Assemble IA-32 mov [bootdrv], dl - bootloader

I just start to program IA-32 assemble and boot loader and I can't understand one command: mov [bootdrv], dl.
dl is the low 8 bits of data register, but I dont know what is [bootdrv]. Is it a variable or something? How could a register be placed in [bootdrv]?
mov ax,0x7c0 ; BIOS puts us at 0:07C00h, so set DS accordinly
mov ds,ax ; Therefore, we don't have to add 07C00h to all our data
mov [bootdrv], dl ; quickly save what drive we booted from
This is the beginning 3 line of a boot loader and [bootdrv] just appear without any definition, I couldn't understand.
Any information would be helpful and appreciated, thank you!

[bootdrv] is a specification of an absolute memory address. The code:
mov [bootdrv], dl
copies the contents of the 8-bit DL register into a byte in memory, at the address resulting of multiplying the current value of DS by 16, then add the value bootdrv. bootdrv itself is a label, which a value that represents where in the current data segment is the memory position located.
On the other hand, the symbol bootdrv must be defined somewhere. Otherwise, the assembler will stop with a "symbol not defined" error. Maybe it's defined past the code (assemblers do two passes through the source code in order to get all symbols so they can be used even if they are defined after the code sequence that uses them). Maybe it's in a separate .INC file.

mov [bootdrv], dl indicates a segment:offset memory access. In the previous instruction, you configured the Data Segment register with an address, so the mov [bootdrv], dl instruction writes to the segment:offset address 0x7c0:bootdrv, whatever bootdrv might be.


Explain to me how Windows allocates process virtual memory

I have pretty complex question combined of multiple related questions. Let me give you the preamble.
I wrote a simple Win64 program in assembly language which prints "2 + 3 = 5" using printf and then "Hello World!" using puts:
format PE64
entry start
section '.text' code readable executable
sub rsp,8*5 ; reserve stack for API use and make stack dqword aligned
mov edx, 3
mov ecx, 2
call print_sum
lea rcx,[_hw_message]
call [puts]
mov ecx,0
call [ExitProcess]
sub rsp, 20h
mov r9d, ecx
add r9d, edx
mov r8d, edx
mov edx, ecx
lea ecx, [_format_message]
call [printf]
add rsp, 20h
section '.data' data readable writeable
_hw_message db 'Hello World!',0
_format_message db '%d + %d = %d',13,10,0
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
dd 0,0,0,RVA kernel_name,RVA kernel_table
dd 0,0,0,RVA msvcrt_name,RVA msvcrt_table
ExitProcess dq RVA _ExitProcess
dq 0
printf dq RVA _printf
puts dq RVA _puts
dq 0
kernel_name db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0
msvcrt_name db 'msvcrt.dll',0
_ExitProcess dw 0
db 'ExitProcess',0
_printf dw 0
db 'printf',0
_puts dw 0
db 'puts',0
and built it with fasm. Resulting binary size is 2048 bytes.
I've opened it with CFF Explorer to see PE header values.
Image base is 0x400000, entry point is 0x1000, .text section virtual address is 0x1000 too, so, as far as I understand, it should start in virtual memory at offset 0x401000 and it is also its entry point.
Then I've opened it in debugger (I use x64dbg) to confirm my guess:
Looks believable. Also note that stack is located at 0x8A000.
Fine, then I've tried the same with another program – notepad.exe from C:\Windows:
Wait, what? 0x140000000 + 0x24050 = 0x140024050, not 0x7FF75FD04050. And I can't find in PE headers such big values starting with 7FF.
In addition, the stack is again located somewhere at the beginning of the process's memory map, but now its address is already much larger:
I thought that perhaps this is because notepad.exe is a system program and is tightly tied to the Windows system APIs, and some parts of it (and maybe all the code) are always loaded into RAM while Windows is running. Therefore, I tried to do the same with x64dbg itself, and saw about the same picture:
image base: 0x140000000
entry point (in headers): 0x2440
entry point in VM: 0x7FF6B0E82440
location of stack in VM: 0xFDA07F8000
So the questions are:
Why are sections of some programs mapped to addresses greater than 0x7ff000000000, which doesn't match PE headers?
How are these processes different from others?
How does the OS decide where to place the stack in virtual memory?
Each thread has its own stack. As you can see from the screenshots, thread stacks are usually placed before code sections. If the program starts a dynamic number of threads, this memory may not be enough. Where, in this case, will stacks be allocated for new threads?
How can I programmatically, having an executable file, but not running it, statically determine at what addresses in the virtual memory of its process the sections, the stack will be located, and what address spaces will be available for allocation on the heap?
I understand that this can be difficult to explain in a nutshell, so I appreciate if, in addition to answering my questions, you can recommend me some reading material that will help me improve my understanding of the Windows virtual memory mapping.
What you're seeing is Address space layout randomization, which is enabled by default in MSVC with the linker flag:
To enable this, the flag IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE (0x40) must be set in the PE header, at FileHeader -> OptionalHeader -> DllCharacteristics.
When enabled, the OS will select a random address for the base image, stack, and heap. The ImageBase specified in the PE header will be ignored.

