ExtJS - Handling Session Management - session

I want to know how i can save page data.first i will tell how my application works.
I have a container and i am adding panels to this dynamically.
something like this
--add panel_1
---want to add panel_2 ? remove panel_1 and add panel_2 in that place
My problem is..Now i am planning to have a back button in panel 2..when user clicks ,will take him to panel_1 and i want to show what he entered...Please help me
have seen this (Extjs 4 Session Management)

I use an extra class with static members for holding data in MVC arch in ExtJS. So I save objects, arrays, vars etc in it from controller and use them later in project. Perhaps this help you as well. Save panel_1 object or data and goto panel_2, or viceversa
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Utility', {
statics : {
panel1: false,
panel2: false,
myFun : function() {
//some code
in any controller/view etc whenever you want to save an object or value, refer to this class but first add to require. .e.g.
var ut = MyApp.controller.Utility;
ut.panel1 = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('panel')[0];


CKEditor 5: How can I load to/save from model instead of view?

My application uses CKEditor 5 to allow users to edit rich text data. These texts support some application-specific custom elements (Web Components), and I want to extend CKEditor with custom plugins that support inserting such custom elements. I seem to be almost there, but I'm having some difficulties getting these custom elements into and out of the CKEditor instance properly.
Current plugin implementations
I mainly followed the Implementing an inline widget tutorial from the CKEditor 5 documentation. As an example, I would like to support a custom element like <product-info product-id="123"></product-info>, which in CKEditor should be rendered as a simple <span> with a specific class for some styling.
In my editing plugin, I first define the extension to the schema:
const schema = this.editor.model.schema;
schema.register('product-info', {
allowWhere: '$text',
isInline: true,
isObject: true,
allowAttributes: [ 'product-id' ]
I then define the upcast and downcast converters, closely sticking to the tutorial code:
const conversion = this.editor.conversion;
view: {
name: 'span',
classes: [ 'product-info' ]
model: (viewElement, { writer: modelWriter }) => {
const id = viewElement.getChild(0).data.slice(1, -1);
return modelWriter.createElement('product-info', { 'product-id': id });
model: 'product-info',
view: (modelItem, { writer: viewWriter }) => {
const widgetElement = createProductInfoView(modelItem, viewWriter);
return toWidget(widgetElement, viewWriter);
model: 'product-info',
view: (modelItem, { writer: viewWriter }) => createProductInfoView(modelItem, viewWriter)
function createProductInfoView(modelItem, viewWriter) {
const id = modelItem.getAttribute('product-id');
const productInfoView = viewWriter.createContainerElement(
{ class: 'product-info' },
{ isAllowedInsideAttributeElement: true }
viewWriter.createPositionAt(productInfoView, 0),
return productInfoView;
Expected behavior
The idea behind all this is that I need to support the custom <product-info> elements stored in user data in the backend. CKEditor, which is used by users to edit that data, should load these custom elements and transform them into a styled <span> for display purposes while editing. These should be treated as inline widgets since they should only be able to be inserted, moved, copied, pasted, deleted as a whole unit. A CKEditor plugin should allow the user to create new such elements to be inserted into the text, which will then also be <span>s in the editing view, but <product-info>s in the model, which should also be written back to the backend database.
In other words, I expected this to ensure a direct mapping between element <product-info product-id="123"></product-info> in the model, and <span class="product-info">123</span> in the view, to support inserting and moving of <product-info> elements by the user.
Actual result
In short, I seem to be unable to get CKEditor to load data containing <product-info> elements, and unable to retrieve the model representation of these custom elements for backend storage. All operations to insert data to CKEditor from source, or to retrieve CKEditor data for sending to the backend, seem to operate on the view.
For example, if I preload CKEditor contents either by setting the inner content of the element that is replaced with the editor instance, or inserting it like this:
const viewFragment = editor.data.processor.toView(someHtml);
const modelFragment = editor.data.toModel(viewFragment);
I see the following behavior (verified using CKEditor Inspector):
When inserting the custom element, i.e. <product-info product-id="123"></product-info>, the element is stripped. It's not present in either the model nor the view.
When inserting the view representation, i.e. <span class="product-info">123</span> I get the representation that I want, i.e. that same markup in CKEditor's view, and the <product-info product-id="123"></product-info> tag in the model.
This is exactly the opposite of what I want! In my backend, I don't want to store the view representation that I created for editing purposes, I want to store the actual custom element. Additionally:
My UI plugin to insert new product info elements, uses a command that does the following:
execute({ value }) {
this.editor.model.change( writer => {
const productInfo = writer.createElement('product-info', {
'product-id': value
writer.setSelection(productInfo, 'on');
which also works as I want it to, i.e. it generates the product-info tag for the model and the span for the view. But, of course, when loading an entire source text when initialising the editor with data from the backend, I can't use this createElement method.
Conversely, in order to retrieve the data from CKEditor for saving, my application uses this.editor.getData(). There, these proper pairs of <product-info> model elements and <span> view elements get read out in their view representation, instead of their model representation – not what I want for storing this data back!
The question
My question is: what do I need to change to be able to load the data into CKEditor, and get it back out of the CKEditor, using the custom element, rather than the transformed element I want to show only for editing purposes? Put differently: how can I make sure the content I insert into CKEditor is treated as the model representation, and how do I read out the model representation from my application?
I'm confused about this because if the model representation is something that is only supposed to be used internally by CKEditor, and not being able to be set or retrieved from outside – then what is the purpose of defining the schema and these transformations in the first place? It will only ever be visible to CKEditor, or someone loading up the CKEditor Inspector, but of no use to the application actually integrating the editor.
Sidenote: an alternative approach
For a different approach, I tried to forgo the transformation to <span>s entirely, and just use the custom element <product-info>, unchanged, in both the model and the view, by using the General HTML Support functionality. This worked fine, since this time no transformation was needed, all I had to do was to set the schema in order for CKEditor to accept and pass through the custom elements.
The reason I can't go with this approach is that in my application, these custom components are handled using Angular Elements, so they will actually be Angular components. The DOM manipulation seems to interfere with CKEditor, the elements are no longer treated as widgets, and there are all manner of bugs and side effects that come with it. Elements show up fine in CKEditor at first, but things start falling apart when trying to select or move them. Hence my realisation that I probably need to create a custom representation for them in the CKEditor view, so they're not handled by Angular and preventing these issues.

