ERROR: Out of local stack in my Prolog code - prolog

I cannot figure out why the following query from the given Prolog code generates the error Out of local stack.
Prolog code:
likes(X,Z) :- likes(X,Y), likes(Y,Z).
the query
?- likes(g,X).
results in
X = c ;
X = a ;
X = b ;
ERROR: Out of local stack
Edit 1 This is the way I think that Prolog should deal with this query,
likes(g,c) is a fact, so X={c}
likes(g,b) <= likes(g,c) and likes(c,b), so X={c,b}
likes(g,a) <= likes(g,b) and likes(b,a), so X={c,b,a}
likes(g,d) <= likes(g,b) and likes(b,d), so X={c,b,a,d}
likes(g,a) and false, so nothing to add to X
likes(g,d) and false, so nothing to add to X
end of backtracking search.
Edit 2 I managed to get what I was looking for by the following modification of the code:
indirect_likes(A,B):- likes(A,B).
indirect_likes(A,C):- likes(B,C), indirect_likes(A,B).
the query
?- indirect_likes(g,Which).
results in
Which = c ;
Which = a ;
Which = b ;
Which = a ;
Which = d ;
However, there is still something which I cannot figure out the rationale behind. If I change the last rule to be
indirect_likes(A,C):- indirect_likes(A,B), likes(B,C).
Then I get ERROR: Out of local stack! As far as I know, logical conjunction is commutative.

To get the transitive-closure of binary relation R_2, use meta-predicate closure/3 like so:
?- closure(R_2,From,To).
Let's run a sample query of closure/3 together with likes/2!
?- closure(likes,X,Y).
X = g, Y = c
; X = g, Y = a
; X = g, Y = b
; X = g, Y = a % redundant
; X = g, Y = d
; X = c, Y = a
; X = c, Y = b
; X = c, Y = a % redundant
; X = c, Y = d
; X = b, Y = a
; X = b, Y = d
; false. % query terminates universally
We get the same answers when we use indirect_likes/2, but in a different order:
?- indirect_likes(X,Y).
X = g, Y = c
; X = c, Y = a
; X = c, Y = b
; X = b, Y = a
; X = b, Y = d
; X = g, Y = a
; X = g, Y = b
; X = c, Y = a % redundant
; X = g, Y = a % redundant
; X = c, Y = d
; X = g, Y = d
; false. % query terminates universally
As you stated in your comments to #C.B.'s answer, binary relations are not necessarily reflexive and/or symmetric. With the definition you gave, likes/2 is neither:
?- likes(X,X).
false. % not reflexive (not even close)
?- likes(X,Y), likes(Y,X).
false. % not symmetric (not even close)
So far, so good!
Let's tentatively add the following additional fact to your database:
With this expanded definition, indirect_likes/2 behaves erratically:
?- indirect_likes(b,b).
; true
; true
... % does not terminate universally
?- indirect_likes(X,Y), false. % do we get finite failure?
... % no! query does not terminate universally
What can we do? Let's use meta-predicate closure/3 with the expanded version of likes/2!
?- closure(likes,b,b).
true % succeeds non-deterministically
; false. % query terminates universally
?- closure(likes,X,Y), false. % do we get finite failure?
false. % yes! query terminates universally
The bottom line?
In pure Prolog, conjunction is commutative, as far as the logical meaning is concerned.
Due to Prolog's SLD resolution, the goal false,repeat finitely fails, but repeat,false does not.
The programmer needs to take care of termination, but usually this is a small price to pay for the raw performance and control that Prolog offers.
In this answer I passed "termination worries" on to the implementor of meta-predicate closure/3 :)

You spin off into infinite recursion.
Once you get to likes(b,a), you call likes(a,_G4382), which has no fact defined so it switches to the rule likes(X,Z) :- likes(X,Y), likes(Y,Z). So it calls likes(a,_G4383) which calls likes(X,Z) :- likes(X,Y), likes(Y,Z). over and over and over.
You might want to define and auxillary predicate aux_likes/2 that hosts all your facts. This will only work if there are no circular relationships, i.e. aux_likes(b,c) and aux_likes(c,b). You would also need to define likes(X,X). This is essentially a graph problem and in graph theory a node has to be connected to itself. If you use it as a generator, it will go off into into infinite recursion (if you have cycles) unless you add cuts which are not ideal.
If using swi-prolog, feel free to enter the debug or spy query to see what's going on.
likes(X,Z) :- aux_likes(X,Y), likes(Y,Z).
Output with new predicate:
?- likes(g,X),print(X),nl,fail.
This says g can like a through c or through b. It likes d through b, it likes b through c and it likes c directly. It also must like itself inorder to query like this. If you would rather have the usage mode (+,+) meaning you supply it with both terms and no variables (as a checker) you can do
?- likes(g,c).
true .


