Other implementation of x at power n in Prolog - prolog

Hi does anyone know other implementation to compute X at power N in Prolog beside this one:
power(real, integer, real)
N1 = -N,
X1 = 1/X,

In any case, I would treat the negative exponent with a predicate, as already given in the problem post, which is:
power(Base, N, P) :-
N < 0,
N1 is -N,
power(Base, N1, P1),
P is 1/P1.
So the following assume non-negative exponents.
This algorithm multiples the base N times:
power1(Base, N, P) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
power1(Base, N1, P1),
P is P1 * Base.
power1(Base, N, P) :-
N < 0,
N1 is N + 1,
power1(Base, N1, P1),
P is P1 / Base.
power1( _Base, 0, 1 ).
This algorithm multiples the base N times using tail recursion:
power1t(Base, N, P) :-
N >= 0,
power1t(Base, N, 1, P).
power1t(Base, N, A, P) :-
N > 0,
A1 is A * Base,
N1 is N - 1,
power1t(Base, N1, A1, P).
power1t(_, 0, P, P).
This version uses the "power of 2" method, minimizing the multiplications:
power2(_, 0, 1).
power2(Base, N, P) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N div 2,
power2(Base, N1, P1),
( 0 is N /\ 1
-> P is P1 * P1
; P is P1 * P1 * Base
This version uses a "power of 2" method, minimizing multiplications, but is tail recursive. It's a little different than the one Boris linked:
power2t(Base, N, P) :-
N >= 0,
power2t(Base, N, Base, 1, P).
power2t(Base, N, B, A, P) :-
N > 0,
( 1 is N /\ 1
-> A1 is B * A
; A1 = A
N1 is N div 2,
B1 is B * B,
power2t(Base, N1, B1, A1, P).
power2t(_, 0, _, P, P).


Prolog - Finding the Nth Fibonacci number using accumulators

I have this code to generate a list of the Fibonacci sequence in reverse order.
fib2(0, [0]).
fib2(1, [1,0]).
fib2(N, [R,X,Y|Zs]) :-
N > 1,
N1 is N - 1,
fib2(N1, [X,Y|Zs]),
R is X + Y.
I only need the first element though. The problem is that this code also gives out a false. after the list, so all my attempts at getting the first element have failed. Is there any way I can get that first element in the list, or any other way of calculating the Nth Fibonacci number with accumulators.
Thanks in advance.
I got this logarithmic steps O(log n) solution, and even tail recursive.
Just for fun, it can also compute the n-th Lucas number:
<pre id="in">
fib(N, X) :-
powmat(N, [[0,1],[1,1]], [[1,0],[0,1]],
luc(N, Z) :-
powmat(N, [[0,1],[1,1]], [[1,0],[0,1]],
[[X,Y],[_,_]]), Z is 2*X+Y.
powmat(0, _, R, R) :- !.
powmat(N, A, R, S) :- N rem 2 =\= 0, !,
mulmat(A, R, H), M is N//2, mulmat(A, A, B), powmat(M, B, H, S).
powmat(N, A, R, S) :-
M is N//2, mulmat(A, A, B), powmat(M, B, R, S).
[[C11,C12],[C21,C22]]) :-
C11 is A11*B11+A12*B21,
C12 is A11*B12+A12*B22,
C21 is A21*B11+A22*B21,
C22 is A21*B12+A22*B22.
?- fib(100,X).
?- luc(100,X).
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You can compare with:
Edit 28.06.2021:
Here is a very quick explanation why the matrix algorithm works.
We only need to show that one step of Fibonacci is linear. Namely
that this recurrence relation leads to linear matrix:
F_{n+2} = F_{n}+F_{n+1}
To see the matrix, we have to assume that the matrix M, transforms a vector b=[Fn,Fn+1] into a vector b'=[F_{n+1}, F_{n+2}]:
b' = M*b
What could this matrix be? Just solve it:
|F_{n+1}| |0*F_{n}+1*F_{n+1}| |0 1| |F_{n} |
| | = | | = | | * | |
|F_{n+2}| |1*F_{n}+1*F_{n+1}| |1 1| |F_{n+1}|
It gives out a "false" because Prolog is unsure whether there are more solutions after the first one it provides:
?- fib2(4,L).