LOOP is done only one time when single stepping in Turbo Debugger

The code must output 'ccb',but output only 'c', LOOP is done only one time, i have calibrated in TD, but why LOOP is done only one time?
STRING DB 'cScbd$'
AND STRING[DI],01111100B
CMP STRING[DI],01100000B
In Turbo Debugger (TD.EXE) the F8 "F8 step" will execute the loop completely, until the cx becomes zero (you can even create infinite loop by updating cx back to some value, preventing it from reaching the 1 -> 0 step).
To get "single-step" out of the loop instruction, use the F7 "F7 trace" - that will cause the cx to go from 6 to 5, and the code pointer will follow the jump back on the start of the loop.
About some other issues of your code:
sp is not general purpose register, don't use it for calculation like this. Whenever some instruction does use stack implicitly (push, pop, call, ret, ...), the values are being written and read in memory area addressed by the ss:sp register pair, so by manipulating the sp value you are modifying the current "stack".
Also in 16 bit x86 real mode all the interrupts (keyboard, timer, ...), when they occur, the current state of flag register and code address is stored into stack, before giving the control to the interrupt handler code, which usually will push additional values to the stack, so whatever is in memory on addresses below current ss:sp is not safe in 16 bit x86 real mode, and the memory content keeps "randomly" changing there by all the interrupts being executed meanwhile (the TD.EXE itself does use part of this stack memory after every single step).
For arithmetic use other registers, not sp. Once you will know enough about "stack", you will understand what kind of sp manipulation is common and why (like sub sp,40 at beginning of function which needs additional "local" memory space), and how to restore stack back into expected state.
One more thing about that:
The STRING_LENGTH is defined by EQU, which makes it compile time constant, and only compile time. It's not "variable" (memory allocation), contrary to the things like someLabel dw 1345, which cause the assembler to emit two bytes with values 0100_0001B, 0000_0101B (when read as 16 bit word in little-endian way, that's value 1345 encoded), and the first byte address has symbolic name someLabel, which can be used in further instructions, like dec word ptr [someLabel] to decrement that value in memory from 1345 to 1344 during runtime.
But EQU is different, it assigns the symbol STRING_LENGTH final value, like 14.
So your code can be read as:
mov sp,14 ; makes almost sense, (practically destroys stack setup)
dec sp ; still valid
mov 14,sp ; doesn't make any sense, constant can't be destination for MOV

Windows 64 ABI, correct register use if i do NOT call windows API?

As suggested to me in another question i checked the windows ABI and i'm left a little confused about what i can and cannot do if i'm not calling windows API myself.
My scenario is i'm programming .NET and need a small chunk of code in asm targeting a specific processor for a time critical section of code that does heavy multi pass processing on an array.
When checking the register information in the ABI at
I'm left a little confused about what applies to me if i
1) Don't call the windows API from the asm code
2) Don't return a value and take a single parameter.
Here is what i understand, am i getting all of it right?
RAX : i can overwrite this without preserving it as the function doesn't expect a return value
RCX : I need to preserve this as this is where the single int parameter will be passed, then i can overwrite it and not restore it
RDX/R8/R9 : Should not be initialized as there are no such parameters in my method, i can overwrite those and not restore them
R10/R11 : I can overwrite those without saving them, if the caller needs it he is in charge of preserving them
R12/R13/R14/R15/RDI/RSI/RBX : I can overwrite them but i first need to save them (or can i just not save them if i'm not calling the windows API?)
RBP/RSP : I'm assuming i shouldn't touch those?
If so am i correct that this is the right way to handle this (if i don't care about the time taking to preserve data and need as many registers available as possible)? Or is there a way to use even more registers?
; save required registers
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
push rdi
push rsi
push rbx
; my own array processing code here, using rax as the memory address passed as the first parameter
; safe to use rax rbx rcx rdx r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 rdi rsi giving me 14 64bit registers
; 1 for the array address 13 for processing
; should not touch rbp rsp
; restore required registers
pop rbx
pop rsi
pop rdi
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
TL;DR: if you need registers that are marked preserved, push/pop them in proper order. With your code you can use those 14 registers you mention without issues. You may touch RBP if you preserve it, but don't touch RSP basically ever.
It does matter if you call Windows APIs but not in the way I assume you think. The ABI says what registers you must preserve. The preservation information means that the caller knows that there are registers you will not change. You don't need to call any Windows API functions for that requirement to be there.
The idea as an analogue (yeah, I know...): Here are five different colored stacks of sticky notes. You can use any of them, but if you need the red or the blue ones, could you keep the top one in a safe place and put it back when you stop since I need the phone numbers on them. About the other colors I don't care, they were just scratch paper and I've written the information elsewhere.
So if you call an external function you know that no function will ever change the value of the registers marked as preserved. Any other register may change their values and you have to make sure you don't have anything there that needs to be preserved.
And when your function is called, the caller expects the same: if they put a value in a preserved register, it will have the same value after the call. But any non-preserved registers may be whatever and they will make sure they store those values if they need to keep them.
The return value register you may use however you want. If the function doesn't return a value the caller must not expect it to have any specific value and also will not expect it to preserve its value.
You only need to preserve the registers you use. If you don't use all of these, you don't need to preserve all of them.
You can freely use RAX, RCX, RDX, R8, R9, R10 and R11. The latter two must be preserved by the caller, if necessary, not by your function.
Most of the time, these registers (or their subregisters like EAX) are enough for my purposes. I hardly ever need more.
Of course, if any of these (e.g. RCX) contain arguments for your function, it is up to you to preserve them for yourself as long as you need them. How you do that is also up to you. But if you push them, make sure that there is a corresponding pop somewhere.
Use This MSDN page as a guide.

