Change window location with button click - firefox

I've read the documentation on tabs examples of the firefox add-on SDK. I may be wrong, but doesn't the tabs API apply to new tabs?
There doesn't seem like there is a simple way to click a button on a panel and simply change the url of the current (main) window.
I assume I need a content script to accomplish this?
// panel.html
function goToHome() {
<form id="frm1" action="" method="post">
<div><input type="button" onClick="goToHome()" name="Submit" value="home"></div>

The tabs API applies to all open tabs. You can refer to individual tabs by index–var tab = tabs[x]–or the current tab with var tab = tabs.activeTab. Then you can set the url with tab.url = someUrl. Put this code inside the onclick property of a widget and you're good to go. All code goes in main.js, no content scripts needed.
If by "on a panel" you mean inside a panel, then yes, you'll need a content script for the panel, but not a page script as your code shows. See scripting panel content. Example:
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var panel = require("sdk/panel").Panel({
contentURL: data.url("panel.html"),
contentScript: "function goToHome() {self.port.emit('goToHome', homeUrl);}"
contentScriptFile: data.url("panel.js")
panel.port.on("goToHome", function(homeUrl) {
tabs.activeTab.url = homeUrl;
If you use contentScriptFile, then include panel.js in your data folder. This will get injected into panel.html.
var homeUrl = "";
function goToHome() {
self.port.emit('goToHome', homeUrl);


Pass object to browser with in Edge

In case of Edge browser say Browser One, passing a custom argument to second Browser.
if I pass a string it is available in the second window. But, if I pass an object (say XMLDocument) in the second window, I could not serialzetoString.
var myWin =;
myWin.customArg = 'string parameter' // Works
myWin.customArg = xmlObject // Doesnt Work
in the second window,
new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xmlDoc)
throws xml parser exception.
Can any one help in resolving this?
Same code works fine for Chrome.
Edit - Sample code of Parent Window is here -
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenWindow()
var objXML = '<SelectedCharts><Chart ColumnNo="1" ChartName="E0PK" GroupName="test" OrderNo="1" /></SelectedCharts>';
var xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(objXML,'text/xml');
var dialog ="Child_Window.htm", "title", "width=550px, height= 350px,left=100,top=100,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no");
dialog.dialogArguments = xmlDoc ;
dialog.opener = window;
<span>Passing an XML Object to the child window:</span>
<input type="button" value="Open Popup" onclick="OpenWindow()" />
And the sample code of Child window is here -
<script type="text/javascript">
function onBodyLoad()
alert(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(window.dialogArguments));
<body onload="onBodyLoad()">
<span>This is child window.</span>
The code snippet shown in the question works fine for Chrome browser. And to pass the context to another window in case of Edge browser, follow the below method.
declare a global variable and set it in the parent window
And, access the varable in the child window using window.opener.
And sample code is provided in Pass custom arguments to in case of Edge browser

AJAX: if right click to open a new tab, render the whole page

I use AJAX on a link to insert data into a certain <div> in the same page. However, if the user right-clicks and opens in a new tab, the new page will contain only the data, without other page elements. How can I do to render a whole page for a right-click-new-tab?
<a class=".updateContent" href="...">The link</a>
<div id="content></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.updateContent').click(function() {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
Don't use an href. With an href the user has the option to open in a new tab/window or copy/paste no matter what you do (except maybe disable right click entirely but that's annoying). I suggest something like the following:
<a class="updateContent" data-url="...">the link</a>
Then your jQuery
var url = $(this).data('url');