L = [3,2,1,1,0] ; % maybe more solutions?
false. % no
This is not a problem: You can tell Prolog that there are indeed no more solutions after the first one (or that you are not interested in seeing them):
?- once(fib2(4,L)).
?- fib2(4,L),!.
or you can cut in each of the first clauses, telling Prolog that if the head matches, there is no point trying another clause. This gets rid of the stray "possible solution":
fib2(0, [0]) :- !.
fib2(1, [1,0]) :- !.
fib2(N, [R,X,Y|Zs]) :-
N > 1,
N1 is N - 1,
fib2(N1, [X,Y|Zs]),
R is X + Y.
What may be a problem is that the given algorithm stores all the fib(i) and performs an addition after the recursive call, which means that Prolog cannot optimize the recursive call into a loop.
For the "accumulator-based" (bottom-up) way of computing fib(N):
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Proceed bottom-up, without using any cache, or rather a cache
% consisting of two additional arguments.
% ?- fib_bottomup_direct(10,F).
% F = 55.
% ------------------------------------------------------------
fib_bottomup_direct(N,F) :-
fib_bottomup_direct(0,F0) :-
% Carve the constants fib(0) and fib(1) out of the code.
% Tail recursive call moving "bottom up" towards N.
% X: the "current point of progress"
% N: the N we want to reach
% FA: the value of fib(X-1)
% FB: the value of fib(X)
% F: The variable that will receive the final result, fib(N)
up(X,N,FA,FB,F) :-
X<N, % not there yet, compute fib(X+1)
FC is FA + FB,
Xn is X + 1,
?- fib_bottomup_direct(11,X).
X = 89.
Several more algorithms here; a README here.
This solution uses a tick less baggage, that is carried around.
The formulas are found at the end of the wiki fibmat section:
<pre id="in">
fib(N, X) :-
powvec(N, (1,0), (0,1), (X,_)).
luc(N, Z) :-
powvec(N, (1,0), (0,1), (X,Y)), Z is X+2*Y.
powvec(0, _, R, R) :- !.
powvec(N, A, R, S) :- N rem 2 =\= 0, !,
mulvec(A, R, H), M is N//2, mulvec(A, A, B), powvec(M, B, H, S).
powvec(N, A, R, S) :-
M is N//2, mulvec(A, A, B), powvec(M, B, R, S).
mulvec((A1,A2), (B1,B2), (C1,C2)) :-
C1 is A1*(B1+B2)+A2*B1,
C2 is A1*B1+A2*B2.
?- fib(100,X).
?- luc(100,X).
<script src="http://www.dogelog.ch/lib/exchange.js"></script>
fib2(120,X), X=[H|_], !. answers your question, binding H to the head of that reversed list, so, the 120th Fibonacci number.
Just insert the head-taking goal X=[H|_] into the query. Of course if you're really not interested in the list, you can fuse the two goals into one
fib2(120,[H|_]), !.
Your code does ~ 2N steps, which is still O(N) like an accumulator version would, so, not a big deal, it's fine as it is. The real difference is the O(N) space your version takes, v. the O(1) of the accumulator's.