Should the store know the view?

Actually I am playing around with sencha touch. Sometimes my stores need to know my views. For example:
Ext.define('Ext.Panel', {
id : 'myId',
config : {
padding: 5,
fullscreen : true
moo : null
Ext.define('Ext.data.Store', {
fetchSomething : function() {
// Fetch stuff and set moo of view like this:
Ext.getCmp('#myid').moo = 'fetched Data';
This is a general question.
Is it allowed that the store can set properties of the view?
I think yes, because in a store, if you work with templates and load data, in callback method you can say view.setData(fetchedData).
And is the store a controller or model? Because sometimes I get data from
server and have to change the structure so the view can make it visible.
For example I get an array and make from it a map.
According to best practices, no, absolutely not!!
The sencha touch data system allows views to automatically update themselves when the content of a store changes. You need to use dataviews or the record config along with the tpl config of a view to wire this all up.
I wrote (quite an extensive) post about this for beginners on my blog a while back that will really help you with this (I hope!)
In brief:
Model = a description of a type of data your app will handle
Record = instance of model
Store = collection of records
View = something displayed on screen
Controller = collection of references/methods that wire your app together

Manually load kendo mobile view

I'm working on a Kendo Mobile project with a number of:
Kendo Views (external to root html)
Modal Views (in the root html).
The external files load on demand and everything works fine. But i'd like to have the same load on demand behavior for some of the modal views, because the root/based html file is becoming too large and not manageable.
Is there a way to either:
Store a modal view in an external file? If so is it possible to load via javascript syntax (app.navigate()) rather than the declarative syntax (href='externalmodal').
Manually pre-load an external view without navigating to it first.
This code lets you manually create a view:
var viewUrl = 'blahblahblah';
var element = $.parseHTML('<div data-role=view>test</div>')[0];
element.style.display = 'none';
var options = $.extend({}, kendo.parseOptions(element, kendo.mobile.ui.View.fn.options));
var view = new kendo.mobile.ui.View(element, options);
view.element[0].setAttribute('data-url', viewUrl);
kendo.mobile.application.navigate(viewUrl, '');
Depending on what features you use, you may need to instead use code similar that that used for ModalView below so that Kendo creates the subclass (changes: substitute View for ModalView, substitute view for modalview, add data-url, remove call to show(), maybe check that view not already created by checking for element with matching data-url). We haven't tested setting roles.view this way, but we did something similar while testing this stuff out and it worked.
Don't try settings the options - Kendo got confused (at least trying to set useNativeScrolling didn't work, also don't try setting the options object on the subclass unless you really know what you are doing).
Caveat: This was using browserHistory:false (which disables routing) when the kendo.mobile.Application was created. The technique should still work when using browser history if you use a valid url fragment (same as would be created by Kendo for the pushstate/hashchange url).
This is a also way to cleanly subclass kendo.mobile.ui.View that works well - although you must still use data-role=view even though your subclass is a "different" component. Note that you can't just use you cant use your own subclassed component with its own name like role=myview to subclass a view because there are hard-coded checks specifically for data-role=view in the kendo codebase. Same if you wish to subclass: layout modalview drawer splitview page (amongst other hard-coded kendo ui component names - search kendo code for kendo.roleSelector - ugly). e.g.
MyView = kendo.mobile.ui.View.extend({
init: function(element, options) {
kendo.mobile.ui.View.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
var myView = new MyView('<div data-role=view>test</div>');
Why it works: The relevant function in the Kendo source code is _findViewElement which does element = this.container.children("[" + attr("url") + "='" + urlPath + "']"); to see if the view already exists for a url, before creating a new one. A unique init function is always required as it ends up being the constructor function.
If you want to subclass a modalview, you need to do something different due to the way kendo works:
var MyModalView = kendo.mobile.ui.ModalView.extend({
html: '<div data-role=modalview style="width:90%;display:none;">Foobar</div>',
init: function() {
kendo.mobile.ui.ModalView.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
function makeModalView() {
var roles = $.extend({}, kendo.mobile.ui.roles);
roles.modalview = MyModalView;
var modalView = kendo.initWidget($(element), {}, roles);
return modalView;

ExtJS 4 how to create and display a new controller/view from another controller/view?