How to use AngularJS to lazy load content in a collapsible panel

I am building an application that uses the Bootstrap Collapse component to render a sequence of panels, all of which will initially be in the collapsed state.
Since the page may contain many such panels and each of them may contain a large amount of content, it seems appropriate to populate these panels on demand, by executing an AJAX call when the user expands any panel.
The dynamic content of the page (including the markup for the panels) is rendered using AngularJS, and I assume it's possible to configure Angular to bind to an event on the panel elements, that results in their content being lazy loaded when they expand.
Unfortunately, after looking at the AngularJS docs and the available tutorials, I can't see how best to tackle this. Can anyone throw any light on it?
Thanks in advance,
This is way old, but the question might still come up now and then. I now find this to be the most suitable solution without polluting your controllers:
(myDirective loading its content via AJAX right after its creation.)
ng-repeat="foo in bar"
ng-init="status = {load: false}"
ng-click="status.load = true">
<myDirective ng-if="status.load"></myDirective>
each element created by ng-repeat gets its own $scope, so clicking ab accordion-group will result in only the respective directive being loaded.
depending on latency and the size of the data that's to be lazy loaded, you might consider using ng-mouseover instead of ng-click. That way loading starts some 100ms before the user opens the accordion which can reduce 'sluggishness' of your UI. Obviously there's the downside of occasionally loading content of groups that are never actually clicked.
#Tim Coulter, I've created something following the idea of #Stewie.
It can definitely be improved, but I guess it's a good starting point.
I've created a small directive to bind the click event of the accordion's panel. When the click event is fired, I passed the panel template via the panel-template= attribute and it updates the main-template which is used inside the panel.
It makes reference to 2 html files (panel1.html and panel2.html) that contains the content of the each panel.
I would recommend to create a service to fetch these files via AJAX - just the way you wanted.
On the code below I created a service called dataService for this purpose and you should bind it to the click event - so files are loaded on demand when the user clicks on it.
Note the the mainTemplate is a common panel to all accordions, so when it changes the all the accordions will have the same content, BUT I am assuming you want to display only one panel at time, right ?!
Anyway as I said before the logic can be improved to fix these little 'gotchas', but I believe the core functionality is there to start with. :)
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('AccordionDemoCtrl', ['$scope', 'dataService', function ($scope, dataService) {
$scope.oneAtATime = true;
$scope.mainTemplate = '';
$scope.groups = [
id: "001",
title: "Dynamic Group Header - 1",
content: "Dynamic Group Body - 1",
template: "panel1.html"
id: "002",
title: "Dynamic Group Header - 2",
content: "Dynamic Group Body - 2",
template: "panel2.html"
myApp.factory('dataService', [ '$http', function($http){
return {
getData: function() {
return // you AJAX content data here;
myApp.directive('accordionToggle', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'C',
scope: {
mainTemplate: '=',
panelTemplate: '#'
link: function (scope, element, iAttrs) {
element.bind('click', function(e){
scope.mainTemplate = scope.panelTemplate;
<body ng-controller="AccordionDemoCtrl">
<div class="accordion" id="accordionParent">
<div class="accordion-group" ng-repeat="group in groups" >
<div class="accordion-heading">
<a class="accordion-toggle" main-template="$parent.mainTemplate" panel-template="{{ group.template }}" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordionParent" href="#collapse{{ $ }}">
Collapsible Group Item {{ $ }}
<div id="collapse{{ }}" class="accordion-body collapse">
<div class="accordion-inner">
<div class="include-example" ng-include="mainTemplate"></div>

Problems with mouse events on newly created CKEditor instance

I'm trying to create a create a new CKEditor ver4 instance in response to the user clicking on an element. Due to the nature of the application, I can not use the "autoInline" feature as outlined in the CKEditor Sample. While the sample below does in fact create an editor instance, that instance has a significant problem. Inline instances are supposed to disappear when the user clicks away from them. In this example however, the user must first click away, click back into the instance, and then click away again. How can I prevent this?
<!doctype html>
<script src="jspath/ckeditor.js"></script>
var editor = null;
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
function init() {
var e2 = document.getElementById("element2");
e2.addEventListener("click", function () {
if(!editor) {
editor = CKEDITOR.inline(e2);
editor.on('instanceReady', function () {
editor.on('focus', function() {
editor.on('blur', function() {
editor = null;
<body onload="init()">
<div tabindex="0" id="element2" style="background-color: yellow;" contentEditable = true>Element 2</div>
Despite the fact that editor.focusManager.hasFocus was true, the editor's element did not in fact have focus. Perhaps this is a bug? Anyway, adding editor.focus(); to the instanceReady function resolved the issue.

Firefox extensions and full file paths from HTML form?

