Laravel 4 adding numbers from foreach loop when count variable is supplied? - laravel-4

I am passing the array $cats to my laravel template view. It is a multidimensional array from a database transaction, containing category data. So it would contain data like:
$cat[0]['id'] = 1;
$cat[0]['name'] = 'First Category';
And so on. In my blade template I have the following code:
{{ $i=0 }}
#foreach($cats as $cat)
{{ $cat['name'] }}<br />
{{ $i++ }}
Which outputs:
0 First Category
1 Second Category
2 Third Category
Notice the numbers preceding the category name. Where are they coming from? Is this some clever Laravel trick? It seems that when you include a counter variable, they are automatically added. I can't find any mention of it anywhere, and I don't want them! How do I get rid of them?

You just need to use the plain php translation:
#foreach ($collection as $index => $element)
{{$index}} - {{$element['name']}}
Note the $index will start from 0, So it should be {{ $index+1 }}

The {{ }} syntax in blade essentially means echo. You are echoing out $i++ in each iteration of your loop. if you dont want this value to echo you should instead wrap in php tags. e.g.:
<?php $i=0 ?>
#foreach($cats as $cat)
{{ $cat['name'] }}<br />
<?php $i++ ?>
As an additional note, if you choose to work in arrays then thats your call but unless you have a specific reason to do so I would encourage you to work with object syntax, eloquent collection objects in laravel can be iterated over just like arrays but give you a whole lot of extra sugar once you get used to it.

#foreach($cats as $cat)
{{ (isset($i))?$i++:($i = 0) }} - {{$cat['name']}}

<? php $i = 0 ?>
#foreach ( $variable_name as $value )
{{ $ value }}<br />
< ? php $i++ ?>

if your $k is integer you can use {{ $k+1 }} or isn't integer you can use $loop->iteration
// for laravel version 4 and after
#foreach ($posts as $k => $post)
{{ $loop->iteration }}. {{ $post->name }}

You can actually use a built in helper for this: {{ $cat->incrementing }}.


Laravel blog rating 2 migrations

i made a blog in laravel and now created a new migration for a rating system. i call it with
#foreach($blogs as $key => $blog)
#foreach($ratings as $key => $rating)
#if( $rating->blog_id == $blog->id)
<br> rating found!
<br> {{ $rating->rating_total }}
<br> {{ $rating->rating_amount }}
it works but it doesnt seem right to run a for loop on every blog post in order to get the rating.
how can i solve this better?
You could use one that show this. Like this: <input id="input-1" name="input-1" class="rating rating-loading" data-min="0" data-max="5" data-step="0.1" value="{{ $post->averageRating }}" data-size="xs" disabled="">
Since you have the relationship setup from Blog to Rating you can eager load the 'rating' relationship for each Blog post:
$blogs = Blog::with('rating')->...->get();
Then in Blade when you are looping your $blogs you will have access to it's rating:
#foreach($blogs as $blog)
{{ $blog->title }}
{{ $blog->rating->rating_total }}
{{ $blog->rating->rating_amount }}

How to write if else statement in laravel 8

See I can write some code in PHP I want to write the same code in laravel-8 how can I?
My PHP code
if($Runs>0 and $Balls==0){
echo $Runs*100;
}elseif($Balls>0 and $Runs==0){
echo $Balls*$Runs;
}elseif($Balls==0 and $Runs==0){
echo $Balls*$Runs;
elseif($Runs>0 and $Balls>=0){
echo $Runs/$Balls*100;
I want to write this same code in laravel-8
This is what I can do
{{ $value->runs/$value->balls*100 }}
I can't write if else condition there How can I?
You can use as like below.
#if($Runs>0 and $Balls==0)
{{ $Runs*100 }}
#elseif ($Balls>0 and $Runs==0)
{{ $Balls*$Runs }}
your else code
You can check all blade template condition in document to

need to get next Task after the one in the URL

this for each gave me task where task slug is the same as URL now I need to get the first task after this one so I make redirect link later
#foreach ($Tasks as $Task)
#if ( $Task->slug == Request::segment(5) )
<h2> {{ $Task->task_name }} </h2>
I need to get the task how is after the one in URL from foreach
Try this code. I hope this will help you
$i = 0
#foreach ($Tasks as $Task)
#if ($i > 0)
// write your first task logic here
#if ( $Task->slug == Request::segment(5) )
<h2> {{ $Task->task_name }} </h2>
$i = $i + 1
Would Laravel's pagination give you the features you need more easily?
In your controller:
$tasks = Task::where('slug', request()->segment(5))->paginate();
You can the use the following in your blade:

Why view render "1" before checked radio button

I check radio button with value from database, it works, but it has rendered "1" just before that checked radio button. If I remove if statement then it does't show.
<?php $formUserType = UserType::all(); ?>
#foreach($formUserType as $valUT)
{{ $varSetRadio = false }}
#if($user->profile->dic_user_type_id == $valUT->id)
{{ $varSetRadio = true }}
{!! Form::radio('profile[dic_user_type_id]', $valUT->id, $varSetRadio) !!} {{ $valUT->name }}
<br />
{{ expr }} translates to <?php echo e(expr) ?>.
The output of an assignment is the rightmost value in php, so ($var = 1) is equal to 1 (Also true is equal to 1 because PHP is truthy)
Do the following:
#foreach($formUserType as $value)
{!! Form::radio('profile[dic_user_type_id]', $value->id, $user->profile->dic_user_type_id === $value->id) !!}
{{ $value->name }}
<br />
In addition, you shouldn't be comparing anything but simple logic in a view.
Try adding the comparison for dic_user_type to the User model itself, and pass your data in instead of fetching outside of a controller/model.

Handling conditions in blade templates on laravel 4 in a form input

I would like to test the existence of value in blade on Laravel 4.
{{ Form::text('name', #if(isset($value)) {{$value}} #endif; }}
I tried this:
{{ Form::text('name', #if(isset($value)) $value #endif; }}
You can do it in one line.
I'd prefer a better approach, using condition?if:else , which also I use in my daily projects:
{{ Form::text('name',isset($value)?$value:'') }}
or even:
{{ Form::text('name',isset($value)?$value:null) }}
Anywhere before that, you can add the line <?php if(!isset($value)) { $value= ''; } ?>. Then you can proceed as usual {{ Form::text('name', $value) }}
