Changing color of my directories listed by my directory - bash

I tried changing the color/attributes of directory listings of ls command by editing .dircolors file but it doesn't work.
Before that it is worth mentioning that i have added the below changes in the bash.bashrc file.
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ]; then
[ -e "$HOME/.dircolors" ] && DIR_COLORS="$HOME/.dircolors"
[ -e "$DIR_COLORS" ] || DIR_COLORS=""
eval "`dircolors -b $DIR_COLORS`"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
Also , added the below code in bashrc for specifying the dircolors file path.
test -r $d && eval "$(dircolors $d)"
I just got a vague idea about these things as am just beginning to work with ubuntu.
So can someone please help me find out the reason about why am not able to change colors of ls command?

You seem to be doing some of the tests and evals multiple (unnecessary) times. Here's the standard idiom present in Ubuntu skeleton .bashrc files:
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
[ -r ~/.dircolors ] && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
This tests whether the dircolors program is available (and executable by you) on your system. If so, then it checks whether the .dircolors file exists (and is readable) in your home directory. If so, it executes the dircolors command using your .dircolors file as input and evaluates the output (which basically just sets the LS_COLORS environment variable). If you don't have a .dircolors file, then it executes dircolors with the default colors (and once again evaluates that output).
When it's done you can check the settings it produced:
You can read a bit more about what all these colors mean by running:
dircolors --print-database


terminal title not setting within screen

Currently, I'm setting terminal title within screen command, but the bash script gives me:
Cannot exec 'source /etc/profile && title.set root#test': No such file or directory
And I can run above command successful directly from the command line, here are my scripts:
if [ $1 ]
screen -D -R $1 -m "source /etc/profile && title.set `whoami`#$1"
screen -R
# Source global bash config
if test "$PS1" && test "$BASH" && test -z ${POSIXLY_CORRECT+x} && test -r /etc/bash.bashrc; then
. /etc/bash.bashrc
function title.set() {
if [[ -z "$ORIG" ]]; then
# Termcap is outdated, old, and crusty, kill it.
# Man is much better than us at figuring this out
So What's going wrong here?
The keyword source is a bash built-in command, i.e., something for which there is not necessarily an actual file to exec (another built-in command). You can only exec something that is a file — like bash, e.g., something like this:
screen -D -R $1 -m bash -c "source /etc/profile && title.set `whoami`#$1"

Why `~/.bashrc` is not executed when run docker container?

I have a docker file as below. is the entry point in this docker image.
FROM ubuntu:16.04
USER root
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
curl \
vim \
net-tools \
git \
iputils-ping \
RUN apt-get install -y python
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y gcc g++ make libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev
RUN curl -o- | bash
ENV NVM_DIR /root/.nvm
RUN . $NVM_DIR/ && \
nvm install 7.9.0 && npm install -g npm#5.6.0
ADD ./Docker/ /workspace/
CMD ["/bin/sh", "/workspace/"]
The content of is:
cd /workspace/demo
npm install
node index.js
when I run the docker container: docker run IMAGE_NAME, I got this error:
npm: not found
node: not found
The node in this image is managed by nvm which has been installed and its script has been set on /root/.bashrc file. But I don't know why it can't find the nodejs commands. But if I run the container by docker run -it IMAGE_NAME bash, then manually run workspace/ command, everything works fine. It seems the ~/.bashrc is not executed when run the image. How can I let the container source .bashrc?
The content of /root/.bashrc is:
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
# don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options
# ... or force ignoredups and ignorespace
# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s histappend
# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize
# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then
debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)
# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in
xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;;
# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned
# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window
# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt
if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then
if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
# We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48
# (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such
# a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.)
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h:\w\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt
# If this is an xterm set the title to user#host:dir
case "$TERM" in
PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h: \w\a\]$PS1"
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias dir='dir --color=auto'
#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'
# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
#if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then
# . /etc/bash_completion
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
Each command runs a separate sub-shell, so the environment variables are not preserved and .bashrc is not sourced (see this answer).
