Does the server need to know the client is using jsonp? - ajax

We have a existing server which receives POST data and respond with json. The server is using Django. I am developing an webpage game using the json data. However I figured out I may need to use jsonp because the game is hosted on another domain. I want to know if the server need to know I am using jsonp (i.e. does the server need to change the code) or it is completely transparent to the server side? I cannot reach the server developer so I hope I can get advise here. Thank you very much!

Yes, server must respond differently - JSNOP requires that JSON response is wrapped in some sort of function call.
wrapperFunc({"Name": "Foo", "Id": 1234, "Rank": 7});
Note that securing JSONP against Cross-site request forgery is harder than using proper CORS which you may be able to use if you don't need to target old versions of IE.


Risk of Manipulation of Ajax Code by Client

As I found, it is possible to manipulate and change Ajax code in browser console by client. For example, Ajax wants to call a method and pass id to controller. As I mentioned above, how we can secure our code from interference by client?
Thank you all
Security must always be implemented on the server side, because anything you do on the client side can be ignored, overstep, modified, etc very easily. In fact, anyone can use software like Postman to make a completely custom HTML request to any server.
Don't ever rely on any client-side software in terms of security for your server. If you want keep your server safe, then make a safe server.

Should a Get-Ajax request change data on the server?

I read documents online. They say that
A GET-Ajax request is used for getting data from the server.
A POST-Ajax request is used for change data on the server.
But why is it?
A Get-Ajax request can change the data on the server TOO, right?
Why should only the POST-Ajax request change the data?
Is it because of a security reason or something? Please explain to me
GET and POST are different methods for web requests that provide different features/describe different intentions for programmers and APIs. You are correct that, technically speaking, if you want to do some other CRUD operation on the server when using a GET request, you can. Most would probably argue that this is not a good idea, in part for security/performance features that either method provides. Example: GET requests can be cached, POST cannot.
More on that here:

Proxy the right way to go for external REST Api?

We have a need to consume an external REST Api and dynamically update content on our website and have ran into the age old problem of cross site scripting and Ajax.
I've read up on JSONP however I don't want to go down that route in a million years as it seems like really a rather dirty hack.
As a solution to this issue is it "right" and "proper" to have a local service that acts as a proxy for any requests to an external Api? So on the client there would be an Ajax call to ../RestProxy/MakeRequest passing it the details of the request it needs to make to the external api, it performs the request and returns anything passed back.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
There are three ways to do this:
This is accepted by many popular APIs and frameworks. JQuery makes it easy. I would recommend this.
2. Proxy
Works pretty much as you described. Adds an extra step and server code and server load for you. However, it does allow you to filter or otherwise manipulate the results before sending them to the client.
3. Rely Access-Control-Allow-Origin
This is a header that the server can set to allow you to read json directly from their server even though you aren't on the same domain. This eliminates the need for the jsonp hack, but it requires the the server be setup to support it and it requires a web browser that supports it.
Access-Control-Allow-Origin is supported in:
Firefox 3.6+
Safari 4.0+
Chrome 6+
iOS Safari 3.2+
Android browser 2.1+
If you need to support IE7, then this option isn't for you.

Does AJAX have any special security concerns?

I know all about SQL injections, and peeking into javascript files that a website uses, and also that GET requests contain all of the information in a URL.
Is there any security concern that is special to AJAX and only pertains to using AJAX?
For example, sending post requests via AJAX seems completely safe to me. Barring SQL injections, I can't think of one thing that could go wrong... is this the correct case?
Also, are "requests" of any kind that a user's browser sends or any information it receives available to be viewed by a third party who should not be viewing? And can that happen to AJAX post requests ('post' requests specifically; not 'get')?
It's like any other form of data input: validate your values, check the referrer, authenticate the session, use SSL.

Cannot make ajax call between servers that differ only in port in HTML5/jQuery/Chrome stack

The parts
I am developing against two Pylons servers and testing locally. One server is on port 5000 and is the called server. The other is on port 7000. The latter creates a cookie that specifies the same domain as used by the former server. Essentially, the first server uses credentials provided by the second server to impersonate the user.
The first server expects to find an auth token (a cookie, really) in its response.environ at run time. When I authenticate on the server on port 7000 and browser to a service on port 5000, the latter server uses the cookie created by the former and the app works.
The fly in the ointment is that the first server creates an HTML5 app that uses an ajax call to the second server, and I cannot get the cookie to be included in the ajax call. I believe that Chrome (the browser we are using/requiring for HTML5 support reasons) refuses to send the cookie for cross domain reasons: going from to is considered cross domain.
Oh, and the ajax call is through jQuery.
The question
Is there any way to make an ajax call from an HTML5 app created on a port in the same domain to a server in the same domain but a different port?
What I've tried or discard out of hand
I do not believe I can use dynamic script tag insertion because I am making the call from javascript and the HTML is generated on the client at runtime from other javascript. At least, I don't think that is a desirable solution.
I don't believe Access-Control-Allow-* is applicable because I am going from client to server, not the other way.
I've seen this on jQuery and ports in ajax calls. I've seen this, too.
I know about the same-origin policy.
And this does not work.
Agree with Michael that the simplest solution is JSONP. But even in JSONP you need to configure your server such that it supports JSONP. Many Servers deny this to keep their data secure and sound. JSONP expect your server to send data in the format that can be evaluated as the valid JSON. But its not the case in every JSONP Request and response. So, just watch out for that.
The absolutely simplest solution to this is to use JSON/P. I wish there were an easier, softer way to accomplish this, but I certainly haven't found one.
