vagrant primary box defined but commands still run against all boxes - vagrant

I am trying to set my "dev" VM as primary so most commands such as vagrant up, vagrant halt, etc operate on the "dev" VM and ignore the "stage" VM unless the "stage" VM name is explicitly listed on the command line. Here's my Vagrantfile, but when I run vagrant up both VMs are brought up instead of just "dev".
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
def box_setup(config, ip, playbook, inventory) :private_network, ip: ip
config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = playbook
ansible.inventory_path = inventory
# ansible.verbose = "vvv"
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# common settings shared by all vagrant boxes for this project = "debian-7-amd64"
config.vm.box_url = ""
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
# development box intended for ongoing development
config.vm.define "dev", primary: true do |dev|
box_setup dev, \
"", "deploy/playbook_dev.yml", "deploy/hosts/vagrant_dev.yml"
# stage box intended for configuration closely matching production
config.vm.define "stage" do |stage|
box_setup stage, \
"", "deploy/playbook_full_stack.yml", "deploy/hosts/vagrant_stage.yml"

The primary flag seems to only work for vagrant ssh for me.
In the past I have used the following method to hack around the issue.
# stage box intended for configuration closely matching production
if ARGV[1] == 'stage'
config.vm.define "stage" do |stage|
box_setup stage, \
"", "deploy/playbook_full_stack.yml", "deploy/hosts/vagrant_stage.yml"


How to run ansible task based on the Vagrant provider

I have a vagrant job to create new VMs. Depending on the provider I pass to it, this could be created locally on Virtualbox, or on a Vsphere cluster with the vagrant-vsphere plugin.
Because of this, there are times when I want to run certain tasks on Virtualbox, and certain tasks on Vsphere. I figured the easiest way to do so would be to just pass a variable from Vagrant to ansible based on the provider. Roughly, this is what I have in my Vagrantfile so far.
$ansible_provider = ''
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.define vmconf[:name] do |vagrantconf|
vagrantconf.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
$ansible_provider = "virtualbox"
vagrantconf.vm.provider :vsphere do |vb|
$ansible_provider = "vsphere"
config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "provision.yml"
ansible.extra_vars = { ansible_ssh_user: 'test',
ansible_provider: $ansible_provider }
I added a print statement that shows the two extra_vars and ansible_ssh_user works correctly, but ansible_provider is just blank. When I remove the first line and change it to a local variable, I get the following error:
Message: undefined local variable or method 'ansible_provider'
I haven't used ruby all that much, so I figured I'm doing something wrong there. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
For this specific case, I think there is an easier way of achieving what you want. Ansible creates a series of facts for each host it runs against, which includes collecting virtualisation information for guests.Try adding the following task in one of your playbooks to see what I mean:
- name: Display Virtualisation Type fact
var: ansible_virtualization_type
That should mean you don't need to pass the variable in from Vagrant. If you want to see all the facts, in the directory containing your Vagrantfile, just run (you can add '-l host' to limit to one of your VM's):
ansible -m setup all
To answer your specific question, I think this will work for you:
# In this case I don't believe you need the '$' prefix for your variables
ansible_provider = ''
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.define vmconf[:name] do |vagrantconf|
vagrantconf.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
ansible_provider = "virtualbox"
vagrantconf.vm.provider :vsphere do |vb|
ansible_provider = "vsphere"
config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "provision.yml"
ansible.extra_vars = { ansible_ssh_user: "test",
ansible_provider: "#{ansible_provider}" }

Access django server in vagrant virtualbox on host machine?

I am using windows and putty to ssh to vagrant virtualbox.I cannot access the django server running in vagrant virtualbox using http://localhost:9991
I have disabled my firewall as well
here's my vagrant file:
def command?(name)
`which #{name}`
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# For LXC. VirtualBox hosts use a different box, described below. = "fgrehm/trusty64-lxc"
# The Zulip development environment runs on 9991 on the guest. "forwarded_port", guest: 9991, host: 9991, host_ip: ""
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/srv/zulip"
# Specify LXC provider before VirtualBox provider so it's preferred.
config.vm.provider "lxc" do |lxc|
if command? "lxc-ls"
LXC_VERSION = `lxc-ls --version`.strip unless defined? LXC_VERSION
if LXC_VERSION >= "1.1.0"
# Allow start without AppArmor, otherwise Box will not Start on Ubuntu 14.10
# see
lxc.customize 'aa_allow_incomplete', 1
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb, override| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
# 2GiB seemed reasonable here. The VM OOMs with only 1024MiB.
vb.memory = 2048
$provision_script = <<SCRIPT
set -x
set -e
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-pbs
/usr/bin/python /srv/zulip/
config.vm.provision "shell",
# We want to be run with the permissions of the vagrant user.
privileged: false,
inline: $provision_script
How do i access the server from host(Windows)?
I would suggest (on the Guest):
sudo netstat -lnutp
and having a look at what ports are open, and the process which owns them. If the one you want is missing, make sure the service which is responsible for it has been started, or start it yourself. From the looks of your Vagrantfile, this would be the "Zulip development environment".