You have to source your script manually in the same process where you run your command so it would be:
CMD source /root/.bashrc && /workspace/
provided your is an executable.
As per documentation exec form you are using does not invoke a command shell, so it won't work with your .bashrc.
BASH wasn't your default shell so
CMD /bin/bash -c "source /root/.bashrc && /workspace/"
was needed in order to run your script.
If you want yo set your shell as BASH by default, you can use SHELL instruction as described in documentation, e.g.:
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
None of the existing answers accurately answer the title question: Why ~/.bashrc is not executed when run docker container?
There are two things to be aware of:
Use login shell
According to the bash man page:
When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable. The --noprofile option may be used when the shell is started to inhibit this behavior.
Therefore, in order to have .profile/.bashrc read automatically upon invocation of bash, it is necessary to invoke bash with the --login or -l option.
You can do this in a couple ways:
1. Set the shell to include -l option. For example,
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-l", "-c"]
2. Invoke -l for specific commands using the exec form of RUN:
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-l", "-c", "/workspace/"]
Note top of .bashrc
From the man page above, we know the order in which profile files are searched and loaded. If you look at /root/.profile you may see something like this:
# ~/.profile: executed by Bourne-compatible login shells.
if [ "$BASH" ]; then
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
mesg n 2> /dev/null || true
This is how ~/.bashrc gets source for a bash shell. Therefore, we can expect ~/.bashrc to be sourced when the bash shell is used.
However, look carefully near the top of your .bashrc file:
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
This means that effectively the remaining contents of .bashrc are ignored except for interactive shells.
One answer suggests using the -i option of bash to invoke an interactive shell. This does work because the environment variable PS1 is set for interactive shells, and therefore .bashrc continues.
However, perhaps you don't want an interactive shell. In this case, there are a few options:
1. Comment out the return line. You can use something like this in your Dockerfile:
RUN sed -e '/[ -z "$PS1" ] && return/s/^/#/g' -i /root/.bashrc
This modification to .bashrc will prevent its early exit from non-interactive invocations.
2. Move the nvm setup to .profile. Move the last three lines of your .bashrc file to .profile so they're executed unconditionally.
3. Manually source .bashrc. As other answers have already noted, you can certainly manually source .bashrc as needed, as in,
RUN source /root/.bashrc && /workspace/
Observe that much of the content of .bashrc makes the most sense for interactive shells and is usually unnecessary otherwise, which may make option 2 above the most appealing.
with CMD and shell form
CMD /bin/bash -i "/workspace/"
should also work with ENTRYPOINT and and using exec form using
ENTRYPOINT ["bash","-i","/workspace/"]
I believe the -i flag works in the intended way, the .bashrc file is used as intended, the other solutions did not work for me, the .bashrc file was never used
solution may not be ideal for everyone, with the -i flag the program may prompt for user interaction
ps: I used docker create and docker start -i "container name"
You can add source /path/to/bashrc in and change the CMD to the following instead of changing to bash through CMD itself:
CMD ["/workspace/"]
Alternatively, You can do the following in your Dockerfile instead of depending on bashrc
ENV NVM_DIR /root/.nvm
ENV NODE_PATH $NVM_DIR/v$NODE_VERSION/lib/node_modules #Ensure that this is the actual path
ENV PATH $NVM_DIR/versions/node/v$NODE_VERSION/bin:$PATH
RUN . $NVM_DIR/ && \
nvm install $NODE_VERSION && npm install -g npm#5.6.0

How to get shell to self-detect using zsh or bash

I've a question on how to tell which shell the user is using. Suppose a script that if the user is using zsh, then put PATH to his .zshrc and if using bash should put in .bashrc. And set rvmrc accordingly.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
I've tried the following but it does not work : (
if [[ $0 == "bash" ]]; then
export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
elif [[ $0 == "zsh" ]]; then
export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
# ... more commands ...
if [[ $0 == "bash" ]]; then
[[ -s '/Users/`whoami`/.rvm/scripts/rvm' ]] && source '/Users/`whoami`/.rvm/scripts/rvm' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
elif [[ $0 == "zsh" ]]; then
[[ -s '/Users/`whoami`/.rvm/scripts/rvm' ]] && source '/Users/`whoami`/.rvm/scripts/rvm' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
If the shell is Zsh, the variable $ZSH_VERSION is defined. Likewise for Bash and $BASH_VERSION.
