Running interactive fish without configuration - shell

For functional tests of powerline script in a controlled environment I need an option that will make fish not load any configuration files as code from them may spoil the test output. With zsh I would simply write zsh -f -i. With bash I would use bash --noprofile --norc -i. What should I do with fish?
I would rather prefer to avoid heavy solutions like using virtual machines.

fish relies on its own configuration files to bootstrap itself, so I'm going to assume you mean "without user-specified configuration files" and not "without any configuration files at all."
Unfortunately there's no equivalently simple option for this. The best hack I can think of is to set the env var XDG_CONFIG_HOME to an empty or non-existent directory, before invoking fish. This will change where fish looks for user-provided config files, and so will fail to load them.
An option to support this directly seems like a reasonable request, useful for tracking down bugs, so I'm keen to add it. If you'd like to open an issue we'd appreciate it; otherwise I can do it. Thanks!


Where default PATH environment variable is defined

I've written a simple experiment which consists of cpp and shell. The main thing that cpp does is execve("./", NULL, NULL);, and shell tries to output environment variables as follows:
echo "PATH: $PATH"
It's quite expected that the environment is empty since I've sent no environment variables, but I get the following output:
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
So, first of all, the environment is not empty. Thus, the first question is how the environment is populated? What are defaults and minimal environment you could possibly get and where is it defined (if defined in config, etc.)?
Second question is where did PATH emerge from. It's not printed by printenv, but it's there if I print it with echo, and is still capable of calling utilities. Brief googling gave me an idea of /etc/environment, but it's contents is different:
└─$ cat /etc/environment
Which, by the way, is surprisingly empty. Why?
I do realize that much of that should be somewhere in docs, but all my googling lead me to quite generic environment descriptions, so any answers or search hints are welcome.
Where default PATH environment variable is defined
It depends. On the distribution, on the shell, on the environment, on OS, on configuration files.
I have some systems at hand, I see:
ArchLinux adds to PATH in /etc/profile.
OpenSuSE has yet a different code that adds to PATH from /etc/profile
CentOS7 has has yet a different code in /etc/profile
I suspect that each distribution places files in slightly different places, they will ship with slightly different configuration.
how the environment is populated?
Bash has DEFAULT_PATH_VALUE that is used when PATH is not set. But don't look at the default value too much - package distrbutors overwrite it.
There is /etc/environment (and pam_env.conf) that are read by PAM on login. So when you login. But not when you chroot.
The is /etc/profile and ~/.profile files read by the shell. These scripts may read other files. So usually there is drop-in dir /etc/profile.d/*.
In bash there is /etc/bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/bash.login /etc/bash.logout or similar and user configuration files ``~/.bashrcetc. In bash also/etc/bash_completion.dand all scripts in/usr/share/bash_completionare also sourced, when completion is enabled. BUT these files are for Bourne shell - there are also other shells, notablyzshandcsh`, and people use them and they have different syntax and different set of startup files.
Each of these scripts can manipulate PATH, it can reset it, append to it, do whatever it wants to it.
And there are also different set of files read on login/non-login + interactive/non-interactive shells, and these files can include each other (it's common to have .bash_profile or other files that just source .bashrc or similar).
What are defaults
The /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin looks like a good default that should be safe on any linux.
by the way, is surprisingly empty. Why?
My /etc/environment file is just empty and has only the default comment in linux-pam package. /etc/environment has a very simple syntax and is read by pam (there may be no pam on your system...). To modify shell environment, one would prefer shell files - so /etc/profile is the place to keep system modifications. Also /etc/environment has simple key=value syntax, wherea's in /etc/profile you have, well, shell. And /etc/environment is read on login by PAM - so putting PATH just there would break I think for example docker, it just runs a shell in chroot, there is login.
To quote the POSIX specification:
If PATH is unset or is set to null, the path search is implementation-defined.
One way way an implementation can behave when PATH is initially unset is to simply set it to a hardcoded value. (It could also refuse to run any external executables at all, or throw monkeys at your face; "implementation defined" means the standard takes no position on what the computer does in the circumstance at hand, so it's unwise to make any assumption about what that behavior will be).
Similarly, for PWD, with emphasis added:
The value is set by the cd utility, and by the sh utility during initialization initializing this at shell startup time is explicitly mandated by the standard.

Getting GNU Make to parse shell config files in OSX?

I've got a makefile for installing my personal repo of config files, part of which is compiling my emacs scripts:
emacs -batch --eval "(progn (load \"~/.emacs\") (byte-recompile-directory \"~/.emacs.d\" 0))"
The problem is, on OSX, I have an alias called "emacs" that points to the binary for use in a terminal, this is defined in my ~/.bash_profile.
Now, no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the shell that Make is calling to read a startup file to load that alias, so that compilation step always fails.
Does anyone know how to do this?
.bash_profile is only read by interactive login shells. Exported environment variables set in it are inherited through the process environment, which means that these settings are generally available to all programs the user starts (if bash is indeed the login shell, of course).
No such inheritance happens for aliases, though. Bash supports exported functions, but that's an obscure feature which can easily break other programs (for example, those which assume that environment variable values do not contain newlines). If you go that route, you may have to use .bashrc instead, to make sure that these functions are exported by interactive bash shells which are not login shells.
I expected the easiest solution is to put a directory like $HOME/bin on the PATH (in .bash_profile or .bashrc, whatever works best) and put an emacs wrapper script into that directory which invokes the actual binary using exec /path/to/ "$#" (or maybe just a symbolic link would do).
That is very strange. Aliases are not exported to sub-shells, and the .bash_profile script is only run by interactive shells: make doesn't invoke an interactive shell (by default). So, it's hard to understand how the shell make invokes would see that alias based on the information you've provided.
Maybe you set the BASH_ENV shell variable somewhere? You should never do that, unless you really know what you're doing.
Maybe you reset make's .SHELLFLAGS variable to force a login shell? You shouldn't to that either.
Anyway, you can try using command which avoids aliases etc. Unfortunately make doesn't know this is a shell-built in, so you have to convince it to run a shell. This will be fixed in the next release of GNU make but Apple will never ship that.
command emacs -batch --eval "(progn (load \"~/.emacs\") (byte-recompile-directory \"~/.emacs.d\" 0))" && true