But if you look closely at your code,
fib2(0, [0]).
fib2(1, [1,0]).
fib2(N, [R,X,Y|Zs]) :-
N > 1,
N1 is N - 1,
fib2(N1, [X,Y|Zs]),
R is X + Y.
you realize that it creates the N-long list of uninstantiated variables on the way down to the deepest level of recursion, then calculates them while populating the list with the calculated values on the way back up -- but only ever referring to the last two Fibonacci numbers, i.e. the first two values in that list. So you might as well make it explicit, and end up with .... an accumulator-based version, yourself!
fib3(0, 0, 0).
fib3(1, 1, 0).
fib3(N, R, X) :-
N > 1,
N1 is N - 1,
fib3(N1, X, Y),
R is X + Y.
except that it's still not tail-recursive. The way to achieve that is usually with additional argument(s) and you can see such a code in another answer here, by David Tonhofer. But hopefully you now see the clear path between it and this last one right here.
Just for fun, an even faster version of Fibonacci (even without using tail recursion) is presented below:
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ffib(N, F) :-
ff(N, [_, F]).
ff(1, [0, 1]) :- !.
ff(N, R) :-
M is N // 2,
ff(M, [A, B]),
F1 is A^2 + B^2,
F2 is 2*A*B + B^2,
( N mod 2 =:= 0
-> R = [F1, F2]
; F3 is F1 + F2,
R = [F2, F3] ).
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fib(N, X) :-
powvec(N, (1,0), (0,1), (X,_)).
powvec(0, _, R, R) :- !.
powvec(N, A, R, S) :-
N rem 2 =\= 0, !,
mulvec(A, R, H),
M is N // 2,
mulvec(A, A, B),
powvec(M, B, H, S).
powvec(N, A, R, S) :-
M is N // 2,
mulvec(A, A, B),
powvec(M, B, R, S).
mulvec((A1,A2), (B1,B2), (C1,C2)) :-
C1 is A1*(B1 + B2) + A2*B1,
C2 is A1*B1 + A2*B2.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
comparison :-
format('n fib ffib speed~n'),
forall( between(21, 29, E),
( N is 2^E,
cputime(fib( N, F1), T1),
cputime(ffib(N, F2), T2),
F1 = F2, % confirm that both versions compute same answer!
catch(R is T1/T2, _, R = 1),
format('2^~w~|~t~2f~6+~|~t~2f~6+~|~t~2f~6+~n', [E, T1, T2, R]))).
cputime(Goal, Time) :-
T0 is cputime,
Time is cputime - T0.
The time complexity of both versions (mine and #MostowskiCollapse's) is O(lg n), ignoring multiplication cost.
Some simple empirical results (time in seconds) obtained with SWI-Prolog, version 8.2.4:
?- comparison.
n fib ffib speed
2^21 0.05 0.02 3.00
2^22 0.09 0.05 2.00
2^23 0.22 0.09 2.33
2^24 0.47 0.20 2.31
2^25 1.14 0.45 2.52
2^26 2.63 1.02 2.58
2^27 5.89 2.34 2.51
2^28 12.78 5.28 2.42
2^29 28.97 12.25 2.36
This one uses the Golden Ratio formula:
<pre id="in">
fib(N, S) :-
S is (X-Y)//2^N.
luc(N, S) :-
S is (X+Y)//2^N.
powrad(0, _, R, R) :- !.
powrad(N, A, R, S) :- N rem 2 =\= 0, !,
mulrad(A, R, H), M is N//2, mulrad(A, A, B), powrad(M, B, H, S).
powrad(N, A, R, S) :-
M is N//2, mulrad(A, A, B), powrad(M, B, R, S).
mulrad((A,B),(C,D),(E,F)) :-
E is A*C+B*D*5,
F is A*D+B*C.
?- fib(100,X).
?- luc(100,X).
<script src="http://www.dogelog.ch/lib/exchange.js"></script>
The Donald Knuth based Fibonacci-by-matrix multiplication approach, as provided by
Mostowski Collapse, but more explicit.
