Prolog 'is/2' predicate implementation - prolog

How is the 'is/2' Prolog predicate implemented?
I know that
X is 3*4
is equivalent with
is(X, 3*4)
But is the predicate implemented using imperative programming?
In other words, is the implementation equivalent with the following C code?
X = 3*4;
//signal an error
Or is it implemented using declarative programming and other predicates?

Depends on your Prolog, obviously, but any practical implementation will do its dirty work in C or another imperative language. Part of is/2 can be simulated in pure Prolog:
is(X, Expr) :-
evaluate(Expr, Value),
(var(X) ->
X = Value
X =:= Value
Where evaluate is a huge predicate that knows about arithmetic expressions. There are ways to implement large parts of it in pure Prolog too, but that will be both slow and painful. E.g. if you have a predicate that adds integers, then you can multiply them as well using the following (stupid) algorithm:
evaluate(X + Y, Value) :-
% even this can be done in Prolog using an increment predicate,
% but it would take O(n) time to do n/2 + n/2.
add(X, Y, Value).
evaluate(X * Y, Value) :-
(X == 0 ->
Value = 0
evaluate(X + -1, X1),
evaluate(X1, Y, Value1),
evaluate(Y + Value1, Value)
None of this is guaranteed to be either practical or correct; I'm just showing how arithmetic could be implemented in Prolog.

Would depend on the version of Prolog; for example, CProlog is (unsurprisingly) written in C, so all built-in predicates are implemented in a imperative language.

Prolog was developed for language parsing. So, a arithmetic expression like
3 + - ( 4 * 12 ) / 2 + 7
after parsing is just a prolog term (representing the parse tree), with operator/3 providing the semantics to guide the parser's operation. For basic arithmetic expressions, the terms are
'-'/2. Negation
'*'/2, '/'/2. Multiplication, division
'+'/2, '-'/2. Addition, subtraction
The sample expression above is parsed as
'+'( '+'( 3 , '/'( '-'( '*'(4,12) ) , 2 ) ) , 7 )
'is'/2 simply does a recursive walk of the parse tree representing the right hand side, evaluating each term in pretty much the same way an RPN (reverse polish notation) calculator does. Once that expression is evaluated, the result is unified with the left hand side.
Each basic operation — add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc. — has to be done in machine code, so at the end of the day, some machine code routine is being invoked to compute the result of each elemental operation.
Whether is/2 is written entirely in native code or written mostly in prolog, with just the leaf operations written in native code, is pretty much an implementation choice.