Reverse Engineering: changing AL register without overwriting instructions

I am trying to learn more about reverse engineering by debugging and patching a 64 bit windows executable. I am using x64dbg (Much like ollydbg but with 64 bit support)
I have some assembly that looks roughly like this:
call test_exe.44AA9EB20
mov byte ptr ds:[44AB9DA15], al
[More instructions...]
[More instructions...]
[More instructions...]
the function call in the first line sets the rax register to have a value of 0. Therefore, the second line is moves a value of 0 into the pointer at 44AB9DA15.
I want to reassemble some code so that a value of 1 gets put into this pointer.
I can do something like this:
call test_exe.44AA9EB20
mov byte ptr ds:[44AB9DA15], 1
However, since al is only an 8 bit register, assembling the code to the above seems to run over some of the subsequent instructions.
I know that I can solve this problem by stepping into the function call test_exe.44AA9EB20 and setting rax to have a value of 1 before the ret instruction, but I am curious if there is an easier way.
Is there some way I can give this pointer (44AB9DA15) a value of 1 without running over subsequent instructions?
You want to replace MOV [0x000000044AB9DA15],AL which is encoded as 88042515DAB94A (7 bytes)
with MOV BYTE PTR [0x000000044AB9DA15],1 which is encoded as C6042515DAB94A01 (one byte longer).
Try to use RIP-relative encoding. First calculate the difference between the target pointer and the offset
of following instruction ($+instruction_size). If it is less than 2GB, for instance 0x11223344,
the encoding of MOV BYTE PTR REL [0x000000044AB9DA15-$-7] will be C6054433221101 (exactly 7 bytes).
Or, if test_exe doesn't have to be called, overwrite the CALL instruction with code which sets AL to 1,
e.g. MOV AL,1, and pad the remaining four bytes with NOP.

How to disambiguate instructions from data in the .text segment of a PE file?

I have a PE file and I try to disassemble it in order to get it's instructions. However I noticed that .text segment contains not only instructions but also some data (I used IDA to notice that). Here's the example:
.text:004037E4 jmp ds:__CxxFrameHandler3
.text:004037EA ; [00000006 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION _CxxThrowException. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
.text:004037F0 ;
.text:004037F0 mov ecx, [ebp-10h]
.text:004037F3 jmp ds:??1exception#std##UAE#XZ ; std::exception::~exception(void)
.text:004037F3 ;
.text:004037F9 byte_4037F9 db 8Bh, 54h, 24h ; DATA XREF: sub_401440+2o
.text:004037FC dd 0F4428D08h, 33F04A8Bh, 0F6B2E8C8h, 0C4B8FFFFh, 0E9004047h
.text:004037FC dd 0FFFFFFD0h, 3 dup(0CCCCCCCCh), 0E904458Bh, 0FFFFD9B8h
.text:00403828 dword_403828 dd 824548Bh, 8BFC428Dh, 0C833F84Ah, 0FFF683E8h, 47F0B8FFh
.text:00403828 ; DATA XREF: sub_4010D0+2o
.text:00403828 ; .text:00401162o
.text:00403828 dd 0A1E90040h, 0CCFFFFFFh, 3 dup(0CCCCCCCCh), 50E0458Dh
.text:00403828 dd 0FFD907E8h, 458DC3FFh, 0D97EE9E0h
.text:00403860 db 2 dup(0FFh)
.text:00403862 word_403862 dw 548Bh
How can I distinct such data from instructions? My solution to this problem was to find simply the first instruction (enter address) and visit each instruction and all called functions. Unfortunatelly it occured that there are some blocks of code which are not directly called but their addresses are in .rdata segment among some data and I have no idea how distinct valid instruction addresses from data.
To sum up: is there any way to decide whether some address in .text segment contains data or instructions? Or maybe is there any way to decide which potential addresses in .rdata should be interpreted as instructions addresses and which as data?
You cannot, in general. The .text section of a PE file can mix up code and constants any way the author likes. Programs like IDA try to make sense of this by starting with the entrypoints and then disassembling, and seeing which addresses are targets of jumps, and which of reads. But devious programs can 'pun' between instructions and data.

