use text column from data file as points label in gnuplot - label

I have a data file consisting of 2 columns with a name and value in it.
foo 0.1
bar 0.2
fff 0.4
bbb 0.7
I want to plot this and annotate the text entry next to the data point.
I tried
plot 'file' using 1:2 with labels
but it didn't work. I guess the proble is that I have to rely on gnuplot using only the second column for y and equally spacing the x axis.

You can do something like
plot 'file' using 0:2 title 'title', \
'' using 0:2:1 with labels offset 0,char 1
This will first plot the data normally, then plot with labels on top, offset up by one character. The 0 column is a dummy column which gives an index to the data--0 for the first data point, 1 for the second, etc.
Another alternative would be to plot using a histogram.


Gnuplot: How to display actual values on top of each bar in a bar-plot?

First-timer with gnuplot. Essentially I'm interested in what the subject says. I already have a mechanism that works in terms of rendering the bars and I just want to add label-values on the top of each bar:
I have the following data in a file called 'data.dat':
I employ the following gnuplot configuration file '':
# file_path - path to the file from which the data will be read
# graphic_file_name - the graphic file name to be saved
# y_label - the desired label for y axis
# y_range_min - minimum range for values in y axis
# y_range_max - maximum range for values in y axis
# column_1 - the first column to be used in plot command
# column_2 - the second column to be used in plot command
# graphic will be saved as 800x600 png image file
set terminal png
# allows grid lines to be drawn on the plot
set grid
# setting the graphic file name to be saved
set output graphic_file_name
# the graphic's main title
set title "Comparison"
# since the input file is a CSV file, we need to tell gnuplot that data fields are separated by comma
set datafile separator ","
# disable key box
set key off
# label for y axis
set ylabel y_label
# range for values in y axis
set yrange[y_range_min:y_range_max]
# to avoid displaying large numbers in exponential format
set format y "%.0f"
# vertical label for x values
set xtics rotate
# set boxplots
set style fill solid
set boxwidth 0.5
# plot graphic for each line of input file
plot for [i=0:*] file_path every ::i::i using column_1:column_2:xtic(2) with boxes
And I run the following gnuplot command:
gnuplot \
-e "file_path='data.dat' " \
-e "graphic_file_name='output.png' " \
-e "y_label='y' " \
-e "y_range_min='0000000'' " \
-e "y_range_max='1500000' " \
-e "column_1=1 " \
-e "column_2=3 " \
I can't figure out how to use 'with labels' at the bottom of the .gp file. Any help appreciated.
Here is yet another example. There is no need to do it in a for loop. You can use the pseudocolumn 0 (check help pseudocolumns) and lc var (check help linecolor variable) for setting the color.
### plot with boxes and labels
reset session
$Data <<EOD
set datafile separator comma
set style fill solid 0.3
set key noautotitle
set xrange[0.5:3.5]
set yrange[0:]
set format y "%.0f"
set grid x,y
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
plot $Data u 1:3:($0+1):xtic(2) w boxes lc var, \
'' u 1:3:3 w labels offset 0,0.7
### end of code

BIRT - How to insert different data set rows in different places in a single text element