I have looked over lots of examples of ExtJS 4 MVC, and they all pretty much show the same thing: The application creates a viewport, loads in a view, and has a 'controllers' defined, which init's the controller:
name: 'AM',
controllers: [
launch: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: 'fit',
items: [
xtype: 'userlist'
Thats great, but now let's say in my application I want a button contained within my view to open a whole new controller/view, how do you do that?
I think what I am looking for is a way to say something like:
- Create Controller (run it's init code)
- in the controller init code, create the view and display it
Is that correct, and how do you do this?
I want to clarify that in my case I would need TWO individual instances of the SAME controller/view combination. For example, I might have a view with a tab panel and two tabs. I then want to put TWO separate instances of a 'Users' controller and 'user.List' view inside each tab.
I think what I am looking for is a way to say something like: - Create Controller (run it's init code) - in the controller init code, create the view and display it
In extjs, all controllers get instantiated when the application is loaded. You can use the launch method in the Application class to start off a view. And Have a controller listen to events of that view. In a controller, you can always access the other controller using the application object:
In the above code, I am calling a method displayListPanel that is available in ControllerName1 controller. This method holds the code to display a view (a grid panel) onto the screen. Similarly, I can have methods that create views like a new form for data entry. Here is another example:
and In my method:
newDataForm : function() {
var view = Ext.widget('form',{title: 'New Data'});
Just checked the documentation of new controller and view classes.
It seems to me, that you could always find needed view when you need it.
For example you can:
//somewhere in controller
this.getView('Viewport').create(); // or .show()
check this and view class methods:

Titanium Mobile: reference UI elements with an ID?

How do you keep track of your UI elements in Titanium? Say you have a window with a TableView that has some Switches (on/off) in it and you'd like to reference the changed switch onchange with a generic event listener. There's the property event.source, but you still don't really know what field of a form was just toggled, you just have a reference to the element. Is there a way to give the element an ID, as you would with a radiobutton in JavaScript?
Up to now, registered each form UI element in a dictionary, and saved all the values at once, looping through the dictionary and getting each object value. But now I'd like to do this onchange, and I can't find any other way to do it than create a specific callback function for each element (which I'd really rather not).
just assign and id to the element... all of these other solution CAN work, but they seem to be over kill for what you are asking for.
// create switch with id
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch({id:"switch1"});
then inside your event listener
myform.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( obj.id == "switch1" ) {
// do some magic!!
A simple solution is to use a framework that helps you keep track of all your elements, which speeds up development quite a bit, as the project and app grows. I've built a framework of my own called Adamantium.js, which lets you use a syntax like jQuery to deal with your elements, based on ID and type selectors. In a coming release, it will also support for something like classes, that can be arbitrarily added or removed from an element, tracking of master/slave relationships and basic filter methods, to help you narrow your query. Most methods are chainable, so building apps with rich interaction is quick and simple.
A quick demo:
// Type selector, selects all switches
// Bind a callback to the change event on all switches
// This callback is also inherited by all new switch elements
$(':Switch').bind('change', function (e) {
alert(e.type + ' fired on ' + e.source.id + ', value = ' + e.value);
// Select by ID and trigger an event
$('#MyCustomSwitch').trigger('change', {
foo: 'bar'
Then there's a lot of other cool methods in the framework, that are all designed to speed up development and modeled after the familiar ways of jQuery, more about that in the original blog post.
I completely understand not wanting to write a listener to each one because that is very time consuming. I had the same problem that you did and solved it like so.
var switches = [];
function createSwitch(i) {
switches[i] = Ti.UI.createSwitch();
switches[i].addEventListener('change', function(e) {
Ti.API.info('switch '+i+' = '+e.value);
return switches[i];
for(i=0;i<rows.length;i++) {
row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow();
However keep in mind that this solution may not fit your needs as it did mine. For me it was good because each time I created a switch it added a listener to it dynamically then I could simply get the e.source.parent of the switch to interact with whatever I needed.
module Id just for the hold it's ID. When we have use id the call any another space just use . and use easily.
Try This
var but1 = Ti.Ui.createButton({title : 'Button', id:"1"});
window.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( obj.id == "1" ) {
// do some magic!!
I, think this is supported for you.
how do you create your tableview and your switcher? usually i would define a eventListener function while creating the switcher.
// first switch
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch();
// second switch
var switch1 = ..
so no generic event listener is needed.