if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
# assume Zsh
elif [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
# assume Bash
# assume something else
However, these variables only tell you which shell is being used to run the above code. So you would have to source this fragment in the user's shell.
As an alternative, you could use the $SHELL environment variable (which should contain absolute path to the user's preferred shell) and guess the shell from the value of that variable:
case $SHELL in
# assume Zsh
# assume Bash
# assume something else
Of course the above will fail when /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/bash.
If you want to rely on $SHELL, it is safer to actually execute some code:
if [ -n "$($SHELL -c 'echo $ZSH_VERSION')" ]; then
# assume Zsh
elif [ -n "$($SHELL -c 'echo $BASH_VERSION')" ]; then
# assume Bash
# assume something else
This last suggestion can be run from a script regardless of which shell is used to run the script.
Just do echo $0
it says -zsh if it's zsh and -bash if it's bash
EDIT: Sometimes it returns -zsh and sometimes zsh and the same with bash, idk why.
A word of warning: the question you seem to have asked, the question you meant to ask, and the question you should have asked are three different things.
“Which shell the user is using” is ambiguous. Your attempt looks like you're trying to determine which shell is executing your script. That's always going to be whatever you put in the #! line of the script, unless you meant your users to edit that script, so this isn't useful to you.
What you meant to ask, I think, is what the user's favorite shell is. This can't be determined fully reliably, but you can cover most cases. Check the SHELL environment variable. If it contains fish, zsh, bash, ksh or tcsh, the user's favorite shell is probably that shell. However, this is the wrong question for your problem.
Files like .bashrc, .zshrc, .cshrc and so on are shell initialization files. They are not the right place to define environment variables. An environment variable defined there would only be available in a terminal where the user launched that shell and not in programs started from a GUI. The definition would also override any customization the user may have done in a subsession.
The right place to define an environment variable is in a session startup file. This is mostly unrelated to the user's choice of shell. Unfortunately, there's no single place to define environment variables. On a lot of systems, ~/.profile will work, but this is not universal. See and the other posts I link to there for a longer discussion.
You can simply try
echo $SHELL
the other answers fail with set -u
if [ ! -z ${ZSH_VERSION+x} ]; then
echo "this is zsh"
echo ${(%):-%x}
elif [ ! -z ${BASH_VERSION+x} ]; then
echo "this is bash"
echo "not recognized"
An alternative, might not work for all shells.
for x in $(ps -p $$)
echo $ans
Myself having a similar problem, settled for:
_shell="$(ps -p $$ --no-headers -o comm=)"
if [[ $_shell == "zsh" ]]; then
read -q -s "?Do it?: "
elif [[ $_shell == "bash" || $_shell == "sh" ]]; then
read -n 1 -s -p "Do it [y/n] "
Here is how I am doing it based on a previous answer from Gilles :
if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
echo "export VAR1=whatever" >> $SHELL_PROFILE
echo "INFO: Refreshing your shell profile: $SHELL_PROFILE"
if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
exec zsh --login

LS_COLORS key for network shared directories

I have mounted a network share with NFS and when I do ls --color it highlights the directories with green which is very hard to see. What LS_COLORS key do I have to change to change the highlight color? Also once this is done do I have to add something to my bashrc so that this takes effect on every login?
