Is there a { |x| x } shorthand in ruby? - ruby

I often use .group_by{ |x| x } and .find{ |x| x }
The latter is to find the first item in an array which is true.
Currently I'm just using .compact.first but I feel like there must be an elegant way to use find here, like find(&:to_bool) or .find(true) that I'm missing.
Using .find(&:nil?) works but is the opposite of what I want, and I couldn't find a method that was the opposite of #find or #detect, or a method like #true?
So is there a more elegant way to write .find{ |x| x }? If not, I'll stick with .compact.first
(I know compact won't remove false but that's not a problem for me, also please avoid rails methods for this)
Edit: For my exact case it is used on arrays of only strings and nils e.g.
[nil, "x", nil, nil, nil, nil, "y", nil, nil, nil, nil] => "x"

If you do not care about what is returned you can sometimes use the hash method.
Thw feature you are asking for is not available in Ruby yet, however. it is present in the Ruby road-map:
Expected to be implemented before 2035-12-25, can you wait?
That being said, how much typing is group_by{|x|x} ?
As Stefan pointed out, my answer is now longer valid for Ruby 2.2 and above since the introduction of Object#itself.

There’s not.
If tap worked without a block you could do:
But it doesn’t. Either way, I think what you have is extremely concise, idiomatic, and happens to be the same number of characters as the non-working above alternative, and thus you should stick with that:
You could monkey-patch your way to getting a shorter version, but then it becomes unclear to anyone otherwise familiar with Ruby, which probably isn’t worth the minor “savings”.
As a curiosity, if you happened to want array.detect { |x| !x } (the opposite) you could do:
This works because !x is actually shorthand for x.!. Of course this would only ever give you nil or false, which is probably not very useful.

No, there is not. I personally have a utility library I include in all my projects which has something like
IDENTITIY = -> x { x }
Then you would have
There is also Object#itself that simply returns self:

Although the tag is for ruby - with Rails (more specifically ActiveSupport) you are given a method presence which will work for anything that responds positively to present? (that would exclude blank strings, arrays, hashes, etc):
It's not quite equivalent to the preferred result, but it will work for most cases I've come across.

I frequently use group_by, map, select, sort_by, and other various hash methods. I discovered this useful little extension yesterday by fiddling around with another answer on a similar question:
class Hash
def method_missing(n)
if has_key? n
raise NoMethodError
For any hash created by ruby, or any data that has been jsonified by as_json, this addition allows me to write code which is a little shorter. Example:
# make yellow cells
yellow = red = false
tube_steps_status.group_by(&:step_ordinal).each do |type|
group =
red = true if group.last.step_status == 'red' if group.any?
yellow = true if'red')
tube_summary_status = 'yellow' if yellow unless red


What is the purpose of `Array#include?` as compared to `Array#index`?

Array#include? provides only a weaker information than what Array#index provides, i.e., when Array#index returns nil, the corresponding method call with Array#include? will return false, and when Array#index returns an integer, Array#include? returns true. Furthermore, comparing the two indicates that there is no significant difference in speed; rather Array#index often shows a better result than Array#include?:
a = %w[boo zoo foo bar]
t =
10000.times do
puts - t # => 0.005626235
t =
10000.times do
puts - t # => 0.003683945
Then, what is the purpose of Array#include?? Can't all code using it be rewritten using Array#index?
I know this isn't an official reason, but I can think of a few things:
Clarity: as a name, include? makes more sense at first sight, and also allows easy visual confirmation of code correctness by identifying itself as a boolean predicate. This follows the concept of making wrong code look wrong (see
Good typing: If all you want is a boolean value for a boolean check, making that a number could lead to bugs
Cleanliness: Isn't it nicer to see a printed output of "true" rather than going back to C and having no boolean to speak of?

