grunt, grunt-shell and command argument - arguments

I would like to pass an argument to grunt-shell like it is defined in the documentation:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Configure Grunt
shell: {
hello: {
command: function (greeting) {
return 'echo ' + greeting;
options: {
stdout: true
grunt.registerTask('d', 'shell:hello');
When I execute it without argument it's working but when I try to put an argument I got an error:
Julio:Server julio$ grunt d
Running "shell:hello" (shell) task
Done, without errors.
Julio:Server julio$ grunt d:me
Warning: Task "me" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Where is my misunderstanding?
Thank you

Your problem is the alias, aliases don't work like you think.
If you use
grunt shell:hello:me
Then it'll work the way you expect it to.
Since aliases can be a list of zero or more tasks, it wouldn't make sense for them to pass parameters to other classes. If you want to alias it so badly, then the best you can hope for is creating another task to do the aliasing, rather than a real alias.
grunt.registerTask('d', function (greeting) {'shell:hello:' + greeting);
In that case then you would be able to do what you intended, using
grunt d:me


Cypress + yarn/npm won’t run a CLI command in `after:run`, only in `before:run`

I want Cypress to execute custom scripts before and after running the specs suite.
The before:run and after:run APIs look perfect for that.
But the same snippet that works perfectly in before:run doesn’t seem to work in after:run:
module.exports = {
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on("before:run", details => {
console.log("Before run:")
exec("npm run cal", {}, handleExecOutput)
on("after:run", results => {
console.log("After run:")
exec("npm run cal", {}, handleExecOutput)
The cal script is defined in package.json as simply calling the native cal command, as a minimal test.
This is logging "Before run" and the calendar (not exactly together) before running the specs, and only "After run" after running the specs. However, if I change npm run cal to simply cal, the command is executed in both cases.
I’ve tried it with and without promises, with yarn and npm, always the same result. What am I missing?

Looking for a way to excute a command line from cypress

I need to create a file and copy it somewhere by some code from cypress .
the first step is done by using cy.writeFile and now myfile.txt is created
Now i need to copy it somewhere like c:/lib/Sth
i used this command cy.exec('cp myfile.txt c:/lib/sth')
it shows this error message :
CypressError: cy.exec('cp myfile.txt c:/lib/sth') failed because the command exited with a non-zero code. Pass {failOnNonZeroExit: false}` to ignore exit code failures.
Information about the failure:
Code: 127
I add {failOnNonZeroExit: false} to my code to ignore error , it works , but my file is not copied.
is there any other solution to copy my file from cypress ??
A work-around you could do is set up a custom cypress task to execute a command.
Something like
// cypress/plugins/index.ts
const { exec } = require('child_process');
* #type {Cypress.PluginConfig}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
module.exports = (on, config) => {
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
on('task', {
async execute(command: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
Then execute like so
cy.task('execute', 'cp myfile.txt c:/lib/sth');
This was a potential solution I came up with when cy.exec() didn't work for me either when trying to execute a relatively complex node script.
Another thing you could try is to create a really simple script that copies the file, and try executing that script.
Best of luck!

systematic failure when trying to execute a system command with Cypress

I'm new to Cypress and Javascript
I'm trying to send system commands through Cypress. I've been through several examples but even the simplest does not work.
it always fails with the following message
Information about the failure:
Code: 127
/c/Program: Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe: No such file or directory`
I'm trying cy.exec('pwd') or 'ls' to see where it is launched from but it does not work.
Is there a particular include I am missing ? some particular configuration ?
indeed, I'm not clear about the context I'm trying to use the command in. However, I don't set any path explicitely.
I send requests on a linux server but I also would like to send system commands.
My cypress project is in /c/Cypress/test_integration/cypress
I work with a .feature file located in /c/Cypress/test_integration/cypress/features/System and my scenario calls a function in a file system.js located in /c/Cypress/test_integration/cypress/step_definitions/generic.
Scenario: [0004] - Restore HBox configuration
Given I am logging with "Administrator" account from API
And I store the actual configuration
Then I my .js file, I want to send a system command
Given('I store the actual configuration', () => {
let nb_elem = 0
cy.exec('ls -l')
I did no particular path configuration in VS Code for the use of bash command (I just configured the terminal in bash instead of powershell)
Finally, with some help, I managed to call system functions by using tasks.
In my function I call :
cy.task('send_system_cmd', 'pwd').then((output) => {
console.log("output = ", output)
with a task created as follows:
on('task', {
send_system_cmd(cmd) {
console.log("task test command system")
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
const output = execSync(cmd, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
return output
this works at least for simple commands, I haven't tried much further for the moment.
UPDATE for LINUX system commands as the previous method works for WINDOWS
(sorry, I can't remember where I found this method, it's not my credit. though it fulfills my needs)
This case requires node-ssh
Still using tasks, the function call is done like this
cy.task('send_system_cmd', {cmd:"<my_command>", endpoint:<address>,user:<ssh_login>, pwd:<ssh_password>}).then((output) => {
<process output.stdout or output.stderr>
with the task being build like this:
// send system command - remote
on('task', {
send_system_cmd({cmd, endpoint, user, pwd}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const { NodeSSH } = require('node-ssh')
const ssh = new NodeSSH()
let ssh_output = {}
host: endpoint,
username: user,
password: pwd
.then(() => {
reject("ssh connection not set")
//console.log("ssh connection OK, send command")
ssh.execCommand(cmd).then(function (result) {
ssh_output["stderr"] = result.stderr
ssh_output["stdout"] = result.stdout

