Rake preconfiguration? - ruby

How do I do this in the Ruby-way?
# Rakefile
desc "Run task on server #1"
task :one do
# Do somethin on server 1
Srv1.exec "..."
desc "Run task on server #2"
task :two do
# Do somethin on server 2
Srv2.exec "..."
desc "Run task on both servers"
task :both do
# Do somethin on both servers
Serv1.exec "..."
Serv2.exec "..."
How do I require the end execution configuration code? How do I do scaling (if I need Serv3)? Should Serv1 be a class or something else?
What I need to do is to control a Vagrant VM with Rake, run custom tasks inside Vagrant, synchronize data with the host system, run some code on production and send the result to Vagrant, etc.

At first, I'll fix a minor correction for your model. Do the both task with more simple method:
desc "Run task on both servers"
task :both => [ :one, :two ]
How do I require the end execution configuration code? How do I do scaling (if I need Serv3)? Should Serv1 be a class or something else?
Just create a class Serv, and pass to it a number of server or something else. So you'll get:
desc "Run task on a server"
task :one do
# Do somethin on a server
Serv.new( ENV[ 'SERVER_NUMBER' ] ).exec "..."
desc "Run task on all servers"
task :one do
# Do somethin on all servers
Serv.exec "..."

If you are trying to do some things on multiple servers, rake might not be quite the best tool for the job. Maybe you want to check out Capistrano which is usually used for deploying software, but also can be a tool to do general things remotely.

Ok. I've solved the problem myself with loading two files in head of Rakefile the first is server.rb with server class, the second is init.rb with server instantiating code Server1 = Server.new({:user=>'... which is accessable from tasks in Rackfile.


Why does my Rake task not work properly on the first run?

I have a rake task called prepare to update my hosts.txt file based on an environment variable I set i.e: rake spec environment=test
The mule task reads from the hosts variable in order to run the rspec tests.
require 'rake'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
hosts = IO.readlines('./hosts.txt').sort!
task :spec => 'spec:prepare'
task :spec => 'spec:mule_esb'
namespace :spec do
task :prepare do
sh ("cd ../capistrano && cap OVS_#{ENV['environment']} admin:trigger_serverspec_hosts")
task :mule_esb => hosts
hosts.each do |host|
desc "Run serverspec on #{host}"
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(host) do |t|
puts "\u2630 #{host.upcase}"
# Write to file and stdout in documentation format
t.rspec_opts = '--out rspec_results.txt --format documentation'
t.pattern = "spec/mule_esb/*_spec.rb"
t.verbose = false
# Stop serverspec from early termination if it fails on a single host
# Exit code will always be zero
t.fail_on_error = false
As you can see I have ordered the tasks as follows:
task :spec => 'spec:prepare'
task :spec => 'spec:mule_esb'
Command: rake spec environment=test
prepare task runs successfully and updates the hosts.txt file
but the mule_esb task runs from hosts set as part of the
previous run (when environment was staging)
If I run it again without any changes it successfully runs it on the test environment hosts
Running the tasks individually works as expected
rake spec spec:prepare and then rake spec:mule_esb
I'm stumped as to why this is happening. I'm not all that familiar with Rake - Can someone explain this behaviour?
Do this
namespace :spec do
task prepare: :environment do
sh ("cd ../capistrano && cap OVS_#{ENV['environment']} proteus:trigger_serverspec_hosts")
specify environment with task name.

Capistrano 2 - Pass array arguments to a Rake task

I am trying to write a Rake task in my deploy.rb that gets passed an array of arguments. I will run it through capistrano.
Assuming a task like the following:
desc "my task"
task :mytask, [:arguments] => :environment do |t, args|
puts 'hello'
When I try running cap mytask['arg1 arg2 arg3'], I get the following:
the task `mytask["arg1 arg2 arg3"]' does not exist
Any ideas? I have a task defined like this that I run locally with no problems, but defining tasks like this be run using cap does not work.
NOTE: running cap mytask without the arguments part works. This is obviously not what I want.
Rake tasks are defined by a string and called via Rake::Task["name"] internally . If cap treats your array as part of the task name string it will not work.
As 'mytask' != 'mytask["arg1 arg2 arg3"]'