Algorithms can be found in the a module file plus a unit tests file on github:
The principle is based on a matrix identity provided by Donald Knuth (in Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming. Volume 1. Fundamental
Algorithms, p.80 of the second edition)
For n >= 1 we have (for n=0, the identity matrix appears on the right-hand side, but it is unclear what fib(-1) is):
[ fib(n+1) fib(n) ] [ 1 1 ]
[ ] = [ ]
[ fib(n) fib(n-1) ] [ 1 0 ]
But if we work with constants fib(0) and fib(1) without assuming their value to be 0 and 1 respectively (we might be working with a special Fibonacci sequence), then we must stipulate that for n >= 1:
[ fib(n+1) fib(n) ] [ fib(2) fib(1) ] [ 1 1 ]
[ ] = [ ] * [ ]
[ fib(n) fib(n-1) ] [ fib(1) fib(0) ] [ 1 0 ]
We will separately compute the the "power matrix" on the right and explicitly multiply with the "fibonacci starter matrix", thus:
fib_matrixmult(N,F) :-
Pow is N-1,
Fib2 is Fib0+Fib1,
fib_matrixmult(0,Fib0) :-
matrixpow(Pow, Mx, Result) :-
matrixpow_2(Pow, Mx, [[1,0],[0,1]], Result).
matrixpow_2(Pow, Mx, Accum, Result) :-
Pow > 0,
Pow mod 2 =:= 1,
matrixmult(Mx, Accum, NewAccum),
Powm is Pow-1,
matrixpow_2(Powm, Mx, NewAccum, Result).
matrixpow_2(Pow, Mx, Accum, Result) :-
Pow > 0,
Pow mod 2 =:= 0,
HalfPow is Pow div 2,
matrixmult(Mx, Mx, MxSq),
matrixpow_2(HalfPow, MxSq, Accum, Result).
matrixpow_2(0, _, Accum, Accum).
[[C11,C12],[C21,C22]]) :-
C11 is A11*B11+A12*B21,
C12 is A11*B12+A12*B22,
C21 is A21*B11+A22*B21,
C22 is A21*B12+A22*B22.
If your starter matrix is sure to be [[1,1],[1,0]] you can collapse the two operations matrixpow/3 followed by matrixmult/3 in the main predicate into a single call to matrixpow/3.
The above algorithm computes "too much" because two of the values in the matrix of Fibonacci numbers can be deduced from the other two. We can get rid of that redundancy. Mostowski Collapse presented a compact algorithm to do just that. Hereunder expanded for comprehensibility:
The idea is to get rid of redundant operations in matrixmult/3, by using the fact that all our matrices are symmetric and actually hold
Fibonacci numbers
[ fib(n+1) fib(n) ]
[ ]
[ fib(n) fib(n-1) ]
So, if we multiply matrices A and B to yield C, we always have something of this form (even in the starter case where B is the
identity matrix):
[ A1+A2 A1 ] [ B1+B2 B1 ] [ C1+C2 C1 ]
[ ] * [ ] = [ ]
[ A1 A2 ] [ B1 B2 ] [ C1 C2 ]
We can just retain the second columns of each matrix w/o loss of
information. The operation between these vectors is not some
standard operation like multiplication, let's mark it with ⨝:
[ A1 ] [ B1 ] [ C1 ]
[ ] ⨝ [ ] = [ ]
[ A2 ] [ B2 ] [ C2 ]
C1 = B1*(A1+A2) + B2*A1 or A1*(B1+B2) + A2*B1
C2 = A1*B1 + A2*B2
fib_matrixmult_streamlined(N,F) :-
Pow is N-1,
fib_matrixmult_streamlined(0,Fib0) :-
matrixpow_streamlined(Pow, Vec, Result) :-
matrixpow_streamlined_2(Pow, Vec, v(0,1), Result).
matrixpow_streamlined_2(Pow, Vec, Accum, Result) :-
Pow > 0,
Pow mod 2 =:= 1,
matrixmult_streamlined(Vec, Accum, NewAccum),
Powm is Pow-1,
matrixpow_streamlined_2(Powm, Vec, NewAccum, Result).
matrixpow_streamlined_2(Pow, Vec, Accum, Result) :-
Pow > 0,
Pow mod 2 =:= 0,
HalfPow is Pow div 2,
matrixmult_streamlined(Vec, Vec, VecVec),
matrixpow_streamlined_2(HalfPow, VecVec, Accum, Result).
matrixpow_streamlined_2(0, _, Accum, Accum).
matrixmult_streamlined(v(A1,A2),v(B1,B2),v(C1,C2)) :-
C1 is A1*(B1+B2) + A2*B1,
C2 is A1*B1 + A2*B2.

