Uploading via SSH with rsync and spawn - bash

Until very recently I have been using the following bash script to upload any edited files to my server.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn rsync -av -e ssh "/(...)/webs" xusernamex#xdomainx.com:/home/webs
expect "password:"
send "xpasswordx\r"
expect "*\r"
expect "\r"
Usually it has worked fine. For some reason it has abruptly stopped working several weeks ago. Here is the output it now provides:
xuserx#xdomainx.com's password:
building file list ... done
As you can see, No files are actually uploaded. But if I paste that exact same command directly into my terminal window without the "spawn," its behavior changes and it uploads the files as usual.
Here is an example:
Squid:~ John$ rsync -av -e ssh "/(...)/webs" xuserx#xdomainx.com:/home/xuserx
xuserx#xdomainx.com's password:
building file list ... done
sent 878 bytes received 42 bytes 204.44 bytes/sec
total size is 96409 speedup is 104.79
Squid:~ John$
Do you know what could be causing this?

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# exp_internal 1 ;# uncomment to turn on expect debugging
set timeout -1
spawn rsync -av -e ssh "/(...)/webs" xusernamex#xdomainx.com:/home/webs
expect "password:"
send "xpasswordx\r"
expect eof
It may be a timeout issue, so set the timeout to infinite. Since you don't have to interact with rsync in any way except for the password, just wait for it to finish (expect eof).


expect: launching scp after sftp

I could really use some help. I'm still pretty new with expect. I need to launch a scp command directly after I run sftp.
I got the first portion of this script working, my main concern is the bottom portion. I really need to launch a command after this command completes. I'd rather be able to spawn another command than, hack something up like piping this with a sleep command and running it after 10 s or something weird.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
spawn sftp user#host
expect "password: "
send "123\r"
expect "$ "
sleep 2
send "cd mydir\r"
expect "$ "
sleep 2
send "get somefile\r"
expect "$ "
sleep 2
send "bye\r"
expect "$ "
sleep 2
spawn scp somefile user2#host2:/home/user2/
sleep 2
So i figured out I can actually get this to launch the subprocess if I use "exec" instead of spawn.. in other words:
exec scp somefile user2#host2:/home/user2/
the only problem? It prompts me for a password! This shouldn't happen, I already have the ssh-keys installed on both systems. (In other words, if I run the scp command from the host I'm running this expect script on, it will run without prompting me for a password). The system I'm trying to scp to, must be recognizing this newly spawned process as a new host, because its not picking up my ssh-key. Any ideas?
BTW, I apologize I haven't actually posted a "working" script, I can't really do that without comprimising the security of this server. I hope that doesn't detract from anyones ability to assist me.
I think the problem lies with me not terminating the initially spawned process. I don't understand expect enough to do it properly. If I try "close" or "eof", it simply kills the entire script, which I don't want to do just yet (because I still need to scp the file to the second host).
Ensure that your SSH private key is loaded into an agent, and that the environment variables pointing to that agent are active in the session where you're calling scp.
[[ $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]] || { # if no agent already running...
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" # ...then start one...
ssh-add /path/to/your/ssh/key # ...load your key...
started_ssh_agent=1 # and flag that we started it ourselves
# ...put your script here...
[[ $started_ssh_agent ]] && { # if we started the agent ourselves...
eval "$(ssh-agent -s -k)" # ...then clean up nicely when done.
As an aside, I'd strongly suggest replacing the code given in the question with something like the following:
lftp -u user,123 -e 'get /mydir/somefile -o localfile' sftp://host </dev/null
lftp scp://user2#host2 -e 'put localfile -o /home/user2/somefile' </dev/null
Each connection handled in one line, and no silliness messing around with expect.

Spawn id exp7 not open while executing error shell script

I am using cron to run a script that connects to another server via sftp and uploads files. Once in a while, I will receive the error: Spawn-id-exp7-not-open while executing send \"ls\r\" and the script will stop executing (files will not be sent). However, most of the time, the script will run with no errors.
Below is my script I use to connect :
VAR=$(expect -c "
spawn sftp -o \"BatchMode no\" -b /var/www/prep/cmd -P 13266 $USER#$HOST
expect \"Password:\"
send \"$PASS\r\"
expect \"\\\\$\"
send \"ls\r\"
expect -re \"$USER.*\"
send \"exit\"
echo "==============="
echo "$VAR"
Below is the script that runs after I connect (cmd) :
put "/var/www/prep/1.xml"
put "/var/www/prep/2.xml"
I took a look at a similar question found at send: spawn id exp7 not open , but it has not helped me. Perhaps the connection ends before the cmd script can run?
Thanks for your help!
You're using sftp with -b. Therefore, once you provide the password, there will be no interaction: sftp will read commands from the batch file and exit.
From the man page:
-b batchfile
Batch mode reads a series of commands from an input batchfile instead of stdin. Since it lacks user interaction it should be used in conjunction with non-interactive authentication. A batchfile of ‘-’ may be used to indicate standard input. sftp will abort if any of the following commands fail: get, put, rename, ln, rm, mkdir, chdir, ls, lchdir, chmod, chown, chgrp, lpwd, df, symlink, and lmkdir. Termination on error can be suppressed on a command by command basis by prefixing the command with a ‘-’ character (for example, -rm /tmp/blah*).

