How to copy updated files in batches of limited size? - macos

I'm on a Mac, and I want to copy, incrementally, files that have changed, to a new location. An rsync kind of arrangement. But, because of what happens to them next, I want to limit how many GB get copied in each run of the job.
If, say, I run it each night from a cron job, the amount of data has some kind of constraint, though it doesn't need to be very precise.
Ideally, it would be something like "Copy any new files in directory tree A to directory tree B, but stop after the first file that takes you over 2GB copied in this run". (I do want all files to be copied eventually, so a single large one shouldn't kill it.)
I could obviously write some code to do this, but wondered if there were any apps, obscure rsync options, ingenious uses of tar or cpio, that would save me the trouble...
(For the curious, I'm copying to my FileTransporter, which then syncs to one in my brother's house, but he has a slower connection than me and I don't want any given change to take more than a couple of hours each night.)


Recursive copy to a flat directory

I have a directory of images, currently at ~117k files for about 200 gig in size. My backup solution vomits on directories of that size, so I wish to split them into subdirectories of 1000. Name sorting or type discrimination is not required. I just want my backups to not go nuts.
From another answer, someone provided a way to move files into the split up configuration. However, that was a move, not a copy. Since this is a backup, I need a copy.
I have three thoughts:
1. Files are added to the large directory with random filenames, so alpha sorts aren't a practical way to figure out deltas. Even using a tool like rsync, adding a couple hundred files at the beginning of the list could cause a significant reshuffle and lots of file movement on the backup side.
2. The solution to this problem is to reverse the process: Do an initial file split, add new files to the backup at the newest directory, manually create a new subdir at the 1000 file mark, and then use rsync to pull files from the backup directories to the work area, eg rsync -trvh <backupdir>/<subdir>/ <masterdir>.
3. While some answers to similar questions indicate that rsync is a poor choice for this, I may need to do multiple passes, one of which would be via a slower link to an offsite location. The performance hit of using rsync and its startup parsing is far superior to the length of time reuploading the backup on a daily basis would take.
My question is:
How do I create a script that will recurse into all 117+ subdirectories and dump the contained files into my large working directory, without a lot of unnecessary copying?
My initial research produces something like this:
cd /path/to/backup/tree/root
find . -type d -exec rsync -trvh * /path/to/work/dir/
Am I on the right track here?
It's safe to assume modern versions of bash, find, and rsync.

How should I mark a folder as processed in a script?

A script shall process files in a folder on a Windows machine and mark it as done once it is finished in order to not pick it up in the next round of processing.
My tendency is to let the script rename the folder to a different name, like adding "_done".
But on Windows, renaming a folder is not possible if some process has the folder or a file within it open. In this setup, there is a minor chance that some user may have the folder open.
Alternatively I could just write a stamp-file into that folder.
Are there better alternatives?
Is there a way to force the renaming anyway, in particular when it is on a shared drive or some NAS drive?
You have several options:
Put a token file of some sort in each processed folder and skip the folders that contain said file
Keep track of the last folder processed and only process ones newer (Either by time stamp or (since they're numbered sequentially), by sequence number)
Rename the folder
Since you've already stated that other users may already have the folder/files open, we can rule out #3.
In this situation, I'm in favor of option #1 even though you'll end up with extra files, if someone needs to try and figure out which folders have already been processed, they have a quick, easy method of discerning that with the naked eye, rather than trying to find a counter somewhere in a different file. It's also a bit less code to write, so less pieces to break.
Option #2 is good in this situation as well (I've used both depending on the circumstances), but I tend to favor it for things that a human wouldn't really need to care about or need to look for very often.

command line wisdom for 2 panel file manager user

Want to upgrade my file management productivity by replacing 2 panel file manager with command line (bash or cygwin). Can commandline give same speed? Please advise a guru way of how to do e.g. copy of some file in directory A to the directory B. Is it heavy use of pushd/popd? Or creation of links to most often used directories? What are the best practices and a day-to-day routine to manage files of a command line master?
Can commandline give same speed?
My experience is that commandline copying is significantly faster (especially in the Windows environment). Of course the basic laws of physics still apply, a file that is 1000 times bigger than a file that copies in 1 second will still take 1000 seconds to copy.
..(howto) copy of some file in directory A to the directory B.
Because I often have 5-10 projects that use similar directory structures, I set up variables for each subdir using a naming convention :
You can make this sort of thing as spartan or baroque as needed to match your theory of living/programming.
Then you can easily copy the cfg from 1 project to another
cp -p $NM_cfg/*.cfg ${altM_cfg}
Is it heavy use of pushd/popd?
Some people seem to really like that. You can try it and see what you thing.
Or creation of links to most often used directories?
Links to dirs are, in my experience used more for software development where a source code is expecting a certain set of dir names, and your installation has different names. Then making links to supply the dir paths expected is helpful. For production data, is just one more thing that can get messed up, or blow up. That's not always true, maybe you'll have a really good reason to have links, but I wouldn't start out that way, just because it is possible to do.
What are the best practices and a day-to-day routine to manage files of a command line master?
( Per above, use standardized directory structure for all projects.
Have scripts save any small files to a directory your dept keeps in the /tmp dir, .
i.e /tmp/MyDeptsTmpFile (named to fit your local conventions) )
It depends. If you're talking about data and logfiles, dated fileNames can save you a lot of time. I recommend dateFmts like YYYYMMDD(_HHMMSS) if you need the extra resolution.
Dated logfiles are very handy, when a current process seems like it is taking a long time, you can look at the log file from a week ago and quantify exactly how long this process took, a week, month, 6 months (up to how much space you can afford). LogFiles should also capture all STDERR messages, so you never have to re-run a bombed program just to see what the error message was.
This is Linux/Unix you're using, right? Read the man page for the cp cmd installed on your machine. I recommend using an alias like alias CP='/bin/cp -pi' so you always copy a file with the same permissions and with the original files' time stamp. Then it is easy to use /bin/ls -ltr to see a sorted list of files with the most recent files showing up at the bottom of the list. (No need to scroll back to the top, when you sort by time,reverse). Also the '-i' option will warn you that you are going to overwrite a file, and this has saved me more than a couple of times.
I hope this helps.
P.S. as you appear to be a new user, if you get an answer that helps you please remember to mark it as accepted, and/or give it a + (or -) as a useful answer.