How do I create a list with elements from 1 to N in prolog

I've tried to create a program that makes a list with elements from 1 to N.
increasing(L, N):-
increasing(L, N, 1).
increasing([X|L], N, X):-
X =< N,
X1 is X + 1,
increasing(L, N, X1).
But for some reason it doesn't work
The problem is that eventually, you will make a call to increasing/3 where X <= N is not satisfied, and then that predicate will fail, and thus "unwind" the entire call stack.
You thus need to make a predicate that will succeed if X > N, for example:
increasing(L, N):-
increasing(L, N, 1).
increasing([], N, X) :-
X > N,
increasing([X|L], N, X):-
X =< N,
X1 is X + 1,
increasing(L, N, X1).
For example:
?- increasing(L, 5).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

Prolog | find the path from root to leaf with the maximal sum of node value

I need to create a prolog relation that receives a tree, sums the values in each nodes and finds the path with the maximal sum.
I've tried this method of a max sub tree:
max_set(T1, N1, T2, N2, T, N) :-
max_set(T1, N1, T2, N2, T, N).
N3 is N+X.
(N1>0,N2>0,N is N1+N2,L=T1,R=T2;
N1>=0,N2<0,N is N1 ,R=nil,L=T1;
N1<0,N2>=0,N is N2 ,L=nil,R=T2;
N1<0,N2<0,N1<N2,N is N2 ,L=nil,R=T2;
N1<0,N2<0,N1>N2,N is N1 ,L=T1,R=nil;
N1>0,N2=0,N is N1,(L=T1,R=nil;L=T1,R=T2);
N1=0,N2>0,N is N2,(R=T2,L=nil;L=T1,R=T2);
N1=0,N2=0,N is N1,(L=T1,R=nil;R=T2,L=T1;L=T1,R=T2)).
When I use the query
max_sub_tree(t(t(t(nil,2,nil),1,t(t(nil,40,nil),-30,nil)),-100,t(nil,50,t(nil,60,nil))) ,T,N).
I get
N = 110,
T = t(nil, 50, t(nil, 60, nil))
But I want the output to look like this:
N = 10,
T =.. [t, -100, 50, 60]
What Am I missing? how do I include the root? do i need to start over?
Subtree Sums
This looks complicated, might I suggest we start from how to generate the sums of the subtrees that terminate in leaf nodes:
tree_sum(t(nil, N, nil), N). % leaf
tree_sum(t(T, N, nil), X) :- % only left branch
tree_sum(T, M), X is N + M.
tree_sum(t(nil, N, T), X) :- % only right branch
tree_sum(T, M), X is N + M.
tree_sum(t(T1, N, T2), X) :- % branches
( tree_sum(T1, M), X is N + M
; tree_sum(T2, M), X is N + M
That disjunction is where we need to focus to find the maximum tree sum, let's add that into our code next. There's no change to the first three rules
max_tree_sum(t(nil, N, nil), N). % leaf
max_tree_sum(t(T, N, nil), X) :- % only left branch
max_tree_sum(T, M), X is N + M.
max_tree_sum(t(nil, N, T), X) :- % only right branch
max_tree_sum(T, M), X is N + M.
max_tree_sum(t(T1, N, T2), X) :-
max_tree_sum(T1, M1), X1 is N + M1,
max_tree_sum(T2, M2), X2 is N + M12,
X is max(X1, X2).