andand chain not working properly

im trying to refactor this code of mine:{ |x| x.script && x.script.versions && !x.script.versions.empty? }
and use the andand gem. Basic usage just tells us that we substitute andand to the &&(thus the name) so i tried this:{ |x| !x.andand.script.andand.script_versions.andand.empty? }
but it seems it is NOT-ing the whole statement(i just realized this now while writing the question)
Does this mean I have to separate the empty? clause? Is there an andand function that checks for not(but only the last one?)
You could always do{ |x| x.andand.script.andand.script_version } unless x.empty?
On the topic of andand: while we use it in our project and I generally quite like it, I found that spurious use of andand can hide problems that should be properly addressed. Like many good tools it has to be used with caution.
I actually used this clause and it works:{ |x| x.script.andand.versions && !x.script.versions.empty? }.none?
only one andand call and used map instead of select
When x is not nil it works well, I guess. The problem is when x is nil because ...empty? returns also nil, and !nil -> true. Then this x is wrongly selected. I'd propose an explicit check of the boolean value: { |x| x.andand.script.andand.versions.andand.empty? == false }
Or probably better use blank/present without a last andand: { |x| x.andand.script.andand.versions.present? }
test_cases.reject { |x| x.andand.script.andand.versions.blank? }
Note: it's not related with the problem here, but I prefer Ick's maybe over andand, as only nil is treated as "void" (false is a legitimate value which I think should not be proxied).

Ruby case statement with multiple variables using an Array

I'd like to compare multiple variables for a case statement, and am currently thinking overriding the case equals operator (===) for Array is the best way to do it. Is this the best way?
Here is an example use case:
def deposit_apr deposit,apr
# deposit: can be nil or 2 length Array of [nil or Float, String]
# apr: can be nil or Float
case [deposit,apr]
when [[Float,String],Float]
puts "#{deposit[0]} #{deposit[1]}, #{apr*100.0}% APR"
when [[nil,String],Float]
puts "#{apr*100.0}% APR on deposits greater than 100 #{deposit[1]}"
when [[Float,String],nil]
puts "#{deposit[0]} #{deposit[1]}"
puts 'N/A'
The only problem is the Array case equals operator doesn't apply the case equal to the elements of the Array.
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > deposit_apr([656.00,'rupees'],0.065)
It will if I override, but am not sure what I'd be breaking if I did:
class Array
def ===(other)
result = true {|bp,ap| result &&= bp === ap}
Now, it all works:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > deposit_apr([656.00,'rupees'],0.065)
656.0 rupees, 6.5% APR
Am I missing something?
I found this question because I was looking to run a case statement on multiple variables, but, going through the following, came to the conclusion that needing to compare multiple variables might suggest that a different approach is needed. (I went back to my own code with this conclusion, and found that even a Hash is helping me write code that is easier to understand.)
Gems today use "no monkey patching" as a selling point. Overriding an operator is probably not the right approach. Monkey patching is great for experimentation, but it's too easy for things to go awry.
Also, there's a lot of type-checking. In a language that is designed for Duck Typing, this clearly indicates the need for a different approach. For example, what happens if I pass in integer values instead of floats? We'd get an 'N/A', even though that's not likely what we're looking for.
You'll notice that the example given in the question is difficult to read. We should be able to find a way to represent this logic more clearly to the reader (and to the writer, when they revisit the code again in a few months and have to puzzle out what's going on).
And finally, since there are multiple numbers with associated logic, it seems like there's at least one value object-type class (Deposit) that wants to be written.
For cleanliness, I'm going to assume that a nil APR can be considered a 0.0% APR.
class Deposit
def initialize(amount, unit='USD', options={})
#amount = amount.to_f # `nil` => 0.0
#unit = unit.to_s # Example assumes unit is always present
#apr = options.fetch(:apr, 0.0).to_f # `apr: nil` => 0.0
Once we have our Deposit object, we can implement the print logic without needing case statements at all.
class Deposit
# ... lines omitted
def to_s
string = "#{#amount} #{#unit}"
string << ", #{#apr * 100.0}% APR" if #apr > 0.0
d =, 'rupees', apr: 0.065)
# => "656.0 rupees, 6.5% APR"
e =, 'USD', apr: nil)
# => "100.0 USD"
f =, 'USD')
# => "100.0 USD"
Conclusion: If you're comparing multiple variables in a case statement, use that as a smell to suggest a deeper design issue. Multiple-variable cases might indicate that there's an object that wants to be created.
If you are worried about breaking something by changing Array behavior, and certainly that's a reasonable worry, then just put your revised operator in a subclass of Array.
it's definitely not the best way. even more - you should not redefine methods of standart classes as core functionality may depend on it - have fun debugging then.
defensive style is nice(with lot of type checks and whatnot) but it usually hurts performance and readability.
if you know that you will not pass anything else than bunch of floats and strings to that method - why do you need all those checks for?
IMO use exception catching and fix the source of problem, don't try to fix the problem somewhere in the middle

