Codeigniter and Set Session in Model - codeigniter

I want to unset and set session in model function depend on passed id.
I have language field for every record and should change session considering that.
in sample word i have a link like this :
now this article by this id maybe saved by english language but current session is I should change the session.
here is my code but it dos not work.
//function for checking language by id
public function lang($id)
$data = $this->db
if ($data->num_rows > 0) {
return $data;
return false;
//function for reading data from db depend on id and language
public function report($id)
$langu= $this->lang($id)->row()->language;
$language= $this->session->userdata('lang');
$data = $this->db
if ($data->num_rows > 0) {
return $data;
return false;

the best way to session is:
you have to check the query in model, and call the model in controller, if its true set session data within controller....
Setting Session within the model is not a good idea for an MVC architecture.

Sometimes there is really need to set or get session data in model.
Use then Code Igniter instance like below:
$codeIgniter =& get_instance();
$codeIgniter->set_userdata('data', $data);
// or to read data:
$data = $codeIgniter->userdata('data');
Note that using $this to call set_userdata() or userdata() in model will not work correctly.


How to access Model from Views in CodeIgniter

How to access Model from Views in Codeigniter.
I have a Model with a function, i need to call this function from view
Please Read the CI documentation First:
If You are using a MVC Structured Framework then you should be following the way it works.
You Need the Controller:
public function your_controller_function(){
// To load model
$this->load->model ('your_model');
//To Call model function form controller
$data = $this->your_model->model_function($ex_data);
//TO Send data to view
Inside your model:
public function model_function($ex_data){
// Your Querys
// user return to send you query result to the controller anything
// Sample Example of query and return
$query = $this->db->select('*')
$your_result = $query->row_array();
if($this->db->affected_rows() > 0){
return your_result;
} else {
return FALSE;
Inside your view you can write :
For example in User_controller load User Model $this->load->model('Users_model');
Then User View page $viewpage = this->Users_model->somefunction($id);

Call multiple stored procedures from Codeigniter last result contains the previous

I'm using this library in Codeigniter to retrieve multiple result sets from stored procedures :
class Multi_Results
private $CI, $Data, $mysqli, $ResultSet;
* The constructor
function __construct()
$this->CI =& get_instance();
$this->Data = '';
$this->ResultSet = array();
$this->mysqli = $this->CI->db->conn_id;
public function GetMultiResults($SqlCommand)
/* execute multi query */
if (mysqli_multi_query($this->mysqli, $SqlCommand)) {
if ($result = $this->mysqli->store_result())
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
$this->Data[$i][] = $row;
while ($this->mysqli->more_results() && $this->mysqli->next_result());
return $this->Data;
I'm calling the procedure from the controller like
$result_array = $this->multi_results->GetMultiResults("CALL procedure_name($input_1, '$input_2')");
It does what it is supposed to do. The problem arises when I call 2 DIFFERENT procedures from the controller one after another and assign the results to different variables.
When I var_dump the second (last) result, it contains also the result set from the 1st result.
I have checked the connection dbdriver in database.php (it is set to MSQLI), I tried to implement some suggestions like :
CodeIgniter active records' problems calling multiple stored procedures and Calling a stored procedure from CodeIgniter's Active Record class
They both propose a solution with 'mysqli_free_result' however that is already done in the addon library (as you can see in the code snippet above).
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated!
Initiate $this->data = '' into the function GetMultiResults() instead into constructor.
I think this will solve your problem.

how to get values from model and display in controller

I am making a site in codeigniter, here is my controller, model and view:
function checking()
$data['dbemail']=$this->login_model->email();// assign your value to CI variable
$this->load->view('home', $data); //passing your value to view
public function email()
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT email FROM change_password");
$result = $query->result_array();
return $result;
foreach ( $dbemail as $new_dbemail )
echo $new_dbemail['database_field'];//in here you can get your table header.
//Ex if your table has name field and you need to sho it you can use $new_dbemail['name']
but i want to get $new_dbemail['name'] in my controller, how i can get the value of $new_dbemail['name'] in controller rather than view ???
To do so... you have to fetch data into a row_array not in result_array in Model.
function checking()
$database_field = $data['dbemail']['database_field']; //to get result in controller
$date['database_field'] = $data['dbemail']['database_field']; //to get result in view
$this->load->view('home', $data);
public function email()
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT email FROM change_password");
return $query->row_array();
<p> Database Field value : <?=$database_field;?></p>
You are Calling the Model In A Variable :-
So in this you have the results which you are fetching from Database. Than you passing this variable data to your View.
$this->load->view('home', $data);
So you already have the value in controller which u fetched from model which is stored in $data.
You can View the Values of $data , using
echo "<pre>";
and it will show what data you are receiving
Try like this...
In controller...
function checking()
$dbemail=$this->login_model->email();//array containing all emails
//For each loop here for displaying emails
foreach($dbemail as $email){
$mail = $email; //assigning to variable
echo $mail."<br/>";//displaying email
$data['dbemail'] = $dbemail;//for passing to view
$this->load->view('home', $data); //passing your value to view
First you need to fetch the name from the database in the model. Change the query line:
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT name, email FROM change_password");
Then to use the name data in the controller you could try this:
function checking()
$name = $data['dbemail']['name']; // example usage to retrieve name in controller
$this->load->view('home', $data);
Now the name data is available as $name in controller.
public function checking()
$this->load->view('home', $data); //passing your value to view
public function email()
$this->db->select("email"); // the row of the table you want to select.
$this->db->get('change_password'); //table name. you can still use your query, its just much neat when you use a specific query builder.
$result = $this->result(); //giving you a result of type object
return $result;
foreach ( $dbemails as $dbemail )
echo $dbemail->email; // the '->' will be the identifier of which row you want to get or display, i assume its email beacause you specify it in the model.
Hope this what your looking for.

