Validate that a dropdown is selected if another dropdown is selected - validation

I have two dropdowns on an form. If the user selects a value from the first dropdown, I want to make sure they make a choice from the second dropdown. I'm new to knockout, so I'm not sure how to do this. I don't think I need a fullblown validation library. I just want to stop the action so the popup doesn't go away and some text appears saying "hey you, pick something!"
The row looks like this:
<div class="channelRow" data-bind="foreach: channels">
<div class="channelPrompt">CHANNEL: </div>
<select class="channelSelect" name="channels" data-bind="options: $root.financialVM.channelOptions(), value: name, optionsCaption: '--'"></select>
<div class="portPrompt">NUMBER OF PORTS: </div>
<select class="portSelect" name="ports" data-bind="options: $root.financialVM.portOptions(), value: port, optionsCaption: '--'"></select>
Here's the function that I'm working with. Edge is a modal window that appears and is where the select boxes are.
function Edge (siteA, siteB, key, channelpair) {
var edge = this;
edge.siteA = ko.observable(siteA);
edge.siteB = ko.observable(siteB);
edge.distance = ko.observable(0);
edge.key = ko.observable(key);
edge.channels = ko.observableArray([
new ChannelPair()
edge.addChannel = function () {
if(edge.channels().length >= 3) return;
edge.channels.push(new ChannelPair());
function ChannelPair () {
var channel = this; = ko.observable();
channel.port = ko.observable(0);
required: {
message: "You can not have a name without a port",
onlyIf: function () { return ( != null); }

Ok here is a complete solution for you:
// You need this config in order to kick things off
messagesOnModified: true,
insertMessages: true
function Edge (siteA, siteB, key, channelpair) {
var edge = this;
edge.siteA = ko.observable(siteA);
edge.siteB = ko.observable(siteB);
edge.distance = ko.observable(0);
edge.key = ko.observable(key);
edge.channels = ko.observableArray([
new ChannelPair()
edge.addChannel = function () {
if(edge.channels().length >= 3) return;
edge.channels.push(new ChannelPair());
function ChannelPair () {
var channel = this; = ko.observable();
// Extending happens on declaration not after wards
channel.port = ko.observable(0).extend({
required: {
message: "You can not have a name without a port",
// self doesn't mean anything here so replace it with channel like this
onlyIf: function () { return ( != null); }
// you need a property called errors to keep your validation group in it
channel.errors =;
Also remember to add knockout validation to your project. Its a plugin and not shipped as part of knockout out of the box.


Pushing array to select in knockout gives just one option

I am using MVC and a Razor View I'm trying to bound data received from a controller to a select using a knockout model, If I try to push directly the dynamic array I get only one option like this one
Only one option select:
I'm sure that I'm missing something stupid, I have already tried to return a new SelectList and using optionsText and optionsValue but didn't do the work.
I'm sure the knockout model is correct because if I write
it works as expected
Here's my controller code that reads some data from database and send it back to the view
public JsonResult GetDeliveryDates(string code)
OrderHeaderPageModel instance = ObjectFactory.Create<OrderHeaderPageModel>();
instance.DeliveryDateRanges = PopulateDeliveryDateRanges(code);
return Json(instance.DeliveryDateRanges.ToArray());
Here's is my View code
#Html.DropDownList("deliveryranges", new SelectList(string.Empty, "Code", "Description"), "- Seleziona -", new { #data_bind = "options:dliveryDates" })
And finally my knockout model
function OrderHeaderViewModel() {
var self = this; = function () {
return true;
self.dliveryDates = ko.observableArray([]);
var viewModel = new OrderHeaderViewModel();
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, el);
$("#ordertypes").change(function () {
var postUrl = "/checkout/getdeliverydates";
code: $("#ordertypes").val(),
__RequestVerificationToken: Sana.Utils.getAntiForgeryToken()
}, function (data) {
var arry = [];
var array = $.map(data, function (value, index) {
return [value];
$.each(data, function (i, data) {
It looks like the code is doing some extra work mapping data that is not used in the ajax callback. Hope the following code helps.
function OrderHeaderViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.getData = function() {
//function to simulate filling the array from the server.
var data = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4"];
var mappedData =, index) {
return {
id: index,
description: item
} = function() {
return true;
//added to put the selected values in
self.selectedValue = ko.observable();
self.selectedMappedValue = ko.observable();
self.mappedDliveryDates = ko.observableArray([]);
self.dliveryDates = ko.observableArray([]);
var viewModel = new OrderHeaderViewModel();
$("#ordertypes").change(function() {
var postUrl = "/checkout/getdeliverydates";
$.post(postUrl, {
code: $("#ordertypes").val(),
__RequestVerificationToken: Sana.Utils.getAntiForgeryToken()
}, function(data) {
// if the data needs to be transformed and is already an array then you can use
var mappedData =, index) {
return {
id: index,
description: item
// If the data is already in the format that you need then just put it into the observable array;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Server Data Values -
<select data-bind="options: dliveryDates, value:selectedValue, optionCaption: 'Choose...'"></select>
<br/> Mapped Values -
<select data-bind="options: mappedDliveryDates, optionsText:'description', value: selectedMappedValue, optionCaption: 'Choose...'"></select>
<button data-bind="click: getData">Load Data</button>
<pre data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($root)"></pre>

