radtooltipmanager add targetControl using ajax - ajax

I have a radtooltipmanager that have their target control inside datalist. This datalist is bound on the server side using ajax. I set the target control from itemdatabound event of datalist, but tooltip doesn't work.
Any help please.

If you are using AJAX to initially bind the list (i.e., it does not happen on the initial load, but during a subsequent partial postback), make sure that you include the RadToolTipManager in the partial update, because otherwise its new targets will not travel to the client.


Delay knockout foreach binding

I'm having problems with a product list with filters, sorting and pagination. For SEO reasons, the product list page will be able to be visited, and correctly filtered and bound using server side code. Search engines will therefore be able to crawl it from links on the site. However, I also want the product list to be filterable on the client side for speed and usability. I'm therefore using knockout for this, but I don't want the client side binding to clash with the server side binding.
The flow for the page will be:
1. Page gets hit and ASP.NET binds the product list using query string parameters to set filtering options
2. An AJAX call is made from the client browser to request all products. Knockout will filter against these and bind them to the page.
3. Any change of filtering made in the browser will be managed by knockout, and the bound product list will update
The problem is between step #1 and #2. Technically, this is what happens:
1. The server binds the product list correctly, no issue here
2. Knockout is loaded by the browser with an empty array of products (it's not made the ajax call yet), so knockout takes control of the foreach binding and removes all the server bound products.
3. A very short (but noticeable) time later, the ajax call responds successfully and populates the knockout observable array, and the products are correctly bound once again unnecessarily (should be the same result as the server side binding).
The question is, how can I remove the disappearance of the products that happens in step #2? My thoughts are something along the lines of having a boolean that only allows the knockout foreach binding to be activated when it's true (after a manual interaction with the filtering, sorting or paging, which would mean that on page load, only the server side binding happens, and knockout managed any other client interaction. Is this possible?
I have a very basic JS fiddle of my problem here:
Currently using mapping plugin to populate the observable. I've also tried making my own custom binding and using the beforeRemove event, but I haven't yet found a solution.

Listen to field changes inside a form in dojo

When saving a form I deactivate the save button to avoid double submission. Save happens through an Ajax call, so I stay on the same page. I want to re-enable the button only if the form got changed. How can I listen to any field change inside a specific form using Dojo 1.6 dojo.connect?
Look at line 358 of dijit/form/_FormMixin.js the connectChildren function :)
It gives you all the necessary information!
Basically if your children are connected (you could call the function to make sure), you then just have to monitor the form.value

Execute JScript when loading Entity from Sitemap

I have a custom entity which has an entry in the sitemap. When I load the entity in the main window, it opens the grid view on the right - standard behaviour so far.
I now want to change some thins in the DOM of the grid body. Therefor I should execute a Javascript while loading the grid. But I have not found any way to do this yet. I sthis possible?
My second way was to but the grid into an Iframe and then do the task on load. This works, but I loose all the buttons from the entity.
Thank you
The best (and probably only) way I can think of to attach javascript to the load of the homepage grid is to add your functionality to a CustomRule for an EnableRule for any object in the custom homepage grid ribbon, which will execute at the time the ribbon loads.
Only caveats: you probably will have to do some validation to make sure the grid is in the right readyState before changing anything, and you'll need to make sure to return true if you actually want that ribbon object to be enabled.

Can a CRM 3.0 PreCreate callout fill form fields in advance?

I just finished my first CRM callout, and it's working great, but it doesn't actually seem to take effect until the form that calls it is saved. It's a PreCreate deal that assigns a value to one of the attributes present on the form. Is there any way to get it to assign the new value and display it on the form as soon as you load it, or is this just the way it works?
You'd have to add some JavaScript to the onload event of the form and default any form fields that way. Callouts don't fire until after the save event happens, so they can't be used to default fields in the UI.

Update a controls viewstate on an AJAX callback

I update a rad combo control using telerik calllback method described here
The items in the list are changed on the callback and I want to maintain this filtered list after the postback.
Is it possible to update the viewstate in the server side method? I think if I can access this i can then update both my list of items on the client and the server.. allow my drop down list to survive a postback
Any help appreciated
littleschris, you do not need to update the combobox viewstate but rather to store it selected value and then recover it after postback. Hope my explanation is useful.