Why does uniq! return nil if there are no duplicates

I'm just starting with Ruby and I personally find the following to be a violation of the "principle of least surprise". And that is, quoting from the documentation, that uniq! "removes duplicate elements from self. Returns nil if no changes are made (that is, no duplicates are found)."
Can anybody explain this, which seems completely counter-intuitive to me? This means that rather than being able to write one line of code below by appending .uniq! to end the first line, I instead have to write the following two lines:
hooks =\w{2}/)
hooks = hooks.uniq
Or am I missing something, a better way?
I understand that uniq! modifies its operand. Here's the problem illustrated better I hope:
hooks =\w{2}/)
puts hooks.length #50
puts hooks.uniq!.length #undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass
I contend that the way uniq! works makes it completely senseless and useless. Sure in my case as pointed out I could just append .uniq to the first line. However later in the same program I am pushing elements onto another array inside of a loop. Then, under the loop, I'd like to "de-dupe" the array, but I dare not write 'hooks_tested.uniq!' because it could return nil; instead I must write hooks_tested = hooks_tested.uniq
Indeed I contend this is a particularly egregious mis-feature in that it is a well known principle that, when devising a method that returns an array, one should always at least return an empty array, rather than nil
This is because uniq! modifies self and if uniq! would return a value you wouldn't be able to know whether a change actually occurred in the original object.
var = %w(green green yellow)
if var.uniq!
# the array contained duplicate entries
# nothing changed
In your code you can simply write
hooks =\w{2}/)
# here hooks is already changed
If you need to return the value of hook perhaps because it's the last method statement just do
def method
hooks =\w{2}/)
or otherwise
def method
hooks =\w{2}/)
The exclamation point on uniq! indicates that it modifies the array instead of returning a new one. You should do this:
hooks =\w{2}/).uniq
or this
hooks =\w{2}/)
puts hooks.length
Since Ruby 1.9, Object#tap is available:
hooks =\w{2}/).tap do |hooks|
puts hooks.length
And perhaps more succinctly (h/t #Aetherus):
hooks =\w{2}/).tap(&:uniq!)
puts hooks.length
You can append uniq (no exclamation mark at the end) to the end of the first line.
Or, if you insist on using uniq!, use
(hooks =\w{2}/)).uniq!
This is not an answer to why, but rather, a workaround.
Since uniq doesn't return nil, I use uniq and assign the the result to a new variable instead of using the bang version
original = [1,2,3,4]
new = original.uniq
#=> new is [1,2,3,4]
#=> ... rather than nil
Having a new variable is a small price to pay. It sure as hell beats doing if checks, with repeated complex calls to uniq! and uniq and checking for nil

What is the "right" way to iterate through an array in Ruby?