How can I pass values loaded by ajax to components?

I'm passing a value as a parameter to a component.
<badge-button params="badge: oarBadge"></badge-button>
Here is the viewModel containing oarBadge:
function AppViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.oarBadge = ko.observable();
$.getJSON('/guy.json', function(data) {
var badge = new Badge('wood oar', data.badges.oar, false);
// self.oarBadge().has() returns true so the badge is being properly created with data
// returned by the ajax call
} // AppViewModel()
Here is the Badge constructor:
function Badge(name, has, active) {
var self = this; = ko.observable(name);
self.has = ko.observable(has); = ko.observable(active);
self.disabled = ko.computed(function() {
return self.has();
self.toggleActive = function() {!
self.toggleHas = function() {
Here is the component's viewModel:
ko.components.register('badge-button', {
viewModel: function(params) {
var self = this;
self.badge = params.badge(); = function() {
'<img class="ui image" src="" data-bind="click: open, css: { disabled: badge.disabled }" >'
When the page loads, I get an error telling me that badge is undefined.
Full example:
Try setting a default object before the ajax call is completed, also you should assign the observable itself not the evaluation for the observable, so instead of doing this:
self.badge = params.badge();
You should do it like this:
self.badge = params.badge;
Otherwise your variable won't be updated once the ajax request is completed.
Here is a small example:
Note: As far as I know the disable binding won't work in images