Prolog - subsitution and evaluation

Hello good people of programming .
Logic programming is always fascinating compare to imperative programming.
As pursuing unknown of logic programming, there is some problems encountering arithmetic expressions.
Here is the code I have done so far.
number_atom(N) :-
(number(N) -> functor(N, _, _); functor(N, _, _), atom(N)).
arithmeticAdd_expression(N, _Var, _Val, N) :-
arithmeticAdd_expression(X+Y, Var, Val, R) :-
arithmeticAdd_expression(X, Var, Val, RX),
arithmeticAdd_expression(Y, Var, Val, RY),
(number(RX), number(RY) -> R is RX + RY; R = RX + RY).
Taking add operation as example:
arithmeticAdd_expression(Expression, Variable, Value, Result)
?- arithmeticAdd_expression(a+10, a, 1, Result).
?- Result = 11;
?- Result = a + 10.
?- arithmeticAdd_expression(a+10, b, 1, Result).
?- Result = a + 10.
What I would like to achieve is that
if the atom(s) in the Expression can only be substituted by given Variable and value, then Result is the number only like the example shown above(Result = 11). Else, the Result is the Expression itself only. My problem with the code is somewhere there, I just could figure it out. So, Please someone can help me? Thank you.
An important attraction of logic programming over, say, functional programming is that you can often use the same code in multiple directions.
This means that you can ask not only for a particular result if the inputs are given, but also ask how solutions look like in general.
However, for this to work, you have to put some thought into the way you represent your data. For example, in your case, any term in your expression that is still a logical variable may denote either a given number or an atom that should be interpreted differently than a plain number or an addition of two other terms. This is called a defaulty representation because you have to decide what a variable should denote by default, and there is no way to restrict its meaning to only one of the possible cases.
Therefore, I suggest first of all to change the representation so that you can symbolically distinguish the two cases. For example, to represent expressions in your case, let us adopt the convention that:
atoms are denoted by the wrapper a/1
numbers are denoted by the wrapper n/1.
and as is already the case, (+)/2 shall denote addition of two expressions.
So, a defaulty term like b+10 shall now be written as: a(b)+n(10). Note the use of the wrappers a/1 and n/1 to make clear which case we are dealing with. Such a representation is called clean. The wrappers are arbitrarily (though mnemonically) chosen, and we could have used completely different wrappers such as atom/1 and number/1, or atm/1 and nmb/1. The key property is only that we can now symbolically distinguish different cases by virtue of their outermost functor and arity.
Now the key advantage: Using such a convention, we can write for example: a(X)+n(Y). This is a generalization of the earlier term. However, it carries a lot more information than only X+Y, because in the latter case, we have lost track of what these variables stand for, while in the former case, this distinction is still available.
Now, assuming that this convention is used in expressions, it becomes straight-forward to describe the different cases:
expression_result(n(N), _, _, n(N)).
expression_result(a(A), A, N, n(N)).
expression_result(a(A), Var, _, a(A)) :-
dif(A, Var).
expression_result(X+Y, Var, Val, R) :-
expression_result(X, Var, Val, RX),
expression_result(Y, Var, Val, RY),
addition(RX, RY, R).
addition(n(X), n(Y), n(Z)) :- Z #= X + Y.
addition(a(X), Y, a(X)+Y).
addition(X, a(Y), X+a(Y)).
Note that we can now use pattern matching to distinguish the cases. No more if-then-elses, and no more atom/1 or number/1 tests are necessary.
Your test cases work as expected:
?- expression_result(a(a)+n(10), a, 1, Result).
Result = n(11) ;
?- expression_result(a(a)+n(10), b, 1, Result).
Result = a(a)+n(10) ;
And now the key advantage: With such a pure program (please see logical-purity for more information), we can also ask "What do results look like in general?"
?- expression_result(Expr, Var, N, R).
Expr = R, R = n(_1174) ;
Expr = a(Var),
R = n(N) ;
Expr = R, R = a(_1698),
dif(_1698, Var) ;
Expr = n(_1852)+n(_1856),
R = n(_1896),
_1852+_1856#=_1896 ;
Expr = n(_2090)+a(Var),
R = n(_2134),
_2090+N#=_2134 .
Here, I have used logical variables for all arguments, and I get quite general answers from this program. This is why I have used clpfd constraints for declarative integer arithmetic.
Thus, your immediate issue can be readily solved by using a clean representation, and using the code above.
Only one very small challenge remains: Maybe you actually want to use a defaulty representation such as c+10 (instead of a(c)+n(10)). The task you are then facing is to convert the defaulty representation to a clean one, for example via a predicate defaulty_clean/2. I leave this as an easy exercise. Once you have a clean representation, you can use the code above without changes.

Prolog program to get an (integer) number as the sum of two integer squares, why does it not work?

I'm starting learning Prolog and I want a program that given a integer P gives to integers A and B such that P = A² + B². If there aren't values of A and B that satisfy this equation, false should be returned
For example: if P = 5, it should give A = 1 and B = 2 (or A = 2 and B = 1) because 1² + 2² = 5.
I was thinking this should work:
giveSum(P, A, B) :- integer(A), integer(B), integer(P), P is A*A + B*B.
with the query:
giveSum(5, A, B).
However, it does not. What should I do? I'm very new to Prolog so I'm still making lot of mistakes.
Thanks in advance!
integer/1 is a non-monotonic predicate. It is not a relation that allows the reasoning you expect to apply in this case. To exemplify this:
?- integer(I).
No integer exists, yes? Colour me surprised, to say the least!
Instead of such non-relational constructs, use your Prolog system's CLP(FD) constraints to reason about integers.
For example:
?- 5 #= A*A + B*B.
A in -2..-1\/1..2,
_G1025 in 1..4,
_G1052 in 1..4,
B in -2..-1\/1..2
And for concrete solutions:
?- 5 #= A*A + B*B, label([A,B]).
A = -2,
B = -1 ;
A = -2,
B = 1 ;
A = -1,
B = -2 ;
CLP(FD) constraints are completely pure relations that can be used in the way you expect. See clpfd for more information.
Other things I noticed:
use_underscores_for_readability_as_is_the_convention_in_prolog instead ofMixingTheCasesToMakePredicatesHardToRead.
use declarative names, avoid imperatives. For example, why call it give_sum? This predicate also makes perfect sense if the sum is already given. So, what about sum_of_squares/3, for example?
For efficiency sake, Prolog implementers have choosen - many,many years ago - some compromise. Now, there are chances your Prolog implements advanced integer arithmetic, like CLP(FD) does. If this is the case, mat' answer is perfect. But some Prologs (maybe a naive ISO Prolog compliant processor), could complain about missing label/1, and (#=)/2. So, a traditional Prolog solution: the technique is called generate and test:
giveSum(P, A, B) :-
( integer(P) -> between(1,P,A), between(1,P,B) ; integer(A),integer(B) ),
P is A*A + B*B.
between/3 it's not an ISO builtin, but it's rather easier than (#=)/2 and label/1 to write :)
Anyway, please follow mat' advice and avoid 'imperative' naming. Often a description of the relation is better, because Prolog it's just that: a relational language.