Prolog power of 2 recursion

Need help creating a recursive clause is a rule: X is a power of 2 only if there is a Y such that when adding Y to Y the result is
X, and Y is a power of 2. in prolog
We are going to define this predicate recursively. The followings are the fact and rule for detecting whether a numeral
is a power of 2 or not:
• The base clause is a fact: 1 is a power of 2 (because 1=20);
• The recursive clause is a rule: X is a power of 2 only if there is a Y such that when adding Y to Y the result is
X, and Y is a power of 2.
For example, the following shows how the queries should be performed:
| ?- powerOf2(succ(succ(succ(succ(0))))).
true ?
| ?- powerOf2(succ(succ(succ(0)))).
The first query shows that 4 is a power of 2; while the second shows that 3 is not.
can not use the built-in is/2 predicate to perform arithmetic
To make it easier to represent natural numbers in Peano notation, you can use the following predicate:
nat(0, 0).
nat(N, s(P)) :-
succ(M, N),
nat(M, P).
?- nat(3, P).
P = s(s(s(0))) ;
?- nat(5, P).
P = s(s(s(s(s(0))))) ;
To get the double of a Peano number, use the predicate:
double(0, 0).
double(s(A), s(s(B))) :-
double(A, B).
?- nat(1, P), double(P, D).
P = s(0),
D = s(s(0)) ;
?- nat(3, P), double(P, D).
P = s(s(s(0))),
D = s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))) ;
To check whether a Peano number is a power of two, use the predicate:
power_of_two(s(s(N))) :-
double(M, s(s(N))),
?- between(1,9,N), nat(N,P), power_of_two(P).
N = 1,
P = s(0) ;
N = 2,
P = s(s(0)) ;
N = 4,
P = s(s(s(s(0)))) ;
N = 8,
P = s(s(s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))))) ;
Need help creating a recursive clause
The recursive clause will be:
power_of_two(X) :-
X > 1,
Y is X / 2,
A base case which handles 1 being a power of two. And a case which handles when X is greater than one, Y is half X and recursively checks that Y is a power of two.
can not use the built-in is/2 predicate to perform arithmetic
You can't, but I can for the sake of illustrating the recursive clause you asked about. I'm assuming that since it tells you to use "succ(succ(succ(succ(0))))" you already have met that and have some code for adding/subtracting/dividing which you can reuse to replace Y is X / 2.

In Prolog, can solutions be chosen in random order?

If I have the following:
a(X) :- X = 1; X = 2; X = 3; X = 4.
I can produce solutions in deterministic order:
?- a(X).
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 4.
Is there any method of asking the system to produce solutions in non-deterministic, random order? For example:
?- a(X).
X = 4 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 2.
I'm aware that I can find all solutions then select one at random (findall(X, a(X), Y), random_member(Z, Y).) but this is too expensive in my case.
Possibly clearer example:
p(X,Y,Z) :-
(X = a; X = b; X = c; X = d), % (D1)
(Y = a; Y = b; Y = c), % (D2)
(Z = a; Z = b; Z = c; Z = d). % (D3)
When deterministic, generating the solution X = d, Y = c, Z = d using ?- p(X,Y,Z). will always go through the 47 previous solutions (4 * 3 * 4 = 48). However, if disjunctions are selected in non-deterministic order, the system might choose X = d at D1, Y = c at D2, Z = d at D3, generating it as the first solution.
This is being used for constrained AI-generated content, so there are many more variables in the real-world use-case.
From what you say in the comments, my impression is that a more important question for your use case is:
Can solutions be created in random order?
(This is because you say that you cannot create them all, and then choose a random one.)
To create them in a different order, Boris has hinted at a good way: Simply reorder the disjunctions!
For example, in the case you show:
p(X, Y, Z) :-
(X = a; X = b; X = c; X = d), % (D1)
(Y = a; Y = b; Y = c), % (D2)
(Z = a; Z = b; Z = c; Z = d). % (D3)
You could (automatically) create such declaratively equivalent versions of this snippet by exchanging the order if the disjunctions, such as: (X = c ; X = b ; etc.), and each of these snippets may yield the solutions in a different order.
However, it may be easier to first rewrite this to the equivalent version:
p(X, Y, Z) :-
member(X, [a,b,c,d]),
member(Y, [a,b,c]),
member(Z, [a,b,c,d]).
This way, it is easier to shuffle the lists and use the randomized lists to generate solutions.
For example, you can change this to:
p(X, Y, Z) :-
random_member(X, [a,b,c,d]),
random_member(Y, [a,b,c]),
random_member(Z, [a,b,c,d]).
random_member(X, Ls0) :-
random_permutation(Ls0, Ls),
member(X, Ls).
Now, you will get answers like:
?- p(X, Y, Z).
X = d,
Y = Z, Z = b ;
X = Z, Z = d,
Y = b ;
X = d,
Y = b,
Z = c ;
Note that this way to incorporate randomness to your code is impure: There is now implicit global state in your program, and you can no longer easily reproduce results that you need when describing test cases etc. for such programs. A solution preserving logical-purity has to make this state explicit, for example by carrying the random seed as one of the arguments, so that each run is completely reproducible.
Note that reordering conjunctions and/or goals like this works only for the pure and monotonic subset of Prolog, so make sure that you use declarative features like constraints to safely exchange goals, and to increase the generality of your code!