Youtube API v3 - Select menu to access public channel video data without Oauth

I want to access and view public Youtube videos (simple read only) from any Youtube channel without resorting to Oauth, just with plain API key. I haven't found a decent layman example on how to go about with API v3 ;-(
I have this to juggle with which I cannot get to work. Basically, a Select menu contains options whose values are existing channel IDs. When an option containing a channel ID is selected, it should trigger requestUserUploadsPlaylistId(). Then, when NEXTbutton or PREVIOUSbutton are activated, function requestVideoPlaylist() would kick in. Is there a better way to do this? I get the following error messages in Firebug:
TypeError: response.result is undefined (When I choose an option from SELECTmenu).
TypeError: response.result is undefined (After I click on buttons).
Here is what I am struggling with (am new to API v3 and kinda used to API v2 (sigh)):
<HTML is here>
$('#NEXTbutton').prop('disabled', true).addClass('disabled');
<script type="text/javascript" src="
var dd, playlistId, nextPageToken, prevPageToken;
function onJSClientLoad() {
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function(){
$('#NEXTbutton').prop('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled');
// Calling the following function via selected option value of select menu
// I am using "mine: false," since it's an unauthenticated request ??
function requestUserUploadsPlaylistId() {
var dd = $("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val();
var request ={
mine: false, // is this legit?
channelId: dd, // Variable is preset chosen value of SELECTmenu options
part: 'contentDetails,id'
request.execute(function(response) {
playlistId = response.result.items[0].contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;
channelId = response.result.items[0].id;
function requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, pageToken) {
var requestOptions = {
playlistId: playlistId,
part: 'snippet,id',
maxResults: 5
if (pageToken) {
requestOptions.pageToken = pageToken;
var request =;
request.execute(function(response) {
// Only show the page buttons if there's a next or previous page.
nextPageToken = response.result.nextPageToken;
var nextVis = nextPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#NEXTbutton').css('visibility', nextVis);
prevPageToken = response.result.prevPageToken
var prevVis = prevPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').css('visibility', prevVis);
var playlistItems = response.result.items;
if (playlistItems) {
$.each(playlistItems, function(index, item) {
} else {
$('#CONTAINER').html('Sorry, no uploaded videos available');
function displayResult(videoSnippet) {
for(var i=0;i<response.items.length;i++) {
var channelTitle = response.items[i].snippet.channelTitle
var videoTitle = response.items[i].snippet.title;
var Thumbnail = response.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url;
var results = '<li><div class="video-result"><img src="'+Thumbnail+'" /></div>
<div class="chantitle">'+channelTitle+'</div>
<div class="vidtitle">'+videoTitle+'</div></li>';
function nextPage() {
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, nextPageToken);
function previousPage() {
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, prevPageToken);
$('#NEXTbutton').on('click', function() { // Display next 5 results
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').on('click', function() { // Display previous 5 results
$("#SELECTmenu").on("change", function() {
if ($("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val().length === 24) { //Channel ID length
} else {
return false;
I'm surely missing something here, any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
A few updates later and I've finally answered my question after playing with the awesome Google APIs Explorer tool. Here is a sample working code allowing access to Youtube channel video-related data from a Select menu for read-only without using OAUTH, just an API key. The Select menu, based on a selected option's value (which contains a channel id), posts a video thumbnail, the thumbnail's channel origin; and the video's title. Should be easy to make the thumbnail clickable so as to load video in iframe embed or redirect to Youtube page. Enjoy!
// Change values and titles accordingly
<select id="SELECTmenu">
<option value="selchan">Select channel ...</option>
<option value="-YOUR-24digit-ChannelID-">Put-channel-title-here</option>
<option value="-YOUR-24digit-ChannelID-">Put-channel-title-here</option>
<button id="NEXTbutton">NEXT</button>
<button id="PREVIOUSbutton">PREV</button>
<ol id="CONTAINER"></ol> // Loads video data response
<script type="text/javascript"
var playlistId, nextPageToken, prevPageToken;
function onJSClientLoad() {
gapi.client.setApiKey('INSERT-YOUR-API-KEY'); // Insert your API key
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function(){
//Add function here if some action required immediately after the API loads
function requestUserUploadsPlaylistId(pageToken) {
var selchan = $("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val();
var request ={
id: selchan,
part: 'snippet,contentDetails',
filter: 'uploads'
request.execute(function(response) {
playlistId = response.result.items[0].contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;
channelId = response.result.items[0].id;
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, pageToken);
function requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, pageToken) {
var requestOptions = {
playlistId: playlistId,
part: 'snippet,id',
maxResults: 5 // can be changed
if (pageToken) {
requestOptions.pageToken = pageToken;
var request =;
request.execute(function(response) {
// Only show the page buttons if there's a next or previous page.
nextPageToken = response.result.nextPageToken;
var nextVis = nextPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#NEXTbutton').css('visibility', nextVis);
prevPageToken = response.result.prevPageToken
var prevVis = prevPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').css('visibility', prevVis);
var playlistItems = response.result.items;
if (playlistItems) {
} else {
$('#CONTAINER').html('Sorry, no uploaded videos.');
function displayResult(playlistItems) {
for(var i=0;i<playlistItems.length;i++) {
var channelTitle = playlistItems[i].snippet.channelTitle
var videoTitle = playlistItems[i].snippet.title;
var videoThumbnail = playlistItems[i].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url;
var results = '<li>
<div><img src="'+videoThumbnail+'" /></div>
function nextPage() {
$('#CONTAINER').empty(); // This needed here
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, nextPageToken);
function previousPage() {
$('#CONTAINER').empty(); // This needed here
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, prevPageToken);
$('#NEXTbutton').on('click', function() { // Display next maxResults
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').on('click', function() { // Display previous maxResults
// Using as filtering example Select option values which contain channel
// ID length of 24 alphanumerics/symbols to trigger functions just in case
// there are other option values in the menu that do not refer to channel IDs.
$("#SELECTmenu").on("change", function() {
if ($("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val().length === 24) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
Remember, code sample above is built based on what API v3 provided at the time of this posting.
TIP: It's better to make sure that the buttons be disabled during API call and re-enabled after API has posted the expected results. If you press those buttons while processing, you may get compounded and/or unexpected results. ~ Koolness

