I'm trying to get the client area of a tab control using TCM_ADJUSTRECT + TCM_GETITEMRECT, I call TCM_GETITEMRECT giving it the tab index then with that Rec filled in, call TCM_ADJUSTRECT passing either true or false but when ever I move the only tab child window with MoveWindow:
it's either cropped at the top or cropped at the bottom depending on the boolean passed to TCM_ADJUSTRECT, I'm assuming its because the width and height values in MoveWindow are from the tab control itself and I need to work out the client height from the TCM_ADJUSTRECT but I'm not really sure how to get the width and height from the Rec structure:
typedef struct _RECT {
LONG left;
LONG top;
LONG right;
LONG bottom;
How could I scroll one page to the right in Cypress?
E.g. I have a horizontally scrollable area. The area contains elements a, b and if I scroll to the right a and b get destroyed, while c and d get added.
My attempt is to find out the width of the scrollable view and then scroll that amount to the right. But the width does not get retrieved before the scrollTo gets called.
Here is what I am trying to do:
const width = cy.getCy("scroll-viewport").invoke("width");
cy.getCy("scroll-viewport").scrollTo(width, 0);
Your code sample has some mystery about it, for example what is cy.getCy().
I can show you how to do it with standard code, and you can adapt from there.
Assuming scroll-viewport is a selector for the scroll container (the owner of the scroll bar)
cy.get("scroll-viewport").then($scrollContainer => {
const width = $scrollContainer[0].offsetWidth;
$scrollContainer[0].scrollTo(width, 0);
Note $scrollContainer[0].scrollWidth gives you the total width after scrolling, in case you need that.
I have a new window with undefined size. How to place it into right bottom corner in the page? The getWidth() and getHeight() functions return -1, because I didnt set them by setWidth() and setHeight(). I dont want to set them to keep the size depending on the content.
You can use Window.setPositionX() to change the horizontal offset from the LEFT border, and setPositionY() for offset from TOP. Unfortunately there is no way to set offset from RIGHT/BOTTOM. So unless you know the width/height of both your window and the main window, this is not possible through Vaadin server calls (as far as I know).
However you can solve it through CSS: define a style name e.g. mywindow using addStyleName("mywindow") and then make a CSS rule like this:
.v-window.v-widget.mywindow {
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: auto !important;
top: auto !important;
I am using FabricJS to create an application. I am finding that scrolling a parent div/container offsets the selectable area of an object to the right in direct relation to amount scrolled.
So, if I have a canvas that is 1200x600 and a container div that is 600x600 and I add a rect to that canvas at 400, 120; when I scroll 200px, I can't click on the rect to select it. Rather, I have to move my mouse to 600, 120 (empty space) to get the cross bar and select the rect.
Not sure if this is known, or has a work around - but I would appreciate any help possible.
You'll have to modify FabricJs code to make it work.
The problem is in the getPointer function, if you search for it in all.js you'll notice the comment "this method needs fixing" from kangax.
A workaround can be substituting this function with
function getPointer(event) {
// TODO (kangax): this method needs fixing
return { x: pointerX(event) + document.getElementById("container").scrollLeft, y: pointerY(event) + document.getElementById("container").scrollTop };
where "container" is the wrapper div of you canvas. It's not nice, since you have to put the exact id, but it works.
Hope this helps.
So I finally figured out how the iIntegral member of TVITEMEX works. The MSDN docs didn't think to mention that setting it while inserting an item has no effect, but setting it after the item is inserted works. Yay!
However, when using the TVS_HASLINES style with items of variable height, the lines are only drawn for the top part of an item with iIntegral > 1. E.g. if I set TVS_HASLINES and TVS
Here's what it looks like (can't post images WTF?)
Should I manually draw more of the lines in response to NM_CUSTOMDRAW or something?
Yes, Windows doesn't do anything with the blank space obtained from changing the height.
From the MSDN:
The tree-view control does not draw in the
extra area, which appears below the
item content, but this space can be
used by the application for drawing
when using custom draw. Applications
that are not using custom draw should
set this value to 1, as otherwise the
behavior is undefined.