Alternate between Disjunctions in Prolog

Consider the following simple program:
h(p(A,N)) :- (A=a, h(N)) ; (A=b , h(N)).
1 ?- h(p(A,N)).
A = a,
N = n0 ;
A = a,
N = p(a, n0) ;
A = a,
N = p(a, p(a, n0)) ;
A = a,
N = p(a, p(a, p(a, n0))) ;
A = a,
N = p(a, p(a, p(a, p(a, n0)))) ;
Since the first disjunct [(A=a, h(N))] produces infinite number of answers it cannot show the answers produced by the second disjunct [(A=b , h(N))].
The question is:
Is it possible to change the code so that on the query, it alternates between the solutions from the first disjunct and the second one?
To get a fair listing of the results of h/1 you can use an auxiliary predicate, say h2/2 that consists of two goals: 1) A predicate pairs/1 that is only describing the the structure of your solution without concrete values:
pairs(p(A,N)) :-
And yields the following answers:
?- pairs(X).
X = n0 ? ;
X = p(_A,n0) ? ;
X = p(_A,p(_B,n0)) ? ;
X = p(_A,p(_B,p(_C,n0))) ?
2) Your predicate h/1 as the second goal that describes what the variables _A, _B, _C,... actually are:
h2(X) :-
If you query this predicate you get the desired results:
?- h2(X).
X = n0 ? ;
X = p(a,n0) ? ;
X = p(b,n0) ? ;
X = p(a,p(a,n0)) ? ;
X = p(a,p(b,n0)) ? ;
X = p(b,p(a,n0)) ? ;
X = p(b,p(b,n0)) ? ;
X = p(a,p(a,p(a,n0))) ? ;
Note, how the first goal pairs/2 is producing your nested pair-structure one pair at a time. Then the second goal, your original predicate, is producing all possible combinations of a's and b's for that very pair. Then h/2 is backtracking to the next pair produced by pairs/2. And so on.