This is the command to get current LS_COLORS
dircolors --print-database
If no mistaken, NFS is considered as BD (block device driver)
If you want to override the existing green color for network drive for every login,
declare something like below in your .bashrc
LS_COLORS="bd=xx;yy" <-- color can refer back dircolors --print-database
export LS_COLORS
I'be finally figured this out and I needed to edit the OPEN_WRITABLE flag in the dircolors. To do this I followed these steps:
execute the following from your home dir dircolors -p .dircolors
then edit the file ~/.dircolors and update OPEN_WRITABLE with the desired colors
edit ~/.bashrc and add the following
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
[ -e "$HOME/.dircolors" ] && DIR_COLORS="$HOME/.dircolors"
[ -e "$DIR_COLORS" ] || DIR_COLORS=""
eval "`dircolors -b $DIR_COLORS`"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
run source ~/.bashrc
i solved this problem by changing the values for 'tw' STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE and 'ow' OTHER_WRITABLE in env var LS_COLORS.
have a look at Configuring LS_COLORS

How to resolve symbolic links in a shell script

Given an absolute or relative path (in a Unix-like system), I would like to determine the full path of the target after resolving any intermediate symlinks. Bonus points for also resolving ~username notation at the same time.
If the target is a directory, it might be possible to chdir() into the directory and then call getcwd(), but I really want to do this from a shell script rather than writing a C helper. Unfortunately, shells have a tendency to try to hide the existence of symlinks from the user (this is bash on OS X):
$ ls -ld foo bar
drwxr-xr-x 2 greg greg 68 Aug 11 22:36 bar
lrwxr-xr-x 1 greg greg 3 Aug 11 22:36 foo -> bar
$ cd foo
$ pwd
What I want is a function resolve() such that when executed from the tmp directory in the above example, resolve("foo") == "/Users/greg/tmp/bar".
readlink -f "$path"
Editor's note: The above works with GNU readlink and FreeBSD/PC-BSD/OpenBSD readlink, but not on OS X as of 10.11.
GNU readlink offers additional, related options, such as -m for resolving a symlink whether or not the ultimate target exists.
Note since GNU coreutils 8.15 (2012-01-06), there is a realpath program available that is less obtuse and more flexible than the above. It's also compatible with the FreeBSD util of the same name. It also includes functionality to generate a relative path between two files.
realpath $path
[Admin addition below from comment by halloleo —danorton]
For Mac OS X (through at least 10.11.x), use readlink without the -f option:
readlink $path
Editor's note: This will not resolve symlinks recursively and thus won't report the ultimate target; e.g., given symlink a that points to b, which in turn points to c, this will only report b (and won't ensure that it is output as an absolute path).
Use the following perl command on OS X to fill the gap of the missing readlink -f functionality:
perl -MCwd -le 'print Cwd::abs_path(shift)' "$path"
According to the standards, pwd -P should return the path with symlinks resolved.
C function char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size) from unistd.h should have the same behaviour.
"pwd -P" seems to work if you just want the directory, but if for some reason you want the name of the actual executable I don't think that helps. Here's my solution:
# get the absolute path of the executable
SELF_PATH=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) && SELF_PATH=$SELF_PATH/$(basename -- "$0")
# resolve symlinks
while [[ -h $SELF_PATH ]]; do
# 1) cd to directory of the symlink
# 2) cd to the directory of where the symlink points
# 3) get the pwd
# 4) append the basename
DIR=$(dirname -- "$SELF_PATH")
SYM=$(readlink "$SELF_PATH")
SELF_PATH=$(cd "$DIR" && cd "$(dirname -- "$SYM")" && pwd)/$(basename -- "$SYM")
One of my favorites is realpath foo
realpath - return the canonicalized absolute pathname
realpath expands all symbolic links and resolves references to '/./', '/../' and extra '/' characters in the null terminated string named by path and
stores the canonicalized absolute pathname in the buffer of size PATH_MAX named by resolved_path. The resulting path will have no symbolic link, '/./' or
'/../' components.
