SSRS sort icon not showing up in header but showing up in column values - sorting

I am very new to SSRS. Infact this is my 2nd report.So in SSRS, I went to Interactive Sorting and checked the "Enable interactive sort on this text box". Chose the first radio button "Detail rows".For sort by I chose "ColumnName" and clicked ok. I ended up with a sort icon on every value .The data here may seem duplicate but it is correct. I have additional 6 columns apart from this "Product" column. I repeated the sort action for all columns same way, the only difference being the different "Sort by" column. I get the icon on all columns in all rows. I want it on the header only.
Apart from that I get this warning 6 times :[rsIneffectiveSortExpressionScope] The text box ‘ColumnName’ is defined at the scope “Details”, which is identical to the scope used as SortExpressionScope. This interactive sort has no effect at runtime, since it sorts only the particular instance itself.
What is that i am doing wrong ?and what should i do to correct it?

Rt click on the textbox with the Column Name, click on
Interactive Sorting
then Check
Enable Interactive Sorting on this textbox
and then select the appropriate group you want to sort.
if you dont have any groups yet, just select Details Row. If you have/create any group, then you need to select the radio button Group.
The sort by will actually have the column you want to sort with.


How to show the categoried column values if user click to sort the view

I have a view panel displaying a categorized view, all my columns are sortable.
When I click to sort one of the not categorized columns the values in categorized columns are not displayed. this is normal behaviour for a sorted categorized view in IBMNotes client as well.
The problem is that I need the category values to display if the view is sorted (clicked on sort icon) or display another column containing the category values, but only if the view is sorted.
How can I accomplish this?
First option: use more views with different sort setting in columns after category column. Dynamically change the view name. This works as you want, but it has performance impact on server and I don't recommend it.
Second option: use hide when on redundant (flat) column based on sort options. Exact formula depends on your implementation (submit page code).

Using XPath to locate on a button within a table

I have a table with several columns. The first column contains unique data, the 5th contains three buttons (Edit, Assignments and Delete).
I would like to use an XPath expression to locate on the edit button for one of the rows by indentifying the row using the unique data from column one (think that made sense).
I have built some expressions which will allow me to locate on the first column and edit button independantly as follows:
The closest I can get to doing what I want is:
//td[text()='Managers'] | //tr[2]//button[text()='Edit']
...However this will locate on the data/button in column 1 AND 5 at the same time, what I want is just for the button in column 5.
The reason I want to do it this way, is so later I can pass in 'Managers' as a varaible in order to select the row (as its unique and meaningful data), and then press the edit button in a different column on that row.
Hope this makes sense!
The question isn't very clear as posted, especially because I can't see any relevant part of the HTML. But if I understand this correctly, you can try to select the row that has Manager in it then get corresponding Edit button like so :

Vlookup with a drop down menu

I have an excel spreadsheet that has a drop down menu with two options. When one option is selected, I would like a cell in a different column to use the infromation selecetd in the drop down menu to vlookup a value. Whichever option is chose from the drop down menu pertains to different data. For example, in my drop down menu, the options are: "In-Town" and "Out of Town". It relates to whether or not employees are working in town or out of town. When "In town" is selected, there is specific rates (hourly wages) that apply to that selection, and vice versa. How do I make the cell vlookup the selected value from the drop down menu?
This works exactly as you have described it. Set up the drop down using data validation, refer to the dropdown cell as the first parameter in the vlookup (don't forget to lock it with the $ prefix).

Crosstab column group sorting

I am trying to sort the column group in crosstab but iReport is applying its own sorting by name ascending. I tried inserting "Order By Exp.", but it didn't work. (Field not found error!)
What is the correct way to add our own sorting by field/variable? Or I have presorted data, viewing it as it is will do.
I had a similar problem. I wanted to display a "Heading" from the database, but I did not want it to sort alphabetically since the order of the headings were user determined.
I had a HeadingOrder field that I wanted to sort by. To use it in the sort expression it has to be in the cross tab.
I had heading in my column so made 2 column groups: 1) HeadingOrder 2) Heading.
I removed the text field that displayed the heading order number and collapsed that area so it did not display. This allowed the cross tab to display the Heading while using the HearingOrder field as the dominate sort.
Concatenate the field (to be used in the Column-Group) with the sort by field in the sql query itself. suppose field name is "title" and sort field name is "rank", then
select (mt.rank ||'-'|| mt.title) as title from my_tab mt
(Above query specific to postgresql)
Use this "title" field in corsstab column-group as usual.
Click on text field of "title" column group on crosstab.
Edit its "Text Field Expression" from properties panel as $V{title}.split("/")[1]
Right click the crosstab in ReportInspector-->click on crosstab data
a new window would open.
Now click on Data is pre-sorted. this will do the work
user1120946, for me what did the trick was to disable the total of the subgroup (e.g. Heading), and enable only the total of the overgroup (e.g. HeadingOrder). Then just put the measures in the HeadingOrderTotal column.
That is meant as a comment on the second answer.
this is a duplicate of Crosstab Sorting in JasperReports and the referenced "rather clean although tricky solution" based on hidden group(s) works quite well

InfoPath 2007 - Populate drop-down list on-the-fly

I'm working on an InfoPath 2007 form. I have two drop-down lists and i need the second to be populated with items bases on the value chosen in the first list. I use c# to populate the drop-dpwn lists from external sources. I've tried to use the OnChange event to make all this, but the second list is still empty.
If anyone knows, please tell me.
You can filter the entries for the second drop-down list based on your first list (but only if the entries are based on a data source, not manually entered).
Bring up the properties window for
your second drop-down list.
Select your data source.
Click on the button to the right of the Entries text box.
Select the repeating node you wish to use for the basis of your list entry.
Click the Filter Data button. From here you can enter a filter to limit the entries displayed based on the value of your first drop-down list.
Your question was a bit ambiguous. You may be trying to populate a secondary data source based off of your first drop-down list. This should work fine with an OnChange event. Can you post the code you are using to do this?
Some additional tips that may help:
The change event will not fire until focus moves off of the list box. So, for the second drop down to populate, you will need to set the first drop-down then hit tab or click elsewhere in the form.
I don't know the size or nature of the data source you are using for the second drop-down list, but you may consider downloading the entire data source and filter it using the method I described above. This may be a better solution as you won't need to make a database query between entering the first list box and the second one.