FTP FileWatcher

So, I am in this little predicament where I am stuck watching a few ftp folders to see if they have new files added to them. If they do, it needs to throw an event with the file name. Thereby telling something else to download that file.
This is a pretty simple object to make, I was just curious if anyone knew how expensive this operation would be?
I plan on using the command NLIST because I don't need file size information, and there will be no sub-directories in the folder. Each file in the folder will have exactly 25 characters in its name.
There could be anywhere from 10 to 'maybe' a couple thousand (max around 2000) files per folder (usually on the lower end, 100-300, but currently growing).
The files are anywhere from 250kb to a very VERY unlikely 10mb (usually within the 250kb to 4mb range).
There possibly could be up to a few hundred folders (in which case I could change the watch frequency depending on number of folders), but currently there are only a few (6-10ish).
There also would be multiple logins for the ftp server, different logins would have access to different folders.
I am not asking for an implementation, just if anyone has some first or second hand knowledge about FTP, how could this affect my network.
I am not opposed to putting in file retention times or change the frequency in which I check for new files.
Do you have any control over the remote servers? FTP isn't really optimized for this, and you could probably do a lot better with some sort of dedicated mini-server. You could use file system monitoring on the remote side and just send out the filenames when they arrive rather than continuously polling. You'd only need to have one connection open too, rather than the two that FTP requires.

Millions of small graphics files and how to overcome slow file system access on XP

I'm rendering millions of tiles which will be displayed as an overlay on Google Maps. The files are created by GMapCreator from the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London. The application renders files in to a single folder at a time, in some cases I need to create about 4.2 million tiles. Im running it on Windows XP using an NTFS filesystem, the disk is 500GB and was formatted using the default operating system options.
I'm finding the rendering of tiles gets slower and slower as the number of rendered tiles increases. I have also seen that if I try to look at the folders in Windows Explorer or using the Command line then the whole machine effectively locks up for a number of minutes before it recovers enough to do something again.
I've been splitting the input shapefiles into smaller pieces, running on different machines and so on, but the issue is still causing me considerable pain. I wondered if the cluster size on my disk might be hindering the thing or whether I should look at using another file system altogether. Does anyone have any ideas how I might be able to overcome this issue?
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. The eventual solution involved writing piece of code which monitored the GMapCreator output folder, moving files into a directory heirarchy based upon their filenames; so a file named abcdefg.gif would be moved into \a\b\c\d\e\f\g.gif. Running this at the same time as GMapCreator overcame the filesystem performance problems. The hint about the generation of DOS 8.3 filenames was also very useful - as noted below I was amazed how much of a difference this made. Cheers :-)
There are several things you could/should do
Disable automatic NTFS short file name generation (google it)
Or restrict file names to use 8.3 pattern (e.g. i0000001.jpg, ...)
In any case try making the first six characters of the filename as unique/different as possible
If you use the same folder over and (say adding file, removing file, readding files, ...)
Use contig to keep the index file of the directory as less fragmented as possible (check this for explanation)
Especially when removing many files consider using the folder remove trick to reduce the direcotry index file size
As already posted consider splitting up the files in multiple directories.
.e.g. instead of
You could try an SSD....
Use more folders and limit the number of entries in any given folder. The time to enumerate the number of entries in a directory goes up (exponentially? I'm not sure about that) with the number of entries, and if you have millions of small files in the same directory, even doing something like dir folder_with_millions_of_files can take minutes. Switching to another FS or OS will not solve the problem---Linux has the same behavior, last time I checked.
Find a way to group the images into subfolders of no more than a few hundred files each. Make the directory tree as deep as it needs to be in order to support this.
The solution is most likely to restrict the number of files per directory.
I had a very similar problem with financial data held in ~200,000 flat files. We solved it by storing the files in directories based on their name. e.g.
was stored in
This works fine provided your files are named appropriately (we had a spread of characters to work with). So the resulting tree of directories and files wasn't optimal in terms of distribution, but it worked well enough to reduced each directory to 100s of files and free the disk bottleneck.
One solution is to implement haystacks. This is what Facebook does for photos, as the meta-data and random-reads required to fetch a file is quite high, and offers no value for a data store.
Haystack presents a generic HTTP-based object store containing needles that map to stored opaque objects. Storing photos as needles in the haystack eliminates the metadata overhead by aggregating hundreds of thousands of images in a single haystack store file. This keeps the metadata overhead very small and allows us to store each needle’s location in the store file in an in-memory index. This allows retrieval of an image’s data in a minimal number of I/O operations, eliminating all unnecessary metadata overhead.