Running a script automatically when logging in via ssh

I would like to know if there is a (simple) solution to the following issue:
When I log in with ssh to a specific host, I would like to automatically execute a (bash)script on that host. This way I could -for example- load my aliases on that host.
Definitively the bashrc script is not executed; The ssh configuration files do not seem to help in this issue either.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
BTW: The host is running on Gentoo
If .bashrc isn't being run, try .profile, which has a similar function. Different shells use different startup scripts at different times, so knowing when to run things is useful.
On many systems where you have a choice of which shell to use, you are put through ~/.profile only. This way there is no need to find out (and no probably wrong guessing) which shell you're running in and which profile to actually load (.bashrc, .cshrc, .kshrc etc.) and which ones to avoid loading.
The easiest solution in your case would be to create a link (a symbolic one if you prefer visibility) to your favourite shell's startup script as in ln -s ~/.bashrc ~/.profile. If you don't intend to ever using anything other than bash, you're set.

autoconf using sh, I need SHELL=BASH, how do I force autoconf to use bash?

I'm running autoconf and configure sets SHELL to '/bin/sh'.
This creates huge problems. How to force SHELL to be '/bin/bash' for autoconf?
I'm trying to get this running on osx, it's working on linux. Linux is using SHELL=/bin/bash. osx defaults to /bin/sh.
I have similar problems on Solaris with GCC - and I use the 'standard' technique:
CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash ./configure ...
(Or, actually, I use /bin/ksh, but setting the CONFIG_SHELL env var allows you to tell autoconf scripts which shell to use.)
I checked the configure script for git and gd (they happened to be extracted) to check that this wasn't a GCC peculiar env var.
What are the "huge problems"? autoconf works very hard to generate a configure script that works with a very large percentage of shells. If you have an example of a construct that autoconf is writing that is not portable, please report it to the autoconf mailing list. On the other hand, if the problems you are experiencing are a result of your own shell code in not being portable (eg, you're using bashisms) then the solution is to either stop using non-portable code or require the user to explicitly set SHELL or CONFIG_SHELL at configure time.
It sounds like the problem you are experiencing is in the environment of the user running configure. On Linux, your user has SHELL set to /bin/bash, but on OS X it is set to /bin/sh. The configure script generated by autoconf does some initial tests of the shell it is running under and does attempt to re-exec itself using a different shell if the provided shell lacks certain features. However, if you are introducing non-portable shell code in, then you are violating one of the main philosophy's of autoconf -- namely that configure scripts should be portable. If you truly want to use bashisms in your shell code, then you are requiring your user to pass SHELL=/bin/bash as an argument to the configure script. This is not a bug in autoconf, but would be considered by many to be a bug in your project's build.
Autoconf is supposed to solve portability problems by generating a script which can run "anywhere". That's why it generates bizarre code like:
if test X$foo = X ; then ... # check if foo is empty
rather than:
if [ "$x" = "" ] ; then ...
That kind of crufty code probably once allowed these scripts to run on some ancient Ultrix system or whatever.
An configure script not running because of shell differences is like coming to a Formula-1 race with 10 liters of gas, and three spare tires.
If you're developing a configure script with Autoconf, and it is sensitive to whether the shell is Bash or the OSX shell, you are doing something wrong, or the Autoconf people broke something. If it's from you, fix whatever shell pieces you are adding to the script by making them portable.
Where is SHELL being set to that? What is being run with /bin/sh when you want /bin/bash?
configure scripts are meant to run anywhere, even on the horribly broken and non-Bash shells that exist in the wild.
Edit: What exactly is the problem?
Another edit: Perhaps you'd like the script to re-execute itself, something like this. It's probably buggy:
if test "$SHELL" = "/bin/sh" && test -x /bin/bash; then
exec /bin/bash -c "$0" "$#"
ln -f /bin/bash /bin/sh
:-P (No, it's not a serious answer. Please don't hose your system by doing it!)

How do I alter tab autocomplete in bash to dive through folders?

I have a folder 'test' which contains another folder 'test2'
When I type 'cd te[tab]' it auto-completes to 'cd test/'
How do I make it autocomplete to 'cd test/test2/', without hitting tab again?
To clarify: test is the only folder/file in the folder test. I want this to work recursively so if there is a folder/with/a/lot/of/single/files/or/folders/in/it
Bash supports programmable auto completion (at least since version 3.0). There is some documentation in the bash manual on
It might also be a good idea to look at existing scripts to get an idea how to really make use of that feature. Debian for example has a /etc/bash_completion file with completion scripts for various programms. I'm sure other distributions have something similar
It is hard for bash to understand either you want to jump to test or to test/test. So I believe there is no standard settings.
But you can always alias commands for particular cases like
alias cdtest="cd test/test"
