suggestions for tools and techniques to work efficiently with Magento for a beginner - magento

Magento: locating associated files and classes by just viewing the template file(.phtml) in magento is right now a nightmare to me .
Since, i am a new programmer to any framework and my first framework is Magento,
1 . Can any one please suggest me techniques, tools or tutorials to easily track files and classes associated to a template file in Magento?
while suggesting please suggest something of great help to a complete beginner .. plzz.
2 and also suggest me with the right way to learn Magento framework .(i am finding it really very confusing)
Thanks in advance :)

You can learn many good techinques from magento Forum.
For extension development this book is awesome


Which is the best way to study the odoo development and customization ( structure and flow )

I am a starter in odoo development and customization. Nothing is easy to study fast. some dedications and patience should be needed. Can anybody suggest a best way to study the odoo development and customization? I mean, can anybody suggest a good way of understand the odoo complete structure and how it can be customized? It will be thankful if anybody can suggest a good URL's or tutorial suggestions to get into this odoo development. Thanks in advance.
The first step starts with the installation of the odoo. You will find here step by step sequence to install the odoo
Now if it's up to you, that what you want to customize in odoo. i.e
You want to create the odoo Website, New Module, want to work with API and web services and much more. Here at this below link, you will find the help for the any of you interested area.
I found this link best sources to understand the structure of the odoo Module
Still if you are in confusion or not getting what to do, just comment here I will try my best to help you.

Magento module Development

Can any Magento experts point me out to some good resources to Magento Module Development . I already tried to Magento Doc not very helpfull especially from development point of view.
Like Magento offer a lot of Built in Features to get different information.
<?php $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/layer')->getCurrentCategory();?>
<?php $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();?>
Specially more of these kinds ......
Any place where I can find list of all these or atleast most frequently used once to speed up the learning and understanding process.
Any help appreciated.
It does take hard work and you have to start somewhere. This is the best place to start:
Go through parts 1-8.
Then this is really good:
Then start going thru tutorials that you can find on the internet. It takes quite a bit of work, but it is learnable.
This has been a great for a couple of my employees in helping understanding the folder structure and naming conventions. I am a hands on learner myself, I wish this was around when I started years ago.
Check this out. Its a module creator. Create it using names you can follow and you can follow the path and structure quite easily.

How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

How To Create A Report in Magento

I am trying to create a report in Magento. I followed the tutorial from Alan Storm on getting things started in the admin panel and I now have a grasp of how to get the controllers working in the admin panel.
I would like to take this to the next step and create reports. The reports that I am creating I think I just want them to work like the grid widgets that are used throughout the entire Magento admin panel.
However, I am hard pressed to find a good tutorial on how to create these. If someone could explain how these work or point me towards a tutorial that worked for them, I would be very grateful.
An SQL based approach, to consider:
Personally I've tried implementing Reports the "Magento" way and found its much easier and simpler to just use the Grid instead. However here are some of the bookmarks I have in regards to building out reports.
Hope these help, I have to admit the way the way you build reports in Magento is very screwy, at least to me the approach seems very backwards.

magento website building help required

I am a j2ee developer, i want to develop a webstore i choosed magento as i found its review best among open source eCommerce projects.
I have search all around the magento wiki they explaining how to configure catalogue and other options.
Mangeto wiki
But i am unable to found how to list down the products on the page. is there any scripting language for it ? please help me out.
This links might help you
Managing your store
Working on Theme
For understanding and extending magento code
