Problems with a bilingual joomla 3.2 site - joomla

I have a custom made Joomla 3.2 template and am now trying to make it bilingual. Let's start with the modules:
I have one language switcher module, set to position "language". This position is referenced in the xml file and in the index file using the jdoc:include statement.
I have two menu modules, one for each language, both are set to be on the same position.
I have one menu with one menu item that is set to default and the language is set to all. The menu item's access is set to public and it is not published.
The other two menu's I have are the English and German menu. The menu item's of both menu's are set to the corresponding language, linked to an article and associated with the corresponding menu item of the other language.
All I get on the front end is the English site, the language switcher module is showing, however, I can only ever see the British flag. The German one does not appear.
Trying to change the URL's ending from index.php/en/ to index.php/de/ does not work either.

Found the problem, I had a small mistake in the German language tag. What I had was "de - DE" what I should have had was: "de-DE". Without spaces.
Note that by changing the language tag in the language manager, all articles and menu items that you set to that particular language will disappear. Just make sure that after you change the language tag you also check your menu items and article. If you don't they will not show up on the front end.


How to implement language selector in Oracle APEX App

I have an application with 3 pages. The primary language is English (AppID 123) and the second lang is German (AppID 124). Now I want to implement a selector list which works as language selector.
I know that the item has to set the FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE but I have no idea how and how the select item can show the active language.
Thanks in advance!
First navigate to shared components -> globalization and change the Application Language Derived From to Item Preference. While you're there take a look at the Application Primary Language select list and note down the short codes of the languages you are interested in (e.g. en-us for English United States).
Next create an application item called FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE, and a select list on the relevant page (or on desktop navigation menu) which displays the languages and returns the language short code. Then have a plsql process which sets FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE (you could have this as a dynamic action on change if it's on a particular page), e.g.
This will update your language setting effective from next page load.

2 menus in different language points to same menu in main language

I've created 2 menus in joomla (login page in English and Lithuanian) then I visit login page in lithuanian it points to e.g lt/pages/loginas and in english language it points to en/pages/loginas, however I've created in english language link like /pages/loginasEN. So I want for english language the link /pages/loginasEN not /pages/loginas, the reason is that I have some custom settings in menu link, so in both languages I have the same text(lithuanian).
I did the same thing in the last week.
You should have something like this:
Two articles in different languages, or one common article. Then you choose in menu the type (e.g. single article) and set the title of the first menu item to loginasEN, and the second to loginas. Both are child of pages menu.
For each submenu you choose the article in the specific language (en/lt), or the same article (e.g in your case english) to both sub-menus of pages.
This is the common procedure. And it works perfectly. Joomfish is a great help.

Highlight the selected menu in spring with struts

Is there any way to highlight the current menu which have been clciked.I am using left-mnu.jsp in which i have all the menu which i am including in each jsp pages.Now i use a variable clicked and update this variable to some value when i open main jsp pages.Then am checking this variable in left-menu.jsp to highlight the appropriate menu.I know this is not a good approach.Can any one suggest me a good one for highlighting menu.
You can do that with CSS only, setting the id of the home with a word related to the id of the selected menu item, like described here.
Or with Javascript, matching the URL of the current page with the URL of the menu items (if they're href), like described here (approach #2)
Or do it with JSP tags, etc...

Style (template) assignment to menu items in Joomla 1.7 - baffled

I have a number of Template Styles. If I change the default Style, I can see that my Styles are working. The Style actually changes. But for a week I have been trying to find out why my menu assignment doesn't work. I'm completely baffled.
So I have found two possible places where I could possibly change my Style per menu item. Either in Template Manager: Edit Style -> Menus assignment -> ticking the menu item. Or Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item -> Changing Template Style. I have tried these settings a hundred times. Those settings have absolutely no effect.
Where can I change the Style so that I get different Style for each menu item (by menu item I mean the page opened by the menu item)?
Try to create separate style files like mymenu1style.php, mymenu2style.php etc. together with corresponding XML files as it is described at in Menus section of that document
Then assign each style in Menu Manager "Edit Menu Item -> Changing Template Style"
I found the answer. I didn't use the actual Joomla menus before so I didn't know what links they produce. And there was a trick in the links they produce. On Menu Manage: Edit Menu Item there is the Link for the menu item ready for copypaste. However, this link is for example:
and the Itemid variable is missing from that! If it's missing, the template style will be the default one instead of the assigned one! So the correct link is, for example:
index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=65&Itemid=205 (note exact cases on Itemid) (the Itemid, aka ID, is in fact also on the same Edit Menu Item page, but just separately)
Or the other correct link is, after enabling Global Configuration / Site / SEO Settings / SEF URLs Yes:
That would also render with the assigned template. Or without the index.php/ part with the URL rewriting option.
So, which overrides which: the Edit Menu Item / Template Style setting or the Template Manager: Edit Style Menus assignments? The answer is, according to my test, if you keep the EMI Template Style as - Use Default -, then you can change it from Menus assignments. In other cases, the last saved situation overrides. If you have EMI Template Style set to mystyle1 and Menus assignments the same page is set to mystyle2, the latter will override while the EMI Template Style remains set to mystyle1. So it's a bit confusing. Then if for the page you change EMI Template Style to mystyle3, that will blank out the Menus assignments setting and therefore override that.

Dynamic menu table in inner pages

I want to add dynamic menu table in inner pages based upon the tabs on the home page.
how to do that in joomla,please help me.
It sounds like you are trying to create a split menu where the link you click at the top determines the menu that shows up in a column/below. This is the native behavior for Joomla menus simply by setting the start and end levels in the menu module. Here is a good tutorial -
Beware:: The split level menu feature in Joomla only works when the split equals TWO levels. If you want to build your site with a single master menu that spans 3 or more levels, this does not work. It looks like the internals of Joomla do not know how to track the parent properly (not really sure) when the menus are generated (probably an overstatement). Level 1:1 works, Level 2:2 works but then when you try to specify a menu starting at level 3, it breaks. In my case, I hacked the menu to check the pathways (breadcrumbs) list and derive what I wanted from it so I could determine the real parent of the items at level 3 (or other). Then I could get the items to generate proper. This was a disappointment in Joomla (v1.7). And then on top of this, you would then have to hack further to ensure that each menu item instance starting at 1 is highlighted proper. Perhaps the menus should be more closely coupled to the breadcrumbs pathway list.