Vagrant global-status all VM's named default

When I run vagrant global-status, I get a listing back of all the vagrant managed VM's I'm running, but something I have not expected is output with the machine details. Even though I give every machine an explicit name during initialization, the value for name in the global-status output for every machine is always default.
Why does vagrant status or vagrant global-status not list the actual names of the boxes? At times, when I've destroyed a box, it has actually destroyed more than one box.
id name provider state directory
e44520d default virtualbox poweroff /Users/name/code/foo
1310726 default virtualbox poweroff /Users/name/code/bar
430fd52 default virtualbox poweroff /Users/name/code/baz
The machines are named foo, bar, baz... why are they showing as default?
If you have default Vagrantfile as configuration, your machine VM will be named default, so something like
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "ubuntu-12.04"
config.vm.hostname = "foo" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
. . .
Now, if you have a multi machine configuration, you will have something like this in your Vagrantfile (simplified)
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu-12.04"
config.vm.define "db" do |db|
db.vm.hostname = db.test
db.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |vm|
vm.vmx["memsize"] = "2048"
db.vm.provision "shell", path: ""
config.vm.define "app", primary: true do |app|
app.vm.hostname = app.test "private_network", ""
app.vm.synced_folder "project/site", "/var/www"
In this case, you have defined 2 machines db and app and the vagrant global-status will prompt
id name provider state directory
de264ac db vmware_fusion not running /Volumes/Transcend/Project1
bdd4385 app vmware_fusion not running /Volumes/Transcend/Project1

Updated Vagrantfile but still getting warning that my Vagrantfile is outdated

I have updated my Vagrantfile to this:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.define :ceph do |ceph| = "big-ceph" :private_network, ip: ""
ceph.vm.hostname = "ceph"
config.vm.define :client do |client| = "hashicorp/precise64"
client.vm.hostname = "ceph-client"
client.vm.provision :shell, path: "setup/" :private_network, ip: ""
but I am still getting this warning message whenever I vagrant up my virtual machines.
calvin % vagrant reload ceph && vagrant reload client
There were warnings and/or errors while loading your Vagrantfile
for the machine 'ceph'.
Your Vagrantfile was written for an earlier version of Vagrant,
and while Vagrant does the best it can to remain backwards
compatible, there are some cases where things have changed
significantly enough to warrant a message. These messages are
shown below.
* `config.vm.customize` calls are VirtualBox-specific. If you're
using any other provider, you'll have to use config.vm.provider in a
v2 configuration block.
Any idea why?
Ok, I figured it out. This 3rd party ceph box that I am using comes with its own Vagrantfile which overrides my Vagrantfile and the included box Vagrantfile (which is located in ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/big-ceph) still contains
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype1", "virtio"]
Comment that out and I no longer see the annoying warning.

Using Vagrant to manage development and production environments?