Bootstrap typeahead suggestions replaced when navigation

I'm using Bootstrap Typeahead to suggest som search results. The results are returned from a ajax ressource, and since this resource creates a delay, I'm experiencing a unfortunate effect.
If typing a 4 letter word, the suggestions will appear after 2 letters, I can then go through the results with the keys up/down, but suddenly the suggestions will reload because the last request has finished.
Is there any way to "cancel" any remaining, if user is currently using the keys up/down to go through the suggestions?
items: 4,
source: function (query,process) {
map = {};
$.getJSON('/app_dev.php/ajax/autosuggest/'+query, function (data) {
vehicles = [];
$.each(data, function(i,vehicle){
map[vehicle.full] = vehicle;
updater: function (item) {
// do something here when item is selected
highlighter: function (item) {
return item;
matcher: function (item) {
return true;
I think the following will satisfy your needs (its hard to reproduce exactly) :
There is no easy way to abort a delayed response, but you could extend typeahead as I figured out here (without modifying bootstrap.js)
The concept is to catch keydown, detect if the event is KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN, set a flag is_browsing, and then abort process if is_browsing is true (that is, if the user has hitted KEY_UP or KEY_DOWN and no other keys afterwards).
Extending typeahead :
// save the original function object
var _superTypeahead = $.fn.typeahead;
// add is_browsing as a new flag
$.extend( _superTypeahead.defaults, {
is_browsing: false
// create a new constructor
var Typeahead = function(element, options) {
_superTypeahead.Constructor.apply( this, arguments )
// extend prototype and add a _super function
Typeahead.prototype = $.extend({}, _superTypeahead.Constructor.prototype, {
constructor: Typeahead
, _super: function() {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments)
// call bootstrap core
_superTypeahead.Constructor.prototype[args.shift()].apply(this, args)
//override typeahead original keydown
, keydown: function (e) {
this._super('keydown', e)
this.options.is_browsing = ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [40,38])>-1)
//override process, abort if user is browsing
, process: function (items) {
if (this.options.is_browsing) return
this._super('process', items)
// override the old initialization with the new constructor
$.fn.typeahead = $.extend(function(option) {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments),
option = args.shift()
// this is executed everytime element.modal() is called
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this)
var data = $'typeahead'),
options = $.extend({}, _superTypeahead.defaults, $, typeof option == 'object' && option)
if (!data) {
$'typeahead', (data = new Typeahead(this, options)))
if (typeof option == 'string') {
data[option].apply( data, args )
}, $.fn.typeahead);
This typeahead-extension could be placed anywhere, eg in a <script type="text/javascript"> -section
Testing the extension :
<input type="text" id="test" name="test" placeholder="type some text" data-provide="typeahead">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var url='typeahead.php';
items : 10,
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get(url, { query: query }, function (data) {
return process(data.options);
A "serverside" PHP script that returns a lot of randomized options with forced delay, typeahead.php :
header('Content-type: application/json');
sleep(3); //delay execution in 3 secs
for ($count=0;$count<30000;$count++) {
if ($JSON!='') $JSON.=',';
//create random strings
$JSON='{ "options": ['.$JSON.'] }';
echo $JSON;
It really seems to work for me. But I cannot be sure that it will work in your case. Let me now if you have success or not.

knockout validation using breeze utility?

