Selenium Grid Hub Operation timed out - windows

I am trying to run Behat Tests on the Windows 7 VM node installed using my Mountain Lion Mac computer as hub.
I am using the latest seleniun (2.39.0)
I run the following command on the node VM
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar -role node -hub -browser "browserName=internet explorer,version=8,maxinstances=1""D:\tools\IEDriverServer.exe"
This sends the request to the hub machine, and it "seems" as though the hub has received this, this is because when I access localhost:4444/grid/console on the hub machine it shows the registered node (see screenshot below)
But the error comes when the hub tries to send a request to the node and it can't because the connection is refused. But I have disabled the windows firewall so this connection should go through right?
Any help would be appreciated!

So, I figured out my problem and it was nothing to do with the commands posted here. I did not give enough network permissions to my VM to allow the connection. Easiest solution was to make the VM act as a seperate computer on the network, which solved all the problems :).


Not able to enter Jenkins (Mac) using network IP

I'm trying to setup Jenkins on my MacMini server. I've installed it using official docs and everything works, except accessing Jenkins using local network ip. I
'm able to enter using localhost:8080, but not able to reach it from 192.168.1.X:8080 from other network device or even from the same mac server.
I've already tried instructions from this question
Accessing Jenkins on Mac OS X from another machine
but no effect.
It looks like Jenkins does not open to external connections or something. My browser finds Jenkins address, but it says "Not able to connect", just like if there is no such port (8080).
I've created a test http server, just to see if my Mac is reachable and ports are open, and everything works fine. Im able to enter an http, ssh, VNC using network address, but not able to enter Jenkins using it's port.
Does anybody knows why?

Docker for Mac and VPN can't connect inside container

I am running into a block and can't seem to find the answer. I have Docker for Mac on OSX. I can build and run the containers fine. One of my containers runs a sails app that utilizes sequelize to connect to a SQL database. The database is behind the corporate VPN. I am connected to the VPN through openconnect. Outside of the container (on the host), I can run the application just fine and it connects. Inside of the container, I cannot access the VPN and get a bad connection error. I have tried restarting Docker after the VPN is connected but still cannot connect. I don't see any settings in the GUI for VPN or network handling, other than proxies. I have tried with --network="bridge" and --network="host"
This is similar to this post
Any help is greatly appreciated!
the problem is the VPN, because maybe in the vpn it's enabled only determinate IP, you need to nat all request from docker with your private ip of your vpn, try to install the vpn on virtualbox.

Lumify demo server running on CentOS virtual machine Connection Refused

I have launched the Lumify-demo server on my Virtualbox hosted on Mac OSX. According to the documentation here, as soon as vagrant is done provisioning the VM, I should be able to launch the webapp on my host machine's browser (after updating the hosts file). But the server seems to not be running . I receive Lumify-demo refused to connect
From all the rudimentary debugging I could do at my end, I think that the web server is not even installed on the VM.
Telnet from the host machine says connection refused
Tomcat7 and SERVER are unrecongnised when I do service SERVER status
$JETTY_HOME or $JETTY_BASE variables are not defined so I don't even know where to look for Jetty
Has someone else faced the same issue? Can someone confirm that I need to build the servers (source has both Jetty and Tomcat so I figure I need to use both) using maven (which is not currently installed on CentOS VM) and run/configure two servers (both unknown territory) all by myself?
I compared the lumify-demo with the lumify-dev virtual machine and it seemed like a lot was missing. So I provisioned the demo machine again only to find out that the provisioning was breaking in multiple places due to permission issues.
Turned out to be a good exercise in gaining familiarity with Vagrant, and Jetty got installed

Hortonworks Sandbox URL not working

I downloaded the latest sandbox from this url - and played it with my VM Player. I have reached till the screen where URL is displayed. Now when I try to login with that URL I am getting 'Web page not available' (chrome), 'Can't reach page' (IE), 'The connection has timed out' (Firefox) error basically not working in any browser.
Can someone help me how to troubleshoot this?
I am using Windows 10, VMPlayer 7.3 and here is the page that gets displayed in VM Player -
I am using Windows 10, VMPlayer 15 and HDP Sandbox 3.0.1.
Setting the network adapter to Bridged Networking and restart the virtual Machine can solve this problem.
Try these methods
Ping If you are getting any reply, then problem with VMNetwork adopter configurations
If it is not pinging check your firewall settings
Last try your VMPlayer (it will configure default services) or remove and re-install VMPlayer
Alright i had the same problem. It is actually not related to the VM or the browser. It is actually the Network adapter installed by the Vm which allows it to use host's machines networks.
In my case i was using Vmware so it had installed two network adapters
So all i had to do was to Enable them.
[Windows Users]
Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections
Find the Vmware Network Adapter
Right click on it and Enable them
Done Try to open the Url now

Windows services with network access

I have a small server app, which receives UDP data on port X. When I run this app with a local logged in user account, all is fine and my app receives commands via UDP. But when I'm installing the app as a windows service which runs under same local user account, I'm not longer receiving data, when I try to connect from a different machine. Local connections are fine. I've also opened my UDP port X in the windows firewall settings, but with no luck.
Any help is appreciated.
Only for the sake of completeness:
It has been found that it has something to do with the virtual machine in which the Windows runs. I use a network bridge to connect it to my local network. After adding a host-only network adapter, my windows service received all expected commands. No idea why!?
