Entire shared object loaded to RAM or only used symbols? - gcc

I'm currently implementing an embedded Linux based system. The persistent data is loaded from a NAND flash. One of the first applications in userland is using some functions of libglib. For the system, a low startup time is very important.
Because glib is large and NAND is slow, many people argue that the start is slowed down, because the entire glib has to be loaded to RAM! I don't believe in this "urban legend".
My points are:
The gcc linker supports lazy loading
A shared library is handled like a memory mapped file. Therefore, the entire library is NOT loaded to RAM, but only sections containing the symbols, when they are accessed.
Are my assumptions correct and does someone have a reference to a text describing the loading of shared objects (not the symbol resolution with GOT, but the "loading" into RAM)?
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards

My points are:
The gcc linker supports lazy loading
There is no such thing as "gcc linker", and (static) linker has nothing to do with anything.
A shared library is handled like a memory mapped file. Therefore, the entire library is NOT loaded to RAM, but only sections containing the symbols, when they are accessed.
This is correct: Linux will do demand paging from "disk", so if your disk is actually flash, and if you don't use compressed filesystem, and if your shared library is correctly built with no text relocations (-Wl,-z,text), then only referenced parts of code and data from the library will be paged into RAM.


Loading data segment of already loaded shared library

For global offset table to work, GOT must be at a fixed location from text segment. Now assume that a program needs a shared library. Assume also that the shared library is already loaded by the OS for some other process. Now for our program, since text section of shared library is already loaded, it just needs to load data segment. The shared library text section is mapped back to the virtual address of our process. But what if there is already some data/text or whatever at the fixed offset from the virtual address of our shared library. How does the dynamic linker resolve that conflict? One approach would be to leave R_386_GOTPC in the text section till load time and let the dynamic linker change it the new offset. Is this how it is done in practice.
On GNU, even the same DSO is mapped at different addresses in different processes. No data at all is shared between them. This means that the GOT is just private data (like .data), and is initialized at load time with the proper addresses (either stubs or the proper function addresses with BIND_NOW).
(This assumes that prelink is not in use, which is somewhat broken anyway.)

Why ELF executables have a fixed load address?

ELF executables have a fixed load address (0x804800 on 32-bit x86 Linux binaries, and 0x40000 on 64-bit x86_64 binaries).
I read the SO answers (e.g., this one) about the historical reasons for those specific addresses. What I still don't understand is why to use a fixed load address and not a randomized one (given some range to be randomized within)?
why to use a fixed load address and not a randomized one
Traditionally that's how executables worked. If you want a randomized load address, build a PIE binary (which is really a special case of shared library that has startup code in it) with -fPIE and link with -pie flags.
Building with -fPIE introduces runtime overhead, in some cases as bad as 10% performance degradation, which may not be tolerable if you have a large cluster or you need every last bit of performance.
not sure if I understood your question correct, but saying I did, that's sort-off a "legacy" / historical issue, ELF is the file format used by UNIX derived operating systems, both POSIX (IOS) and Unix-like (Linux).
and the elf format simply states that there must be some resolved and absolute virtual address that the code is loaded into and begins running from...
and simply that's how the file format is, and during to historical reasons that cant be changed... you couldn't just "throw" the executable in any memory address and have it run successfully, back in the 90's when the ELF format was introduced problems such as calling functions with virtual tables we're raised and it was decided that the elf format would have absolute addresses within it.
Also think about it, take a look at the elf format -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format
how would you design an OS executable-loader that would be able to handle an executable load it to ANY desired virtual address and have the code run successfully without actually having to change the binary itself... if you would like to do something like that you'd either need to vastly change the output compilers generate or the format itself, which again isn't possible
As time passed the requirement of position independent executing (PIE/PIC) has raised and shared objects we're introduced in order to allow that and ASLR
(Address Space Layout Randomization) - which means that the code could be thrown in any memory address and still be able to execute, that is simply implemented by making sure that all calls within the code itself are relative to the current address of the executed instruction, AND that when the shared object is loaded the OS loader would have to change some data within the binary given that the data changed is not executable instructions (R E) but actual data (RW, e.g .data segment), which also is implemented by calling functions from some "Jump tables" ( which would be changed at load time ) for example PLT / GOT.... those shared objects allow absolute randomization of the addresses the code is loaded to and if you want to execute some more "secure" code you'd have to compile it as a shared object and and dynamically link it and load time or run time..
( hope I've cleared some things out :) )

What are the Contents of /proc/vmcore

When the Kernel panics, it generates the /proc/vmcore file. Later we could use the makedumpfile utility to generate coredump using this vmcore file.
What are the contents of this vmcore file?
Does it contain Kernel Memory Region like Stack Area, Heap Area, Code Area and Constants?
Does it also contains Process specific Information ? Process Memory Region , etc., ?
Please share some information/links to understand the contains of vmcore and how to optimize or reduce the Kernel Core Dump Size.
Mr. Anderson has kindly provided the following info. I am posting on his behalf
When the Kernel panics, it generates the /proc/vmcore file. Later we
could use the makedumpfile utility to generate coredump using this
vmcore file.
What are the contents of this vmcore file?
Does it contain Kernel Memory Region like Stack Area, Heap Area, Code
Area and Constants?
/proc/vmcore is an ELF-format core file which contains all of the physical memory
utilized by the crashed kernel.
Does it also contains Process specific Information ? Process Memory Region
, etc., ?
It contains NT_PRSTATUS ELF notes which contain information for the process
that was actively running on each cpu when the system crashed. It also contains
a VMCOREINFO note that is specific to kdump, which contains information
about the crashed kernel that is used by makedumpfile and the crash utility.
Please share some information/links to understand the contains of vmcore
and how to optimize or reduce the Kernel Core Dump Size.
That is the whole purpose of makedumpfile(8). Instead of having to utilize
a huge dumpfile that is the size of the crashed kernel's memory, it allows
you to both (1) compress the /proc/vmcore contents, and (2) to filter out
pages that are typically unnecessary for crash analysis, e.g., user-space
pages, free pages, zero-filled pages, and page cache pages.