Cypress: How do I conditionally skip a test by checking the URL

How do I conditionally skip a test if the URL contains "xyz"?
some tests that run in the QA environment "abc" should not be run in Production "xyz" environment.
I've not been able to find a good example of conditionally checking for environment to trigger a test. The baseURL needs to be checked dynamically and the test skipped preferably in the beforeEach.
running cypress 6.2.0
beforeEach(() => {
it('test page', function () {
if environment.getBaseUrl().contains("xyz")
then *skip test*
cy.intercept('GET', '**/some-api/v1/test*').as('Test'););
Potential Solution (tested and tried successfully):
I used a combination of filtering (grouping) and folder structures via CLI
I set folders /integrations/smokeTest/QA and /integrations/smokeTest/Prod/
1.QA Test Run:
npm run *cy:filter:qa* --spec "cypresss/integration/smokeTests/QA/*-spec.ts"
2.Run All (both QA and PROD tests)
npm run cypress:open --spec "cypresss/integration/smokeTests/*/*-spec.ts"
3. Prod Test Run:
npm run cy:filter:prod --spec "cypresss/integration/smokeTests/PROD*/*-spec.ts"
Normally I wouldn't write a custom command just to exercise one Cypress command, but in this case it's useful to obtain the global test context this.
Using the function form of callback with the custom command allows access to this, then you are free to use arrow functions on the test themselves.
Cypress.Commands.add('skipWhen', function (expression) {
if (expression) {
it('test skipping with arrow function', () => {
// NOTE: a "naked" expect() will not be skipped
// if you call your custom command within the test
// Wrap it in a .then() to make sure it executes on the command queue
cy.then(() => {
I would add a helper method which you can call from any Mocha.Context (at the time of writing, any it, describe, or context block).
// commands.ts
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-namespace
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
* Custom command which will skip a test or context based on a boolean expression.
* You can call this command from anywhere, just make sure to pass in the the it, describe, or context block you wish to skip.
* #example cy.skipIf(yourCondition, this);
skipIf(expression: boolean, context: Mocha.Context): void;
(expression: boolean, context: Mocha.Context) => {
if (expression) context.skip.bind(context)();
And from your spec:
describe('Events', () => {
const url = `${environment.getBaseUrl()}${route}`;
before(function () {
cy.skipIf(url.includes('xyz'), this);
context('Nested context', () => {
it('test', function () {
cy.skipIf(url.includes('abc'), this);
Now you have a reusable custom command that you can call from anywhere to conditionally skip tests based on any expression that evaluates to a boolean. Careful of classic JS equality and definition gotchas (read more about equality in JS here).

Protractor passing parameters in script run command

I need to pass the credentials in command running a script.
For now, I am using in protractor file following part:
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
//(other environments)
else {
console.log('-------------error during log in');
and it was working fine, but I need to change it - I can't pass credentials in this way. I thought about changing it to:
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
and run the script using
npm run dev-script --browser.params.Url='http://devel/' --browser.params.webmaster='abc' --browser.params.webmaspass='foo'
where package.json I have:
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"dev-script": "protractor --params.Url=http://devel/ --browser.params.webmaster='' --browser.params.webmaspass=''"
(or any variation) But it fails - I can't update params during running script, I need to write down the credentials in the code (which I find a little unsafe)
I found issues like Protractor needs password for login => insecure? but it about Google Auth problems
Any idea?
You need to remove the variable assignment in the onPrepare. You are overwriting what you are passing in from the command line by setting it to an empty string.
When you pass them in from the command line they will be availble on the params object. There is no need to set them again in your onPrepare. Add a console.log() in your onPrepare and you will see.
Run it from the command line like this: protractor conf.js --params.webmaster=abc --params.webmaspass=foo --params.url=http://devel/
Again, if you log them in your onPrepare you will see that it is working. The way you currently have it you are just overwriting the values you are passing in through the command line.
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
consoel.log(browser.params.webmaster) //should be abc
console.log(browser.params.webmaspass) //should be foo
//(other environments)
else {
console.log('-------------error during log in');
Another way you can do this is to set some environment variables before your test run and then you can access them in your scripts by using process.env.envVariableName or ${envVariableName}. Both ways will work.
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
//(other environments)
else {
console.log('-------------error during log in');
Just remember that if you use this method you would have to set the variables for each session. If you are planning to automate these tests using a CI environment you can just add them there as secret variables (if you have that option) and they will always be there ready and waiting. There will be no need to set them manually during each build.
What I did it here was create the scripts in my package.json:
scripts: {
"automation-test": "concurrently --raw --kill-others \"./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager start\" \"sleep 5 && ./node_modules/.bin/protractor configuration/protractor.config.js\"",
"automation:pending": "TAGS=#pending npm run automation-test"
And in my protractor.conf.js I just assign the value to a variable so I can use in my config. Like this:
let tags = process.env.TAGS;
Then the command that I run is just this:
npm run automation:pending
but I could pass the TAGS like this as well:
npm run automation-test TAGS=#pending
I have not seen the configuration file on the parameters of the command line. you must specify the configuration file:
example: protractor config.js --params ......
Do this in your script file: i have added a config file after the command protractor
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"dev-script": "protractor config.js --params.Url=http://devel/ --browser.params.webmaster='' --browser.params.webmaspass=''"