Capistrano 3 / SSHKit write to a file in custom task

I want mark the current deployed directory with my release number.
I tried this approach:
Get locally the app version, store it into a variable, and on the remote host, store it in a file.
namespace :deploy do
desc "Set a release number as the app version"
task :mark_release do
release_number = `git describe`
on roles(:web) do
execute("echo #{release_number} > #{current_path}/RELEASE")
The problem is, when I run this via:
cap deploy:mark_release
the command look like this:
echo v9.3.0-254-g178d1f8; > /foo/bar/current/RELEASE
The semicolon is making trouble. and my RELEASE file is of course empty.
I think it is due to some escaping made by SSHKit.
Any clues ?
I managed it:
1) I took the release number from the repo directory on the machine
2) I wrote it with a stream to a file via the upload! method
namespace :deploy do
desc "Set a release number as the app version"
task :mark_release do
on roles(:web) do
within "/foo/bar/repo/" do
upload! StringIO.new(capture(:git, "describe")), "#{current_path}/RELEASE"
Here is the solution that I came up with which doesn't require uploading a local file. It goes to the repo path to execute the git command to extract the version and then redirects the output to file. The file can then be read by the Rails app. The execute requires the different parameters to be passed in separately. https://github.com/capistrano/sshkit#the-command-map has more info about the command map and why it's needed, due to the problem of escaping and whitespace.
namespace :deploy do
before :restart, :add_revision_file
task :add_revision_file do
on roles(:app) do
within repo_path do
execute(:git, :'rev-parse', :'--short', :'HEAD', ">#{release_path}/REVISION")
Use SSHKit::Command
SSHKit::Command.new("echo #{release_number} > #{current_path}/RELEASE")

Run rake tasks in sequence

I have rake tasks which i want to run in proper sequence.
I want to run one rake task which run other rake tasks in proper sequence.
How may i do that?
you should consider defining dependencies between your tasks like this
task :primary => [:secondary]
task :secondary do
puts "Doing Secondary Task"
But if you really, really need to call the tasks directly you can use invoke to call another task
task :primary do
task :secondary do
puts "Doing Secondary Task"
see also here

Creating a Capistrano task that performs different tasks based on role

I'm looking for a way to call a single Capistrano task to perform different things to different roles. Is Capistrano able to do this, or do I have write a specific task for each role?
The standard way to do this in Capistrano:
task :whatever, :roles => [:x, :y, :z] do
task :x_tasks, :roles => :x do
task :y_tasks, :roles => :y do
task :z_tasks, :roles => :z do
So yes, you do need to write separate tasks, but you can call them from a parent task and they will filter appropriately.
Actually no:
% cat capfile
server 'localhost', :role2
task :task1, :roles=>:role1 do
puts 'task1'
task :task2 do
% cap task2
* executing `task2'
* executing `task1'
The :roles param is passed further to run command etc but does not seem to affect whether the task is actually fired.
Sorry, didn't find the way to put a comment on comment so I've written it here.
You can also do
task :foo do
run "command", :roles => :some_role
upload "source", "destination", :roles => :another_role
Use namespacing:
namespace :backup do
task :default do
task :web, :roles => :web do
puts "Backing Up Web Server"
task :db, :roles => :db do
puts "Backing Up DB Server"
these tasks show up in a cap -T as
There is a way, kind of. Check: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2006/8/30/capistrano-1-1-9-beta/ and you'll see that you can override the default roles using the ROLES environment variable.
I have a task defined as:
desc "A simple test to show we can ssh into all servers"
task :echo_hello, :roles => :test do
run "echo 'hello, world!'"
The :test role is assigned to one server.
On the command line, I can run:
[james#fluffyninja bin]$ cap echo_hello ROLES=lots_of_servers
And the task will now run on the lots_of_servers role.
I have not verified that this works inside a ruby script by updating the ENV hash, but this is a good start.
Only for the record, this could be a solution using Capistrano 3:
desc "Do something specific for 3 different servers with 3 different roles"
task :do_something do
on roles(:api_role), in: :sequence do
# do something in api server
on roles(:app_role), in: :sequence do
# do something in application server
on roles(:another_role), in: :sequence do
# do something in another server
The sever definition to perform "do_something" task in a application server would be something like:
server 'application.your.domain', user: 'deploy', roles: %w{app_role}
Then you can call the task (there are several ways to do it) and the task will execute specific instructions according to the "app_role".