Has anyone written a utility that will convert Breeze metadata (captured from entity framework data attributes) into knockout validation extensions (using knockout.validation)?
I have made an function that reads the metadata from an entity and adds validation rules.
app.domain.indicador = (function () {
"use strict";
var constructor = function () {...}
var initializer = function indicadorInitializer(entity) {
var entityType = entity.entityType;
if (entityType) {
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.dataProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.dataProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.foreignKeyProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.foreignKeyProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
//Bussines rule
propertyObject.extend({ notEqual: 0 });
return {
constructor: constructor,
initializer: initializer
I use the function as initializer:
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Indicador", domain.indicador.constructor, domain.indicador.initializer);
It's just a start but for the time is useful for me.
I changed the way I add validation. I share it here in case it is useful to someone:
Helper object:
app.validatorHelper = (function (breeze) {
var foreignKeyInvalidValue = 0;
function addDataTypeRules(dataType, property) {
switch (dataType) {
case breeze.DataType.DateTime:
//TODO: implement my function to validate dates. This validator is too permissive
property.extend({ date: true });
case breeze.DataType.Int64:
case breeze.DataType.Int32:
case breeze.DataType.Int16:
//it's needed to accept negative numbers because of the autogenerated keys
property.extend({ signedDigit: true });
case breeze.DataType.Decimal:
case breeze.DataType.Double:
case breeze.DataType.Single:
property.extend({ number: true });
function addValidationRules(entity) {
var entityType = entity.entityType;
if (entityType) {
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.dataProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.dataProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
addDataTypeRules(property.dataType, propertyObject);
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.foreignKeyProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.foreignKeyProperties[i];
var propertyName =;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
addDataTypeRules(property.dataType, propertyObject);
if (!property.isNullable) {
propertyObject.extend({ required: true });
//Bussiness Rule: 0 is not allowed for required foreign keys
propertyObject.extend({ notEqual: foreignKeyInvalidValue });
if (property.maxLength) {
propertyObject.extend({ maxLength: property.maxLength });
return {
addValidationRules: addValidationRules
The custom validator:
(function (ko) {
ko.validation.rules['signedDigit'] = {
validator: function (value, validate) {
if (!validate) return true;
return ko.validation.utils.isEmptyVal(value) || (validate && /^-?\d+$/.test(value));
message: 'Please enter a digit'
Using the helper at the initializer:
app.domain.valorIndicador = (function (vHelper) {
"use strict";
var constructor = function () {
var initializer = function indicadorInitializer(entity) {
return {
constructor: constructor,
initializer: initializer
And setting the initializer:
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("ValorIndicador", domain.valorIndicador.constructor, domain.valorIndicador.initializer);
A simple way to bind validation errors from breezejs using knockout.
We can subscribe to validationErrorsChanged event from the entityAspect:
function subscribeValidation() {
return self.entity().entityAspect.validationErrorsChanged.subscribe(function (validationChangeArgs) {
validationChangeArgs.added.forEach(function (item) { addError(item); });
validationChangeArgs.removed.forEach(function (item) { self.validationErrors.remove(item); });
this.hasError = function (propertyName) {
var array = self.validationErrors();
var match = array.filter(function (item) {
return item.propertyName == propertyName;
if (match.length > 0) {
return true;
} else return false;
function addError(item) {
self.validationErrors.remove(function (i) {
return i.propertyName == item.propertyName;
Finally we can bind to the messages on the UI (I'm using Twitter boostrap css classes)
<div class="control-group" data-bind="css: { 'error': hasError('Nome') }">
<label class="control-label">Nome</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" class="input-xxlarge" data-bind="value: model().Nome">
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="text: getErrorMessage('Nome')"></span>
See the full gist here
I've searched this before as I started using breeze with knockout and then I had the exact same question about how to validate stuff, and how to show validation inline.
Considering that breeze already has validation built in, I decided to write a custom Knockout Binding to show the validation result every time the observable value changes and it was quite easy afterall:
Here's the custom binding:
ko.bindingHandlers.breezeValidate = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, context) {
var isOk = context.entityAspect.validateProperty(valueAccessor());
var errors = context.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(valueAccessor());
var message = "";
if (errors.length > 0)
message = errors[0].errorMessage;
//update the control when the view model changes
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, context) {
this.init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, context)
And the usage is like this:
<span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
<span data-bind="breezeValidate: 'Name'"></span>
This works because of this line:
var isOk = context.entityAspect.validateProperty(valueAccessor());
When breeze is requested to validate the property it ends up calling the observable and it gets registered by knockout, so every time it is changed, this binding will be invoked again and the error message will be updated accordingly.
I'm just showing the first validation message, but of course you can iterate thru all of them and even add a different styling to the element.
Hope this helps!!