How does a PE file get mapped into memory?

So I have been reasearching the PE format for the last couple days, and I still have a couple of questions
Does the data section get mapped into the process' memory, or does the program read it from the disk?
If it does get mapped into its memory, how can the process aqquire the offset of the section? ( And other sections )
Is there any way the get the entry point of a process that has already been mapped into the memory, without touching the file on disk?
Does the data section get mapped into the process' memory
Yes. That's unlikely to survive for very long, the program is apt to write to that section. Which triggers a copy-on-write page copy that gets the page backed by the paging file instead of the PE file.
how can the process aqquire the offset of the section?
The linker already calculated the offsets of variables in the section. It might be relocated, common for DLLs that have an awkward base address that's already in use when the DLL gets loaded. In which case the relocation table in the PE file is used by the loader to patch the addresses in the code. The pages that contain such patched code get the same treatment as the data section, they are no longer backed by the PE file and cannot be shared between processes.
Is there any way the get the entry point of a process
The entire PE file gets mapped to memory, including its headers. So you can certainly read IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint from memory without reading the file. Do keep in mind that it is painful if you do this for another process since you don't have direct access to its virtual address space. You'd have to use ReadProcessMemory(), that's fairly little joy and unlikely to be faster than reading the file. The file is pretty likely to be present in the file system cache. The Address Space Layout Randomization feature is apt to give you a headache, designed to make it hard to do these kind of things.
Does the data section get mapped into the process' memory, or does the program read it from the disk?
It's mapped into process' memory.
If it does get mapped into its memory, how can the process aqquire the offset of the section? ( And other sections )
By means of a relocation table: every reference to a global object (data or function) from the executable code, that uses direct addressing, has an entry in this table so that the loader patches the code, fixing the original offset. Note that you can make a PE file without relocation section, in which case all data and code sections have a fixed offset, and the executable has a fixed entry point.
Is there any way the get the entry point of a process that has already been mapped into the memory, without touching the file on disk?
Not sure, but if by "not touching" you mean not even reading the file, then you may figure it out by walking up the stack.
Yes, all sections that are described in the PE header get mapped into memory. The IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER struct tells the loader how to map it (the section can for example be much bigger in memory than on disk).
I'm not quite sure if I understand what you are asking. Do you mean how does code from the code section know where to access data in the data section? If the module loads at the preferred load address then the addresses that are generated statically by the linker are correct, otherwise the loader fixes the addresses with relocation information.
Yes, the windows loader also loads the PE Header into memory at the base address of the module. There you can file all the info that was in the file PE header - also the Entry Point.
I can recommend this article for everything about the PE format, especially on relocations.
Does the data section get mapped into the process' memory, or does the
program read it from the disk?
Yes, everything before execution by the dynamic loader of operating systems either Windows or Linux must be mapped into memory.
If it does get mapped into its memory, how can the process acquire the
offset of the section? ( And other sections )
PE file has a well-defined structure which loader use that information and also parse that information to acquire the relative virtual address of sections around ImageBase. Also, if ASLR - Address randomization feature - was activated on the system, the loader has to use relocation information to resolve those offsets.
Is there any way the get the entry point of a process that has already
been mapped into the memory, without touching the file on disk?
NOPE, the loader of the operating system for calculation of OEP uses ImageBase + EntryPoint member values of the optional header structure and in some particular places when Address randomization is enabled, It uses relocation table to resolve all addresses. So we can't do anything without parsing of PE file on the disk.

How much of shared object is loaded to memory

If there is a shared object file say libComponent.so which is made up of two object files Component_1.o and Compononet_2.o.
And there is an application which links to libComponent.so but is only using Compononent_1.o functions.
Will the entire shared object i.e libComponent.so will be loaded into memory when application runs and uses shared object file or just the Component_1.o ?
Is there an option available in gcc compiler to toggle this behaviour of only loading the required symbols from a shared object ?
Well, it depends on what you mean by 'loaded'.
The dynamic linker will map all of the library into the process's virtual memory space and will fill in entries in the executable's import table for each library function used with the addresses of functions in the shared library. But filling in the import table doesn't actually load from those addresses, so they won't be loaded into physical memory.
From then on, the library code will be paged into physical memory on demand when the function is called, just like any other pageable memory in the process's virtual address space. If a function is never called (directly from the application or indirectly from another library function called by the application), it won't be paged in. (Well, paging occurs with page size granularity, so you might pull in a function the application doesn't call if it's next to a function it does call. Some compilers use profile-guided optimization to place functions commonly called together next to each other to minimize the number of pages used.)
(Aside: if your library wasn't compiled to use position-independent code and it's loaded at its non-default base address, the linker will need to fix up addresses in the code when it's loaded, which would cause the entire library to be paged in. This could be done lazily when each page is first loaded, though I'm not sure which linkers do this.)