Facing difficulty to transfer a file from one server to another using TCL

I am trying to transfer a file from one server to a remote server with the help of a TCL script.
But my script stops after the message "200 Port set okay" and continues to rum from the below telnet session.
I have checked the destination location, my file is not transferred.
Please suggest what can I do or where I am wrong
package require Expect
set p "mm155_005.006.010.200_bt.fw"
spawn ftp
expect "User ("
send "user\r"
expect "Password:"
send "pswd\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "cd FW\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "ha\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "bi\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "mput \"$p\"\r"
expect "mput $p? "
send "yes\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "ls\r"
spawn telnet
expect "Login: "
send "user\r"
expect "password: "
send "pswd\r"
expect "*? > "
send "cd FW\r"
expect "*? > "
send "burnboot 30 5.6(10.200)\r"
spawn ftp
Connected to
220 VxWorks FTP server (VxWorks VxWorks5.4.2) ready.
Name ( user
331 Password required
230 User logged in
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> cd FW
250 Changed directory to "C:/FW"
ftp> ha
Hash mark printing on (1024 bytes/hash mark).
ftp> bi
200 Type set to I, binary mode
ftp> mput "mm155_005.006.010.200_bt.fw"
mput mm155_005.006.010.200_bt.fw? yes
200 Port set okay \ I am unable to see hash progress bar after this line
spawn telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Login: user
node84.7.PXM.a > cd FW
node84.7.PXM.a > bash-2.05b$
Instead of rolling your own solution in Expect (I also did this about 9 years ago), use the FTP module from tcllib -- it's already battle-hardened.
The script as reported is unlikely to produce exactly that output; there is nothing from the ls done after the mput. However, if the mput is hanging the most likely problem is that there is a firewall issue; FTP uses multiple sockets to do file transfers (which is why FTP is such a pain when it comes to overall firewall management). In particular, it has a command channel (the socket which you communicate with the FTP server over) and a separate data channel per file (and also with the output of some remote commands, such as ls); that's what that Port set okay is about. This is not firewall-friendly, and it's easy to misconfigure firewalls in this area (especially when there is NAT also in place).
You might (i.e., try this first) want to use passive mode instead, as that reduces the complexity at the firewall level. Try issuing a passive before the mput (just as you currently issue a binary).
Here's a bash script I wrote with a similar function;
You should be able to adapt it to your needs.
Adding a few lines to SSH in and run the script should be quite trivial.
As a side note; why are you using TCL for this?
fileName=`ls /home/user/downloads -t1 | head -n1`
echo $latestFile
ftp -inv $hostname << EOF
quote USER $username
quote PASS $password
cd transfer/jirabackup
put $latestFile $fileName

Recursively copy files to remote server using expect script

How can we copy the files recursively to the remote server using expect script or any other script?.
1. We couldn't limit the number of file will be copied.
2. File size may be 1mb or upto 10mb.
I was tried with the following script. But it's only transfer upto 4 or 5 files only. (I need to transfer files, nearly 200 or 300 above)
spawn scp -r /home/test root#example.com:/home/test
sleep 2
expect "password"
send "XXXXXX"
sleep 2
Before the spawn command, add the line
set timeout -1
and replace the 2nd sleep command with
expect eof
Don't forget to add \r when you send your password: send "password\r"
I'd recommend you set up SSH keys -- then you won't be prompted for a password and you don't need the expect script at all.

Problems with terminating connection after running scripts on remote computer using shell script

This is the first time I am writing a shell script. I tried to do as much research as I can to avoid dumb/repetitive question. Please excuse if its repeat/dumb question.
I have a shell script which connects to remote linux machine and runs scripts there. I am using 'expect' to spawn a ssh connection and to issue commands to trigger the job. However, I am having issues while closing the connection after completing the job.
This is my script:
set prompt "(%|#|\\$|%\]) $"
expect -c 'spawn ssh $UN#$STAGE ;
expect password ; send "$PASS \n";
expect -regexp "$PROMPT"; send "./settings.$UN.sh > settings_log.txt \n";
This script successfully runs the script file for me ($UN and $STAGE parameters are input to the script. I omitted that here for simplicity). However, this leaves me with an open connection.
I tried to close the connection after running the script by using following instead of above
expect -c 'spawn ssh $UN#$STAGE ;
expect password ; send "$PASS \n";
expect -regexp "$PROMPT"; send "./settings.$UN.sh > settings_log.txt \n";
expect -regexp "$PROMPT"; send "exit \n"'
This does close the connection but I noticed that my script file did not run at all. Also the settings_log.txt is not generated at all.
Does this mean, that exit command is aborting the process before its completion? I tried using 'sleep' before exit but it did not help. Is there a better suggested way to terminate the connection when using expect?
Any help is appreciated.
with expect, you terminate your send commands with \r not \n, so
expect -c 'spawn ssh $UN#$STAGE
expect password
send "$PASS\r"
expect -regexp "$PROMPT"
send "./settings.$UN.sh > settings_log.txt\r"
expect -regexp "$PROMPT"
send "exit\r"
expect eof'
Note you can execute remote shell commands and copy files using ssh and scp, directly, without using expect.
For example,
scp ./settings.$UN.sh $UN#$STAGE:settings_log.txt
ssh $UN#$STAGE whatever-you-need-to-execute
The connection will close as soon as soon as whatever-you-need-to-execute completes.
Your outer script seems to be written in csh and sets a variable named "prompt", but your expect script is using a variable called "PROMPT". Try making the two variable names match case.