How are people handling simple automation (with puppet) for dev / prod environments with vagrant (ideally from the same vagrantfile)?
Use case I'm trying to solve
I would love to spin up the the production machine with vagrant if it isn't created.
I would love to reload nginx or apache confs on production with vagrant if they were tweaked in the puppet files for my dev environment.
The Problem
When you call vagrant up with a provider like AWS or Digital Ocean, it becomes the active provider and you can't switch. You get this error:
An active machine was found with a different provider. Vagrant
currently allows each machine to be brought up with only a single
provider at a time. A future version will remove this limitation.
Until then, please destroy the existing machine to up with a new
It seems the answer it to destroy, but I just need to switch. I don't want to destroy.
I would love to be able to say
vagrant up prod
vagrant reload prod
and then a simple vagrant up would fall back to the default machine.
This syntax is similar to how multiple machines work, but I don't want to spin up a dev and production environment when I just call vagrant up (which is the default behavior).
Should I be looking at packer as part of the workflow? I watched the whole talk at puppetconf 2013 on Mitchell's talk on Multi-Provider
I'm still not seeing a solution for my problem.
UPDATE 9/27/13
In case anybody else is fighting this idea, this article cleared up a lot of questions I had.
As for workaround, you should define config.vm.define (as suggested here), in order to support multiple providers.
Please find the following configuration posted by #kzap as example:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Store the current version of Vagrant for use in conditionals when dealing
# with possible backward compatible issues.
vagrant_version = Vagrant::VERSION.sub(/^v/, '')
# Configuration options for the VirtualBox provider.
def configure_vbox_provider(config, name, ip, memory = 2048, cpus = 1)
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v, override|
# override box url = "ubuntu/trusty64"
# configure host-only network
override.vm.hostname = "#{name}.dev" :private_network, id: "vvv_primary", ip: ip
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id,
"--memory", memory,
"--cpus", cpus,
"--name", name,
"--natdnshostresolver1", "on",
"--natdnsproxy1", "on"
default_provider = "virtualbox"
supported_providers = %w(virtualbox rackspace aws managed)
active_provider = ENV['VAGRANT_ACTIVE_PROVIDER'] # it'd be better to get this from the CLI --provider option
supported_providers.each do |provider|
next unless (active_provider.nil? && provider == default_provider) || active_provider == provider
# VM per provider
config.vm.define :"sample-#{provider}" do | sample_web_config |
case provider
when "virtualbox"
configure_vbox_provider(sample_web_config, "examine-web", "")
when "aws"
when "managed"
configure_managed_provider(sample_web_config, "")
when "rackspace"
Or the following example posted at gist by #maxlinc:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "dummy"
config.vm.provider :rackspace do |rs|
rs.username = ENV['RAX_USERNAME']
rs.api_key = ENV['RAX_API_KEY']
rs.rackspace_region = :ord
supported_providers = %w(virtualbox rackspace)
active_provider = ENV['VAGRANT_ACTIVE_PROVIDER'] # it'd be better to get this from the CLI --provider option
supported_providers.each do |provider|
next unless active_provider.nil? || active_provider == provider
config.vm.define "exact_name_#{provider}" do |box|
box.vm.provider :rackspace do |rs|
rs.flavor = '1 GB Performance'
rs.image = 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM)'
config.vm.define "regex_#{provider}" do |box|
box.vm.provider :rackspace do |rs|
rs.flavor = /1\s+GB\s+Performance/
rs.image = /Ubuntu.*Trusty Tahr.*(PVHVM)/
config.vm.define "id_#{provider}" do |box|
box.vm.provider :rackspace do |rs|
rs.flavor = 'performance1-1'
rs.image = 'bb02b1a3-bc77-4d17-ab5b-421d89850fca'
config.vm.define "unlisted_#{provider}" do |box|
box.vm.provider :rackspace do |rs|
rs.flavor = 'performance1-1'
rs.image = '547a46bd-d913-4bf7-ac35-2f24f25f1b7a'
Not an ideal solution, but what about using git branches? My thinking is that it could be conceptually similar to using heroku, where you might have a master, staging, and production versions (since they're usually different remotes).
In this case you start off the prod branch with the small edit to the Vagrantfile to name the VM a little differently. Then you should be able to merge all changes from dev with the prod branch as they occur. So your workflow would look like:
$ git checkout prod
$ vagrant up
$ git checkout master
... make changes to puppet ...
$ git checkout prod
$ git merge master
$ vagrant reload
$ git checkout master
You could script and alias these so you end up with
$ start_production
$ reload_production
Here is a simple way of dynamically changing the 'default' machine name depending on the specified --provider from the command line, so they won't conflict between the different providers:
require 'getoptlong'
opts =
[ '--provider', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--vm-name', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ]
provider=ENV['PROVIDER'] || 'virtualbox'
vm_name=ENV['VM_NAME'] || 'default'
opts.each do |opt, arg|
case opt
when '--provider'
when '--vm-name'
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# HERE you are dynamically changing the machine name to prevent conflict.
config.vm.define "mt-#{provider}-#{vm_name}"
# Below sections are just examples, not relevant.
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vm| = "test.local" "private_network", ip: ""
vm.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--natdnshostresolver1', 'on'] = "ubuntu/wily64"
config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
aws.aws_profile = "testing"
aws.instance_type = "m3.medium"
aws.ami = "ami-7747d01e" = "testing"
Example usage:
VM_NAME=dev PROVIDER=virtualbox vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
VM_NAME=uat PROVIDER=aws vagrant up --provider=aws
VM_NAME=test PROVIDER=aws vagrant up --provider=aws
VM_NAME=prod PROVIDER=aws vagrant up --provider=aws
VM_NAME=uat PROVIDER=aws vagrant destroy -f
VM_NAME=test PROVIDER=aws vagrant status
See also: Multiple provisioners in a single vagrant file?
what I came up with to work with this scenario is to manage 2 distincts .vagrant folder.
Note: most of the other answers deal with setting up multi-provider assuming you will run dev and prod on different provider, in most cases this might be true but you can definitely have cases where you have same provider for dev and prod. Lets say you're using aws and you want to use dev and prod as ec2 instance it will be the same provider.
Say you want to manage dev and prod instances, potentially using different providers (but could also very well be on the same provider) so you'll do:
set up dev instance with normal vagrant up --provider <dev_provider>.
This will create a dev VM that you can manage
back up the .vagrant folder created in your project directory and rename it like
set up prod instance with your provider of choice vagrant up --provider <prod_provider>. This now creates your prod VM
back up the newly .vagrant folder created in your project directory and rename it like
now, depending if you want to work on dev or prod, you'll rename the or directory as .vagrant and vagrant will operate the right VM.
I did not come up with a script as mainly the most of the time I work with dev and very few times I need to switch to the other provider. but I dont think it will be too hard to read the parameter from CLI and make the renaming more dynamic.
