Laravel 4 How to use Authority package - laravel

I have created model User and table users to store user information
I also have executed the migration script.
I have no idea how to log user in and make authority recognize the user.
I really need tutorial or sample application or anything that could help.
Thanks for reading.
Your help are much appreciated

Unfortunately there are a couple of steps to many to describe here, but just have a look at


ORACLE OFSA home screen

I would need help with ofsaa application, I would like to change home screen when you login to application, currently it directly goes to "Financial Services Applications", but I would like default home screen where user has a chance to select his own home screen.
I was told that this is under CONFIG_OWNER schema, and that I should only remove one record in table. But I don't know which table.
Thanks in advance.
Br, Aljaž.
You can find the records in cssms_usr_startup_page table of the configuration schema. locate the user id and remove the row.
This table cssms_usr_startup_page doesn't have any record in Version 8110.
However, you can refer to the Oracle support team on this. Kindly update the solution here as well.
I am working on OFSAA around 2+ years but haven't faced such issue.

Getting the Current User

I am sorry for the dumb question, but I am new at this programming thing and having fun. How do I get the current user in a base Laravel Spark project? I know what the Laravel Spark documentation says, but I can't seem to get the information even with that. I guess I just need an example. Any help would be appreciated. :)
you can access the current authorized user by using the Auth facade. $user = Auth::user(); Make sure to add use Auth; at the top of your file!
Adding on top of this, if you just need something small like the logged-in users's ID, you can say Auth::id()

Is it possible to set content related permissions on cartalyst/sentinel?

i'm new to laravel and cartalyst/sentinel, but for this project i'm facing out an authorization problem:
I have to set User CRUD permissions for the single content, and i'm facing out how to do id with cartalyst/sentinel.
(a lil' example: if i have a blog, i wanna set User CRUD permissions separately for each article).
Can anyone help me to find some documentation about something like this?
I have already implemented this kind of permissions with CakePHP, but is the first time i'm using laravel.
Thank You
The way I think you'd best go about this is by setting the users permission by using the article ID. You could give a user permissions like this: "":1,"articles.24.*":1. 14 & 24 being IDs of articles I made up.
At the last seems noone never has been capable to solve this problem, and i cant test the solution proposed. So i've falled back to the ACL stock support of Laravel 5.0.
Baybe i'll retry when i need the multisession system or other things from sentinel.

Croogo - allows users to add a pictures on a blog site

I am a new user of Croogo. I need to create a website, like a blog, where users can post and add pictures.
But I don't know how can I proceed, the admin can post trough the admin panel but what about users ? Which function should I use ?
I didn't found any tutorial on the web and I don't know how it works.
Thanks you for your help.
Better try to create it in the Vendor/croogo/croogo/Nodes path in the respective controller and view folder. You can start from here. Hope this will help you.

Get administrator component value from the front-end

How can I get a specific value from a component in the administrator from the front-end without using the database?
I have found the solution:
Hope this helps people out :).
