Heroku postgres maintenance required alert, what to do? - heroku

I can see an alert on the heroku postgres console, see attached image.
It's not clear to me if I have to take some action to enable this maintenance or if this is something heroku will take care of. And it isn't clear neither where to look for help on this topic.
Do I have to worry about something?

You should have received an e-mail with more details (to the address associated with your account). We've added a FAQ with some clarifications. If you still have more questions, feel free to reach out to us via help.heroku.com.
Heroku Postgres


How to stop Heroku CLI automatically logging me out?

After running heroku login on my work account, and putting work away for the weekend, each Monday I am told that I must log in again when running heroku commands.
This doesn't seem to happen for anybody else at the office, and nobody knows quite how or why. The Heroku documentation doesn't appear to be very helpful on the matter.
Does anybody know how I can stay logged in until I explicitly type heroku logout?

Access to heroku logs without access to app itself

Say, i have a team of developers. I want them to have access to production logs, but nothing else. Preferably they shouldn't even know the heroku's internal app name.
How do i do that?
I don't think it's possible (at the moment) with Heroku command line. You have two options:
Use one of the logging addons and give your teammates access to the logging app only
Write yourself a log drain for Heroku logplex route the logs to AWS S3, your own DB or other, then give your teammates some way to view the logs.

How To Clear Heroku logs

There is another question here with the same topic but has not been answered properly, that's why I'm asking it again, the information in the answer is old and innacurate.
For example, heroku restart will not clear the logs and when running in Production mode it's not something you can do.
Is there any way to clear them at all?
Clearing the logs is not functionality that Heroku provide.

Heroku organizations are still available?

I am wondering if Heroku still has support for organization accounts. I have followed the steps on this page and can not see the organization create form.
Anyone knows if the feature is still available?
This feature is currently available exclusively through the Heroku sales channel. For more information about Heroku organizations, please see

1and1 domain, Heroku hosting - how to set up email?

I just purchased a domain name from 1and1 and set the cname to point to my app on heroku. However, I want to have an email support#mydomain.com. Do I need to do this via 1and1 or heroku, and how do I go about it?
This is more of a Super User question.
The nutshell answer is that if you own the domain, you can run mail wherever you want—just set the MX DNS record to point at whatever server you want to handle mail for you. In general, though, you don't want to run mail, because it's a huge headache and it comes with responsibilities you probably don't want to have (as evidenced by your asking this on Stack Overflow, not Super User or Server Fault). So really you have two options:
Run mail yourself
Let someone else run mail for you
I don't recommend #1, but if you want to, I think you'll have more luck running it on 1and1. I have a friend who ran mail on his VPS on 1and1 for about four years before switching providers. So if that's what you want to do, read up on Postfix and install it on 1and1, set your MX to point to that server.
It doesn't look to me like you can run mail on Heroku, but I'm far from an expert on that.
Option #2, which I recommend, is to let someone else deal with it. For example, Google Apps will do this, and if you're a non-profit, you can get it for free. That's free Gmail, which I consider an upgrade from the kind of mail I can provide myself. I also ran into this SendGrid service, which seems to have detailed (albeit long) instructions for integrating with a Rails app on Heroku.
