How to verify if upload is finished in SFTP [duplicate] - bash

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How to confirm SFTP file delivery?
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm uploading the file through Sftp to destination server using bash scripts.
How I can be sure that the file which is uploaded is complete upload in the case sftp will not return anything or network connection could be broken?
I see that I can get the size of the file before uploading to the server and then I can compare it with the existing size for the file on the server.
Perhaps you can mention about other better options?
Thank you.

I think getting the size is a good option.
What I could imagine :
Client side :
- Put the size of the file, and its md5 in a file, like ".fileinfo"
- Send the fileinfo to the server
- Send the (interesting) File to the server
Server side :
- Check periodically files of a folder (with "watch ls" command for example)
- If a ".fileinfo" exists, read it, and check if the size corresponds to an existing file of the same name (without ".filefome"). If the size corresponds, do an "md5sum" of the file, and check if it corresponds. If yes, move your file into your final destination folder, and delete the ".fileinfo" file. If not reiterate.

Many sites for downloading softwares will provide both the software and its checksum.
we can use the same technique to check our uploading file.
upload the file together with its checksum, on the server side compare the file's checksum with uploaded checksum,
if the two don't match, you will know
The file uploaded is corrupted, or
The checksum uploaded is corrupted, or
Both the checksum and file uploaded are corrupted.

Test exit code of sftp. If it returns 0 you can be pretty sure that everything is ok (assuming you are using OpenSSH sftp). This works only when you use -b switch (what I assume you are doing).
SFTP protocol allows checksum calculation, but I suppose you are stuck with OpenSSH (or either or both sides) that does not support this.
To be 100% sure, you can download the file back and compare with original.


Flutter web: Download large files by reading a stream from the server?

There are already several articles about starting downloads from flutter web.
I link this answer as example:
The procedure is always similar: Request something from a server, maybe convert the body bytes to base64 and than use the AnchorElement to start the download.
It works perfectly for small files. Let's say, 30MB, no problem.
The whole file has to be loaded into the browser first, than the user starts the download.
What do to if the file is 10GB?
Is there a way to read a stream from the server and write a stream to the users download? Or is an other way preferable like to copy the file to a special folder that is directly hosted by the webserver?

What is correct way for an FTP server to prevent corrupted uploaded files because of late append?

Using pureftpd I uploaded 1% of a 1276541542 byte file or about 15 megs. Then I killed the network connection abnormally to simulate a client getting kicked off their ISP. Then I waited an hour. Then I re-connected and issued an APPE (append) command and uploaded the rest of the file. The final size of the file on the server after the upload finished was 1292326238. i.e. about 15 megs MORE than it should be. Corrupt file. What is correct way for an FTP server to prevent corrupted uploaded files because of late append?
What is correct way for an FTP server to prevent corrupted uploaded files because of late append?
There is no way for the FTP server to prevent corrupted uploaded files because the server does not know what the file should be.
But the server can help the client to do a proper upload by implementing the SIZE command. Using this command the client can determine the current file size at the server and thus the position in the file where the upload should be continued. Of course this logic has to be implemented at the client.
i have pure-ftpd answers about it’s upload-script
i’m running pure-uploadscript --run /home/aa/done.rb —daemonize
and my done.rb program is
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
puts "done""/home/aa/ddd.txt", "w")
f << "test"
and when I run pure-ftpd —uploadscript and upload a file, sure enough the done.rb program is run.
(I know it’s run cuz there is a new file called ddd.txt)
BUT when I’m uploading a big file and kill the ftp client in middle of upload done.rb is STILL run. (Yes I deleted ddd.txt first.)
Therefore, the answer to the question is, EVEN pureftpd can't handle this because of the limits of FTP protocol.