Not sure why people would want to use ko.validation - it just replicates the processing breeze's client side is doing anyway. And given the breeze developers hints that validation will get even more power soon, why bother.
So I started with Thiago Oliveira's great work. But I wanted to have the bare minimum of markup. By assuming the use of bootstrap classes & defaulting the validation property name from the previous element I could simplify most markup additions to:
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: null"></span>
My ko.bindingHandler:
//Highlight field in red & show first validation message
//Outputs first validation message for 'propertyName' or if null: previous controls value binding
//Needs ancestor with 'control-group' class to set class 'error' for Bootstrap error display
//<td class="control-group">
// <input class="input-block-level text-right" data-bind="value: id" />
// <span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: null"></span>
//Does not and cannot validate keys that already exist in cache. knockout write calls breeze which throws uncaught error
ko.bindingHandlers.breezeValidation = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
// This will be called when the binding is first applied to an element
// Set up any initial state, event handlers, etc. here
var $msgElement = $(element);
var entity = viewModel;
var propName = valueAccessor();
if (propName === null) {
// $element.prev().data("bind") = "value: itemType"
var prevBinds = $msgElement.prev().data("bind");
if (!prevBinds) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find prev elements binding value.");
var bindPhrases = prevBinds.split(/,/);
for (var i = 0, j = bindPhrases.length; i < j; i++) {
var bindPhrase = bindPhrases[i];
if (utility.stringStartsWith(bindPhrase, 'value: ')) {
propName = bindPhrase.substr(7);
if (!propName) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find this or prev elements binding value.");
//var $groupElement = $msgElement.parent();
var $groupElement = $msgElement.closest(".control-group");
if (!$groupElement.hasClass("control-group")) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find parent with 'control-group' class.");
onValidationChange(); //fire immediately (especially for added)
//... and anytime validationErrors are changed fire onValidationChnange
element.onchange = function () {
//Should never have updates pushed from validation msgElement
$msgElement.text("readonly error");
function onValidationChange() {
var errors = entity.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(propName);
var message = "";
if (errors.length > 0) {
message = errors[0].errorMessage;
if (message) {
else {
//Not interested in changes to valueAccessor - it is only the fieldName.
//update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
Example view simple implicit property usage:
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="editStatusNote">Status note:</label>
<div class="controls">
<input id="editStatusNote" type="text" data-bind="value: statusNote" />
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: null"></span>
Example view explicit property usage:
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="editAmount">Amount:</label>
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend">
<span class="add-on">$</span>
<input id="editAmount" class="input-small" type="text" data-bind="value: amount" />
<span class="help-inline" data-bind="breezeValidation: 'amount'"></span>
I updated breezeValidation to Bootstrap 3 and improved with multipath property support.
ko.bindingHandlers.breezeValidation = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
// This will be called when the binding is first applied to an element
// Set up any initial state, event handlers, etc. here
var $msgElement = $(element);
var entity = viewModel;
var propName = valueAccessor();
if (propName === null) {
// $element.prev().data("bind") = "value: itemType"
var prevBinds = $msgElement.prev().data("bind");
if (!prevBinds) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find prev elements binding value.");
var bindPhrases = prevBinds.split(/,/);
for (var i = 0, j = bindPhrases.length; i < j; i++) {
var bindPhrase = bindPhrases[i];
if (bindPhrase.substr(0, 7) == 'value: ') {
propName = bindPhrase.substr(7);
entity = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(entity);
var propPath = propName.replace(/[()]/g, "").split('.'), i = 0;
var tempProp = entity[propPath[i]], links = propPath.length;
while (ko.utils.unwrapObservable(tempProp) && i < links) {
entity = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(tempProp);
tempProp = entity[propName = propPath[i]];
if (!propName) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find this or prev elements binding value.");
//var $groupElement = $msgElement.parent();
var $groupElement = $msgElement.closest(".form-group");
if (!$groupElement.hasClass("form-group")) {
$msgElement.text("Could not find parent with 'form-group' class.");
onValidationChange(); //fire immediately (especially for added)
//... and anytime validationErrors are changed fire onValidationChnange
element.onchange = function () {
//Should never have updates pushed from validation msgElement
$msgElement.text("readonly error");
function onValidationChange() {
var errors = entity.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(propName);
var message = "";
if (errors.length > 0) {
message = errors[0].errorMessage;
if (message) {
else {
//Not interested in changes to valueAccessor - it is only the fieldName.
//update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
Knockout validator can use breeze validation as a whole:
function addKoValidationRules(entity) {
if (entity.koValidationRulesAdded) {
entity.entityType.dataProperties.forEach(function (property) {
validation: {
validator: function () {
// manual validation ensures subscription to observables which current field depends on
// entity is added to context for retrieving other properties in custom validators
entity.entityAspect.validateProperty(, { entity: entity });
var errors = entity.entityAspect.getValidationErrors(;
if (!errors.length) {
return true;
this.message = errors[0].errorMessage;
return false;
message: ''
entity.koValidationRulesAdded = true;