I'm developing a BIRT report and this is my situation.
I have one text element, let's say this:
blue square: 111
blue triangle: 222
red circle: 333
At the moment is static, and always displays the numbers you see. I would like to make the numbers dynamic so I created a SQL query and I have embedded it in a dataset. Let's say this is the output:
color shape count
blue square 123
red circle 456
blue triangle 789
I would like to set it up in such a way that each data set row matches the correct row in the text file, so it would become:
blue square: 123
blue triangle: 456
red circle: 789
And will be automatically updated.
I've binded the text element with the dataset and wrote this as a test:
blue square: <VALUE-OF>if (row["color"].toUpperCase() == "BLUE") { row["count"] }</VALUE-OF>
blue triangle: 222
red circle: 333
But when I run the report it doesn't work and the value is blank.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you all for the help and let me know if you need more info.
You now have a dataset with row[color], row[shape], row[count] to simplify your desired output I would add a "computed column" to your dataset.
e.g. row[output] = row[color] + ' ' + row[shape] + ': ' row[count]
Once you added the computed column just drag and drop your dataset into your report (where you now have the text element) and delete the unused columns.
Tip: if don't know "computed columns":
  use Google image search for "bird computed column example"
  the Google text search might get you lost in birt forum lists.
It’s possible you have some typo in your scriptlet. In BIRT a scriptlet resolves to the last expression within itself.
Your scrptlet <VALUE-OF>if (foo) { bar }</VALUE-OF> doesn’t have a last expression. (It's not wrong but BIRT may not "understand" it this way) Try instead <VALUE-OF>var result = ''; if (foo) { result = bar }; result;</VALUE-OF> and format the scriptlet to several code lines with result; as last line. This is the same as if we consider the scriptlet as a function in some programming language and the last line of the function would be return result.

Change color of only one data point in gnuplot

I'm doing a gif in gnuplot, and I have my data separated in blocks. I need the points to be white except from just the first row of every data block, which would be an orange point.
Currently my code is:
do for [i=0:int(STATS_blocks-1)]{
plot "positions.txt" index i pt 7 ps 0.5 lc 'white' title "t = ".((i+1)*200)." Myr"
As you can see, this plots every data point white, including the first row.
Edited to show variable pointsize also
If I understand your data format correctly:
set linetype 11 lc "orange"
set linetype 12 lc "white"
set style data points
do for [i=0:N] {
plot "positions.txt" index i using 1:2:(column(0)>0 ? 0.5 : 2.0):(column(0)>0 ? 12 : 11) pt 7 ps variable lc variable
Variable color (if used) is always taken from the very last using column. Other variable properties work back from there.

How to plot line in xmgrace using Bash or shell script

I want to plot a vertical dotted red line in particular point (say 2.2) in xmgrace using script
You can either use an external tool such as pygrace or use grace's built-in batch capabilities. These have been touched upon here on SO before (see, for instance, here or here).
The following script plots a datafile (exp.dat) as empty circles, another data file (line.dat) as a red dotted line and sets the ranges, labels and major ticks of the two axes:
READ NXY "exp.dat"
READ NXY "line.dat"
xaxis label "My x label"
xaxis tick major 1
yaxis label "My y label"
yaxis tick major 1
s0 line type 0
s0 symbol 1
s0 symbol size 1.5
s1 linestyle 2
s1 color 2
To generate a vertical red dotted line that passes through 2.2 the contents ofline.dat should be something like
2.2 0
2.2 10000
You can generate such a file in a bash script with the following command:
echo "2.2 0\n2.2 10000" > line.dat
Save the script as mybatch.xmg and call it like this:
xmgrace -batch mybatch.xmg
If you want to directly generate an output you can add this directive:
PRINT TO "myplot.eps"
DEVICE "EPS" OP "level2"
which will save your plot as myplot.eps (add -nosafe when calling xmgrace to get rid of the warnings).

gnuplot histogram: line 0: Too many columns in using specification

I want to create a histogram of a file that contains :
1 144 12.54
2 564 02.34
3 231 01.23
4 452 07.12
and what I use for that purpose in my script is :
gnuplot << EOF
set terminal gif
set terminal postscript eps color enhanced
set output "diagramma";
set title 'Diagramma'
set key off
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.9
set autoscale
set xlabel "May"
plot 'finalsumfile' using 1:2 with histogram, 'finalsumfile' using 1:3 with histogram
So I want the first column as x coordinate and the second and third columns as y.
BUT when I run my script occurs this error:
line 0: Too many columns in using specification
What am I doing wrong?
plot 'finalsumfile' using 2:xticlabels(1) with histogram
Histograms typically only take 1 column of data, which the "x-value" being implicitly incremented by one each time starting from 0. To set explicit x labels, you need to use xticlabels which takes the string in the given column and uses that as the label.