readlink -e [filepath]
seems to be exactly what you're asking for
- it accepts an arbirary path, resolves all symlinks, and returns the "real" path
- and it's "standard *nix" that likely all systems already have
Another way:
# Gets the real path of a link, following all links
myreadlink() { [ ! -h "$1" ] && echo "$1" || (local link="$(expr "$(command ls -ld -- "$1")" : '.*-> \(.*\)$')"; cd $(dirname $1); myreadlink "$link" | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname $1)/\1|"); }
# Returns the absolute path to a command, maybe in $PATH (which) or not. If not found, returns the same
whereis() { echo $1 | sed "s|^\([^/].*/.*\)|$(pwd)/\1|;s|^\([^/]*\)$|$(which -- $1)|;s|^$|$1|"; }
# Returns the realpath of a called command.
whereis_realpath() { local SCRIPT_PATH=$(whereis $1); myreadlink ${SCRIPT_PATH} | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname ${SCRIPT_PATH})/\1|"; }
Putting some of the given solutions together, knowing that readlink is available on most systems, but needs different arguments, this works well for me on OSX and Debian. I'm not sure about BSD systems. Maybe the condition needs to be [[ $OSTYPE != darwin* ]] to exclude -f from OSX only.
MY_DIR=$( cd $(dirname $(readlink `[[ $OSTYPE == linux* ]] && echo "-f"` $0)) ; pwd -P)
echo "$MY_DIR"
Here's how one can get the actual path to the file in MacOS/Unix using an inline Perl script:
FILE=$(perl -e "use Cwd qw(abs_path); print abs_path('$0')")
Similarly, to get the directory of a symlinked file:
DIR=$(perl -e "use Cwd qw(abs_path); use File::Basename; print dirname(abs_path('$0'))")
Common shell scripts often have to find their "home" directory even if they are invoked as a symlink. The script thus have to find their "real" position from just $0.
cat `mvn`
on my system prints a script containing the following, which should be a good hint at what you need.
if [ -z "$M2_HOME" ] ; then
## resolve links - $0 may be a link to maven's home
# need this for relative symlinks
while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG="`dirname "$PRG"`/$link"
M2_HOME=`dirname "$PRG"`/..
# make it fully qualified
M2_HOME=`cd "$M2_HOME" && pwd`
Note: I believe this to be a solid, portable, ready-made solution, which is invariably lengthy for that very reason.
Below is a fully POSIX-compliant script / function that is therefore cross-platform (works on macOS too, whose readlink still doesn't support -f as of 10.12 (Sierra)) - it uses only POSIX shell language features and only POSIX-compliant utility calls.
It is a portable implementation of GNU's readlink -e (the stricter version of readlink -f).
You can run the script with sh or source the function in bash, ksh, and zsh:
For instance, inside a script you can use it as follows to get the running's script true directory of origin, with symlinks resolved:
trueScriptDir=$(dirname -- "$(rreadlink "$0")")
rreadlink script / function definition:
The code was adapted with gratitude from this answer.
I've also created a bash-based stand-alone utility version here, which you can install with
npm install rreadlink -g, if you have Node.js installed.
# rreadlink <fileOrDirPath>
# Resolves <fileOrDirPath> to its ultimate target, if it is a symlink, and
# prints its canonical path. If it is not a symlink, its own canonical path
# is printed.
# A broken symlink causes an error that reports the non-existent target.
# - Won't work with filenames with embedded newlines or filenames containing
# the string ' -> '.
# This is a fully POSIX-compliant implementation of what GNU readlink's
# -e option does.
# In a shell script, use the following to get that script's true directory of origin:
# trueScriptDir=$(dirname -- "$(rreadlink "$0")")
rreadlink() ( # Execute the function in a *subshell* to localize variables and the effect of `cd`.
