Why is the method deleting the element inside my array? - ruby

I'm trying to create my own .sort method as an exercise in a ruby book, using recursion, and for some reason they haven't taught me the spaceship operator yet. My code works to get the smallest value - apple - and puts it in the sorted array, and it even repeats using the recursion, and resets the array to repeat the process to add the second smallest word. The problem is for some reason it removes the smallest word -apple- and I can't figure out why. I know where I think - in the else myArray.length == 1 statement when I pop the element off the array, but why is it removing from the sortedArray too?
sortedArray ends up with value apple, then when it does recursion it SHOULD be sortedArray = ['apple', 'banana' …] but it removes apple, then it removes banana etc… until I end up with sortedArray = ['quincy']
I have tried moving my arrays to multiple places, and I've tried adding to the sortedWords array in multiple places but it is always deleting or resetting the sortedWords array.
It looks like I'm really close since I've got the alphabetizing working. How do I get it to add all the items to the sortedWords array?
ArrayofWords = ['cat', 'dog', 'bat', 'elephant', 'apple', 'banana', 'quincy', 'boo']
# Why is it deleting, or replacing my sortedWords array? If you run this code you will notice that the sortedWords array
# is giving me the smallest word in the array, but then I add the recursive part, and somehow the previous smallestword
#gets deleted... but I have never in any part of my code say delete or replace the sorted array...
def sortTheArray myArray
unsortedWords = []
sortedWords = []
smallestValue = ''
while myArray.length != 0
if myArray.first < myArray.last
elsif myArray.first > myArray.last
else myArray.length == 1
myArray.pop # This is my problem area I think???
end # if else
#puts 'sorted words'
#puts sortedWords
#puts 'unsortedWords'
#puts unsortedWords
end # while
puts 'sorted words'
puts sortedWords
puts 'unsortedWords'
puts unsortedWords
myArray = unsortedWords
while myArray.length > 0
sortTheArray myArray
end #while
end # sortTheArray
sortTheArray ArrayofWords
most of those puts's are not necessary, I was just trying to figure out where the problem was.

You've got numerous problems with your code. For example, you seem to want to accumulate sorted words across invocations of this method, but you reinitialize sorted_words to [] at the start of the method block.
I would suggest first trying to express your recursive solution in English as simply as possible and then seek to implement it.
For example, the following is an approach which seems to be in line with what you are trying to do:
def sorted_array(array)
lowest_value prepended to the sorted_value of the array with the lowest_value removed
I'm sharing the above because it appears that you're new to Ruby and just implementing the above in an idiomatic fashion will be a good challenge.


Is there a better way?: iterating over an array in ruby

I'm working on a mini project for a summer class. I'd like some feedback on the code I have written, especially part 3.
Here's the question:
Create an array called numbers containing the integers 1 - 10 and assign it to a variable.
Create an empty array called even_numbers.
Create a method that iterates over the array. Place all even numbers in the array even_numbers.
Print the array even_numbers.
Here's my code, so far:
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print numbers[3]
def even_numbers
Rather than doing explicit iteration, the best way is likely Array#select thus:
even_numbers = numbers.select { |n| n.even? }
which will run the block given on each element in the array numbers and produce an array containing all elements for which the block returned true.
or an alternative solution following the convention of your problem:
def get_even_numbers(array)
even_num = []
array.each do |n|
even_num << n if n.even?
and of course going for the select method is always preferred.

Swap adjacent elements in array

I am trying to build a method in Ruby that will take in a string that has been split into an array of letters and then iterate through the array, swapping the element at index n with that at index n+1. The method will then join the new array into a string and push it to another array.
Here is an example of what I am looking to do:
string = "teh"
some ruby magic here
array << new_string
Expected output:
["eth", "the"]
This is for a spell checker program I am writing for school. The method will check if letters in a misspelled word are swapped by checking to see if the output array elements are in the dictionary. If they are, it will return the word with that is most likely the correct word. I haven't had any luck finding articles or documentation on how to build such a method in ruby or on an existing method to do this. I've been tinkering with building this method for awhile now but my code isn't behaving anything like what I need. Thanks in advance!
As #Sergio advised, you want to use parallel assignment for this:
def reverse_em(str)
(0...str.size-1).map do |i|
s = str.dup
s[i], s[i+1] = s[i+1], s[i]
candidates = reverse_em "alogrithm"
#=> ["laogrithm", "aolgrithm", "algorithm", "alorgithm",
# "alogirthm", "alogrtihm", "alogrihtm", "alogritmh"]
#=> algorithm
# al·go·rithm
# noun \ˈal-gə-ˌri-thəm\
# a set of steps that are followed in order to solve a
# mathematical problem or to complete a computer process
Without splitting it into arrays then joining to new arrays (because that doesn't seem necessary):
def some_method(string)
swapped_strings = []
(0...string.size-1).each do |i|
temp_string = string.dup
temp_string[i], temp_string[i+1] = temp_string[i+1], temp_string[i]
swapped_strings << temp_string