What does the bitwise negation operator(\) do in prolog?

I have to implement some functions, one of which is f= ~p/\~q.
I have the following :
p(a). p(b).
q(a). q(b). q(c).
I found the function as:
When I verify it ( f(X). , f(a). , f(b). , f(c). ) it always returns false.
Shouldn't it return true for c since c is not of type p?
Thank you!
(\)/1 is an evaluable functor for bitwise complement. If you use it directly in an argument, it is only an uninterpreted functor. Evaluation is only performed with (is)/2, (>)/2 and other comparison operators.
In all current Prolog implementations you get:
?- X is \ 1.
X = -2.
Fine print: An ISO conforming system is free to define the value for \. That is, it is free, whether it uses 2's complement or another representation. However, there are only systems that use 2's complement.
Your implementation of that formula seems flawed.
You are required about f : (not p) and (not q)
A restricted negation is available in Prolog, using operator (\+)/1, and conjunction (X and Y) is expressed by comma i.e. (,)/2.
Semicolon i.e. (;)/2 means or, as for instance in the following test, that shows your initial assumption about f(c) is also wrong.
?- forall(member(X,[a,b,c,d]),(f(X)->writeln(y);writeln(n))).
(of course, after f/1 has been translated correctly)

Evaluating three-variable expression in Prolog

Follow the Four-Step Abstract design process to define recursive rules to compute mathematical functions. You must indicate (use comments to code) which step is used. Note, a Prolog rule does not return a value. You need to use a parameter to hold the return value. You may NOT use the exponential operator ** to compute the expressions.
Write a recursive rules factbar(F, X, Y, N) to compute F = ((2*X + Y)^N)! (factorial of expbar). The rule must call (use) the rule expbar that you designed..
Now for doing this operation F = ((2*X + Y)^N) I have already written my code but I do not know how to write factorial in Prolog:
expbar(R, X, Y, N) :-
X > 0, Y > 0, N > 0,
R is (2 * X + Y) ** N.
Although I have used ** in my program for exponent I did not know how to use the other way.
I have no idea what the "four step abstract design process" is and you haven't included that detail. As a result, you're going to instead get my two-step recursive function design process. Your predicate is right except you haven't defined pow/3, a function to compute powers. This is obviously the crux of your assignment. Let's do it.
Step one: identify your base cases. With arithmetic functions, the base case involves the arithmetic identity. For exponentiation, the identity is 1. In other words, X**1 = X. Write this down:
Because this is a function with two inputs and one result, we'll encode it as an arity-3 predicate. This fact simply says X to the 1st power is X.
Step two. Now consider the inductive case. If I have X**N, I can expand it to X * (X**(N-1)). By the definition of exponentiation and the induction rule, this completes the definition of the predicate. Encode it in Prolog syntax:
pow(X,N,Y) :-
N > 1,
succ(N0, N),
pow(X, N0, Y0),
Y is X * Y0, !.
This gives you a predicate for calculating exponents. If you replace your use of **/2 in your expbar/4 predicate, you fulfill the requirements of your assignment.

Prolog Functor - Computing x^y

I am new to prolog and trying out to learn how to program. I want to know how to compute x^y in Prolog both being integers.
I know for a fact that it goes something like this:
% exp(y,x,z) <- z is x**y
Try this:
?- [user].
exp(X,Y,Z) :- Z is round(X**Y).
?- exp(3,4,R).
R = 81
Difference to your solution:
1) The (:-)/2 operator is usually used in Prolog to define rules and not the (->)/2 operator.
2) (* * )/2 yields a float. There are a couple of possibilties to convert a float to
a integer. Besides floor/1 and truncate/1, the round/1 function probably works best
here sind the result of (**)/2 might not be precise.
P.S.: There is a proposal for a native integer power function, it would use the operator
(^)/2. For more information see:
The native power function might yield better results where the above implementation might run into an overflow or imprecise results. Here is an example with different results (SWI Prolog 5.11.33):
?- X is round(123.0**45.0).
X = 11110408185131957010659080963921001637101840276079092263812695592440203675146350059871151325184.
?- X is 123^45.
X = 11110408185131956285910790587176451918559153212268021823629073199866111001242743283966127048043.