target=$1 fname= targetDir= CDPATH=
# Try to make the execution environment as predictable as possible:
# All commands below are invoked via `command`, so we must make sure that
# `command` itself is not redefined as an alias or shell function.
# (Note that command is too inconsistent across shells, so we don't use it.)
# `command` is a *builtin* in bash, dash, ksh, zsh, and some platforms do not
# even have an external utility version of it (e.g, Ubuntu).
# `command` bypasses aliases and shell functions and also finds builtins
# in bash, dash, and ksh. In zsh, option POSIX_BUILTINS must be turned on for
# that to happen.
{ \unalias command; \unset -f command; } >/dev/null 2>&1
[ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && options[POSIX_BUILTINS]=on # make zsh find *builtins* with `command` too.
while :; do # Resolve potential symlinks until the ultimate target is found.
[ -L "$target" ] || [ -e "$target" ] || { command printf '%s\n' "ERROR: '$target' does not exist." >&2; return 1; }
command cd "$(command dirname -- "$target")" # Change to target dir; necessary for correct resolution of target path.
fname=$(command basename -- "$target") # Extract filename.
[ "$fname" = '/' ] && fname='' # !! curiously, `basename /` returns '/'
if [ -L "$fname" ]; then
# Extract [next] target path, which may be defined
# *relative* to the symlink's own directory.
# Note: We parse `ls -l` output to find the symlink target
# which is the only POSIX-compliant, albeit somewhat fragile, way.
target=$(command ls -l "$fname")
target=${target#* -> }
continue # Resolve [next] symlink target.
break # Ultimate target reached.
targetDir=$(command pwd -P) # Get canonical dir. path
# Output the ultimate target's canonical path.
# Note that we manually resolve paths ending in /. and /.. to make sure we have a normalized path.
if [ "$fname" = '.' ]; then
command printf '%s\n' "${targetDir%/}"
elif [ "$fname" = '..' ]; then
# Caveat: something like /var/.. will resolve to /private (assuming /var# -> /private/var), i.e. the '..' is applied
# AFTER canonicalization.
command printf '%s\n' "$(command dirname -- "${targetDir}")"
command printf '%s\n' "${targetDir%/}/$fname"
rreadlink "$#"
A tangent on security:
jarno, in reference to the function ensuring that builtin command is not shadowed by an alias or shell function of the same name, asks in a comment:
What if unalias or unset and [ are set as aliases or shell functions?
The motivation behind rreadlink ensuring that command has its original meaning is to use it to bypass (benign) convenience aliases and functions often used to shadow standard commands in interactive shells, such as redefining ls to include favorite options.
I think it's safe to say that unless you're dealing with an untrusted, malicious environment, worrying about unalias or unset - or, for that matter, while, do, ... - being redefined is not a concern.
There is something that the function must rely on to have its original meaning and behavior - there is no way around that.
That POSIX-like shells allow redefinition of builtins and even language keywords is inherently a security risk (and writing paranoid code is hard in general).
To address your concerns specifically:
The function relies on unalias and unset having their original meaning. Having them redefined as shell functions in a manner that alters their behavior would be a problem; redefinition as an alias is
not necessarily a concern, because quoting (part of) the command name (e.g., \unalias) bypasses aliases.
However, quoting is not an option for shell keywords (while, for, if, do, ...) and while shell keywords do take precedence over shell functions, in bash and zsh aliases have the highest precedence, so to guard against shell-keyword redefinitions you must run unalias with their names (although in non-interactive bash shells (such as scripts) aliases are not expanded by default - only if shopt -s expand_aliases is explicitly called first).
To ensure that unalias - as a builtin - has its original meaning, you must use \unset on it first, which requires that unset have its original meaning:
unset is a shell builtin, so to ensure that it is invoked as such, you'd have to make sure that it itself is not redefined as a function. While you can bypass an alias form with quoting, you cannot bypass a shell-function form - catch 22.
Thus, unless you can rely on unset to have its original meaning, from what I can tell, there is no guaranteed way to defend against all malicious redefinitions.
