ObjectId Model Binding with Web Api 2 - asp.net-web-api

I'm using MongoDB with an ASP.NET Web Api (2) application, and want to accept ObjectId arguments in the Web Api methods.
I've written a custom model binder for the ObjectId type, and it when adding it to the Get method of a controller, everything works.
public HttpResponseMessage Get(String type, [ModelBinder(typeof(ObjectIdModelBinder))]ObjectId id) {
But I need to do this in several methods and controllers, so I would rather put it somewhere central. I've read that I can register the binder centrally like this:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) {
var provider = new SimpleModelBinderProvider(typeof(ObjectId), new ObjectIdModelBinder());
config.Services.Insert(typeof(ModelBinderProvider), 0, provider);
But that's not working!
Any ideas? Not really sure what the config.Services collection should contain, but I'm having a hard time locating the binder I insert.

With WebAPI even if you register a model binder, you still need to attach the [ModelBinder] to the input parameter, you just don't have to specify the type anymore so your method now looks like this:
public HttpResponseMessage Get(String type, [ModelBinder]ObjectId id) {
If you want to skip adding the attribute every time you declare a parameter of this type, then you have to look at writing a custom IActionValueBinder (which can be made very simple if you just extend the DefaultActionValueBinder) which is the default implementation. You might want to look at this post for pointers:


read Asp.Net Web api GET values from url

I am trying to map /{Controller}/{Variable1}/{Variable2}/{Variable3} to a GET method in controller
public TestController{
public ActionResult Get([FromUrl] Entity instance){}
So I need to map variables to the entity.
To put it into an example
public class ProductSearchRequest
public string Category{get;set;}
public string filter1 {get;set;}
public string filter2 {get;set;}
public ProductController: Controller {
public ActionResult GET([FromUri] ProductSearchRequest productSearchRequest){
Had to do following changes to get this working
Instead of RouteCollection.MapHttpRoute use HttpConfiguration.Routes.MapHttpRoute as this is API routing not MVC routing.
Inherit controller from ApiController rather than Controller which I was before.
Basically you are not going to be able to do that. Complex types are not compatible with the routing mechanism.
Take a read of this article. But this paragraph explains why the routing mechanism cannot do what you are asking.
A complex type can only bind to the URI through a custom binding. But
in that case, the framework cannot know in advance whether the
parameter would bind to a particular URI. To find out, it would need
to invoke the binding. The goal of the selection algorithm is to
select an action from the static description, before invoking any
bindings. Therefore, complex types are excluded from the matching
Therefore the basic rule is:
For every parameter of the action, if the parameter is taken from the
URI, then the parameter name must be found either in the route
dictionary or in the URI query string. (Optional parameters and
parameters with complex types are excluded.)
Which means you need to define your action like so:
public ActionResult GET(string Category, string filter1, string filter2){
And your route template:

WebApi action parameters validation by ValidationAttribute

Does WebAPI can handle ValidationAttribute on action parameter?
For instance:
public class SampleController : ApiController
public string Get([RegularExpression("sampleExpression")]string id)
return "result";
In this sample WebAPI doesn't invoke any methods of RegularExpressionAttribute (or any other data annotation attribute) to validate input parameter. But in case if we passing an object as parameter, for instance a class then WebAPI can validate properties.
Is it a bug? Or I'm doing something wrong?
UPD: It's an open issue:
Does anyone can suggest a workaround?
This is a genuine question, I'm curious why not just do something like :
public class SampleController : ApiController
public string Get(string id)
return "result";
To me this seems to be equivalently concise. It is obvious when the validation occurs. I can safely assume that if the validation fails then an exception will be thrown. I can easily add additional validation and be confident of the order in which they occur.
Regarding the attribute method, I don't know if the validation is used as part of the route matching, I have no idea what happens if it fails. I don't know what filters run before or after the validation. I'm sure if I knew MVC better I would know the answer to these questions, but I don't see the advantage of using an attribute that makes my code's behaviour dependent on some framework controlled infrastructure.
Am I missing some significant benefit?
I had the same doubt. My workaround consists in creating a class just for encapsulating the parameter, so I can decorate it with the validation attribute I want. I could use the workaround proposed by Darrel in his answer, but I have a filter that checks if ModelState.IsValid before entering the action, so I need to validate before the action gets executed.
public class Item
public string Id { get; set; }
The class must be annotated with [ModelBinder], otherwise the parameter binding mechanism will try to extract the id field from the body of the request. Read this article for more info.
Also, note that Id is now in PascalCase instead of camelCase. Read this article to understand how the conversion is made.
The action signature is:
public string Get(Item item)

ASP.NET MVC 3: Validating model when information external to the model is required