Learning prolog, some list functions

I am working on an assignment that deals with lists in prolog. The basic idea is that given a list, prolog should be able to determine if a value is repeated at all, repeated only once, or repeated only twice, etc. I thought the simplest solution would be to count the number of times a value occurs and then use that count to determine how many times it is repeated.
list_count([X|T],X,Y) :- list_count(T,X,Z), Y is 1 + Z.
list_count([X1|T],X,Z) :- X1 \= X, list_count(T,X,Z).
repeated_in(+E,+List) :- list_count(List,E,Num), Num >= 2.
No matter what I do though my first predicate always fails. Help?
list_count/3 does work. I think the only issue is the improper usage of prefix '+': try
% repeated_in(+E,+List)
repeated_in(E,List):- list_count(List,E,Num), Num >= 2.
note: prefixing arguments is used for documentation purpose, as a recap about mode usage
Here a logically pure implementation, based on
if_/3 and (=)/3 by #false.
atLeastOnceMember_of(E,[X|Xs]) :-
if_(E = X, true, atLeastOnceMember_of(E,Xs)).
atLeastTwiceMember_of(E,[X|Xs]) :-
if_(E = X, atLeastOnceMember_of(E,Xs), atLeastTwiceMember_of(E,Xs)).
First, let's look at the queries you suggested in your question:
?- atLeastTwiceMember_of(a,[a,b,a,b,a,c]).
true. % succeeds deterministically
?- atLeastTwiceMember_of(b,[a,b,a,b,a,c]).
true. % succeeds deterministically
?- atLeastTwiceMember_of(c,[a,b,a,b,a,c]).
?- atLeastTwiceMember_of(x,[a,b,a,b,a,c]).
The code is monotone, so we get logically sound answers for more general uses, too!
?- atLeastTwiceMember_of(X,[a,b,a,b,a,c]).
X = a ;
X = b ;
At last, let us consider a generalization of above query:
?- atLeastTwiceMember_of(X,[A,B,C,D,E,F]).
X = A, A = B ;
X = A, A = C, dif(C,B) ;
X = A, A = D, dif(D,C), dif(D,B) ;
X = A, A = E, dif(E,D), dif(E,C), dif(E,B) ;
X = A, A = F, dif(F,E), dif(F,D), dif(F,C), dif(F,B) ;
X = B, B = C, dif(C,A) ;
X = B, B = D, dif(D,C), dif(D,A) ;
X = B, B = E, dif(E,D), dif(E,C), dif(E,A) ;
X = B, B = F, dif(F,E), dif(F,D), dif(F,C), dif(F,A) ;
X = C, C = D, dif(D,B), dif(D,A) ;
X = C, C = E, dif(E,D), dif(E,B), dif(E,A) ;
X = C, C = F, dif(F,E), dif(F,D), dif(F,B), dif(F,A) ;
X = D, D = E, dif(E,C), dif(E,B), dif(E,A) ;
X = D, D = F, dif(F,E), dif(F,C), dif(F,B), dif(F,A) ;
X = E, E = F, dif(F,D), dif(F,C), dif(F,B), dif(F,A) ;

Passing the Results of a Prolog Predicate

How does one evaluate the result of a prolog predicate to pass as an argument?
I am trying to write code to reverse pairs of elements in a list:
I want the result:
but I get this result:
Here is my code:
swap(L,R) :- swapA(L,[],R).
swapA([H,H2|T],A,R) :- swapA(T, append(A,[H2,H]), R).
Several things:
a variable starts with a capital letter, if you want to differenciate an atom from a variable, wrap it between ': ['A','B','C','D','E','F']
you do not need append to successfully implement this predicate. The complexity is way worse when using append.
because you do not need append, you do not need 3 arguments either, 2 suffice
Here is a suggestion:
swapA([], []).
swapA([X, Y|T], [Y, X|R]) :- swapA(T, R).
And consider adding another base case if you want your predicate to hold when you have an odd number of elements in your list:
swapA([X], [X]).
You can't call a Prolog predicate like a function. It doesn't return anything. When you pass append(A,[H2,H]) to swap, it interprets it as data, not as code.
A Prolog clause creates a relation between N logic variables. That means in theory there is no concept of "input" and "output" in Prolog predicates, you can make a query with any combination of instantiated and non-instantiated variables, and the language will find the meaningful relation(s) for you:
1 ?- append([a],[b,c],[a,b,c]).
2 ?- append([a],[b,c],Z).
Z = [a, b, c].
3 ?- append([a],Y,[a,b,c]).
Y = [b, c].
4 ?- append(X,[b,c],[a,b,c]).
X = [a] ;
5 ?- append([a],Y,Z).
Z = [a|Y].
6 ?- append(X,[b,c],Z).
X = [],
Z = [b, c] ;
X = [_G383],
Z = [_G383, b, c] ;
X = [_G383, _G389],
Z = [_G383, _G389, b, c] . % etc
7 ?- append(X,Y,[a,b,c]).
X = [],
Y = [a, b, c] ;
X = [a],
Y = [b, c] ;
X = [a, b],
Y = [c] ;
X = [a, b, c],
Y = [] ;
8 ?- append(X,Y,Z).
X = [],
Y = Z ;
X = [_G362],
Z = [_G362|Y] ;
X = [_G362, _G368],
Z = [_G362, _G368|Y] . % etc
9 ?-
In practice, not every predicate can be called with every combination, due to limitations in expressing the relation in a way that will not yield an infinite loop. Other cause may be extra-logic features, like arithmetic. When you see a predicate documented like:
pred(+Foo, -Bar, ?Baz)
That means it expects Foo to be instantiated (i.e. unified to another non-var), Bar to be a free variable and Baz can be anything. The same predicate can have more than one way to call it, too.
This is the reason you can't treat a Prolog relation as a function, in general. If you pass a compound as argument, the clauses will likely treat it just as a compound, unless it is specifically designed to handle it as code. One example is call/1, which executes its argument as code. is, =:=, < and other arithmetic operators do some interpretation too, in case you pass something like cos(X).