Is your path a directory, or might it be a file? If it's a directory, it's simple:
(cd "$DIR"; pwd -P)
However, if it might be a file, then this won't work:
DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$FILE"); pwd -P); echo "${DIR}/$(readlink "$FILE")"
because the symlink might resolve into a relative or full path.
On scripts I need to find the real path, so that I might reference configuration or other scripts installed together with it, I use this:
while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink
DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"
[[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located
You could set SOURCE to any file path. Basically, for as long as the path is a symlink, it resolves that symlink. The trick is in the last line of the loop. If the resolved symlink is absolute, it will use that as SOURCE. However, if it is relative, it will prepend the DIR for it, which was resolved into a real location by the simple trick I first described.
function realpath {
local r=$1; local t=$(readlink $r)
while [ $t ]; do
r=$(cd $(dirname $r) && cd $(dirname $t) && pwd -P)/$(basename $t)
t=$(readlink $r)
echo $r
#example usage
SCRIPT_PARENT_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath "$0"))/..
In case where pwd can't be used (e.g. calling a scripts from a different location), use realpath (with or without dirname):
$(dirname $(realpath $PATH_TO_BE_RESOLVED))
Works both when calling through (multiple) symlink(s) or when directly calling the script - from any location.
This is a symlink resolver in Bash that works whether the link is a directory or a non-directory:
function readlinks {(
set -o errexit -o nounset
declare n=0 limit=1024 link="$1"
# If it's a directory, just skip all this.
if cd "$link" 2>/dev/null
pwd -P
return 0
# Resolve until we are out of links (or recurse too deep).
while [[ -L $link ]] && [[ $n -lt $limit ]]
cd "$(dirname -- "$link")"
n=$((n + 1))
link="$(readlink -- "${link##*/}")"
cd "$(dirname -- "$link")"
if [[ $n -ge $limit ]]
echo "Recursion limit ($limit) exceeded." >&2
return 2
printf '%s/%s\n' "$(pwd -P)" "${link##*/}"
Note that all the cd and set stuff takes place in a subshell.
Try this:
cd $(dirname $([ -L $0 ] && readlink -f $0 || echo $0))
Since I've run into this many times over the years, and this time around I needed a pure bash portable version that I could use on OSX and linux, I went ahead and wrote one:
The living version lives here:
but for the sake of SO, here's the current version (I feel it's well tested..but I'm open to feedback!)
Might not be difficult to make it work for plain bourne shell (sh), but I didn't try...I like $FUNCNAME too much. :)
resolve_path() {
#I'm bash only, please!
# usage: resolve_path <a file or directory>
# follows symlinks and relative paths, returns a full real path
local owd="$PWD"
#echo "$FUNCNAME for $1" >&2
local opath="$1"
local npath=""
local obase=$(basename "$opath")
local odir=$(dirname "$opath")
if [[ -L "$opath" ]]
#it's a link.
#file or directory, we want to cd into it's dir
cd $odir
#then extract where the link points.
npath=$(readlink "$obase")
#have to -L BEFORE we -f, because -f includes -L :(
if [[ -L $npath ]]
#the link points to another symlink, so go follow that.
resolve_path "$npath"
#and finish out early, we're done.
return $?
elif [[ -f $npath ]]
#the link points to a file.
#get the dir for the new file
nbase=$(basename $npath)
npath=$(dirname $npath)
cd "$npath"
ndir=$(pwd -P)
elif [[ -d $npath ]]
#the link points to a directory.
