
Basically, ZeroMq is "just" an abstraction over regular sockets, providing a couple of messaging patterns to build your solution on top of. However, it relieves you of a lot of tedious work and provides scalability and performance out of the ordinary. It takes some getting used to though. Check out the ZeroMq Guide for more details.

NLB and persistent connections

Good Day,
We are trying to implement network load balancing of windows in one of our high performing application, lets call it middleware. The middleware connects to three channels thorugh socket and the connection are persistent, means the clients remain connected between the transaction. We would like to distribute the work on nodes on the basis of transactions not the connections as there are only three. What approach should be taken.
seems like Windows NLB only works with the on demand connection and obviously it has to, in order distribute load. we will be using MSMQ to distribute the transaction load itself accross all nodes.