Calculate file checksum in FTP server using Apache FtpClient

I am using FtpClient of Apache Commons Net to upload videos to FTP server. To check if the file has really been successfully transferred, I want to calculate the checksum of remote file, but unfortunately I found there is no related API I could use.
My question is: Whether there is a need to calculate file checksum in ftp server? If the answer is yes, how to get checksum in FtpClient?
If the answer is no, how do FtpClient know if the file has really been successfully and completely transferred?
With FTP, I'd recommend to verify the upload, if possible.
The problem is that there's no widespread standard API for calculating checksum with FTP.
There are many proposals for checksum calculation command for FTP. None were accepted yet.
The latest proposal is:
As a consequence, different FTP servers support different checksum commands, with a different syntax. HASH, XSHA1, XSHA256, XSHA512, XMD5, MD5, XCRC, to name some. You need to check what, and if any at all, your FTP server supports.
You can test that with WinSCP. The WinSCP supports all the previously mentioned commands. Test its checksum calculation function or checksum scripting command. If they work, enable logging and check what command and what syntax WinSCP uses against your server.
> 2015-04-28 09:19:16.558 XSHA1 /test/file.dat
< 2015-04-28 09:19:22.778 213 a98faefdb2c36ca352a2d9b01668aec6b641cf4b
Then execute the command using Apache Commons Net sendCommand method:
if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(ftpClient.sendCommand("XSHA1", "filename"))
String[] reply = ftpClient.getReplyStrings();
(I'm the author of WinSCP)
If your server does not support any of the checksum commands, you do not have many options:
Download the file back and check it locally.
When using encryption (TLS/SSL), chances of the file being corrupted during transfer are significantly lower. The receiving party (server in this case) would otherwise fail to decrypt the data. So if you are sure that the file transfer completed (no decryption errors and the size of the uploaded file is the same as size of the original local file), you can be pretty sure that the uploaded file is correct.
Just a addition of how I implemented this. When dealing with standard ftp servers without any additionak modules loaded for checksum checking, all i did was creating a list of MD5 CRC hashes about each file into an SFV file. Say its called uploads.sfv (just in the same format as sfv generator would do). This allows you to do further checksum checks.
Examples about the server side support checksum checking support:
PZS-ng for cuftpd, glftpd
mod_digest for ProFTPD
Of course as #MartinPrikryl highlighted, none of these are standardized.
That's a long shot, but if the server supports php, you can exploit that.
Save the following as a php file (say, check.php), in the same folder as your name_of_file.txt file:
<? php
echo md5_file('name_of_file.txt');
Then, visit the page check.php, and you should get the md5 hash of your file.
Related questions:
FTP: copy, check integrity and delete
How to perform checksums during a SFTP file transfer for data integrity?

Efficiently creating tar files

Note: I'm using Windows file servers and .NET
If I were to create a TAR file from files on a remote file server (meaning, the TAR file would be created on the remote file server, where the original files are), would the bytes need to come to my machine and then go back to the file server (since my machine is running the code that's generating the TAR), or would they stay on the file server? I'm asking about the best possible (theoretical) implementation.
Thank you!
The bytes need to be where they are processed.
If you process them on your remote system, they must be transferred.
If you process them on your server, they don't need to be transferred.
If your goal is to minimize bandwidth usage, your best bet would be to have a script on your server that will generate the tar files for you when triggered by your remote system.
The best possible implementation really depends on what your goals and constraints are.
The bytes would have to be read into your machine. The only way I know that you can just do the TARing on the remote server is to have the remote server generate the TAR. For example, you could connect via SSH and run a shell command on the remote server.
Unfortunately, in the scenario described, the TAR operation will use network bandwidth. You need to run the tar program on the file server to avoid using bandwidth.

How do I verify the integrity of a Sybase dump file, without trying to load it?

Here's the scenario - a client uploads a Sybase dump file to (gzipped) to our local FTP server. We have an automated process which picks these up and then moves them to different server within the network where the database server resides. Unfortunately, this transfer is over a WAN, which for large files takes a long time, and sometimes our clients forget to FTP in binary mode, which results in 10GB of transfer over our WAN all for nothing as the dump file can't be loaded at the other end. What I'd like to do, is verify the integrity of the dump file on the local server before sending it out over the WAN, but I can't just try and "load" the dump file, as we don't have Sybase installed (and can't install it). Are there any tools or bits of code that I can use to do this?
There are a few things you can do from the command line. The first, on the sending side, is to generate md5sum's of the files.
$ md5sum *.dmp
2bddf3cd8b04010183dd3295ce7594ff pubs_1.dmp
7510e0250c8d68bae3e0e794c211e60b pubs_2.dmp
091fe54fa5fd81d8c109cc7835d37f4a pubs_3.dmp
On the client side, they can run the same. Secondly, usually Sybase dumps are done with the compress option. If this option is used, you can also test the file integrity by uncompressing the files via the command line. This isn't as complete, but it will verify the 8 byte CRC-32 checksum which is part of the compress algorithm.
$ gunzip --test *.dmp
gunzip: pubs_3.dmp: unexpected end of file
Neither of these methods validate that Sybase will be able to load the file, but it does help ensure the file isn't corrupt.
There is no way to really verify the integrity of the dump file without loading it in some way by a backup server. The client should know whether the dump is successful or not via the backup log or output during the dump.
But to solve your problem you should use to SFTP or SCP, all transfers are done in binary, alleviating your problem.
Ensure that they are also using compression in the dump a value of 1-3 is more than enough, this should reduce your network traffic also.