Alright, problem solved.
I failed to find an easy answer, but I did work around it the hard way. It's basically just drawing the extra line segments in custom draw:
// _cd is the NMTVCUSTOMDRAW structure
// ITEMHEIGHT is the fixed height set in TreeView_SetItemHeight
// linePen is HPEN of a suitable pen to draw the lines (PS_ALTERNATE etc.)
// indent is the indentation size returned from TreeView_GetIndent
// Expand line because TreeView is buggy
RECT r = _cd->nmcd.rc;
HDC hdc = _cd->nmcd.hdc;
HTREEITEM hItem = (HTREEITEM) _cd->nmcd.dwItemSpec;
if( r.bottom - r.top > ITEMHEIGHT ) {
HGDIOBJ oldPen = SelectObject( hdc, linePen );
// Draw any lines left of current item
HTREEITEM hItemScan = hItem;
for( int i = _cd->iLevel; i >= 0; --i ) {
// Line should be drawn only if node has a next sibling to connect to
if( TreeView_GetNextSibling( getHWnd(), hItemScan ) ) {
// Lines seem to start 17 pixels from left edge of control. But no idea
// where that constant comes from or if it is really constant.
int x = 17 + indent * i;
MoveToEx( hdc, x, r.top + ITEMHEIGHT, 0 );
LineTo( hdc, x, r.bottom );
// Do the same for the parent
hItemScan = TreeView_GetParent( getHWnd(), hItemScan );
SelectObject( hdc, oldPen );
The pattern from the PS_ALTERNATE brush sometimes doesn't align perfectly with line drawn by the control, but that's hardly noticeable. What's worse is that even though I have the latest common controls and all the service packs and hotfixes installed, there are still bugs in TreeView documented way back in 2005. Specifically, the TreeView doesn't update its height correctly. The only workaround I've found for that is to force some collapsing/expanding of nodes and do a few calls to InvalidateRect.
If the variable-height nodes are at the root level, though, there doesn't appear to be anything you can do. Luckily I don't need that.
I am using Eclipse & JDE 4.5.0 plug-in. How to align fields vertically. Can we align fields like LEFT_BOTTOM,RIGHT_BOTTOM, LEFT_VCENTER, RIGHT_VCENTER, CENTER(vertically & horizontally), BOTTOM_CENTER, etc...?
BlackBerry UI field managers are notoriously annoying when dealing with field alignment. Managers seem to ignore all style flags (like HCENTER, VCENTER, etc) so the only way you'll be able to do this is to override the sublayout method of your manager and do it yourself.
Here's a little snippet to show you what I mean. This particular code actually does horizontal centering, not vertical centering, but once you get the idea you can implement any styles you need.
VerticalFieldManager mainmanager = new VerticalFieldManager(Field.USE_ALL_WIDTH | Field.USE_ALL_HEIGHT)
protected void sublayout( int width, int height ) {
super.sublayout( width, height );
width = getWidth();
height = getHeight();
for (int i = 0;i < this.getFieldCount() - 1; i++)
Field field = this.getField(i);
//this positions the item in the middle of the manager
int x = (int)((width - field.getWidth()) * 0.50);
setPositionChild(field, x, field.getTop());
Please note that the USE_ALL_WIDTH and USE_ALL_HEIGHT style flags are important. If you want to do things like vertical centering, bottom-right aligning, etc. you will need to write the positioning code yourself. For bottom-right alignment for example you could set the x position to the width of the manager minus the width of the field, and the y position to the height of the manager minus the height of the field.
If you want to be able to use one custom manager class to handle multiple different styles (like bottom right, bottom left) you can add some logic in sublayout to check the field's style flag and then position the field appropriately.
Hopefully this all makes sense and helps you. :)
HorizontalFieldManager only accepts Vertical Alignment Styles and VerticalFieldManager only accept Horizontal Alignment. That's it.
Annoying ++