PHP, for all its warts, is pretty good on this count. There's no difference between an array and a hash (maybe I'm naive, but this seems obviously right to me), and to iterate through either you just do
foreach (array/hash as $key => $value)
In Ruby there are a bunch of ways to do this sort of thing:
array.length.times do |i|
for i in array
Hashes make more sense, since I just always use
hash.each do |key, value|
Why can't I do this for arrays? If I want to remember just one method, I guess I can use each_index (since it makes both the index and value available), but it's annoying to have to do array[index] instead of just value.
Oh right, I forgot about array.each_with_index. However, this one sucks because it goes |value, key| and hash.each goes |key, value|! Is this not insane?
This will iterate through all the elements:
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
array.each { |x| puts x }
# Output:
This will iterate through all the elements giving you the value and the index:
array = ["A", "B", "C"]
array.each_with_index {|val, index| puts "#{val} => #{index}" }
# Output:
A => 0
B => 1
C => 2
I'm not quite sure from your question which one you are looking for.
I think there is no one right way. There are a lot of different ways to iterate, and each has its own niche.
each is sufficient for many usages, since I don't often care about the indexes.
each_ with _index acts like Hash#each - you get the value and the index.
each_index - just the indexes. I don't use this one often. Equivalent to "length.times".
map is another way to iterate, useful when you want to transform one array into another.
select is the iterator to use when you want to choose a subset.
inject is useful for generating sums or products, or collecting a single result.
It may seem like a lot to remember, but don't worry, you can get by without knowing all of them. But as you start to learn and use the different methods, your code will become cleaner and clearer, and you'll be on your way to Ruby mastery.
I'm not saying that Array -> |value,index| and Hash -> |key,value| is not insane (see Horace Loeb's comment), but I am saying that there is a sane way to expect this arrangement.
When I am dealing with arrays, I am focused on the elements in the array (not the index because the index is transitory). The method is each with index, i.e. each+index, or |each,index|, or |value,index|. This is also consistent with the index being viewed as an optional argument, e.g. |value| is equivalent to |value,index=nil| which is consistent with |value,index|.
When I am dealing with hashes, I am often more focused on the keys than the values, and I am usually dealing with keys and values in that order, either key => value or hash[key] = value.
If you want duck-typing, then either explicitly use a defined method as Brent Longborough showed, or an implicit method as maxhawkins showed.
Ruby is all about accommodating the language to suit the programmer, not about the programmer accommodating to suit the language. This is why there are so many ways. There are so many ways to think about something. In Ruby, you choose the closest and the rest of the code usually falls out extremely neatly and concisely.
As for the original question, "What is the “right” way to iterate through an array in Ruby?", well, I think the core way (i.e. without powerful syntactic sugar or object oriented power) is to do:
for index in 0 ... array.size
puts "array[#{index}] = #{array[index].inspect}"
But Ruby is all about powerful syntactic sugar and object oriented power, but anyway here is the equivalent for hashes, and the keys can be ordered or not:
for key in hash.keys.sort
puts "hash[#{key.inspect}] = #{hash[key].inspect}"
So, my answer is, "The “right” way to iterate through an array in Ruby depends on you (i.e. the programmer or the programming team) and the project.". The better Ruby programmer makes the better choice (of which syntactic power and/or which object oriented approach). The better Ruby programmer continues to look for more ways.
Now, I want to ask another question, "What is the “right” way to iterate through a Range in Ruby backwards?"! (This question is how I came to this page.)
It is nice to do (for the forwards):
(1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
but I don't like to do (for the backwards):
(1..10).to_a.reverse.each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
Well, I don't actually mind doing that too much, but when I am teaching going backwards, I want to show my students a nice symmetry (i.e. with minimal difference, e.g. only adding a reverse, or a step -1, but without modifying anything else).
You can do (for symmetry):
(a=*1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(a=*1..10).reverse.each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
which I don't like much, but you can't do
(*1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(*1..10).reverse.each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(1..10).step(1){|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(1..10).step(-1){|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(1..10).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" }
(10..1).each{|i| puts "i=#{i}" } # I don't want this though. It's dangerous
You could ultimately do
class Range
def each_reverse(&block)
but I want to teach pure Ruby rather than object oriented approaches (just yet). I would like to iterate backwards:
without creating an array (consider 0..1000000000)
working for any Range (e.g. Strings, not just Integers)
without using any extra object oriented power (i.e. no class modification)
I believe this is impossible without defining a pred method, which means modifying the Range class to use it. If you can do this please let me know, otherwise confirmation of impossibility would be appreciated though it would be disappointing. Perhaps Ruby 1.9 addresses this.
(Thanks for your time in reading this.)
Use each_with_index when you need both.
ary.each_with_index { |val, idx| # ...
The other answers are just fine, but I wanted to point out one other peripheral thing: Arrays are ordered, whereas Hashes are not in 1.8. (In Ruby 1.9, Hashes are ordered by insertion order of keys.) So it wouldn't make sense prior to 1.9 to iterate over a Hash in the same way/sequence as Arrays, which have always had a definite ordering. I don't know what the default order is for PHP associative arrays (apparently my google fu isn't strong enough to figure that out, either), but I don't know how you can consider regular PHP arrays and PHP associative arrays to be "the same" in this context, since the order for associative arrays seems undefined.
As such, the Ruby way seems more clear and intuitive to me. :)
Here are the four options listed in your question, arranged by freedom of control. You might want to use a different one depending on what you need.
Simply go through values:
Simply go through indices:
Go through indices + index variable:
for i in array
Control loop count + index variable:
array.length.times do | i |
Trying to do the same thing consistently with arrays and hashes might just be a code smell, but, at the risk of my being branded as a codorous half-monkey-patcher, if you're looking for consistent behaviour, would this do the trick?:
class Hash
def each_pairwise
self.each { | x, y |
yield [x, y]
class Array
def each_pairwise
self.each_with_index { | x, y |
yield [y, x]
["a","b","c"].each_pairwise { |x,y|
puts "#{x} => #{y}"
{"a" => "Aardvark","b" => "Bogle","c" => "Catastrophe"}.each_pairwise { |x,y|
puts "#{x} => #{y}"
I'd been trying to build a menu (in Camping and Markaby) using a hash.
Each item has 2 elements: a menu label and a URL, so a hash seemed right, but the '/' URL for 'Home' always appeared last (as you'd expect for a hash), so menu items appeared in the wrong order.
Using an array with each_slice does the job:
['Home', '/', 'Page two', 'two', 'Test', 'test'].each_slice(2) do|label,link|
li {a label, :href => link}
Adding extra values for each menu item (e.g. like a CSS ID name) just means increasing the slice value. So, like a hash but with groups consisting of any number of items. Perfect.
So this is just to say thanks for inadvertently hinting at a solution!
Obvious, but worth stating: I suggest checking if the length of the array is divisible by the slice value.
If you use the enumerable mixin (as Rails does) you can do something similar to the php snippet listed. Just use the each_slice method and flatten the hash.
require 'enumerator'
['a',1,'b',2].to_a.flatten.each_slice(2) {|x,y| puts "#{x} => #{y}" }
# is equivalent to...
{'a'=>1,'b'=>2}.to_a.flatten.each_slice(2) {|x,y| puts "#{x} => #{y}" }
Less monkey-patching required.
However, this does cause problems when you have a recursive array or a hash with array values. In ruby 1.9 this problem is solved with a parameter to the flatten method that specifies how deep to recurse.
# Ruby 1.8
=> [1,2,1,2,3]
# Ruby 1.9
=> [1,2,[1,2,3]]
As for the question of whether this is a code smell, I'm not sure. Usually when I have to bend over backwards to iterate over something I step back and realize I'm attacking the problem wrong.
In Ruby 2.1, each_with_index method is removed.
Instead you can use each_index
a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a.each_index {|x| print x, " -- " }
0 -- 1 -- 2 --
The right way is the one you feel most comfortable with and which does what you want it to do. In programming there is rarely one 'correct' way to do things, more often there are multiple ways to choose.
If you are comfortable with certain way of doings things, do just it, unless it doesn't work - then it is time to find better way.
Using the same method for iterating through both arrays and hashes makes sense, for example to process nested hash-and-array structures often resulting from parsers, from reading JSON files etc..
One clever way that has not yet been mentioned is how it's done in the Ruby Facets library of standard library extensions. From here:
class Array
# Iterate over index and value. The intention of this
# method is to provide polymorphism with Hash.
def each_pair #:yield:
each_with_index {|e, i| yield(i,e) }
There is already Hash#each_pair, an alias of Hash#each. So after this patch, we also have Array#each_pair and can use it interchangeably to iterate through both Hashes and Arrays. This fixes the OP's observed insanity that Array#each_with_index has the block arguments reversed compared to Hash#each. Example usage:
my_array = ['Hello', 'World', '!']
my_array.each_pair { |key, value| pp "#{key}, #{value}" }
# result:
"0, Hello"
"1, World"
"2, !"
my_hash = { '0' => 'Hello', '1' => 'World', '2' => '!' }
my_hash.each_pair { |key, value| pp "#{key}, #{value}" }
# result:
"0, Hello"
"1, World"
"2, !"