Coderbyte Second Great Low - code works but is rejected

I'm currently working through the Coderbyte series to get better at Ruby programming. Maybe this is just a bug in their site (I don't know), but my code works for me everywhere else besides on Coderbyte.
The purpose of the method is to return the 2nd smallest and the 2nd largest elements in any inputted array.
def SecondGreatLow(arr)
while output.length < 1
unless arr.length <= 2
#Get second largest here
while (j<arr.length)
unless arr[j]==arr[j-1]
unless secSmall != ''
#get second smallest here
while i>0
unless arr[i-1] == arr[i]
unless secLarge != ''
# code goes here
return output
# keep this function call here
# to see how to enter arguments in Ruby scroll down
Input: [1,2,3,100] => Output: [2,3] (correct)
Input: [1,42,42,180] => Output: [42,42] (correct)
Input: [4,90] => Output: [90,4] (correct)
The problem is that I'm awarded 0 points and it tells me that my output was incorrect for every test. Yet, when I actually put any inputs in, it gives me the output that I expect. Can someone please assist with what the problem might be? Thanks!
Thanks to #pjs answer below, I realized this could be done in just a few lines:
def SecondGreatLow(arr)
return "#{arr[1]} #{arr[-2]}"
# keep this function call here
# to see how to enter arguments in Ruby scroll down
It's important to pay close attention to the problem's specification. Coderbyte says the output should be the values separated by a space, i.e., a string, not an array. Note that they even put quotes around their "Correct Sample Outputs".
Spec aside, you're doing way too much work to achieve this. Once the array is sorted, all you need is the second element, a space, and the second-to-last element. Hint: Ruby allows both positive and negative indices for arrays. Combine that with .to_s and string concatenation, and this should only take a couple of lines.
If you are worried about non-unique numbers for the max and min, you can trim the array down using .uniq after sorting.
You need to check condition for when array contains only two elements. Here is the complete code:
def SecondGreatLow(arr)
if arr.length == 2
sec_lowest = arr[1]
sec_greatest = arr[0]
sec_lowest = arr[1]
sec_greatest = arr[-2]
return "#{sec_lowest} #{sec_greatest}"

Learning Ruby - Stuck on string comparison within an array

I'm working through Learning to Program with Ruby and I am stuck on building my own sort method.
I'm struggling to figure out why the comparison method inside my recursive_sort is throwing out an error
chapter10.rb:120:in `block in recursive_sort': undefined method `<' for ["zebra"]:Array (NoMethodError)
But this works just fine...
lowest = 'zebra'
if 'cat' < 'zebra'
lowest = 'cat'
puts lowest
Could someone put in the right direction to something that can help me wrap my head around this? Thanks!
puts 'Sorting Program with recursion v1.0'
# Keep two more lists around
# One for already-sorted words
# One for still - unsorted words
# Find the smallest word in the unsorted list
# push it into the end of the sorted_array
def sort some_array
recursive_sort some_array, []
def recursive_sort unsorted_array, sorted_array
lowest = unsorted_array[0]
unsorted_array.each do |uns|
if uns < lowest
lowest = uns
puts lowest
# Get a list of unsorted words into an array
orig_array = []
word = 'placeholder'
puts 'Enter a list of words to be sorted. Press enter when done.'
while word != ''
word = gets.chomp
orig_array.push [word]
puts 'This is the output of the built in sort method.'
orig_array.sort.each do |un|
puts un
puts 'This is the output of Rick\'s sort method.'
sort orig_array
orig_array.push [word]
Here, you are actually pushing an array into an array, so that your orig_array becomes
[["word 1"], ["word 2"], ["word 3"], ...]
Remove the [] around word to fix this, or change the .push to += or .concat, which will glue together the two arrays.

Storing output into a variable to be used in an array

A snippet of my code below flips a coin and outputs a result of 10 total heads or tails.
(e.g. Heads Tails Heads Tails...)
I'd like to store this into a variable where I can put it into an array and use its strings.
%w[act] only outputs the string "act". How can I get that line of code to output my array of strings from the line act = coin.flip?
Updated and added full code
class Coin
def flip
flip = 1 + rand(2)
if flip == 2
then puts "Heads"
puts "Tails"
array = []
10.times do
coin = Coin.new
array << coin.flip
puts array
10.times do
coin = Coin.new
act = coin.flip
doesn't produce an array. It simply creates ten coin flips and throws them all away, the result of that expression is, in fact, 10. If you want an array, you'll need to build one.
You could take Douglas's approach or try something a bit more idiomatic.
The Integer#times method returns an enumerator so you can use any of the Enumerable methods on it rather than directly handing it a block. In particular, you could use collect to build an array in one nice short piece of code:
a = 10.times.collect { Coin.new.flip }
That gives you 10 flips in the Array a and then you can puts a or puts a.join(', ') or whatever you want.
The %w[] won't work because that's for generating an Array of whitespace separated words:
%w[] Non-interpolated Array of words, separated by whitespace
So %w[a b c] is just a nicer way of saying ['a', 'b', 'c'] and the words within %w[] are treated as single quoted strings rather than variables or method calls to be evaluated.
Seems that there is some editing going on. You'll also want to modify your flip method to return the flip rather than print it:
def flip
flip = 1 + rand(2)
if flip == 2
Then you'll get your Heads and Rails in the array.
Put the act results into an array.
arr = []
10.times do
coin = Coin.new
arr << coin.flip
p arr # => [...]