I have built a Firefox extension using the Addon SDK that opens up a new tab with a HTML page from the extensions directory and attaches a content script to it:
function openHtmlLoadFormTab(htmlFileName, jsWorkerFileName) {{
url: data.url(htmlFileName),
onReady: function(tab) {
var tabWorker = tab.attach({
contentScriptFile: [ data.url(jsJquery), data.url(jsWorkerFileName) ]
I have an <input type="file"> in the HTML file and some code that handles the "submit" event in the JS file (these files are given by htmlFileName and jsWorkerFileName respectively)
Because of security reasons, I cannot access the full file path in JS with document.getElementById('uploadid').value. I only get the file's name.
However, since this is a Firefox extension, I'm wondering if there is anyway to override this restriction?
I have been looking into"UniversalFileRead") and mozFullPath but I haven't been able to get it to work. I believe it's deprecated anyway?
The other solution is to build an XUL-based UI and prompt for the file there somehow, but I would like to know for sure if there is anyway to get this to work in HTML.
First edit with small example code
I built a small sample extension to illustrate how I'm doing things.
var self = require('self');
var tabs = require('tabs');
var data =;
var jsLoadForm = "load-form.js", htmlLoadForm = "load-form.html";
var jsJquery = 'jquery-1.8.0.min.js';
exports.onUnload = function(reason) {};
exports.main = function(options, callbacks) {
// TODO: remove this debugging line
openHtmlLoadFormTab(htmlLoadForm, jsLoadForm);
function openHtmlLoadFormTab(htmlFileName, jsWorkerFileName) {{
url: data.url(htmlFileName),
onReady: function(tab) {
var tabWorker = tab.attach({
contentScriptFile: [ data.url(jsJquery), data.url(jsWorkerFileName) ]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<script lang="text/javascript">
function fileChanged(e) {
// this is just the file name
alert("html js: files[0].name: " + e.files[0].name);
// mozFullPath is indeed empty, NOT undefined
alert("html js: files[0].mozFullPath: " + e.files[0].mozFullPath);
<form name="my-form" id="my-form" action="">
<label for="uploadid1" id="uploadlabel1">File (JS in HTML):</label>
<input type="file" name="uploadid1" id="uploadid1" onchange="fileChanged(this)"/>
<label for="uploadid2" id="uploadlabel2">File (JS in content script): </label>
<input type="file" name="uploadid2" id="uploadid2" onchange="fileChangedInContentScript(this)"/>
<label for="uploadid3" id="uploadlabel3">File (JS using jQuery in content script):</label>
<input type="file" name="uploadid3" id="uploadid3" />
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#uploadid3").change(function(e) {
// in jquery, e.files is null
if(e.files != null)
console.log("jquery: e.files is defined");
console.log("jquery: e.files is null");
// this works, prints the file name though
console.log("$('#uploadid3').val(): " + $("#uploadid3").val());
// this is undefined
console.log("$('#uploadid3').mozFullPath: " + $("#uploadid3").mozFullPath);
// this handler never gets called
function fileChangedInContentScript(e) {
alert("js content script: filechanged in content script called");
As you can see in main.js, I used jquery-1.8.0.min.js, downloaded from the jQuery website.
Note: I also tried these without jQuery included as a content script when I opened the tab in main.js, but no luck.
The conclusion is that mozFullPath is indeed empty when I access it from JS embedded in the HTML page and I cannot find a way to access mozFullPath from jQuery, nor can I find a way to add a onchange handler in load-form.html that's defined in load-form.js
Second edit with onchange handler in the load-form.js content-script
I added the following code to load-form.js to catch the onchange event.
I also removed the jQuery content script from main.js
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
try {
document.getElementById("uploadid2").addEventListener('change', function(e) {
console.log("addeventlistener worked!");
console.log("e: " + e);
console.log(" " +;
console.log(" " +;
console.log("[0].name: " +[0].name);
console.log("[0].mozFullPath: " +[0].mozFullPath);
console.log('added event listener')
} catch(e) {
console.log('adding event listener failed: ' + e);
}, false);
This still outputs an empty string for mozFullPath:
info: added event listener
info: addeventlistener worked!
info: e: [object Event]
info: [object HTMLInputElement]
info: [object FileList]
Is there anyway to acquire the needed permissions? How can I get my hands on that full path? I need the full path so I can pass it to an application the extension launches. (There are workaround solutions where I can do without the full path, but they decrease the quality of the extension)
fileInput.value property is meant to be accessible to web pages so it will only give you the file name, not the full path - web pages have no reason to know the full path on your machine. However, as a privileged extension you should be able to access the File.mozFullPath property. In this particular case you would do it like this:
var files = document.getElementById('uploadid').files;
if (files.length > 0)
// Assuming that only one file can be selected
// we care only about the first entry
The big question of course is whether your code is allowed to access File.mozFullPath. I suspect that a content script in the Add-on SDK won't have the necessary privileges. The main extension code will have the privileges but getting to the input field from there is hard...