cd "$npath"
ndir=$(pwd -P)
echo "$FUNCNAME: ERROR: unknown condition inside link!!" >&2
echo "opath [[ $opath ]]" >&2
echo "npath [[ $npath ]]" >&2
return 1
if ! [[ -e "$opath" ]]
echo "$FUNCNAME: $opath: No such file or directory" >&2
return 1
#and break early
elif [[ -d "$opath" ]]
cd "$opath"
ndir=$(pwd -P)
elif [[ -f "$opath" ]]
cd $odir
ndir=$(pwd -P)
nbase=$(basename "$opath")
echo "$FUNCNAME: ERROR: unknown condition outside link!!" >&2
echo "opath [[ $opath ]]" >&2
return 1
#now assemble our output
echo -n "$ndir"
if [[ "x${nbase:=}" != "x" ]]
echo "/$nbase"
#now return to where we were
cd "$owd"
return $retval
here's a classic example, thanks to brew:
%% ls -l `which mvn`
lrwxr-xr-x 1 draistrick 502 29 Dec 17 10:50 /usr/local/bin/mvn# -> ../Cellar/maven/3.2.3/bin/mvn
use this function and it will return the -real- path:
%% cat
echo "relative symlinked path:"
which mvn
echo "and the real path:"
resolve_path `which mvn`
relative symlinked path:
and the real path:
To work around the Mac incompatibility, I came up with
echo `php -r "echo realpath('foo');"`
Not great but cross OS
Here I present what I believe to be a cross-platform (Linux and macOS at least) solution to the answer that is working well for me currently.
local ref="$1"
if [ -x "$(which realpath)" ]; then
path="$(realpath "$ref")"
path="$(readlink -f "$ref" 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
if [ -x "$(which readlink)" ]; then
if [ ! -z "$(readlink "$ref")" ]; then
ref="$(readlink "$ref")"
echo "realpath and readlink not available. The following may not be the final path." 1>&2
if [ -d "$ref" ]; then
path="$(cd "$ref"; pwd -P)"
path="$(cd $(dirname "$ref"); pwd -P)/$(basename "$ref")"
echo "$path"
Here is a macOS (only?) solution. Possibly better suited to the original question.
local ref="$1"
if [[ ! -z "$(readlink "$ref")" ]]; then
ref="$(readlink "$1")"
if [[ -d "$ref" ]]; then
echo "$(cd "$ref"; pwd -P)"
echo "$(cd $(dirname "$ref"); pwd -P)/$(basename "$ref")"
My answer here Bash: how to get real path of a symlink?
but in short very handy in scripts:
script_home=$( dirname $(realpath "$0") )
echo Original script home: $script_home
These are part of GNU coreutils, suitable for use in Linux systems.
To test everything, we put symlink into /home/test2/, amend some additional things and run/call it from root directory:
/$ /home/test2/symlink
Original script home: /home/test
Original script is: /home/test/
Called script is: /home/test2/symlink
My 2 cents. This function is POSIX compliant, and both the source and the destination can contain ->. However, I have not gotten it work with filenames that container newline or tabs, as ls in general has issues with those.
resolve_symlink() {
test -L "$1" && ls -l "$1" | awk -v SYMLINK="$1" '{ SL=(SYMLINK)" -> "; i=index($0, SL); s=substr($0, i+length(SL)); print s }'
I believe the solution here is the file command, with a custom magic file that only outputs the destination of the provided symlink.
This is the best solution, tested in Bash 3.2.57:
# Read a path (similar to `readlink`) recursively, until the physical path without any links (like `cd -P`) is found.
# Accepts any existing path, prints its physical path and exits `0`, exits `1` if some contained links don't exist.
# Motivation: `${BASH_SOURCE[0]}` often contains links; using it directly to extract your project's path may fail.
# Example: Safely `source` a file located relative to the current script
# source "$(dirname "$(rreadlink "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/relative/"
rreadlink () {
declare p="$1" d l
while :; do
d="$(cd -P "$(dirname "$p")" && pwd)" || return $? #absolute path without symlinks
p="$d/$(basename "$p")"
if [ -h "$p" ]; then
l="$(readlink "$p")" || break
#A link must be resolved from its fully resolved parent dir.
d="$(cd "$d" && cd -P "$(dirname "$l")" && pwd)" || return $?
p="$d/$(basename "$l")"
printf '%s\n' "$p"