A solution
Ok, so our code is finding the maximum solution, now we need it to track the path, building the list. We add in the final argument for this and an extra sub-predicate to do the comparison of branches for us:
max_tree_sum(t(nil, N, nil), N, [N]). % leaf
max_tree_sum(t(T, N, nil), X, [N|MT]) :- % left branch only
max_tree_sum(T, M, MT), X is N + M.
max_tree_sum(t(nil, N, T), X, [N|MT]) :- % right branch only
max_tree_sum(T, M, MT), X is N + M.
max_tree_sum(t(T1, N, T2), X, [N|T]) :- % branches
max_tree_sum(T1, M1, MT1),
max_tree_sum(T2, M2, MT2),
max_subtree(M1, M2, MT1, MT2, M, T), X is M + N.
max_subtree(N1, N2, T1, _, N1, T1) :-
N1 >= N2.
max_subtree(N1, N2, _, T2, N2, T2) :-
N1 =< N2.
As Requested with T =.. [t|Nodes]
Now if you want the list converted to a predicate, put an extra predicate call to this:
max_subtree_sum(Tree, Sum, Pred) :-
max_tree_sum(Tree, Sum, Path),
Pred =.. [t|L].
?- max_subtree_sum(ExampleTree, 10, t(-100, 50, 60)).
But now t(-100, 50, 60) is not a tree.

Goldbach’s Conjecture in prolog

Goldbach’s Conjecture : Every positive even number greater than 2 is the sum of two prime numbers. Eg 28 (5,23 and 11,17)
I want Prolog code to print below (all combinations) :
?- goldbach(28, L).
Output :
L = [5,23];
L = [11, 17];
I have a code which prints single combination[5,23], but not the next [11,17].
is_prime(P) :- integer(P), P > 3, P mod 2 =\= 0, \+ has_factor(P,3).
has_factor(N,L) :- N mod L =:= 0.
has_factor(N,L) :- L * L < N, L2 is L + 2, has_factor(N,L2).
goldbach(4,[2,2]) :- !.
goldbach(N,L) :- N mod 2 =:= 0, N > 4, goldbach(N,L,3).
goldbach(N,[P,Q],P) :- Q is N - P, is_prime(Q), !.
goldbach(N,L,P) :- P < N, next_prime(P,P1), goldbach(N,L,P1).
next_prime(P,P1) :- P1 is P + 2, is_prime(P1), !.
next_prime(P,P1) :- P2 is P + 2, next_prime(P2,P1).
Drop the cuts (and add a condition to avoid duplicate answers).
goldbach(N,L) :-
N mod 2 =:= 0,
N > 4,
goldbach(N,[P,Q],P) :-
Q is N - P,
is_prime(Q), P < Q.
goldbach(N,L,P) :-
P < N,

How to solve this puzzle in Prolog?

I am trying to solve a puzzle in Prolog that involves taking a square of numbers (a list of a list of numbers) and returning the list of the greatest combination of numbers starting at the top and going down, row by row. Each move must be either down, down to the right, or down to the left.
I've been trying to do this for a while now, does anyone have a place I could begin?
For example, on the board
[[0, 2, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0],
the best move would be [1, 2, 3] for 33 points.
So here is how you could do it. I know it's kinda wordy, that probably is because I'm not really fluent in Prolog either...
% Lookup a value in a list by it's index.
% this should be built into prolog?
at(0, [H|_], H).
at(N, [_|T], X) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
at(N1, T, X).
% like Haskell's maximumBy; takes a predicate, a
% list and an initial maximum value, finds the
% maximum value in a list
maxby(_, [], M, M).
maxby(P, [H|T], M0, M) :-
call(P, H, M0, M1),
maxby(P, T, M1, M).
% which of two paths has the bigger score?
maxval(path(C, I), path(C1, _), path(C, I)) :- C >= C1.
maxval(path(C0, _), path(C, I), path(C, I)) :- C0 < C.
