I am stuck in my custom code.
I want to pass a custom variable from email template to pthml file.
Edit file
in this function :
public function sendNewOrderEmail()
--- default code start ----
'order' => $this,
'test' => 'XXXXX',
'billing' => $this->getBillingAddress(),
'payment_html' => $paymentBlockHtml
--- default code end ----
and then I put this code in New Order email template:
{{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order test=$test}}
template file located here :
and I am trying to get test variable Here:
like this: $test = $this->getItem()->getTest()
but not get success. Please let me know where am I wrong? or what to do need to access this variable in phtml file?
Your problem here is that the 'test' value goes to the main block Mage_Sales_Block_Order_Email_Items that uses "email/order/items.phtml" tempalte.
In there you can find the data using:
<?php $test = $this->getTest(); // or $this->getData('test') ?>
You can then add this data into a registry.
But a better way is to send set this info onto the order items before the email.
So, in email function before $mailer->setTemplateParams(); add a code like:
//$this = current order if you are in Mage_Sales_Model_Order
foreach ($this->getAllVisibleItems() as $item) {
$item->setData('test', 'test_value_10');
To get variable in your email template
{{var test}}
Take a look # Defining Transactional Variables
I'm trying to pass a varible from the Controller to my .blade.php file.
I'm returning the view and compacted variables to the .blade.php but it doens't recognize the
This is the code of the Controller.
$contents = Storage::get($request->file('csv_file_1')->store('temporaryfiles'));
$contents2 = Storage::get($request->file('csv_file_2')->store('temporaryfiles'));
return view('comparison.comparison')->with(compact('contents'),$contents)->with(compact('contents2'),$contents2);
And i'm trying every way just to get an result but instead i'm getting the "Undefined variable $contents" page. The last method i used was a simple
I don't think it's correct but i don't really remember how to do it.
In controller return like:
return view('comparison.comparison', compact(['contents', 'contents2']);
And make sure your file is in resources/views/comparison/comparison.blade.php
Try this
$contents = Storage::get($request->file('csv_file_1')->store('temporaryfiles'));
$contents2 = Storage::get($request->file('csv_file_2')->store('temporaryfiles'));
return view('comparison.comparison', compact('contents','contents2'));
if you have defined a veriable above just use tha name inside compact as above and it can be acced inside blade as <p>{{$contents}}</p>
You can pass variables like that it's not mandatory to use compact.
return view('comparison.comparison', [
'contents' => $contents,
'contents2' => $contents2
or if you want with compact:
return view('comparison.comparison')->with(compact('contents', 'contents1'));
I’ve added a file inside App/icons/icons.php which has an array
$skills_icon = array(
I have added the icons.php file in functions.php
array_map(function ($file) use ($sage_error) {
$file = "../app/{$file}.php";
if (!locate_template($file, true, true)) {
$sage_error(sprintf(__('Error locating <code>%s</code> for inclusion.', 'sage'), $file), 'File not found');
}, ['icons/icons','helpers', 'customizers/intro', 'customizers/skills', 'widgets/skills']);
and in my views home.blade.php I want to recieve array values values from it.
{{ var_dump($skills_icon)}}
But im receiving NULL values.
Anything I'm missing?
If you are sure that your file is loaded, have you try putting your data in a method that returns the data, and then call this method?
You could also add your file as a config/file.php, by adding it at the end of the function.php file with the others. And then call it with config() helper normally.
I wonder if I can get the View name based on full path of the view file.
Code example (expectation code):
$full_path = "D:\laragon\www\my-laravel-app\resources\views\user\login.blade.php";
$view_name = get_view_name($full_path);
echo $view_name;
// My expectation result should be $view_name = "user.login";
// So, it should echo this ---> user.login
Can I achieve this?
I just got a solution.
function get_view_name($full_path){
$view_root_path = config('view.paths')[0];
$view_name = strtr($full_path, [
$view_root_path.'/' => '',
'.blade.php' => '',
'/' => '.',
return $view_name;
But I think this is quite dirty solution.
So, I still hope if someone else got better and clean solution.
You can get name of route by using this
Or if you don't have $request where you want name of route you can achieve this with Request class
use Illuminate\Http\Request
That later different languages can be used, i would like want to save status and success messages in a central file and output them by the respective controller. Currently I'm still doing that in each controller extra.
At the moment:
return back()->with('status', 'Thanks for contacting us!');
Manually insert all the messages in directory resources > lang > en > messages.php , or create any other language folder you might want.
And then you can use it with this Lang::get('messages.success');
*use this in your controller use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang;
In your case like this: return back()->with('status', Lang::get('messages.success'));
An example of messages.php would be:
return [
'success' => 'your success message.',
'success1' => 'your success1 message.'
I'm a noob in the modx world. I have a page with subpages and I using getResources to display the content of those in tabs on the parent page.
What I would like to do is only display that chunk if the parent has subpages?
So something like this, but this is obviously not right because its not working.
[[!getResources &parent:notempty=`[[$chunk]]`]]
Give this a shot, create a new snippet for this;
// get the current resource id
$id = $modx->resource->get('id');
// get the resource object
$resource = $modx->getObject('modResource', $docId);
// make sure we have a resource
// see if the resource has children
$hasChildren = $resource->hasChildren();
if($hasChildren){ // pretty sure hasChildren returns 1 or 0
// optionally, retrieve the chunk & populate it.
// replace your-chunk-name and the placeholders with your values.
$output = $modx->getChunk('your-chunk-name',array(
'placeholder-1-name' => 'value',
'placeholder-2-name' => 'value',
'placeholder-3-name' => 'value',
'placeholder-4-name' => 'value',
return $output;
return true;
it's &parents , with "s".
If you want to use output filter for snippet, you add it BEFORE the question mark:
[[!getResources:isempty=`No content is available`? &parents =`[[*id]]`]]