What's a good way to validate a model when information external to the model is required in order for the validation to take place? For example, consider the following model:
public class Rating {
public string Comment { get; set; }
public int RatingLevel { get; set; }
The system administrator can then set the RatingLevels for which a comment is required. These settings are available through a settings service.
So, in order to fully validate the model I need information external to it, in this case the settings service.
I've considered the following so far:
Inject the service into the model. The DefaultModelBinder uses System.Activator to create the object so it doesn't go through the normal dependency resolver and I can't inject the service into the model without creating a new model binder (besides which, that doesn't feel like the correct way to go about it).
Inject the service into an annotation. I'm not yet sure this is possible but will investigate further soon. It still feels clumsy.
Use a custom model binder. Apparently I can implement OnPropertyValidating to do custom property validation. This seems the most preferable so far though I'm not yet sure how to do it.
Which method, above or not, is best suited to this type of validation problem?
Option 1 doesn't fit. The only way it would work would be to pull in the dependency via the service locator anti-pattern.
Option 2 doesn't work. Although I couldn't see how this was possible because of the C# attribute requirements, it is possible. See the following for references:
Resolving IoC Container Services for Validation Attributes in ASP.NET MVC
Option 3: I didn't know about this earlier, but what appears to be a very powerful way to write validators is to use the ModelValidator class and a corresponding ModelValidatorProvider.
First, you create your custom ModelValidatorProvider:
public class CustomModelValidatorProvider : ModelValidatorProvider
public CustomModelValidatorProvider(/* Your dependencies */) {}
public override IEnumerable<ModelValidator> GetValidators(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
if (metadata.ModelType == typeof(YourModel))
yield return new YourModelValidator(...);
ASP.NET MVC's IDependencyResolver will attempt to resolve the above provider, so as long as it's registered with your IoC container you won't need to do anything else. And then the ModelValidator:
public class EntryRatingViewModelValidatorMvcAdapter : ModelValidator
public EntryRatingViewModelValidatorMvcAdapter(
ModelMetadata argMetadata,
ControllerContext argContext)
: base(argMetadata, argContext)
_validator = validator;
public override IEnumerable<ModelValidationResult> Validate(object container)
if (/* error condition */)
yield return new ModelValidationResult
MemberName = "Model.Member",
Message = "Rating is required."
As the provider is retrieved through the IDependencyResolver and the provider has full control over the returned ModelValidators I was easily able to inject the dependencies and perform necessary validation.
You could try fluent validation. It supports asp.net mvc and DI so you can inject external services into your validators.
Assuming that you want both client and server-side validation of the model based upon the values returned from the service, I would opt for 2., Inject the service into an annotation.
I give some sample code in my response to this question about adding validators to a model. The only additional step in your case is that you will need to inject your service into your class inheriting from DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.
What about just simply using IValidateableObject and in that method determine if validation is appropriate or not and setting the errors there?
How do I use IValidatableObject?

MVC - Interface as Controller Action parameter

I want to pass one of a number of classes that implement an interface from my view back to my controller action. I use an ActionLink in my view passing the instance to my action, but it naturally fails because MVC cannot deal with interfaces via default model binding.
So :
<%=Html.ActionLink(flow.Source.Name, "Get", new {container=flow.Source})%>
is in a loop and each flow.Source conforms to IContainer.
public class Flow
public virtual IContainer Source { get; private set; }
public interface IContainer
//members here
public class File : IContainer
public class Worksheet : IContainer
Basically I want to call an action method :
public ActionResult Get(IContainer container)
// Do something
The reason being that I need to retrieve the state of the current container passed to my action method from the database. I use NHibernate and have entities mapped on a table per entity, so have one for File and one for Worksheet for example, so need to able to decide which data access class to use. Make sense? Probably not!
Can this be done without moving towards a base class Container? Can I stick with an interface being passed to my action method and resolve the subtype instance passed in place of the interface?
Any help with this would be gratefully appreciated.
An interface needs 'some' concrete implementation to reference when you would call your class. I think judging by your post you are aware of this : )
With that said there is 'kinda' of an approach handled here where you just create your own model binder that has to know about (or how) to map to and create a concrete type (either directly or by dependency injection)
ASP.NET MVC - Custom Model Binder on Interface Type

Spring MVC 3.0: How do I bind to a persistent object

I'm working with Spring MVC and I'd like it to bind a a persistent object from the database, but I cannot figure out how I can set my code to make a call to the DB before binding. For example, I'm trying to update a "BenefitType" object to the database, however, I want it to get the object fromthe database, not create a new one so I do not have to update all the fields.
public String save(#ModelAttribute("item") BenefitType benefitType, BindingResult result)
...check for errors
...save, etc.
There are several options:
In the simpliest case when your object has only simple properties you can bind all its properties to the form fields (hidden if necessary), and get a fully bound object after submit. Complex properties also can be bound to the form fields using PropertyEditors.
You may also use session to store your object between GET and POST requests. Spring 3 faciliates this approach with #SessionAttributes annotation (from the Petclinic sample):
#SessionAttributes("pet") // Specify attributes to be stored in the session
public class EditPetForm {
public void setAllowedFields(WebDataBinder dataBinder) {
// Disallow binding of sensitive fields - user can't override
// values from the session
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String setupForm(#PathVariable("petId") int petId, Model model) {
Pet pet = this.clinic.loadPet(petId);
model.addAttribute("pet", pet); // Put attribute into session
return "pets/form";
#RequestMapping(method = { RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.POST })
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute("pet") Pet pet,
BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {
new PetValidator().validate(pet, result);
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "pets/form";
} else {
// Clean the session attribute after successful submit
return "redirect:/owners/" + pet.getOwner().getId();
However this approach may cause problems if several instances of the form are open simultaneously in the same session.
So, the most reliable approach for the complex cases is to create a separate object for storing form fields and merge changes from that object into persistent object manually.
So I ended up resolving this by annotating a method with a #ModelAttribute of the same name in the class. Spring builds the model first before executing the request mapping:
BenefitType getBenefitType(#RequestParam("id") String id) {
// return benefit type
While it is possible that your domain model is so simple that you can bind UI objects directly to data model objects, it is more likely that this is not so, in which case I would highly recommend you design a class specifically for form binding, then translate between it and domain objects in your controller.
I'm a little confused. I think you're actually talking about an update workflow?
You need two #RequestMappings, one for GET and one for POST:
#RequestMapping(value="/update/{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getSave(ModelMap model, #PathVariable Long id)
model.putAttribute("item", benefitDao.findById(id));
return "view";
then on the POST actually update the field.
In you example above, your #ModelAttribute should already be populated with a method like the above method, and the properties be bound using something like JSTL or Spring tabglibs in conjunction with the form backing object.
You may also want to look at InitBinder depending on your use case.
