ORACLE 9.0.1 driver for jdk 1.7 download to be used for jboss 7 - jdbc

I want to download driver "JDBC 9.0.1 drivers " for jdk 1.7 download.
I want to use it for oracle 8.0.5 .

Try to use the Driver for JDK 1.2 and 1.3:
This should work on JDK 1.7.

To use lower version of java driver use ironcamar.xml and package the jar file into the ear file .Dont use global module for this application.Instead use the driver jar of lower version in the ear file.This will make applicatin connect to the DB using the jar in the ear file and allow it to work as it did in earlier version of jboss


Can we add jars to sun.boot.class.path in JDK 8?

Trying to compile the EJB project which uses EJSContainer class in IBMWasruntime.jar
Getting the below error due to ibm related jars(ibmorb.jar) not available in sun.boot.class.path
cannot access
class file for not found
Is there a way we can add these jars in bootclasspath and resolve the error?
I downloaded the IBM's SDK 8 from IBM portal , but i dont find these jars in lib folders.But the same jars are present in 1.7 JDK

Which OJDBC driver will go with oracle19.10.0.0?

We are using oracle version -
Java - 1.8
Which ojdbc driver version will be suitable for this combination?
I have found on the pages to use ojdbc8.jar for the above-mentioned specification. But which version of the jar should I use?
You should use the 19.10 Oracle JDBC driver which is available either here or on Maven Central.

Does tomcat7 supports jdk11?

I am trying to upgrade jdk8 in one of my applications to java11 and I am using tomcat7. Does tomcat 7 supports jdk11 or do I need to use tomcat9?
See there, Tomcat 7 supports JDK 1.6 and later

How to add a JRE 1.8 into Eclipse Installer JRE?

I am trying deploy my Spring Boot application to Elastic Beanstalk.
The problem that I am facing right now is, my application is developed with Tomcat 9, Java 13 and Project Facet 4.0.
So when I deployed to a AWS environment, I kept getting error. After researching, I found out AWS only support Tomcat 8, Java 8 and Project Facet 3.0.
I managed to change Project Facet 4.0 to 3.0.
But I can't add Java 8 to the project.
I downloaded the JDK 8 from Oracle, and tried open jdk-8u251-macosx-x64.dmg and run JDK 8 Update 251.pkg.
The system keeps giving me error that: "JDK 8 Update 251.pkg" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated.
Anyone know how to fix this problem so that I can run JRE 8 on eclipse?
Here is picture the problem that I have when I deploy the app to AWS.
An internal error occurred during: Updating AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment
Here is the thread that I tried to follow but without success:
Can you elaborate where exactly are you seeing the error? While running the JDK package or while configuration the JDK within Eclipse?
Nevertheless, I suppose your main requirement is to get your Eclipse to use Java 8.
It can be done in multiple ways.
Usually you can change Java compiler level to 1.8 from Project Settings even if you're using Java 13.
If you're using Maven, you can specify compiler source and target to Java 1.8
Alternatively, you can download the JDK 8 zip instead of installer, unzip to any location and use that in Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs. Be sure to mark that one as default JRE.

Can sonar build java 6 and java 7 projects on a single server?

We have a server that runs Sonar and previously only had Java 6 installed and everything worked fine. We now have a Java 7 project and are encountering the "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0" version when the Maven surefire plugin tries to analyze the project.
Is there a way to specify the Java version sonar should use for a specific project?
Java 7 is already installed on the server.
Thanks in advance!
Never mind found the JDK option under Advanced in the Jenkins configuration for the job.