% generate N empty paths as a starting value for
% our search
initpaths(N, Ps) :-
findall(path(0, []),
between(0, N, _),
% given the known best paths to all indexes in the previous
% line and and index I in the current line, select the best
% path leading to I.
select(Ps, I, N, P) :-
I0 is I-1,
I1 is I+1,
select(Ps, I0, N, path(-1, []), P0),
select(Ps, I, N, P0, P1),
select(Ps, I1, N, P1, P).
% given the known best paths to the previous line (Ps),
% an index I and a preliminary choice P0, select the path
% leading to the index I (in the previous line) if I is within
% the range 0..N and its score is greater than the preliminary
% choice. Stay with the latter otherwise.
select(_, I, _, P0, P0) :- I < 0.
select(_, I, N, P0, P0) :- I > N.
select(Ps, I, _, P0, P) :-
at(I, Ps, P1),
maxby(maxval, [P0], P1, P).
% given the known best paths to the previous line (P1),
% and a Row, which is the current line, extend P1 to a
% new list of paths P indicating the best paths to the
% current line.
update(P1, P, Row, N) :-
findall(path(C, [X|Is]),
( between(0, N, X)
, select(P1, X, N, path(C0, Is))
, at(X, Row, C1)
, C is C0 + C1),
% solve the puzzle by starting with a list of empty paths
% and updating it as long as there are still more rows in
% the square.
solve(Rows, Score, Path) :-
Rows = [R|_],
length(R, N0),
N is N0 - 1,
initpaths(N, IP),
solve(N, Rows, IP, Score, Path).
solve(_, [], P, Score, Path) :-
maxby(maxval, P, path(-1, []), path(Score, Is0)),
reverse(Is0, Path).
solve(N, [R|Rows], P0, Score, Path) :-
update(P0, P1, R, N),
solve(N, Rows, P1, Score, Path).
Shall we try it out? Here are your examples:
?- solve([[0,2,1,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,10,20,30]], Score, Path).
Score = 33,
Path = [1, 2, 3] ;
?- solve([[0,1,1], [0,2,1], [10,0,0]], Score, Path).
Score = 13,
Path = [1, 1, 0] ;
My prolog is a bit shaky. In fact all I remember about prolog is that it's declarative.
Here is some haskell code to find the value of the max path. Finding the trace should be an easy next step, but a bit more complicated to code up I imagine. I suppose a very elegant solution for the trace would be using monads.
maxValue :: [ [ Int ] ] -> Int
maxValue p = maximum $ maxValueHelper p
maxValueHelper :: [ [ Int ] ] -> [ Int ]
maxValueHelper [ row ] = row
maxValueHelper ( row : restOfRows ) = combine row ( maxValueHelper restOfRows )
combine :: [ Int ] -> [ Int ]-> [ Int ]
combine [ x ] [ y ] = [ x + y ]
combine ( x1 : x2 : lx ) ( y1 : y2 : ly ) =
let ( z2 : lz ) = combine ( x2 : lx ) ( y2 : ly )
( max ( x1 + y1 ) ( x1 + y2 ) : max ( x2 + y1 ) z2 : lz )
main :: IO()
main = print $ maxValue [[0,2,1,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,10,20,30]]
?- best_path_score([[0, 2, 1, 0],[0, 1, 1, 0],[0,10,20,30]], P, S).
P = [1, 2, 3],
S = 33.
with this definition
best_path_score(Rs, BestPath, BestScore) :-
aggregate_all(max(Score, Path), a_path(Rs, Path, Score), max(BestScore, BestPath)).
a_path([R|Rs], [P|Ps], Score) :-
nth0(P, R, S0),
a_path(Rs, P, Ps, S),
Score is S0 + S.
a_path([], _, [], 0).
a_path([R|Rs], P, [Q|Qs], T) :-
( Q is P - 1 ; Q is P ; Q is P + 1 ),
nth0(Q, R, S0),
a_path(Rs, Q, Qs, S),
T is S0 + S.