Why redirect show blank page in model laravel?

I'd like to ask why the following code works, redirects normally, and data is successfully inserted :
CategoriesController :
public function store()
$data = Input::all();
$category = new Term;
return Redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
return Redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withError('Failed to add category. #ErrorCode : 13');
Term model :
public function saveCategory($data){
$this->name = $data['name'];
$this->slug = $data['slug'];
$category_taxo = new TermTaxonomy;
$category_taxo->term_id = $this->lastCategoryId();
$category_taxo->taxonomy = 'category';
$category_taxo->description = $data['description'];
return true;
return false;
return "#Error Code : 4";
Where as the following only inserts the data but then shows a blank page and doesn't redirect :
CategoriesController :
public function store()
$data = Input::all();
$category = new Term;
Term Model
public function saveCategory($data){
$this->name = $data['name'];
$this->slug = $data['slug'];
$category_taxo = new TermTaxonomy;
$category_taxo->term_id = $this->lastCategoryId();
$category_taxo->taxonomy = 'category';
$category_taxo->description = $data['description'];
return redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
return redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withError('Failed to add category.');
return redirect::route('admin_posts_categories')->withError('#Error Code : 4.');
Moreover, I'd like to ask a few related questions, does my code conform to correct design patterns, and where should I put the redirect, in the model or in the controller ?
Try this for redirect:
1. return Redirect::back()->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
2. return Redirect::to(URL::to('admin_posts_categories'))->withSuccess('Category successfully added.');
Add your redirect login inside Controller. Even if you want to put in model (which is not recommended) use Ardent Hook function i.e. afterSave().
First of all never put redirect logic in model. Models are for putting business logic. Second thing check whether you have created route for admin_posts_categories in route.php or not and how you are calling views. If possible post your route code in question.
I recommend not putting redirects in your model. So the first solution would be the best of the two you have.
But back to your problem. It is showing a blank page because your store function is not returning anything. return $category->saveCategory($data); but as previously stated this method is not best practise.
An excellent tip would be to have a look at Laracasts, this will teach you everything you knew, didn't know and more about Laravel.

not able get flashdata in CodeIgniter

Here is my controller code
function index() {
echo $this->session->flashdata('message');
function delete() {
$products = $this->item_model->get_category_id($category_id);
if (count($products)) {
$message = 'Category Name is used by the product. Please change them to another category!';
else {
$category_id = $this->product_category_model->delete($category_id);
$message = ($category_id) ? 'Category Deleted Successfully' : 'Failed to Delete Category';
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', $message);
redirect('category', 'refresh');
After calling the delete function the flashdata has to be set and retrieve that value in index() function of the same controller but I can't.
Am also tried the $this->session->keep_flashdata('message'); before redirect to index function. But still am not get any value in index function.
Also changed $config['sess_expire_on_close'] = FALSE; to $config['sess_expire_on_close'] = TRUE; Still am not get the result.
I am wasted more time(nearly half day). Please anybody help to retrieve the flas data in codeigniter.
There are several probabilities:
1- Check your browser cookie. See if it allows cookies or if any other extension is intervening.
2- Refresh might not send the browser a new request (which thus mean a new URL). Try it for another controller see if it make any change
3- hard code the set_flashdata() with hard-coded value than a variable. set_flashdata("message", "Thank you");
In codeingitor you cannot echo anything in controller.
You have to set in $this->session->flashdata('message'); in view file not in index() function of controller
Try again by putting $this->session->flashdata('message'); in "categoryView" file where you want to display flash message.
You could try:
function set_flashdata_notification($notify_type, $msg, $error_code = null)
$ci =& get_instance();
$flashdata_data = set_notification_array($notify_type, $msg, $error_code);
function delete() {
$products = $this->item_model->get_category_id($category_id);
if (count($products)) {
set_flashdata_notification('Category Name is used by the product.','Please change them to another category!');
